Пример #1
def re_variable(x):
    >>> v('{word}')
    >>> v('{word:int}')
    R = Re('{([^:}]+)(:[^:}]+)?}', re.I)
    assert R.fullmatch(x), f'{x!r} does not match {R.pattern!r}'
    a, b = R.fullmatch(x).groups()
    r = ('[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*' if not b or b.lstrip(':') == 'str' else
         '\d+' if b.lstrip(':') == 'int' else '[a-zA-Z/][a-zA-Z_0-9/]*'
         if b.lstrip(':') == 'url' else throw(Exception))
    return f'(?P<{a}>{r})'
Пример #2
def parse_dot_directory(filename):
      with open(filename) as dot_directory:
        lines = [line.strip('\n') for line in dot_directory]
        Reg = Re('^\\[(.*)\\]$')
        stops = [
            i for i, line in enumerate(lines) if Reg.fullmatch(line)
        ] + [len(lines)]
        for i in range(len(stops) - 1):
            a,b = stops[i], stops[i+1]
            name = Reg.fullmatch(lines[a]).group(1)
            if name == 'rename_today.py':
                for l in lines[a+1:b]:
                    a,b = l.split('=', maxsplit=1)
                    yield a,b
    except FileNotFoundError:
Пример #3
a = args = parser.parse_args()

x = a.fuzzy_time

from datetime import date, time, datetime, timedelta

C = datetime.combine

N = datetime.now()

from re import compile as Re

R = Re('(\d+)[h:](\d*)')

match = R.fullmatch(x)
if not match:
    import sys
    print("Wrong match, must be", R.pattern, file=sys.stderr)
    h, m = match.groups()
    h, m = int(h), int(m or '0')

    d = N.replace(hour=h, minute=m, second=0, microsecond=0)
    if d < N:
        d += timedelta(days=1)

    delta = d - N

    print(*str(delta).split(':')[:2], sep=':')
Пример #4
DAYS = 'lun|mar|mer|jeu|ven|sam|dim'.split('|')
DAY = Re('|'.join(DAYS))

HOUR = Re('(\d+)[h:](\d*)')
HOUR_FROM = Re('(de|from)(\d+)[h:](\d*)')
HOUR_TO = Re('(à|to)(\d+)[h:](\d*)')
DATE = Re('(\d+)/(\d+)')
WEEK_SHIFT = Re('([+-]\d*)w')

GROUP = Re('(' + '|'.join(map(re.escape, map(str, GROUPS))) + ')(\d*)', re.I)
SEANCE = Re('S({})'.format({'num': '\d+', 'letters':'\w+', 'mixed':'[\d\w]+'}[SEANCES]), re.I) if SEANCES else Re('')
ASSISTANT = Re('|'.join(map(re.escape, ASSISTANTS)), re.I)

DURATION_RE = Re('(\d+)h(\d\d)?(min)?|(\d+)min')
assert DURATION_RE.fullmatch(ALL_DURATION), '"{ALL_DURATION}" is not like "6h" or "6h30" or "5min"'

def convert_duration(string):
    hour, minute, _, single_minute = DURATION_RE.fullmatch(string).groups()
    if single_minute:
        return timedelta(minutes=int(single_minute))
        return timedelta(hours=int(hour), minutes=int(minute or 0))

DURATION = convert_duration(ALL_DURATION)

    import search_for_ics_gehol
except ImportError:
    print('[Warning] no module search_for_ics_gehol, locations will be empty')
    search_for_ics_gehol = None