def convolutionalNNMnist(): training = args.trainSize testing = args.testSize # building the layers layer1 = ConvolutionalLayer(50, (5, 5) , Sigmoid()) layer2 = PoolingLayer((2, 2)) layer3 = ConvolutionalLayer(20, (5, 5), Sigmoid()) layer4 = PoolingLayer((2, 2)) # TODO: add fully connected layer layer5 = SoftmaxLayer(10) layers = [layer1, layer2, layer3, layer4, layer5] net = convNet.ConvolutionalNN(layers, TrainingOptions(10, 1.0, momentumMax=0.9)) trainData, trainLabels =\, training, digits=None, bTrain=True, path="MNIST", returnImages=True) # transform the labels into vector (one hot encoding) trainLabels = labelsToVectors(trainLabels, 10) net.train(trainData, trainLabels, epochs=args.maxEpochs) testData, testLabels =\, testing, digits=None, bTrain=False, path="MNIST", returnImages=True) outputData, labels = net.test(testData) print " " print "accuracy" print sum(labels == testLabels) * 1.0 / testing
def convolutionalNNMnist(): training = args.trainSize testing = args.testSize # building the layers layer1 = ConvolutionalLayer(50, (5, 5), Sigmoid()) layer2 = PoolingLayer((2, 2)) layer3 = ConvolutionalLayer(20, (5, 5), Sigmoid()) layer4 = PoolingLayer((2, 2)) # TODO: add fully connected layer layer5 = SoftmaxLayer(10) layers = [layer1, layer2, layer3, layer4, layer5] net = convNet.ConvolutionalNN(layers, TrainingOptions(10, 1.0, momentumMax=0.9)) trainData, trainLabels =\, training, digits=None, bTrain=True, path="MNIST", returnImages=True) # transform the labels into vector (one hot encoding) trainLabels = labelsToVectors(trainLabels, 10) net.train(trainData, trainLabels, epochs=args.maxEpochs) testData, testLabels =\, testing, digits=None, bTrain=False, path="MNIST", returnImages=True) outputData, labels = net.test(testData) print " " print "accuracy" print sum(labels == testLabels) * 1.0 / testing
def annMNIST(): training = args.trainSize testing = args.testSize trainVectors, trainLabels =\, training, bTrain=True, path=args.path) testVectors, testLabels =\, testing, bTrain=False, path=args.path) print trainVectors[0].shape trainVectors, trainLabels = shuffle(trainVectors, trainLabels) trainingScaledVectors = trainVectors / 255.0 testingScaledVectors = testVectors / 255.0 vectorLabels = labelsToVectors(trainLabels, 10) if args.train: # Try 1200, 1200, 1200 # [784, 500, 500, 2000, 10 net = ann.ANN(5, [784, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10], supervisedLearningRate=0.001, nesterovMomentum=args.nesterov, rmsprop=args.rmsprop, hiddenDropout=0.5, visibleDropout=0.8, miniBatchSize=args.miniBatchSize, normConstraint=15) net.train(trainingScaledVectors, vectorLabels, maxEpochs=args.maxEpochs, validation=args.validation) else: # Take the saved network and use that for reconstructions f = open(args.netFile, "rb") net = pickle.load(f) f.close() probs, predicted = net.classify(testingScaledVectors) correct = 0 errorCases = [] for i in xrange(testing): print "predicted" print "probs" print probs[i] print predicted[i] print "actual" actual = testLabels[i] print actual if predicted[i] == actual: correct += 1 else: errorCases.append(i) print "correct" print correct if f = open(args.netFile, "wb") pickle.dump(net, f) f.close()
def trainDBN(unsupervisedLearningRate, supervisedLearningRate, visibleDropout, hiddenDropout, miniBatchSize, momentumMax, maxEpochs): print 'in trainDBN' trainVectors, trainLabels =\, TRAIN, digits=None, bTrain=True, path=PATH) testVectors, testLabels =\, TRAIN + TEST, digits=None, bTrain=True, path=PATH) trainVectors, trainLabels = shuffle(trainVectors, trainLabels) print 'done reading' trainVectors = np.array(trainVectors, dtype='float') trainingScaledVectors = scale(trainVectors) testVectors = np.array(testVectors, dtype='float') testingScaledVectors = scale(testVectors) trainVectorLabels = labelsToVectors(trainLabels, 10) print 'done scaling data' print 'creating DBN' net = db.DBN(5, [784, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10], binary=False, unsupervisedLearningRate=unsupervisedLearningRate, supervisedLearningRate=supervisedLearningRate, momentumMax=momentumMax, nesterovMomentum=True, rbmNesterovMomentum=True, activationFunction=Rectified(), rbmActivationFunctionVisible=Identity(), rbmActivationFunctionHidden=RectifiedNoisy(), rmsprop=True, visibleDropout=visibleDropout, hiddenDropout=hiddenDropout, weightDecayL1=0, weightDecayL2=0, rbmHiddenDropout=1.0, rbmVisibleDropout=1.0, miniBatchSize=miniBatchSize, adversarial_training=True, # TODO: make this a learned param preTrainEpochs=100, sparsityConstraintRbm=False, sparsityTragetRbm=0.01, sparsityRegularizationRbm=None) net.train(trainingScaledVectors, trainVectorLabels, maxEpochs=200, validation=False) proabilities, predicted = net.classify(testingScaledVectors) error = getClassificationError(predicted, testLabels) print "error", error return error
def trainDBN(unsupervisedLearningRate, supervisedLearningRate, visibleDropout, hiddenDropout, miniBatchSize, momentumMax, maxEpochs): print 'in trainDBN' trainVectors, trainLabels =\, TRAIN, digits=None, bTrain=True, path=PATH) testVectors, testLabels =\, TRAIN + TEST, digits=None, bTrain=True, path=PATH) trainVectors, trainLabels = shuffle(trainVectors, trainLabels) print 'done reading' trainVectors = np.array(trainVectors, dtype='float') trainingScaledVectors = scale(trainVectors) testVectors = np.array(testVectors, dtype='float') testingScaledVectors = scale(testVectors) trainVectorLabels = labelsToVectors(trainLabels, 10) print 'done scaling data' print 'creating DBN' net = db.DBN( 5, [784, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10], binary=False, unsupervisedLearningRate=unsupervisedLearningRate, supervisedLearningRate=supervisedLearningRate, momentumMax=momentumMax, nesterovMomentum=True, rbmNesterovMomentum=True, activationFunction=Rectified(), rbmActivationFunctionVisible=Identity(), rbmActivationFunctionHidden=RectifiedNoisy(), rmsprop=True, visibleDropout=visibleDropout, hiddenDropout=hiddenDropout, weightDecayL1=0, weightDecayL2=0, rbmHiddenDropout=1.0, rbmVisibleDropout=1.0, miniBatchSize=miniBatchSize, adversarial_training=True, # TODO: make this a learned param preTrainEpochs=100, sparsityConstraintRbm=False, sparsityTragetRbm=0.01, sparsityRegularizationRbm=None) net.train(trainingScaledVectors, trainVectorLabels, maxEpochs=200, validation=False) proabilities, predicted = net.classify(testingScaledVectors) error = getClassificationError(predicted, testLabels) print "error", error return error
def pcaMain(): training = args.trainSize testing = args.testSize train, trainLabels =\, training, bTrain=True, path=args.path) testVectors, testLabels =\, testing, bTrain=False, path=args.path) print train[0].shape pcaSklearn(train, dimension=400)
def svmMNIST(): with open(args.netFile, "rb") as f: dbnNet = pickle.load(f) trainVectors, trainLabels =\, args.trainSize, bTrain=True, path=args.path) testVectors, testLabels =\, args.testSize, digits=None, bTrain=False, path=args.path) trainingScaledVectors = trainVectors / 255.0 testingScaledVectors = testVectors / 255.0 svm.SVMCV(dbnNet, trainingScaledVectors, trainLabels, testingScaledVectors, testLabels)
def makeMNISTpic(): f = lambda x:, 1000, digits=[x], path=args.path)[0][0].reshape((28,28)) img = np.hstack(map(f, xrange(10))) print img.shape plt.imshow(img, plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('MNISTdigits.png', transparent=True)
def displayWeightsAndDbSample(): # First let's display the nets layer weights: with open(args.netFile, "rb") as f: dbnNet = pickle.load(f) for i in xrange(dbnNet.nrLayers - 1): w = dbnNet.weights[i] if i == 0: t = visualizeWeights(w.T, (28,28), (10,10)) else: t = visualizeWeights(w.T, (40, 25), (10, 10)) plt.imshow(t, plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('weightslayer' + str(i) +'.png', transparent=True) # then sample from the net samples = dbnNet.sample(10) reshaped = map(lambda x: x.reshape(28, 28), samples) reshaped = np.hstack(reshaped) plt.imshow(reshaped, plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('samples.png', transparent=True) testVectors, testLabels =\, args.testSize, digits=None, bTrain=False, path=args.path) testVectors = testVectors / 255.0 activationList = dbnNet.getHiddenActivations(testVectors) activations = activationList[-1] nice = [] for activation in activationList: reshaped = map(lambda x: x.reshape(25, 40), activation) reshaped = np.hstack(reshaped) nice += [reshaped] nice = np.vstack(nice) plt.imshow(activations[0].reshape(25,40), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('activationsingle.png', transparent=True) plt.imshow(nice, plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('allactivations.png', transparent=True)
def getMissclassifiedDigits(): # First let's display the nets layer weights: with open(args.netFile, "rb") as f: dbnNet = pickle.load(f) testVectors, testLabels =\, args.testSize, digits=None, bTrain=False, path=args.path) testVectors = testVectors / 255.0 _, predictedLabels = dbnNet.classify(testVectors) missclassified = [] actualLabels = [] wrongPredictedLabels = [] count = 0 i = 0 while count < 10 and i < args.testSize: if not predictedLabels[i] == testLabels[i]: missclassified += [testVectors[i].reshape((28, 28))] actualLabels += [testLabels[i]] wrongPredictedLabels += [predictedLabels[i]] count += 1 i += 1 print "worked on " + str(i) + "examples before finding 10 wrong" misspreditctedimg = np.hstack(missclassified) plt.imshow(misspreditctedimg, plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('misspredictedMNISTdigits.png', transparent=True) print "predicted" print wrongPredictedLabels print "actual" print actualLabels
def getMissclassifiedDigits(): # First let's display the nets layer weights: with open(args.netFile, "rb") as f: dbnNet = pickle.load(f) testVectors, testLabels =\, args.testSize, digits=None, bTrain=False, path=args.path) testVectors = testVectors / 255.0 _, predictedLabels = dbnNet.classify(testVectors) missclassified = [] actualLabels = [] wrongPredictedLabels = [] count = 0 i = 0 while count < 10 and i < args.testSize: if not predictedLabels[i] == testLabels[i]: missclassified += [testVectors[i].reshape((28, 28))] actualLabels += [testLabels[i]] wrongPredictedLabels += [predictedLabels[i]] count += 1 i+= 1 print "worked on " + str(i) + "examples before finding 10 wrong" misspreditctedimg = np.hstack(missclassified) plt.imshow(misspreditctedimg, plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('misspredictedMNISTdigits.png', transparent=True) print "predicted" print wrongPredictedLabels print "actual" print actualLabels
def makeNicePlots(): trainVectors, trainLabels =\, args.trainSize, digits=[2], bTrain=True, path=args.path) testingVectors, testLabels =\, args.testSize, digits=[2], bTrain=False, path=args.path) trainingScaledVectors = trainVectors / 255.0 testingScaledVectors = testingVectors / 255.0 # TODO: the reconstruction for relu still looks weird learningRate = 0.1 binary = True activationFunction = Sigmoid() # Train the network if args.train: # The number of hidden units is taken from a deep learning tutorial # The data are the values of the images have to be normalized before being # presented to the network nrVisible = len(trainingScaledVectors[0]) nrHidden = 500 # use 1 dropout to test the rbm for now net = rbm.RBM(nrVisible, nrHidden, learningRate, 1, 1, visibleActivationFunction=activationFunction, hiddenActivationFunction=activationFunction, rmsprop=args.rbmrmsprop, nesterov=args.rbmnesterov) net.train(trainingScaledVectors) t = visualizeWeights(net.weights.T, (28, 28), (10, 10)) else: # Take the saved network and use that for reconstructions f = open(args.netFile, "rb") t = pickle.load(f) net = pickle.load(f) f.close() incomingWeightVector = net.weights.T[0] print " testingVectors[0]" print testingVectors[0] testVec = testingScaledVectors[0] # reshape this vector to be 28, 28 reshapedWeightVector = incomingWeightVector.reshape((28, 28)) print "reshapedWeightVector" print reshapedWeightVector reshapedTestVec = testVec.reshape((28, 28)) print "reshapedTestVec" print reshapedTestVec overpose = reshapedWeightVector * reshapedTestVec print "overpose" print overpose plt.imshow(np.absolute(reshapedWeightVector), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('weightvectorreshaped.png', transparent=True) plt.imshow(np.absolute(reshapedTestVec), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('reshapedTestVec.png', transparent=True) plt.imshow(np.absolute(overpose), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('overpose.png', transparent=True)
def rbmMainGauss(reconstructRandom=False): trainVectors, trainLabels =\, args.trainSize, digits=None, bTrain=True, path=args.path) testVectors, testLabels =\, args.testSize, digits=None, bTrain=False, path=args.path) trainVectors = np.array(trainVectors, dtype='float') trainingScaledVectors = scale(trainVectors) testVectors = np.array(testVectors, dtype='float') testingScaledVectors = scale(testVectors) learningRate = 0.0005 # Train the network if args.train: # The number of hidden units is taken from a deep learning tutorial # The data are the values of the images have to be normalized before being # presented to the network nrVisible = len(trainingScaledVectors[0]) nrHidden = 500 # use 1 dropout to test the rbm for now net = rbm.RBM(nrVisible, nrHidden, learningRate, 1, 1, visibleActivationFunction=Identity(), hiddenActivationFunction=RectifiedNoisy(), rmsprop=args.rbmrmsprop, nesterov=args.rbmnesterov) net.train(trainingScaledVectors) t = visualizeWeights(net.weights.T, (28, 28), (10, 10)) else: # Take the saved network and use that for reconstructions f = open(args.netFile, "rb") t = pickle.load(f) net = pickle.load(f) f.close() # Reconstruct an image and see that it actually looks like a digit test = testingScaledVectors[0, :] # get a random image and see it looks like if reconstructRandom: test = np.random.random_sample(test.shape) # Show the initial image first recon = net.reconstruct(test.reshape(1, test.shape[0])) plt.imshow(vectorToImage(test, (28, 28)), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('initial7relu.png', transparent=True) # # Show the reconstruction recon = net.reconstruct(test.reshape(1, test.shape[0])) plt.imshow(vectorToImage(recon, (28, 28)), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('reconstruct7withallrelu.png', transparent=True) # # Show the weights and their form in a tile fashion # Plot the weights plt.imshow(t, plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('weights2srmsproprelu.png', transparent=True) # print "done" if f = open(args.netFile, "wb") pickle.dump(t, f) pickle.dump(net, f)
def rbmMain(reconstructRandom=False): trainVectors, trainLabels =\, args.trainSize, digits=None, bTrain=True, path=args.path) testingVectors, testLabels =\, args.testSize, digits=None, bTrain=False, path=args.path) trainingScaledVectors = trainVectors / 255.0 testingScaledVectors = testingVectors / 255.0 # TODO: the reconstruction for relu still looks weird if args.relu: activationFunction = RectifiedNoisy() learningRate = 5e-05 binary = False else: learningRate = 0.3 binary = True activationFunction = Sigmoid() # Train the network if args.train: # The number of hidden units is taken from a deep learning tutorial # The data are the values of the images have to be normalized before being # presented to the network nrVisible = len(trainingScaledVectors[0]) nrHidden = 500 # use 1 dropout to test the rbm for now net = rbm.RBM(nrVisible, nrHidden, learningRate, 1, 1, visibleActivationFunction=activationFunction, hiddenActivationFunction=activationFunction, rmsprop=args.rbmrmsprop, nesterov=args.rbmnesterov, sparsityConstraint=args.sparsity, sparsityRegularization=0.01, sparsityTraget=0.01) net.train(trainingScaledVectors) t = visualizeWeights(net.weights.T, (28, 28), (10, 10)) else: # Take the saved network and use that for reconstructions f = open(args.netFile, "rb") t = pickle.load(f) net = pickle.load(f) f.close() # Reconstruct an image and see that it actually looks like a digit test = testingScaledVectors[0, :] # get a random image and see it looks like if reconstructRandom: test = np.random.random_sample(test.shape) if args.display: # Show the initial image first recon = net.reconstruct(test.reshape(1, test.shape[0])) plt.imshow(vectorToImage(test, (28, 28)), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('initial7.png', transparent=True) hidden = net.hiddenRepresentation(test.reshape(1, test.shape[0])) plt.imshow(vectorToImage(hidden, (25, 20)), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('hiddenfeatures7.png', transparent=True) # Show the reconstruction recon = net.reconstruct(test.reshape(1, test.shape[0])) plt.imshow(vectorToImage(recon, (28, 28)), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('reconstruct7withall.png', transparent=True) # Show the weights and their form in a tile fashion # Plot the weights plt.imshow(t, plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('weights2srmsprop.png', transparent=True) print "done" if f = open(args.netFile, "wb") pickle.dump(t, f) pickle.dump(net, f)
def makeNicePlots(): trainVectors, trainLabels =\, args.trainSize, digits=[2], bTrain=True, path=args.path) testingVectors, testLabels =\, args.testSize, digits=[2], bTrain=False, path=args.path) trainingScaledVectors = trainVectors / 255.0 testingScaledVectors = testingVectors / 255.0 # TODO: the reconstruction for relu still looks weird learningRate = 0.1 binary = True activationFunction = Sigmoid() # Train the network if args.train: # The number of hidden units is taken from a deep learning tutorial # The data are the values of the images have to be normalized before being # presented to the network nrVisible = len(trainingScaledVectors[0]) nrHidden = 500 # use 1 dropout to test the rbm for now net = rbm.RBM(nrVisible, nrHidden, learningRate, 1, 1, visibleActivationFunction=activationFunction, hiddenActivationFunction=activationFunction, rmsprop=args.rbmrmsprop, nesterov=args.rbmnesterov) net.train(trainingScaledVectors) t = visualizeWeights(net.weights.T, (28,28), (10,10)) else: # Take the saved network and use that for reconstructions f = open(args.netFile, "rb") t = pickle.load(f) net = pickle.load(f) f.close() incomingWeightVector = net.weights.T[0] print " testingVectors[0]" print testingVectors[0] testVec = testingScaledVectors[0] # reshape this vector to be 28, 28 reshapedWeightVector = incomingWeightVector.reshape((28, 28)) print "reshapedWeightVector" print reshapedWeightVector reshapedTestVec = testVec.reshape((28, 28)) print "reshapedTestVec" print reshapedTestVec overpose = reshapedWeightVector * reshapedTestVec print "overpose" print overpose plt.imshow(np.absolute(reshapedWeightVector), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('weightvectorreshaped.png', transparent=True) plt.imshow(np.absolute(reshapedTestVec), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('reshapedTestVec.png', transparent=True) plt.imshow(np.absolute(overpose), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('overpose.png', transparent=True)
def cvadversarialMNIST(): training = args.trainSize testing = args.testSize trainVectors, trainLabels =\, training, bTrain=True, path=args.path) testVectors, testLabels =\, testing, bTrain=False, path=args.path) print trainVectors[0].shape trainVectors, trainLabels = shuffle(trainVectors, trainLabels) activationFunction = Sigmoid() trainingScaledVectors = trainVectors / 255.0 vectorLabels = labelsToVectors(trainLabels, 10) bestFold = -1 bestError = np.inf params = [(5e-02, 1e-02), (1e-02, 5e-02), (5e-02, 5e-02), (1e-02, 5e-03), (5e-02, 5e-03)] correctness = [] nrFolds = len(params) kf = cross_validation.KFold(n=training, n_folds=nrFolds) i = 0 for train, test in kf: print "cv fold", i print "params", params[i] net = db.DBN(5, [784, 1500, 1500, 1500, 10], binary=False, unsupervisedLearningRate=params[i][0], supervisedLearningRate=params[i][1], momentumMax=0.95, activationFunction=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionVisible=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionHidden=activationFunction, nesterovMomentum=args.nesterov, rbmNesterovMomentum=args.rbmnesterov, rmsprop=args.rmsprop, save_best_weights=args.save_best_weights, hiddenDropout=0.5, visibleDropout=0.8, rbmHiddenDropout=1.0, rbmVisibleDropout=1.0, adversarial_training=args.adversarial_training, adversarial_coefficient=0.5, adversarial_epsilon=1.0 / 255, weightDecayL1=0, weightDecayL2=0, preTrainEpochs=args.preTrainEpochs) net.train(trainingScaledVectors[train], vectorLabels[train], maxEpochs=args.maxEpochs, validation=args.validation) proabilities, predicted = net.classify(trainingScaledVectors[test]) # Test it with the testing data and measure the missclassification error error = getClassificationError(predicted, trainLabels[test]) print "error for " + str(params[i]) print error correct = 1.0 - error if error < bestError: bestError = error bestFold = i i += 1 correctness += [correct] print "best fold was " + str(bestFold) print "bestParameter " + str(params[bestFold]) print "bestError " + str(bestError) for i in xrange(len(params)): print "parameter tuple " + str( params[i]) + " achieved correctness of " + str(correctness[i])
def deepbeliefMNISTGaussian(): training = args.trainSize testing = args.testSize trainVectors, trainLabels =\, training, bTrain=True, path=args.path) testVectors, testLabels =\, testing, bTrain=False, path=args.path) print trainVectors[0].shape trainVectors, trainLabels = shuffle(trainVectors, trainLabels) trainVectors = np.array(trainVectors, dtype='float') trainingScaledVectors = scale(trainVectors) testVectors = np.array(testVectors, dtype='float') testingScaledVectors = scale(testVectors) vectorLabels = labelsToVectors(trainLabels, 10) unsupervisedLearningRate = 0.005 supervisedLearningRate = 0.005 momentumMax = 0.97 sparsityTragetRbm = 0.01 sparsityConstraintRbm = False sparsityRegularizationRbm = 0.005 if args.train: net = db.DBN(5, [784, 1200, 1200, 1200, 10], binary=False, unsupervisedLearningRate=unsupervisedLearningRate, supervisedLearningRate=supervisedLearningRate, momentumMax=momentumMax, activationFunction=Rectified(), rbmActivationFunctionVisible=Identity(), rbmActivationFunctionHidden=RectifiedNoisy(), nesterovMomentum=args.nesterov, rbmNesterovMomentum=args.rbmnesterov, save_best_weights=args.save_best_weights, rmsprop=args.rmsprop, hiddenDropout=0.5, visibleDropout=0.8, rbmHiddenDropout=1.0, rbmVisibleDropout=1.0, weightDecayL1=0, weightDecayL2=0, sparsityTragetRbm=sparsityTragetRbm, sparsityConstraintRbm=sparsityConstraintRbm, sparsityRegularizationRbm=sparsityRegularizationRbm, preTrainEpochs=args.preTrainEpochs) net.train(trainingScaledVectors, vectorLabels, maxEpochs=args.maxEpochs, validation=args.validation) else: # Take the saved network and use that for reconstructions f = open(args.netFile, "rb") net = pickle.load(f) f.close() probs, predicted = net.classify(testingScaledVectors) print type(predicted) correct = 0 errorCases = [] for i in xrange(testing): print "predicted" print "probs" print probs[i] print predicted[i] print "actual" actual = testLabels[i] print actual if predicted[i] == actual: correct += 1 else: errorCases.append(i) print "correct" print correct if f = open(args.netFile, "wb") pickle.dump(net, f) f.close()
def adversarialMNIST(): assert not args.relu, "do not run this method for rectified linear units" training = args.trainSize testing = args.testSize trainVectors, trainLabels =\, training, bTrain=True, path=args.path) testVectors, testLabels =\, testing, bTrain=False, path=args.path) print trainVectors[0].shape trainVectors, trainLabels = shuffle(trainVectors, trainLabels) activationFunction = Sigmoid() trainingScaledVectors = trainVectors / 255.0 testingScaledVectors = testVectors / 255.0 vectorLabels = labelsToVectors(trainLabels, 10) unsupervisedLearningRate = 0.01 supervisedLearningRate = 0.05 momentumMax = 0.95 if args.train: net = db.DBN(5, [784, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10], binary=False, unsupervisedLearningRate=unsupervisedLearningRate, supervisedLearningRate=supervisedLearningRate, momentumMax=momentumMax, activationFunction=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionVisible=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionHidden=activationFunction, nesterovMomentum=args.nesterov, rbmNesterovMomentum=args.rbmnesterov, rmsprop=args.rmsprop, hiddenDropout=0.5, visibleDropout=0.8, rbmHiddenDropout=1.0, rbmVisibleDropout=1.0, adversarial_training=args.adversarial_training, adversarial_coefficient=0.5, adversarial_epsilon=1.0 / 255, weightDecayL1=0, weightDecayL2=0, preTrainEpochs=args.preTrainEpochs) net.train(trainingScaledVectors, vectorLabels, maxEpochs=args.maxEpochs, validation=args.validation) else: # Take the saved network and use that for reconstructions f = open(args.netFile, "rb") net = pickle.load(f) f.close() probs, predicted = net.classify(testingScaledVectors) correct = 0 errorCases = [] for i in xrange(testing): print "predicted" print "probs" print probs[i] print predicted[i] print "actual" actual = testLabels[i] print actual if predicted[i] == actual: correct += 1 else: errorCases.append(i) print "correct" print correct
def cvadversarialMNIST(): training = args.trainSize testing = args.testSize trainVectors, trainLabels =\, training, bTrain=True, path=args.path) testVectors, testLabels =\, testing, bTrain=False, path=args.path) print trainVectors[0].shape trainVectors, trainLabels = shuffle(trainVectors, trainLabels) activationFunction = Sigmoid() trainingScaledVectors = trainVectors / 255.0 vectorLabels = labelsToVectors(trainLabels, 10) bestFold = -1 bestError = np.inf params = [(5e-02, 1e-02), (1e-02, 5e-02), (5e-02, 5e-02), (1e-02, 5e-03), (5e-02, 5e-03) ] correctness = [] nrFolds = len(params) kf = cross_validation.KFold(n=training, n_folds=nrFolds) i = 0 for train, test in kf: print "cv fold", i print "params", params[i] net = db.DBN(5, [784, 1500, 1500, 1500, 10], binary=False, unsupervisedLearningRate=params[i][0], supervisedLearningRate=params[i][1], momentumMax=0.95, activationFunction=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionVisible=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionHidden=activationFunction, nesterovMomentum=args.nesterov, rbmNesterovMomentum=args.rbmnesterov, rmsprop=args.rmsprop, hiddenDropout=0.5, visibleDropout=0.8, rbmHiddenDropout=1.0, rbmVisibleDropout=1.0, adversarial_training=args.adversarial_training, adversarial_coefficient=0.5, adversarial_epsilon=1.0 / 255, weightDecayL1=0, weightDecayL2=0, preTrainEpochs=args.preTrainEpochs) net.train(trainingScaledVectors[train], vectorLabels[train], maxEpochs=args.maxEpochs, validation=args.validation) proabilities, predicted = net.classify(trainingScaledVectors[test]) # Test it with the testing data and measure the missclassification error error = getClassificationError(predicted, trainLabels[test]) print "error for " + str(params[i]) print error correct = 1.0 - error if error < bestError: bestError = error bestFold = i i += 1 correctness += [correct] print "best fold was " + str(bestFold) print "bestParameter " + str(params[bestFold]) print "bestError " + str(bestError) for i in xrange(len(params)): print "parameter tuple " + str(params[i]) + " achieved correctness of " + str(correctness[i])
def cvMNISTGaussian(): training = args.trainSize trainVectors, trainLabels =\, training, bTrain=True, path=args.path) trainVectors, trainLabels = shuffle(trainVectors, trainLabels) trainVectors = np.array(trainVectors, dtype='float') # Ensure the data has zero mean and 1 variance trainingScaledVectors = scale(trainVectors) vectorLabels = labelsToVectors(trainLabels, 10) bestFold = -1 bestError = np.inf params = [(5e-03, 1e-02), (1e-02, 5e-02), (5e-03, 5e-02), (1e-02, 5e-03), (5e-03, 5e-03), (1e-02, 1e-02) ] correctness = [] nrFolds = len(params) kf = cross_validation.KFold(n=training, n_folds=nrFolds) i = 0 for train, test in kf: # Train the net # Try 1200, 1200, 1200 net = db.DBN(5, [784, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10], binary=False, unsupervisedLearningRate=params[i][0], supervisedLearningRate=params[i][1], momentumMax=0.95, nesterovMomentum=args.nesterov, rbmNesterovMomentum=args.rbmnesterov, activationFunction=Rectified(), rbmActivationFunctionVisible=Identity(), rbmActivationFunctionHidden=RectifiedNoisy(), rmsprop=args.rmsprop, visibleDropout=0.8, hiddenDropout=0.5, weightDecayL1=0, weightDecayL2=0, rbmHiddenDropout=1.0, rbmVisibleDropout=1.0, miniBatchSize=args.miniBatchSize, preTrainEpochs=args.preTrainEpochs, sparsityConstraintRbm=False, sparsityTragetRbm=0.01, sparsityRegularizationRbm=None) net.train(trainingScaledVectors[train], vectorLabels[train], maxEpochs=args.maxEpochs, validation=args.validation) proabilities, predicted = net.classify(trainingScaledVectors[test]) # Test it with the testing data and measure the missclassification error error = getClassificationError(predicted, trainLabels[test]) print "error for " + str(params[i]) print error correct = 1.0 - error if error < bestError: bestError = error bestFold = i i += 1 correctness += [correct] print "best fold was " + str(bestFold) print "bestParameter " + str(params[bestFold]) print "bestError " + str(bestError) for i in xrange(len(params)): print "parameter tuple " + str(params[i]) + " achieved correctness of " + str(correctness[i])
def deepbeliefMNIST(): assert not args.relu, "do not run this method for rectified linear units" training = args.trainSize testing = args.testSize trainVectors, trainLabels =\, training, bTrain=True, path=args.path) testVectors, testLabels =\, testing, bTrain=False, path=args.path) print trainVectors[0].shape trainVectors, trainLabels = shuffle(trainVectors, trainLabels) activationFunction = Sigmoid() trainingScaledVectors = trainVectors / 255.0 testingScaledVectors = testVectors / 255.0 vectorLabels = labelsToVectors(trainLabels, 10) unsupervisedLearningRate = 0.01 supervisedLearningRate = 0.05 momentumMax = 0.95 if args.train: net = db.DBN(5, [784, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10], binary=False, unsupervisedLearningRate=unsupervisedLearningRate, supervisedLearningRate=supervisedLearningRate, momentumMax=momentumMax, activationFunction=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionVisible=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionHidden=activationFunction, nesterovMomentum=args.nesterov, rbmNesterovMomentum=args.rbmnesterov, rmsprop=args.rmsprop, hiddenDropout=0.5, visibleDropout=0.8, rbmHiddenDropout=1.0, rbmVisibleDropout=1.0, adversarial_training=args.adversarial_training, adversarial_coefficient=0.5, adversarial_epsilon=1.0 / 255, weightDecayL1=0, weightDecayL2=0, preTrainEpochs=args.preTrainEpochs) net.train(trainingScaledVectors, vectorLabels, maxEpochs=args.maxEpochs, validation=args.validation) else: # Take the saved network and use that for reconstructions f = open(args.netFile, "rb") net = pickle.load(f) f.close() probs, predicted = net.classify(testingScaledVectors) correct = 0 errorCases = [] for i in xrange(testing): print "predicted" print "probs" print probs[i] print predicted[i] print "actual" actual = testLabels[i] print actual if predicted[i] == actual: correct += 1 else: errorCases.append(i) # Mistakes for digits # You just need to display some for the report # trueDigits = testLabels[errorCases] # predictedDigits = predicted[errorCases] print "correct" print correct # for w in net.weights: # print w # for b in net.biases: # print b # t = visualizeWeights(net.weights[0].T, trainImages[0].(28, 28), (10,10)) # plt.imshow(t, # # print "done" if f = open(args.netFile, "wb") pickle.dump(net, f) f.close()
def cvMNIST(): assert not args.relu, "do not run this function for rectified linear units" training = args.trainSize data, labels =\, training, bTrain=True, path=args.path) data, labels = shuffle(data, labels) scaledData = data / 255.0 vectorLabels = labelsToVectors(labels, 10) activationFunction = Sigmoid() bestFold = -1 bestError = np.inf if args.relu: # params =[(0.01, 0.01) , (0.01, 0.05), (0.05, 0.1), (0.05, 0.05)] # params =[(0.0001, 0.01), (0.00001, 0.001), (0.00001, 0.0001), (0.0001, 0.1)] params =[(1e-05, 0.001, 0.9), (5e-06, 0.001, 0.9), (5e-05, 0.001, 0.9), (1e-05, 0.001, 0.95), (5e-06, 0.001, 0.95), (5e-05, 0.001, 0.95), (1e-05, 0.001, 0.99), (5e-06, 0.001, 0.99), (5e-05, 0.001, 0.99)] else: # params =[(0.1, 0.1) , (0.1, 0.05), (0.05, 0.1), (0.05, 0.05)] params =[(0.05, 0.05) , (0.05, 0.075), (0.075, 0.05), (0.075, 0.075)] # params =[(0.05, 0.075, 0.1), (0.05, 0.1, 0.1), (0.01, 0.05, 0.1), # (0.05, 0.075, 0.01), (0.05, 0.1, 0.01), (0.01, 0.05, 0.01), # (0.05, 0.075, 0.001), (0.05, 0.1, 0.001), (0.01, 0.05, 0.001)] nrFolds = len(params) kf = cross_validation.KFold(n=training, n_folds=nrFolds) i = 0 for training, testing in kf: # Train the net # Try 1200, 1200, 1200 trainData = scaledData[training] trainLabels = vectorLabels[training] # net = db.DBN(5, [784, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10], net = db.DBN(5, [784, 500, 500, 2000, 10], binary=1-args.relu, unsupervisedLearningRate=params[i][0], supervisedLearningRate=params[i][1], momentumMax=0.95, nesterovMomentum=args.nesterov, rbmNesterovMomentum=args.rbmnesterov, activationFunction=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionVisible=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionHidden=activationFunction, rmsprop=args.rmsprop, visibleDropout=0.8, hiddenDropout=0.5, weightDecayL1=0, weightDecayL2=0, rbmHiddenDropout=1.0, rbmVisibleDropout=1.0, miniBatchSize=args.miniBatchSize, preTrainEpochs=args.preTrainEpochs, sparsityTragetRbm=0.01, sparsityConstraintRbm=False, sparsityRegularizationRbm=None) net.train(trainData, trainLabels, maxEpochs=args.maxEpochs, validation=args.validation) proabilities, predicted = net.classify(scaledData[testing]) testLabels = labels[testing] # Test it with the testing data and measure the missclassification error error = getClassificationError(predicted, testLabels) print "error for " + str(params[i]) print error if error < bestError: bestError = error bestFold = i i += 1 print "best fold was " + str(bestFold) print "bestParameter " + str(params[bestFold]) print "bestError" + str(bestError)
def cvMNIST(): assert not args.relu, "do not run this function for rectified linear units" training = args.trainSize data, labels =\, training, bTrain=True, path=args.path) data, labels = shuffle(data, labels) scaledData = data / 255.0 vectorLabels = labelsToVectors(labels, 10) activationFunction = Sigmoid() bestFold = -1 bestError = np.inf if args.relu: # params =[(0.01, 0.01) , (0.01, 0.05), (0.05, 0.1), (0.05, 0.05)] # params =[(0.0001, 0.01), (0.00001, 0.001), (0.00001, 0.0001), (0.0001, 0.1)] params = [(1e-05, 0.001, 0.9), (5e-06, 0.001, 0.9), (5e-05, 0.001, 0.9), (1e-05, 0.001, 0.95), (5e-06, 0.001, 0.95), (5e-05, 0.001, 0.95), (1e-05, 0.001, 0.99), (5e-06, 0.001, 0.99), (5e-05, 0.001, 0.99)] else: # params =[(0.1, 0.1) , (0.1, 0.05), (0.05, 0.1), (0.05, 0.05)] params = [(0.05, 0.05), (0.05, 0.075), (0.075, 0.05), (0.075, 0.075)] # params =[(0.05, 0.075, 0.1), (0.05, 0.1, 0.1), (0.01, 0.05, 0.1), # (0.05, 0.075, 0.01), (0.05, 0.1, 0.01), (0.01, 0.05, 0.01), # (0.05, 0.075, 0.001), (0.05, 0.1, 0.001), (0.01, 0.05, 0.001)] nrFolds = len(params) kf = cross_validation.KFold(n=training, n_folds=nrFolds) i = 0 for training, testing in kf: # Train the net # Try 1200, 1200, 1200 trainData = scaledData[training] trainLabels = vectorLabels[training] # net = db.DBN(5, [784, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10], net = db.DBN(5, [784, 500, 500, 2000, 10], binary=1 - args.relu, unsupervisedLearningRate=params[i][0], supervisedLearningRate=params[i][1], momentumMax=0.95, nesterovMomentum=args.nesterov, rbmNesterovMomentum=args.rbmnesterov, activationFunction=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionVisible=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionHidden=activationFunction, rmsprop=args.rmsprop, save_best_weights=args.save_best_weights, visibleDropout=0.8, hiddenDropout=0.5, weightDecayL1=0, weightDecayL2=0, rbmHiddenDropout=1.0, rbmVisibleDropout=1.0, miniBatchSize=args.miniBatchSize, preTrainEpochs=args.preTrainEpochs, sparsityTragetRbm=0.01, sparsityConstraintRbm=False, sparsityRegularizationRbm=None) net.train(trainData, trainLabels, maxEpochs=args.maxEpochs, validation=args.validation) proabilities, predicted = net.classify(scaledData[testing]) testLabels = labels[testing] # Test it with the testing data and measure the missclassification error error = getClassificationError(predicted, testLabels) print "error for " + str(params[i]) print error if error < bestError: bestError = error bestFold = i i += 1 print "best fold was " + str(bestFold) print "bestParameter " + str(params[bestFold]) print "bestError" + str(bestError)
def deepbeliefMNIST(): assert not args.relu, "do not run this method for rectified linear units" training = args.trainSize testing = args.testSize trainVectors, trainLabels =\, training, bTrain=True, path=args.path) testVectors, testLabels =\, testing, bTrain=False, path=args.path) print trainVectors[0].shape trainVectors, trainLabels = shuffle(trainVectors, trainLabels) activationFunction = Sigmoid() trainingScaledVectors = trainVectors / 255.0 testingScaledVectors = testVectors / 255.0 vectorLabels = labelsToVectors(trainLabels, 10) unsupervisedLearningRate = 0.01 supervisedLearningRate = 0.05 momentumMax = 0.95 if args.train: net = db.DBN(5, [784, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10], binary=False, unsupervisedLearningRate=unsupervisedLearningRate, supervisedLearningRate=supervisedLearningRate, momentumMax=momentumMax, activationFunction=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionVisible=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionHidden=activationFunction, nesterovMomentum=args.nesterov, rbmNesterovMomentum=args.rbmnesterov, rmsprop=args.rmsprop, hiddenDropout=0.5, visibleDropout=0.8, rbmHiddenDropout=1.0, rbmVisibleDropout=1.0, save_best_weights=args.save_best_weights, adversarial_training=args.adversarial_training, adversarial_coefficient=0.5, adversarial_epsilon=1.0 / 255, weightDecayL1=0, weightDecayL2=0, preTrainEpochs=args.preTrainEpochs) net.train(trainingScaledVectors, vectorLabels, maxEpochs=args.maxEpochs, validation=args.validation) else: # Take the saved network and use that for reconstructions f = open(args.netFile, "rb") net = pickle.load(f) f.close() probs, predicted = net.classify(testingScaledVectors) correct = 0 errorCases = [] for i in xrange(testing): print "predicted" print "probs" print probs[i] print predicted[i] print "actual" actual = testLabels[i] print actual if predicted[i] == actual: correct += 1 else: errorCases.append(i) # Mistakes for digits # You just need to display some for the report # trueDigits = testLabels[errorCases] # predictedDigits = predicted[errorCases] print "correct" print correct # for w in net.weights: # print w # for b in net.biases: # print b # t = visualizeWeights(net.weights[0].T, trainImages[0].(28, 28), (10,10)) # plt.imshow(t, # # print "done" if f = open(args.netFile, "wb") pickle.dump(net, f) f.close()
def adversarialMNIST(): assert not args.relu, "do not run this method for rectified linear units" training = args.trainSize testing = args.testSize trainVectors, trainLabels =\, training, bTrain=True, path=args.path) testVectors, testLabels =\, testing, bTrain=False, path=args.path) print trainVectors[0].shape trainVectors, trainLabels = shuffle(trainVectors, trainLabels) activationFunction = Sigmoid() trainingScaledVectors = trainVectors / 255.0 testingScaledVectors = testVectors / 255.0 vectorLabels = labelsToVectors(trainLabels, 10) unsupervisedLearningRate = 0.01 supervisedLearningRate = 0.05 momentumMax = 0.95 if args.train: net = db.DBN(5, [784, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10], binary=False, unsupervisedLearningRate=unsupervisedLearningRate, supervisedLearningRate=supervisedLearningRate, momentumMax=momentumMax, activationFunction=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionVisible=activationFunction, rbmActivationFunctionHidden=activationFunction, nesterovMomentum=args.nesterov, rbmNesterovMomentum=args.rbmnesterov, rmsprop=args.rmsprop, save_best_weights=args.save_best_weights, hiddenDropout=0.5, visibleDropout=0.8, rbmHiddenDropout=1.0, rbmVisibleDropout=1.0, adversarial_training=args.adversarial_training, adversarial_coefficient=0.5, adversarial_epsilon=1.0 / 255, weightDecayL1=0, weightDecayL2=0, preTrainEpochs=args.preTrainEpochs) net.train(trainingScaledVectors, vectorLabels, maxEpochs=args.maxEpochs, validation=args.validation) else: # Take the saved network and use that for reconstructions f = open(args.netFile, "rb") net = pickle.load(f) f.close() probs, predicted = net.classify(testingScaledVectors) correct = 0 errorCases = [] for i in xrange(testing): print "predicted" print "probs" print probs[i] print predicted[i] print "actual" actual = testLabels[i] print actual if predicted[i] == actual: correct += 1 else: errorCases.append(i) print "correct" print correct
def cvMNISTGaussian(): training = args.trainSize trainVectors, trainLabels =\, training, bTrain=True, path=args.path) trainVectors, trainLabels = shuffle(trainVectors, trainLabels) trainVectors = np.array(trainVectors, dtype='float') # Ensure the data has zero mean and 1 variance trainingScaledVectors = scale(trainVectors) vectorLabels = labelsToVectors(trainLabels, 10) bestFold = -1 bestError = np.inf params = [(5e-03, 1e-02), (1e-02, 5e-02), (5e-03, 5e-02), (1e-02, 5e-03), (5e-03, 5e-03), (1e-02, 1e-02)] correctness = [] nrFolds = len(params) kf = cross_validation.KFold(n=training, n_folds=nrFolds) i = 0 for train, test in kf: # Train the net # Try 1200, 1200, 1200 net = db.DBN(5, [784, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10], binary=False, unsupervisedLearningRate=params[i][0], supervisedLearningRate=params[i][1], momentumMax=0.95, nesterovMomentum=args.nesterov, rbmNesterovMomentum=args.rbmnesterov, activationFunction=Rectified(), rbmActivationFunctionVisible=Identity(), rbmActivationFunctionHidden=RectifiedNoisy(), rmsprop=args.rmsprop, save_best_weights=args.save_best_weights, visibleDropout=0.8, hiddenDropout=0.5, weightDecayL1=0, weightDecayL2=0, rbmHiddenDropout=1.0, rbmVisibleDropout=1.0, miniBatchSize=args.miniBatchSize, preTrainEpochs=args.preTrainEpochs, sparsityConstraintRbm=False, sparsityTragetRbm=0.01, sparsityRegularizationRbm=None) net.train(trainingScaledVectors[train], vectorLabels[train], maxEpochs=args.maxEpochs, validation=args.validation) proabilities, predicted = net.classify(trainingScaledVectors[test]) # Test it with the testing data and measure the missclassification error error = getClassificationError(predicted, trainLabels[test]) print "error for " + str(params[i]) print error correct = 1.0 - error if error < bestError: bestError = error bestFold = i i += 1 correctness += [correct] print "best fold was " + str(bestFold) print "bestParameter " + str(params[bestFold]) print "bestError " + str(bestError) for i in xrange(len(params)): print "parameter tuple " + str( params[i]) + " achieved correctness of " + str(correctness[i])
def rbmMain(reconstructRandom=False): trainVectors, trainLabels =\, args.trainSize, digits=None, bTrain=True, path=args.path) testingVectors, testLabels =\, args.testSize, digits=None, bTrain=False, path=args.path) trainingScaledVectors = trainVectors / 255.0 testingScaledVectors = testingVectors / 255.0 # TODO: the reconstruction for relu still looks weird if args.relu: activationFunction = RectifiedNoisy() learningRate = 5e-05 binary=False else: learningRate = 0.3 binary=True activationFunction = Sigmoid() # Train the network if args.train: # The number of hidden units is taken from a deep learning tutorial # The data are the values of the images have to be normalized before being # presented to the network nrVisible = len(trainingScaledVectors[0]) nrHidden = 500 # use 1 dropout to test the rbm for now net = rbm.RBM(nrVisible, nrHidden, learningRate, 1, 1, visibleActivationFunction=activationFunction, hiddenActivationFunction=activationFunction, rmsprop=args.rbmrmsprop, nesterov=args.rbmnesterov, sparsityConstraint=args.sparsity, sparsityRegularization=0.01, sparsityTraget=0.01) net.train(trainingScaledVectors) t = visualizeWeights(net.weights.T, (28,28), (10,10)) else: # Take the saved network and use that for reconstructions f = open(args.netFile, "rb") t = pickle.load(f) net = pickle.load(f) f.close() # Reconstruct an image and see that it actually looks like a digit test = testingScaledVectors[0,:] # get a random image and see it looks like if reconstructRandom: test = np.random.random_sample(test.shape) if args.display: # Show the initial image first recon = net.reconstruct(test.reshape(1, test.shape[0])) plt.imshow(vectorToImage(test, (28,28)), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('initial7.png', transparent=True) hidden = net.hiddenRepresentation(test.reshape(1, test.shape[0])) plt.imshow(vectorToImage(hidden, (25,20)), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('hiddenfeatures7.png', transparent=True) # Show the reconstruction recon = net.reconstruct(test.reshape(1, test.shape[0])) plt.imshow(vectorToImage(recon, (28,28)), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('reconstruct7withall.png', transparent=True) # Show the weights and their form in a tile fashion # Plot the weights plt.imshow(t, plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('weights2srmsprop.png', transparent=True) print "done" if f = open(args.netFile, "wb") pickle.dump(t, f) pickle.dump(net, f)
def deepbeliefMNISTGaussian(): training = args.trainSize testing = args.testSize trainVectors, trainLabels =\, training, bTrain=True, path=args.path) testVectors, testLabels =\, testing, bTrain=False, path=args.path) print trainVectors[0].shape trainVectors, trainLabels = shuffle(trainVectors, trainLabels) trainVectors = np.array(trainVectors, dtype='float') trainingScaledVectors = scale(trainVectors) testVectors = np.array(testVectors, dtype='float') testingScaledVectors = scale(testVectors) vectorLabels = labelsToVectors(trainLabels, 10) unsupervisedLearningRate = 0.005 supervisedLearningRate = 0.005 momentumMax = 0.97 sparsityTragetRbm = 0.01 sparsityConstraintRbm = False sparsityRegularizationRbm = 0.005 if args.train: net = db.DBN(5, [784, 1200, 1200, 1200, 10], binary=False, unsupervisedLearningRate=unsupervisedLearningRate, supervisedLearningRate=supervisedLearningRate, momentumMax=momentumMax, activationFunction=Rectified(), rbmActivationFunctionVisible=Identity(), rbmActivationFunctionHidden=RectifiedNoisy(), nesterovMomentum=args.nesterov, rbmNesterovMomentum=args.rbmnesterov, rmsprop=args.rmsprop, hiddenDropout=0.5, visibleDropout=0.8, rbmHiddenDropout=1.0, rbmVisibleDropout=1.0, weightDecayL1=0, weightDecayL2=0, sparsityTragetRbm=sparsityTragetRbm, sparsityConstraintRbm=sparsityConstraintRbm, sparsityRegularizationRbm=sparsityRegularizationRbm, preTrainEpochs=args.preTrainEpochs) net.train(trainingScaledVectors, vectorLabels, maxEpochs=args.maxEpochs, validation=args.validation) else: # Take the saved network and use that for reconstructions f = open(args.netFile, "rb") net = pickle.load(f) f.close() probs, predicted = net.classify(testingScaledVectors) print type(predicted) correct = 0 errorCases = [] for i in xrange(testing): print "predicted" print "probs" print probs[i] print predicted[i] print "actual" actual = testLabels[i] print actual if predicted[i] == actual: correct += 1 else: errorCases.append(i) print "correct" print correct if f = open(args.netFile, "wb") pickle.dump(net, f) f.close()
def rbmMainGauss(reconstructRandom=False): trainVectors, trainLabels =\, args.trainSize, digits=None, bTrain=True, path=args.path) testVectors, testLabels =\, args.testSize, digits=None, bTrain=False, path=args.path) trainVectors = np.array(trainVectors, dtype='float') trainingScaledVectors = scale(trainVectors) testVectors = np.array(testVectors, dtype='float') testingScaledVectors = scale(testVectors) learningRate = 0.0005 # Train the network if args.train: # The number of hidden units is taken from a deep learning tutorial # The data are the values of the images have to be normalized before being # presented to the network nrVisible = len(trainingScaledVectors[0]) nrHidden = 500 # use 1 dropout to test the rbm for now net = rbm.RBM(nrVisible, nrHidden, learningRate, 1, 1, visibleActivationFunction=Identity(), hiddenActivationFunction=RectifiedNoisy(), rmsprop=args.rbmrmsprop, nesterov=args.rbmnesterov) net.train(trainingScaledVectors) t = visualizeWeights(net.weights.T, (28,28), (10,10)) else: # Take the saved network and use that for reconstructions f = open(args.netFile, "rb") t = pickle.load(f) net = pickle.load(f) f.close() # Reconstruct an image and see that it actually looks like a digit test = testingScaledVectors[0,:] # get a random image and see it looks like if reconstructRandom: test = np.random.random_sample(test.shape) # Show the initial image first recon = net.reconstruct(test.reshape(1, test.shape[0])) plt.imshow(vectorToImage(test, (28,28)), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('initial7relu.png', transparent=True) # # Show the reconstruction recon = net.reconstruct(test.reshape(1, test.shape[0])) plt.imshow(vectorToImage(recon, (28,28)), plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('reconstruct7withallrelu.png', transparent=True) # # Show the weights and their form in a tile fashion # Plot the weights plt.imshow(t, plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('weights2srmsproprelu.png', transparent=True) # print "done" if f = open(args.netFile, "wb") pickle.dump(t, f) pickle.dump(net, f)