Пример #1
def main():
    # Parse and update settings using input arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-input_path", default=config.input_path, type=str)
    parser.add_argument("-output_path", default=config.output_path, type=str)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Parse input ldr file, output to config.bricks and bom.txt
def _filter(file_path):
    index = Index()

    for notation, data in parse(file_path):
        if not notation.has_key():
            text = USE_CODE.findall(data['desc'])

            if text:
                match = ''.join(text[0].split())
                match = SCHEME.findall(match)

                if match and is_valid(Notation(match[0])):
                    valid_notation = Notation(match[0])

                    if valid_notation.has_text():
                        new_value = get_bracketed(text[0])
                        old_value = get_bracketed(valid_notation)

                        valid_notation = valid_notation.\
                            replace(old_value[0], new_value[0])

                    data['valid'] = valid_notation
                    index.add(notation, data, select=True)

            index.add(notation, data, select=False)

    return index
def _filter(file_path):
    index = Index()

    for notation, data in parse(file_path):
        if not (notation.has_key() or notation.has_digit()):
            if notation.has_text() and not notation.has_name():
                parent = notation.get_parent()
                index.add(parent, dict(), select=True)

            index.add(notation, data, select=False)

    return index
def _filter(file_path):
    index = Index()

    for notation, data in parse(file_path):
        if not (notation.has_text() or notation.has_key()):
            if notation.depth > 1 and notation.code[-1] == '9' \
                    and not data['desc'].startswith('other'):
                index.add(notation, data, select=True)

        index.add(notation, data, select=False)

    return index
def _filter(file_path):
    index, terms = Index(), ['allegori', 'symboli']

    for notation, data in parse(file_path):
        if notation.depth > 1:
            if is_in(terms, data['desc'].lower()) or \
                    notation.code[-1] == '0':
                index.add(notation, data, select=True)

        index.add(notation, data, select=False)

    return index
Пример #6
def _filter(file_path):
    index = Index()

    for notation, data in parse(file_path):
        if not (notation.has_key() or notation.has_text()):
            data['names'] = get_names(data, keep_all=False)

            if data['names'] and notation.depth > 3:
                parent = notation.get_parent()
                index.add(parent, dict(), select=True)

            index.add(notation, data, select=False)

    return index
def _filter(file_path):
    index = Index()

    for notation, data in parse(file_path):
        if not (notation.has_key() or notation.has_name()):
            if notation.depth > 2:
                data['desc'] = data['desc'].lower()

                if len(notation.get_letter()) == 2:
                    index.add(notation, data, select=True)

        index.add(notation, data, select=False)

    return index
Пример #8
def _filter(file_path):
    test = set()

    for notation, data in parse(file_path):
        letter = notation.get_letter()
        basic = notation.get_basic()[:2]

        queue = notation.get_queue()
        digit = notation.get_digit()
        key = notation.get_key()

        if notation.has_key():

        yield basic, letter, queue, digit, key

def _filter(file_path):
    index = Index()

    for notation, data in parse(file_path):
        if notation.division != 3 and not notation.has_key():
            data['names'] = get_names(data, keep_all=False)

            if not (notation.has_text() or notation.depth > 7 or
                    data['desc'].startswith(('other', 'early'))):
                gender = Genderize(data['desc']).code

                if gender:
                    data['gender'] = Notation(gender)
                    index.add(notation, data, select=True)

            index.add(notation, data, select=False)

    return index
Пример #10
def get():
    def _sort_key(value):
        if value.startswith('rm'):
            return -1, value

        return 0, value

    index = dict()

    file_paths = listdir(FOLDER_PATH)

    for file_path in reversed(file_paths):
        if file_path.startswith(('rm', 'cv')):
            file_path = path.join(FOLDER_PATH, file_path)

            for key, values in parse(file_path):
                values = [Notation(x) for x in values]
                index[Notation(key)] = values

    return index
Пример #11
import argparse
import os.path
import read
import analyze
import numpy as np

if __name__ == '__main__':
    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    argparser.add_argument("state", help="2-letter code for the US state, or 'US' for all states")
    argparser.add_argument("--online", dest='online', const=True, default=False, action='store_const', help="Use FIA website")
    args = argparser.parse_args()
    args.state = [args.state]
    if args.state == ['US']:
        args.state = ['AL', 'AZ', 'AR', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DE', 'FL', 'GA', 'ID', 'IL', 'IN', 'IA', 'KS', 'KY', 'LA', 'ME', 'MD', 'MA', 'MI', 'MN', 'MS', 'MO', 'MT', 'NE', 'NV', 'NH', 'NJ', 'NY', 'NC', 'ND', 'OH', 'OK', 'OR', 'PA', 'RI', 'SC', 'SD', 'TN', 'TX', 'UT', 'VT', 'VA', 'WV', 'WI']
    for state in args.state: 
        if args.online:
            plots = read.parse(state, online=True)
            plots = read.parse(state, online=False)
        read.cluster_prep_file(plots, state)
        read.clean(state, b=True)