def get_USRlike_atoms(self): """Returns 4 rdkit Point3D objects similar to those used in USR: - centroid (ctd) - closest to ctd (cst) - farthest from cst (fct) (usually ctd but let's avoid computing too many dist matrices) - farthest from fct (ftf)""" matrix = rdmolops.Get3DDistanceMatrix(self.mol) conf = self.mol.GetConformer() coords = conf.GetPositions() # centroid ctd = rdMolTransforms.ComputeCentroid(conf) # closest to centroid min_dist = 100 for atom in self.mol.GetAtoms(): point = rdGeometry.Point3D(*coords[atom.GetIdx()]) dist = ctd.Distance(point) if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist cst = point cst_idx = atom.GetIdx() # farthest from cst fct_idx = argmax(matrix[cst_idx]) fct = rdGeometry.Point3D(*coords[fct_idx]) # farthest from fct ftf_idx = argmax(matrix[fct_idx]) ftf = rdGeometry.Point3D(*coords[ftf_idx]) return ctd, cst, fct, ftf
def construct_distance_matrix(mol, out_size=-1, contain_Hs=False): """Construct distance matrix Args: mol (Chem.Mol): out_size (int): contain_Hs (bool): Returns (numpy.ndarray): 2 dimensional array which represents distance between atoms """ if mol is None: raise MolFeatureExtractionError('mol is None') N = mol.GetNumAtoms() if out_size < 0: size = N elif out_size >= N: size = out_size else: raise MolFeatureExtractionError('out_size {} is smaller than number ' 'of atoms in mol {}'.format( out_size, N)) if contain_Hs: mol2 = mol else: mol2 = AllChem.AddHs(mol) conf_id = AllChem.EmbedMolecule(mol2) if not contain_Hs: mol2 = AllChem.RemoveHs(mol2) try: dist_matrix = rdmolops.Get3DDistanceMatrix(mol2, confId=conf_id) except ValueError as e: logger = getLogger(__name__)'construct_distance_matrix failed, type: {}, {}'.format( type(e).__name__, e.args)) logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) raise MolFeatureExtractionError if size > N: dists = numpy.zeros((size, size), dtype=numpy.float32) a0, a1 = dist_matrix.shape dists[:a0, :a1] = dist_matrix else: dists = dist_matrix return dists.astype(numpy.float32)
def construct_distance_matrix(mol, out_size=-1): """Construct distance matrix Args: mol (Chem.Mol): out_size (int): Returns: """ if mol is None: raise MolFeatureExtractionError('mol is None') N = mol.GetNumAtoms() if out_size < 0: size = N elif out_size >= N: size = out_size else: raise MolFeatureExtractionError('out_size {} is smaller than number ' 'of atoms in mol {}'.format( out_size, N)) confid = AllChem.EmbedMolecule(mol) try: dist_matrix = rdmolops.Get3DDistanceMatrix(mol, confId=confid) except ValueError as e: logger = getLogger(__name__)'construct_distance_matrix failed, type: {}, {}'.format( type(e).__name__, e.args)) logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) raise MolFeatureExtractionError if size > N: dists = numpy.zeros((size, size), dtype=numpy.float32) a0, a1 = dist_matrix.shape dists[:a0, :a1] = dist_matrix else: dists = dist_matrix return dists.astype(numpy.float32)
def construct_pair_feature(mol, use_all_feature): """construct pair feature Args: mol (Mol): mol instance use_all_feature (bool): If True, all pair features are extracted. If False, a part of pair features is extracted. You can confirm the detail in the paper. Returns: features (numpy.ndarray): The shape is (num_edges, num_edge_features) bond_idx (numpy.ndarray): The shape is (2, num_edges) bond_idx[0] represents the list of StartNodeIdx and bond_idx[1] represents the list of EndNodeIdx. """ converter = GaussianDistance() # prepare the data for extracting the pair feature bonds = mol.GetBonds() graph_distance_matrix = Chem.GetDistanceMatrix(mol) is_in_ring = get_is_in_ring(mol) confid = AllChem.EmbedMolecule(mol) try: coordinate_matrix = rdmolops.Get3DDistanceMatrix( mol, confId=confid) except ValueError as e: logger = getLogger(__name__)'construct_distance_matrix failed, type: {}, {}' .format(type(e).__name__, e.args)) logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) raise MolFeatureExtractionError feature = [] bond_idx = [] for bond in bonds: start_node = bond.GetBeginAtomIdx() end_node = bond.GetEndAtomIdx() # create pair feature distance_feature = numpy.array( graph_distance_matrix[start_node][end_node], dtype=numpy.float32) bond_feature = construct_bond_vec(mol, start_node, end_node) ring_feature = construct_ring_feature_vec( is_in_ring, start_node, end_node) bond_idx.append((start_node, end_node)) if use_all_feature: expanded_distance_feature = \ construct_expanded_distance_vec( coordinate_matrix, converter, start_node, end_node) feature.append(numpy.hstack((bond_feature, ring_feature, distance_feature, expanded_distance_feature))) else: expanded_distance_feature = \ construct_expanded_distance_vec( coordinate_matrix, converter, start_node, end_node) feature.append(expanded_distance_feature) bond_idx = numpy.array(bond_idx).T feature = numpy.array(feature) return feature, bond_idx
def perform_lrp(model, hyper, trial=0, sample=None, epsilon=0.1, gamma=0.1): tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth( tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')[0], True) # Make folder fig_path = "../analysis/{}".format(model) if not os.path.isdir(fig_path): os.mkdir(fig_path) fig_path = "../analysis/{}/{}".format(model, hyper) if not os.path.isdir(fig_path): os.mkdir(fig_path) fig_path = "../analysis/{}/{}/heatmap".format(model, hyper) if not os.path.isdir(fig_path): os.mkdir(fig_path) # Load results base_path = "../result/{}/{}/".format(model, hyper) path = base_path + 'trial_{:02d}/'.format(trial) # Load hyper with open(path + 'hyper.csv', newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: hyper = dict(row) # Load model custom_objects = { 'NodeEmbedding': NodeEmbedding, 'GraphConvolution': GraphConvolution, 'Normalize': Normalize, 'GlobalPooling': GlobalPooling } model = load_model(path + 'best_model.h5', custom_objects=custom_objects) print([ for l in model.layers]) # Load data data = np.load(path + 'data_split.npz') dataset = Dataset('refined', 5) if sample is not None: dataset.split_by_idx(32, data['train'], data['valid'], data['test'][sample]) else: dataset.split_by_idx(32, data['train'], data['valid'], data['test']) data.close() # Predict true_y = dataset.test_y outputs = {} for layer_name in [ 'node_embedding', 'node_embedding_1', 'normalize', 'normalize_1', 'activation', 'add', 'activation_1', 'add_1', 'global_pooling', 'activation_2', 'activation_3', 'activation_4', 'atom_feature_input' ]: sub_model = tf.keras.models.Model( inputs=model.input, outputs=model.get_layer(layer_name).output) outputs[layer_name] = sub_model.predict(dataset.test, steps=dataset.test_step, verbose=0)[:len(true_y)] # Output layer: LRP-0 # print('Calculating Dense_2...') relevance = lrp_dense(outputs['activation_3'], outputs['activation_4'], model.get_layer('dense_2').get_weights()[0], model.get_layer('dense_2').get_weights()[1], epsilon=0) # Dense layer: LRP-e # print('Calculating Dense_1...') relevance = lrp_dense(outputs['activation_2'], relevance, model.get_layer('dense_1').get_weights()[0], model.get_layer('dense_1').get_weights()[1], epsilon=epsilon) # Dense layer: LRP-e # print('Calculating Dense_0...') relevance = lrp_dense(outputs['global_pooling'], relevance, model.get_layer('dense').get_weights()[0], model.get_layer('dense').get_weights()[1], epsilon=epsilon) # Pooling layer # print('Calculating Pooling...') relevance = lrp_pooling(outputs['activation_1'], relevance) # Add layer # print('Calculating Add_1...') relevance_1, relevance_2 = lrp_add( [outputs['add'], outputs['activation_1']], relevance) # GCN layer: LRP-g # print('Calculating GCN_1...') relevance = lrp_gcn_gamma( outputs['add'], relevance_2, outputs['normalize_1'], model.get_layer('graph_convolution_1').get_weights()[0], gamma=gamma) + relevance_1 # Add layer # print('Calculating Add_0...') relevance_1, relevance_2 = lrp_add( [outputs['graph_embedding_1'], outputs['activation']], relevance) # GCN layer: LRP-g # print('Calculating GCN_0...') relevance = lrp_gcn_gamma( outputs['graph_embedding_1'], relevance_2, outputs['normalize'], model.get_layer('graph_convolution').get_weights()[0], gamma=gamma) + relevance_1 # Embedding layer : LRP-e # print('Calculating Embedding_1...') relevance = lrp_dense( outputs['graph_embedding'], relevance, model.get_layer('graph_embedding_1').get_weights()[0], model.get_layer('graph_embedding_1').get_weights()[1], epsilon=epsilon) # Embedding layer : LRP-e # print('Calculating Embedding_0...') relevance = lrp_dense(outputs['atom_feature_input'], relevance, model.get_layer('graph_embedding').get_weights()[0], model.get_layer('graph_embedding').get_weights()[1], epsilon=epsilon) relevance = tf.math.reduce_sum(relevance, axis=-1).numpy() relevance = np.divide(relevance, np.expand_dims(true_y, -1)) # Preset DrawingOptions.bondLineWidth = 1.5 DrawingOptions.elemDict = {} DrawingOptions.dotsPerAngstrom = 20 DrawingOptions.atomLabelFontSize = 4 DrawingOptions.atomLabelMinFontSize = 4 DrawingOptions.dblBondOffset = 0.3 DrawingOptions.wedgeDashedBonds = False # Load data dataframe = pd.read_pickle('../data/5A.pkl') if sample is not None: test_set = np.load(path + 'data_split.npz')['test'][sample] else: test_set = np.load(path + 'data_split.npz')['test'] # Draw images for test molecules colormap = cm.get_cmap('seismic') for idx, test_idx in enumerate(test_set): print('Drawing figure for {}/{}'.format(idx, len(test_set))) pdb_code = dataframe.iloc[test_idx]['code'] error = np.absolute(dataframe.iloc[test_idx]['output'] - outputs['activation_4'][idx])[0] if error > 0.2: continue for mol_ligand, mol_pocket in zip( Chem.SDMolSupplier( '../data/refined-set/{}/{}_ligand.sdf'.format( pdb_code, pdb_code)), Chem.SDMolSupplier( '../data/refined-set/{}/{}_pocket.sdf'.format( pdb_code, pdb_code))): # Crop atoms mol = Chem.CombineMols(mol_ligand, mol_pocket) distance = np.array(rdmolops.Get3DDistanceMatrix(mol)) cropped_idx = np.argwhere( np.min(distance[:, :mol_ligand.GetNumAtoms()], axis=1) <= 5 ).flatten() unpadded_relevance = np.zeros((mol.GetNumAtoms(), )) np.put(unpadded_relevance, cropped_idx, relevance[idx]) scale = max(max(unpadded_relevance), math.fabs(min(unpadded_relevance))) * 3 # Separate fragments in Combined Mol idxs_frag = rdmolops.GetMolFrags(mol) mols_frag = rdmolops.GetMolFrags(mol, asMols=True) # Draw fragment and interaction for i, (mol_frag, idx_frag) in enumerate(zip(mols_frag[1:], idxs_frag[1:])): # Ignore water if mol_frag.GetNumAtoms() == 1: continue # Generate 2D image mol_combined = Chem.CombineMols(mols_frag[0], mol_frag) AllChem.Compute2DCoords(mol_combined) fig = Draw.MolToMPL(mol_combined, coordScale=1) fig.axes[0].set_axis_off() # Draw line between close atoms (5A) flag = False for j in range(mol_ligand.GetNumAtoms()): for k in idx_frag: if distance[j, k] <= 5: # Draw connection coord_li = mol_combined._atomPs[j] coord_po = mol_combined._atomPs[ idx_frag.index(k) + mols_frag[0].GetNumAtoms()] x, y = np.array([[coord_li[0], coord_po[0]], [coord_li[1], coord_po[1]]]) line = Line2D(x, y, color='b', linewidth=1, alpha=0.3) fig.axes[0].add_line(line) flag = True # Draw heatmap for atoms for j in range(mol_combined.GetNumAtoms()): relevance_li = unpadded_relevance[j] relevance_li = relevance_li / scale + 0.5 highlight = plt.Circle( (mol_combined._atomPs[j][0], mol_combined._atomPs[j][1]), 0.035 * math.fabs(unpadded_relevance[j] / scale) + 0.008, color=colormap(relevance_li), alpha=0.8, zorder=0) fig.axes[0].add_artist(highlight) # Save if flag: fig_name = fig_path + '/{}_lrp_{}_{}_{}.png'.format( trial, test_idx, pdb_code, i) fig.savefig(fig_name, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig)
def parse_dataset(self): def _one_hot(x, allowable_set): return list(map(lambda s: x == s, allowable_set)) # Get total types of atoms for ligand, pocket in zip(self.x_ligand, self.x_pocket): mol = Chem.CombineMols(ligand, pocket) self.num_atoms = max(self.num_atoms, mol.GetNumAtoms()) for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): symbol = atom.GetSymbol() if symbol not in self.atom_type.keys(): self.atom_type[symbol] = 1 else: self.atom_type[symbol] += 1 self.atom_type = { k: v for k, v in sorted( self.atom_type.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True) } columns = [ 'code', 'symbol', 'atomic_num', 'degree', 'hybridization', 'implicit_valence', 'formal_charge', 'aromaticity', 'ring_size', 'num_hs', 'acid_base', 'h_donor_acceptor', 'adjacency_intra', 'adjacency_inter', 'distance', 'output' ] self.dataframe = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) hydrogen_donor = Chem.MolFromSmarts( "[$([N;!H0;v3,v4&+1]),$([O,S;H1;+0]),n&H1&+0]") hydrogen_acceptor = Chem.MolFromSmarts( "[$([O,S;H1;v2;!$(*-*=[O,N,P,S])]),$([O,S;H0;v2]),$([O,S;-]),$([N;v3;!$(N-*=[O,N,P,S])]),n&H0&+0,$([o,s;+0;!$([o,s]:n);!$([o,s]:c:n)])]" ) acidic = Chem.MolFromSmarts("[$([C,S](=[O,S,P])-[O;H1,-1])]") basic = Chem.MolFromSmarts( "[#7;+,$([N;H2&+0][$([C,a]);!$([C,a](=O))]),$([N;H1&+0]([$([C,a]);!$([C,a](=O))])[$([C,a]);!$([C,a](=O))]),$([N;H0&+0]([C;!$(C(=O))])([C;!$(C(=O))])[C;!$(C(=O))])]" ) for ligand, pocket in zip(self.x_ligand, self.x_pocket): n_ligand = ligand.GetNumAtoms() mol = Chem.CombineMols(ligand, pocket) # Crop atoms adjacency = np.array(rdmolops.Get3DDistanceMatrix(mol)) idx = np.argwhere( np.min(adjacency[:, :n_ligand], axis=1) <= self.cutoff ).flatten().tolist() # Get tensors Chem.AssignStereochemistry(mol) hydrogen_donor_match = sum(mol.GetSubstructMatches(hydrogen_donor), ()) hydrogen_acceptor_match = sum( mol.GetSubstructMatches(hydrogen_acceptor), ()) acidic_match = sum(mol.GetSubstructMatches(acidic), ()) basic_match = sum(mol.GetSubstructMatches(basic), ()) ring = mol.GetRingInfo() m = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] m[0] = ligand.GetProp('_Name').split('_')[0] for atom_idx in idx: atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(atom_idx) m[1].append(_one_hot(atom.GetSymbol(), self.atom_type.keys())) m[2].append([atom.GetAtomicNum()]) m[3].append(_one_hot(atom.GetDegree(), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])) m[4].append( _one_hot(atom.GetHybridization(), [ Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP, Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP2, Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP3, Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP3D, Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP3D2 ])) m[5].append( _one_hot(atom.GetImplicitValence(), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])) m[6].append( _one_hot(atom.GetFormalCharge(), [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3])) m[7].append([atom.GetIsAromatic()]) m[8].append([ ring.IsAtomInRingOfSize(atom_idx, 3), ring.IsAtomInRingOfSize(atom_idx, 4), ring.IsAtomInRingOfSize(atom_idx, 5), ring.IsAtomInRingOfSize(atom_idx, 6), ring.IsAtomInRingOfSize(atom_idx, 7), ring.IsAtomInRingOfSize(atom_idx, 8) ]) m[9].append(_one_hot(atom.GetTotalNumHs(), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])) m[10].append( [atom_idx in acidic_match, atom_idx in basic_match]) m[11].append([ atom_idx in hydrogen_donor_match, atom_idx in hydrogen_acceptor_match ]) m[12] = np.array(rdmolops.GetAdjacencyMatrix(mol))[idx][:, idx] adj = np.zeros_like(m[12]) adj[:n_ligand, n_ligand:] = 1. adj[n_ligand:, :n_ligand] = 1. m[13] = adj m[14] = np.array(rdmolops.Get3DDistanceMatrix(mol))[idx][:, idx] m[15] = float(ligand.GetProp('target_calc')) self.dataframe = self.dataframe.append(pd.DataFrame( [m], columns=columns), ignore_index=True, sort=True) # Pad data self.num_atoms = 0 for i in range(len(self.dataframe)): self.num_atoms = max(len(self.dataframe.iloc[i]['symbol']), self.num_atoms) for i in range(len(self.dataframe)): # ['acid_base', 'adjacency_inter', 'adjacency_intra', 'aromaticity', 'atomic_num', 'code', 'degree', # 'distance', 'formal_charge', 'h_donor_acceptor', 'hybridization', 'implicit_valence', 'num_hs', # 'output', 'ring_size', 'symbol'] delta = self.num_atoms - len(self.dataframe.iat[i, 0]) for j in [1, 2, 7]: self.dataframe.iat[i, j] = np.pad(self.dataframe.iat[i, j], ((0, delta), (0, delta)), 'constant', constant_values=((0, 0), (0, 0))) for j in [0, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15]: self.dataframe.iat[i, j] = np.pad( self.dataframe.iat[i, j], ((0, delta), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=((False, False), (False, False))) self.dataframe.iat[i, 4] = np.pad(self.dataframe.iat[i, 4], ((0, delta), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=((0, 0), (0, 0)))
def geometric_matrix(mol, conformer=-1): return rdmolops.Get3DDistanceMatrix(mol, confId=conformer)