def add_literal(self, g, time_component, time_property, value, literal_type):
        Creates and adds a Literal to the model if a value exists

        :param LDCTimeComponent self: contains the time component information when LDCTimeComponent is instantiated
        :param rdflib.graph.Graph g: The underlying RDF model for the operation
        :param rdflib.term.BNode time_component: The resource created to contain time information
        :param time_property: AIDA_ANNOTATION.year, AIDA_ANNOTATION.month, or
        :param str value: the string value of month, day, or year
        :param literal_type: the datatype that corresponds to the given value
        if value is not None:
            temp_literal = Literal(value)
            temp_literal._datatype = URIRef(literal_type)
            g.add((time_component, time_property, temp_literal))
    def add_literal(self, g, claim_component, property, value, literal_type):
        Creates and adds a Literal to the model if a value exists

        :param ClaimComponent self
        :param rdflib.graph.Graph g: The underlying RDF model for the operation
        :param rdflib.term.BNode claim_component: The resource created to contain claim component information
        :param time_property: AIDA_ANNOTATION.year, AIDA_ANNOTATION.month, or
        :param str value: the string value
        :param literal_type: the datatype that corresponds to the given value
        if value is not None:
            claim_literal = Literal(value)
            claim_literal._datatype = URIRef(literal_type)
            g.add((claim_component, property, claim_literal))