Пример #1
spectrum = "thermal"

# two-point model
n_ref = 0
Lambda_ref = 0
ref_lambda = []
ref_rho = []

# Feedbacks, False to turn reactivity feedback off. True otherwise.
feedback = True

# External Reactivity
from reactivity_insertion import RampReactivityInsertion
rho_ext = RampReactivityInsertion(timer=ti,
                                  t_start=60.0 * units.seconds,
                                  t_end=70.0 * units.seconds,
                                  rho_init=0.0 * units.delta_k,
                                  rho_rise=600.0 * units.pcm,
                                  rho_final=600.0 * units.pcm)

# maximum number of internal steps that the ode solver will take
nsteps = 5000

k_mod = random.gauss(17, 17 * 0.05) * units.watt / (units.meter * units.kelvin)
cp_mod = random.gauss(1650.0, 1650.0 * 0.05) * \
    units.joule / (units.kg * units.kelvin)
rho_mod = DensityModel(a=1740. * units.kg / (units.meter**3), model="constant")
Moderator = Material('mod', k_mod, cp_mod, dm=rho_mod)

k_fuel = random.uniform(15.0, 19.0) * units.watt / (units.meter * units.kelvin)
cp_fuel = random.gauss(
    1818.0, 1818 * 0.05) * units.joule / units.kg / units.kelvin  # [J/kg/K]
Пример #2
ref_rho = [0.084349, 0.168983]

# Feedbacks, False to turn reactivity feedback off. True otherwise.
feedback = True

# External Reactivity
from reactivity_insertion import RampReactivityInsertion
# from reactivity_insertion import StepReactivityInsertion
# rho_ext = StepReactivityInsertion(timer=ti,
#                                  t_step=t_feedback + 10.0*units.seconds,
#                                  rho_init=0.0*units.delta_k,
#                                  rho_final=600.0*units.pcm)

rho_ext = RampReactivityInsertion(timer=ti,
                                  t_start=t_feedback + 10.0 * units.seconds,
                                  t_end=t_feedback + 15.0 * units.seconds,
                                  rho_init=0.0 * units.delta_k,
                                  rho_rise=650.0 * units.pcm,
                                  rho_final=650.0 * units.pcm)
# maximum number of internal steps that the ode solver will take
nsteps = 5000

k_mod = 17 * units.watt / (units.meter * units.kelvin)
cp_mod = 1650.0 * units.joule / (units.kg * units.kelvin)
rho_mod = DensityModel(a=1740. * units.kg / (units.meter**3), model="constant")
Moderator = Material('mod', k_mod, cp_mod, rho_mod)

k_fuel = 15 * units.watt / (units.meter * units.kelvin)
cp_fuel = 1818.0 * units.joule / units.kg / units.kelvin
rho_fuel = DensityModel(a=2220.0 * units.kg / (units.meter**3),
Fuel = Material('fuel', k_fuel, cp_fuel, rho_fuel)