Пример #1
def readKineticsEntry(entry, speciesDict, energyUnits, moleculeUnits):
    Read a kinetics `entry` for a single reaction as loaded from a Chemkin
    file. The associated mapping of labels to species `speciesDict` should also
    be provided. Returns a :class:`Reaction` object with the reaction and its
    associated kinetics.
    if energyUnits.lower() in ['kcal/mole', 'kcal/mol']:
        energyFactor = 1.0 
    elif energyUnits.lower() in ['cal/mole', 'cal/mol']:
        energyFactor = 0.001 
        raise ChemkinError('Unexpected energy units "{0}" in reaction block.'.format(energyUnits))
    if moleculeUnits.lower() in ['moles']:
        moleculeFactor = 1.0 
        raise ChemkinError('Unexpected molecule units "{0}" in reaction block.'.format(energyUnits))
    lines = entry.strip().splitlines()
    # The first line contains the reaction equation and a set of modified Arrhenius parameters
    tokens = lines[0].split()
    A = float(tokens[-3])
    n = float(tokens[-2])
    Ea = float(tokens[-1])
    reaction = ''.join(tokens[:-3])
    thirdBody = False
    # Split the reaction equation into reactants and products
    reversible = True
    reactants, products = reaction.split('=')
    if '=>' in reaction:
        products = products[1:]
        reversible = False
    if '(+M)' in reactants: reactants = reactants.replace('(+M)','')
    if '(+m)' in reactants: reactants = reactants.replace('(+m)','')
    if '(+M)' in products:  products = products.replace('(+M)','')
    if '(+m)' in products:  products = products.replace('(+m)','')
    # Create a new Reaction object for this reaction
    reaction = Reaction(reactants=[], products=[], reversible=reversible)
    # Convert the reactants and products to Species objects using the speciesDict
    for reactant in reactants.split('+'):
        reactant = reactant.strip()
        stoichiometry = 1
        if reactant[0].isdigit():
            # This allows for reactions to be of the form 2A=B+C instead of A+A=B+C
            # The implementation below assumes an integer between 0 and 9, inclusive
            stoichiometry = int(reactant[0])
            reactant = reactant[1:]               
        if reactant == 'M' or reactant == 'm':
            thirdBody = True
        elif reactant not in speciesDict:
            raise ChemkinError('Unexpected reactant "{0}" in reaction {1}.'.format(reactant, reaction))
            for i in range(stoichiometry):
    for product in products.split('+'):
        product = product.strip()
        stoichiometry = 1
        if product[0].isdigit():
            # This allows for reactions to be of the form A+B=2C instead of A+B=C+C
            # The implementation below assumes an integer between 0 and 9, inclusive
            stoichiometry = int(product[0])
            product = product[1:]
        if product.upper() == 'M' or product == 'm':
        elif product not in speciesDict:
            raise ChemkinError('Unexpected product "{0}" in reaction {1}.'.format(product, reaction))
            for i in range(stoichiometry):
    # Determine the appropriate units for k(T) and k(T,P) based on the number of reactants
    # This assumes elementary kinetics for all reactions
    if len(reaction.reactants) + (1 if thirdBody else 0) == 3:
        kunits = "cm^6/(mol^2*s)"
        klow_units = "cm^9/(mol^3*s)"
    elif len(reaction.reactants) + (1 if thirdBody else 0) == 2:
        kunits = "cm^3/(mol*s)" 
        klow_units = "cm^6/(mol^2*s)"
    elif len(reaction.reactants) + (1 if thirdBody else 0) == 1:
        kunits = "s^-1" 
        klow_units = "cm^3/(mol*s)"
        raise ChemkinError('Invalid number of reactant species for reaction {0}.'.format(reaction))
    # The rest of the first line contains the high-P limit Arrhenius parameters (if available)
    #tokens = lines[0][52:].split()
    tokens = lines[0].split()[1:]
    arrheniusHigh = Arrhenius(
        A = (A,kunits),
        n = n,
        Ea = (Ea * energyFactor,"kcal/mol"),
        T0 = (1,"K"),
    if len(lines) == 1:
        # If there's only one line then we know to use the high-P limit kinetics as-is
        reaction.kinetics = arrheniusHigh
        # There's more kinetics information to be read
        arrheniusLow = None
        troe = None
        lindemann = None
        chebyshev = None
        pdepArrhenius = None
        efficiencies = {}
        chebyshevCoeffs = []
        # Note that the subsequent lines could be in any order
        for line in lines[1:]:
            tokens = line.split('/')
            if 'DUP' in line or 'dup' in line:            
                # Duplicate reaction
                reaction.duplicate = True
            elif 'LOW' in line or 'low' in line:
                # Low-pressure-limit Arrhenius parameters
                tokens = tokens[1].split()
                arrheniusLow = Arrhenius(
                    A = (float(tokens[0].strip()),klow_units),
                    n = float(tokens[1].strip()),
                    Ea = (float(tokens[2].strip()) * energyFactor,"kcal/mol"),
                    T0 = (1,"K"),
            elif 'TROE' in line or 'troe' in line:
                # Troe falloff parameters
                tokens = tokens[1].split()
                alpha = float(tokens[0].strip())
                T3 = float(tokens[1].strip())
                T1 = float(tokens[2].strip())
                    T2 = float(tokens[3].strip())
                except (IndexError, ValueError):
                    T2 = None
                troe = Troe(
                    alpha = (alpha,''),
                    T3 = (T3,"K"),
                    T1 = (T1,"K"),
                    T2 = (T2,"K") if T2 is not None else None,
            elif 'CHEB' in line or 'cheb' in line:
                # Chebyshev parameters
                if chebyshev is None:
                    chebyshev = Chebyshev()
                    chebyshev.kunits = kunits
                tokens = [t.strip() for t in tokens]
                if 'TCHEB' in line:
                    index = tokens.index('TCHEB')
                    tokens2 = tokens[index+1].split()
                    chebyshev.Tmin = Quantity(float(tokens2[0].strip()),"K")
                    chebyshev.Tmax = Quantity(float(tokens2[1].strip()),"K")
                if 'PCHEB' in line:
                    index = tokens.index('PCHEB')
                    tokens2 = tokens[index+1].split()
                    chebyshev.Pmin = Quantity(float(tokens2[0].strip()),"atm")
                    chebyshev.Pmax = Quantity(float(tokens2[1].strip()),"atm")
                if 'TCHEB' in line or 'PCHEB' in line:
                elif chebyshev.degreeT == 0 or chebyshev.degreeP == 0:
                    tokens2 = tokens[1].split()
                    chebyshev.degreeT = int(float(tokens2[0].strip()))
                    chebyshev.degreeP = int(float(tokens2[1].strip()))
                    chebyshev.coeffs = numpy.zeros((chebyshev.degreeT,chebyshev.degreeP), numpy.float64)
                    tokens2 = tokens[1].split()
                    chebyshevCoeffs.extend([float(t.strip()) for t in tokens2])
            elif 'PLOG' in line or 'plog' in line:
                # Pressure-dependent Arrhenius parameters
                if pdepArrhenius is None:
                    pdepArrhenius = []
                tokens = tokens[1].split()
                pdepArrhenius.append([float(tokens[0].strip()), Arrhenius(
                    A = (float(tokens[1].strip()),kunits),
                    n = float(tokens[2].strip()),
                    Ea = (float(tokens[3].strip()) * energyFactor,"kcal/mol"),
                    T0 = (1,"K"),

                # Assume a list of collider efficiencies
                for collider, efficiency in zip(tokens[0::2], tokens[1::2]):
                    efficiencies[speciesDict[collider.strip()].molecule[0]] = float(efficiency.strip())
        # Decide which kinetics to keep and store them on the reaction object
        # Only one of these should be true at a time!
        if chebyshev is not None:
            if chebyshev.Tmin is None or chebyshev.Tmax is None:
                raise ChemkinError('Missing TCHEB line for reaction {0}'.format(reaction))
            if chebyshev.Pmin is None or chebyshev.Pmax is None:
                raise ChemkinError('Missing PCHEB line for reaction {0}'.format(reaction))
            index = 0
            for t in range(chebyshev.degreeT):
                for p in range(chebyshev.degreeP):
                    chebyshev.coeffs[t,p] = chebyshevCoeffs[index]
                    index += 1
            # Don't forget to convert the Chebyshev coefficients to SI units!
            # This assumes that s^-1, cm^3/mol*s, etc. are compulsory
            chebyshev.coeffs[0,0] -= (len(reaction.reactants) - 1) * 6.0
            reaction.kinetics = chebyshev
        elif pdepArrhenius is not None:
            reaction.kinetics = PDepArrhenius(
                pressures = ([P for P, arrh in pdepArrhenius],"atm"),
                arrhenius = [arrh for P, arrh in pdepArrhenius],
        elif troe is not None:
            troe.arrheniusHigh = arrheniusHigh
            troe.arrheniusLow = arrheniusLow
            troe.efficiencies = efficiencies
            reaction.kinetics = troe
        elif arrheniusLow is not None:
            reaction.kinetics = Lindemann(arrheniusHigh=arrheniusHigh, arrheniusLow=arrheniusLow)
            reaction.kinetics.efficiencies = efficiencies
        elif thirdBody:
            reaction.kinetics = ThirdBody(arrheniusLow=arrheniusHigh)
            reaction.kinetics.efficiencies = efficiencies
        elif reaction.duplicate:
            reaction.kinetics = arrheniusHigh
            raise ChemkinError('Unable to determine pressure-dependent kinetics for reaction {0}.'.format(reaction))
    return reaction