def setUp(self):
     file = 'statements_kb3.txt' = read.read_tokenize(file)
     data = read.read_tokenize(file)
     self.KB = KnowledgeBase([], [])
     for item in data:
         if isinstance(item, Fact) or isinstance(item, Rule):
Пример #2
 def setUp(self):
     # Assert starter facts
     file = 'geography.txt' = read.read_tokenize(file)
     data = read.read_tokenize(file)
     self.KB = KnowledgeBase([], [])
     for item in data:
         if isinstance(item, Fact) or isinstance(item, Rule):
 def setUp(self):
     # Assert starter facts
     file = 'statements_kb4.txt' = read.read_tokenize(file)
     data = read.read_tokenize(file)
     self.KB = KnowledgeBase([], [])
     for item in data:
         if isinstance(item, Fact) or isinstance(item, Rule):
    def setUp(self):
        # Assert starter facts
        file = 'statements_kb.txt'
        data = read.read_tokenize(file)
        self.KB = KnowledgeBase([], [])
        for item in data:
            if isinstance(item, Fact):

        # Assert facts from statements_kb2.txt
        file2 = 'statements_kb2.txt'
        data2 = read.read_tokenize(file2)
        for item2 in data2:
            if isinstance(item2, Fact):
    def setUp(self):
        # Assert starter facts
        file = 'statements_kb.txt'
        data = read.read_tokenize(file)
        self.KB = KnowledgeBase([], [])
        for item in data:
            if isinstance(item, Fact):

        # Assert kb2 facts, added by me
        file = 'statements_kb2.txt'
        data = read.read_tokenize(file)
        for item in data:
            if isinstance(item, Fact):
Пример #6
    def setUp(self):
        # Assert starter facts
        file = 'statements_kb4.txt' = read.read_tokenize(file)
        data = read.read_tokenize(file)
        self.KB = KnowledgeBase([], [])
        for item in data:
            if isinstance(item, Fact) or isinstance(item, Rule):

        # for Piazza-provided tests
        file = 'statements_kb5.txt'
        data = read.read_tokenize(file)
        for item in data:
            if isinstance(item, Fact) or isinstance(item, Rule):
Пример #7
    def __init__(self):

        facts, rules = read.read_tokenize("statements.txt")

        for fact in facts:
        for new_rule in rules:
            assert_rule(Rule(new_rule[0], new_rule[1]))
 def setUp(self):
     # Assert starter facts
     file = 'statements_kb2.txt'
     data = read.read_tokenize(file)
     self.KB = KnowledgeBase([], [])
     count = 0 
     for item in data:
         count = count + 1
         if isinstance(item, Fact):
Пример #9
def main():
    # Assert starter facts
    file = 'statements_kb3.txt'
    data = read.read_tokenize(file)
    KB = KnowledgeBase([], [])
    for dtype, item in data:
        if dtype == read.FACT or dtype == read.RULE:

    # KB demonstration
    # Ask for one of the starter facts
    print "Starting basic KB demonstration"
    _, ask1 = read.parse_input("fact: (goodman ?x)")
    print " Asking if", ask1
    answer = KB.kb_ask(ask1)
    print KB
    def setUp(self):
        # Assert starter facts
        file = 'statements_kb4.txt' = read.read_tokenize(file)
        data = read.read_tokenize(file)
        self.KB = KnowledgeBase([], [])
        for item in data:
            if isinstance(item, Fact) or isinstance(item, Rule):

        file2 = 'statements_kb5.txt'
        self.data2 = read.read_tokenize(file2)
        data2 = read.read_tokenize(file2)
        for item in data2:
            if isinstance(item, Fact) or isinstance(item, Rule):

        file3 = 'statements_kb6.txt'
        self.data3 = read.read_tokenize(file3)
        data3 = read.read_tokenize(file3)
        for item in data3:
            if isinstance(item, Fact) or isinstance(item, Rule):
# RETRACT (here called KB_retract) that takes a statement (not a rule) and removes
# it from the knowledge base and then removes all facts and rules that it might support.
# WHY (here called KB_why) that takes a statement, finds facts that match it and then maps
# out the facts and rules that support it.
# ASK+ (here called KB_ask_plus) that takes a list of statements and returns the lists
# of the various bindings that have to hold for those statements to be true in the data.
# The test file also displays the instantiated list of input statements instantiated with
# the each of the bindings that were found

print "\033[0;32m\n=================== Loading in the data ===================\x1b[0m"

facts, rules = read.read_tokenize("asserts.txt")

retracts, retract_rules = read.read_tokenize("retracts.txt")

asks, ask_rules = read.read_tokenize("asks.txt")

print "\033[0;32m\n=================== Setting up the Knowledge Base ===================\x1b[0m"

kb = logic.kb()

print kb

print "\033[0;32m\n=================== Testing KB_Assert ===================\x1b[0m"

for rule in rules:
Пример #12
def main():
    # Assert starter facts
    file = 'statements_kb2.txt'
    data = read.read_tokenize(file)
    KB = KnowledgeBase([], [])
    for dtype, item in data:
        if dtype == read.FACT:

    # KB demonstration
    # Ask for one of the starter facts
    print "Starting basic KB demonstration"
    _, ask1 = read.parse_input("fact: (hero ?x)")
    print " Asking if", ask1
    answer = KB.kb_ask(ask1)
    print ("Basic demonstration of KB complete" if answer else "ERROR: KB demonstration failed") + "\n"

    print "Starting Test 1"
    _, test1 = read.parse_input("fact: (hero Ai)")
    print " Retracting", test1
    # KB.kb_retract(Statement(test1))
    answer = KB.kb_ask(ask1)
    # pprint_justification(answer)
    print (("Fail" if answer else "Pass") + " Test 1\n")
    print "Starting Test 2"
    fail = True
    for dtype, item in data:
        if dtype == read.RULE:
    _, test2_1 = read.parse_input("fact: (strong ?x)")
    print " Asking", test2_1
    answer = KB.kb_ask(test2_1)
    if answer and len(answer)==1 and answer[0]['?x'] == 'Ai':
        print " Pass Part 1"
        _, test2_2 = read.parse_input("fact: (inst Sarorah ?x)")
        print " Asking", test2_2
        answer = KB.kb_ask(test2_2)
        if answer and len(answer)==2 and (answer[0]['?x'] == 'Sorceress' or answer[0]['?x'] == 'Wizard'):
            print " Pass Part 2"
            _, test2_3 = read.parse_input("fact: (dead ?dragon)")
            print " Asking", test2_3
            answer = KB.kb_ask(test2_3)
            if not answer:
                print " Pass Part 3"
                _, assert_hero = read.parse_input("fact: (hero Ai)")
                print " Asserting", assert_hero
                _, test2_4 = read.parse_input("fact: (dead ?dragon)")
                print " Asking", test2_4
                answer = KB.kb_ask(test2_4)
                if answer and len(answer)==1 and answer[0]['?dragon'] == 'Nosliw':
                    print " Pass Part 4\nPass Test 2\n"
                    fail = False
    if fail:
        print "Fail Test 2\n"

    print "Starting Test 3"
    fail = True
    _, possesses = read.parse_input("fact: (possesses Ai Loot)")
    print " Retracting", possesses
    _, test3_1 = read.parse_input("fact: (dead ?dragon)")
    print " Asking", test3_1
    answer = KB.kb_ask(test3_1)
    # pprint_justification(answer)
    if not answer:
        print " Pass Part 1"
        print " Asserting", possesses
        _, sleeping = read.parse_input("fact: (sleeping Nosliw)")
        _, safe = read.parse_input("rule: (sleeping Nosliw) -> (safe HappyDale)")
        print " Asserting", sleeping
        print " Asserting", safe
        print " Retracting", possesses
        _, possesses = read.parse_input("fact: (possesses Ai Loot)")
        _, test3_2 = read.parse_input("fact: (safe ?town)")
        print " Asking", test3_2
        answer = KB.kb_ask(test3_2)
        if answer and len(answer)==1 and answer[0]['?town'] == 'HappyDale':
            print " Pass Part 2\nPass Test 3\n"
            fail = False
    if fail:
        print "Fail Test 3\n"
Пример #13
import read
import facts_and_rules

facts, rules = read.read_tokenize("statements_backup.txt")

global KB
KB = []

global RB
RB = []

def assert_rule(rule):
    if rule not in RB:

def assert_fact(fact):
    if fact not in KB:

def infer_from_fact(fact):
    for r in RB:
        bindings = facts_and_rules.match(r.lhs[0], fact)
        if bindings != False:
            if len(r.lhs) == 1:
                new_statement = facts_and_rules.statement(
                    facts_and_rules.instantiate(r.rhs.full, bindings))
Пример #14
            print 'No matching solutions \n'
    return result

def retract(pattern):
    fact = Statement(pattern)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    global KB
    global RB
    KB = []
    RB = []

    facts, rules = read.read_tokenize("statements.txt")

    for fact in facts:
    for new_rule in rules:
        assert_rule(Rule(new_rule[0], new_rule[1]))

    print '\n*******************************Knowledge Base*******************************************\n'
    for kb in KB:
        print "fact: " + kb.pretty()
    print '\n*******************************Rules Base*******************************************\n'
    for rb in RB:
        print rb.pretty()

    print '\n******************************* Ask *******************************************\n'
    result1 = ask(['color', 'pyramid1', '?x'], 1)
Пример #15
def main():
    # Assert starter facts
    file = 'statements_kb2.txt'
    data = read.read_tokenize(file)
    KB = KnowledgeBase([], [])
    for dtype, item in data:
        if dtype == read.FACT:

    # KB demonstration
    # Ask for one of the starter facts
    # print "Starting basic KB demonstration"
    _, ask1 = read.parse_input("fact: (hero ?x)")
    # print " Asking if", ask1
    # answer = KB.kb_ask(ask1)
    # # print answer
    # pprint_justification(answer)
    # print ("Basic demonstration of KB complete" if answer else "ERROR: KB demonstration failed") + "\n"

    print "Starting Test 1"
    _, test1 = read.parse_input("fact: (hero Ai)")
    # print " Retracting", test1
    # print KB.facts
    answer = KB.kb_ask(ask1)
    # print answer
    # pprint_justification(answer)
    print(("Fail" if answer else "Pass") + " Test 1\n")
    hai = Fact(test1).statement
    print "Starting Test 2"
    fail = True
    for dtype, item in data:
        if dtype == read.RULE:
            # print "the item is", item
            # if not factq(item):
            #     print "SCREAM", Rule(item)
            #     print "LHS first term is", Rule(item).lhs[0]
            #     first_term = Rule(item).lhs[0]
            #     bound = match(hai, first_term)
            #     if bound:
            #         print "bindings are", bound
            #         insta = instantiate(Rule(item).lhs[0], bound)
            #         print "INSTA", insta
            #         insta2 = instantiate(Rule(item).rhs, bound)
            #         print "INSTA2", insta2
            #         new_lhs = copy.deepcopy(Rule(item).lhs)
            #         new_lhs.remove(first_term)
            #         print "new lhs", new_lhs
            #         supby = [[Rule(item), hai]]
            #         newfact = Fact(insta2, supby)
            #         print "newfact sup by is", newfact.supported_by
            #         print newfact.statement
            #         # print "now it's", Rule(item)
            #         newrulelist = [[insta.predicate], [insta2.predicate, insta2.terms]]
            #         print "list is", newrulelist
            #         # newrule = Rule(newrulelist)
            #     # else:
            #     #     print "DIDN'T MATCH"
    _, test2_1 = read.parse_input("fact: (strong ?x)")
    print " Asking", test2_1
    answer = KB.kb_ask(test2_1)
    if answer and len(answer) == 1 and answer[0]['?x'] == 'Ai':
        print " Pass Part 1"
        _, test2_2 = read.parse_input("fact: (inst Sarorah ?x)")
        print " Asking", test2_2
        answer = KB.kb_ask(test2_2)
        if answer and len(answer) == 2 and (answer[0]['?x'] == 'Sorceress'
                                            or answer[0]['?x'] == 'Wizard'):
            print " Pass Part 2"
            _, test2_3 = read.parse_input("fact: (dead ?dragon)")
            print " Asking", test2_3
            answer = KB.kb_ask(test2_3)
            if not answer:
                print " Pass Part 3"
                _, assert_hero = read.parse_input("fact: (hero Ai)")
                print " Asserting", assert_hero
                _, test2_4 = read.parse_input("fact: (dead ?dragon)")
                print " Asking", test2_4
                answer = KB.kb_ask(test2_4)
                # pprint_justification(answer)
                if answer and len(
                        answer) == 1 and answer[0]['?dragon'] == 'Nosliw':
                    print " Pass Part 4\nPass Test 2\n"
                    fail = False
    if fail:
        print "Fail Test 2\n"

    # answer = KB.kb_ask(test2_4)
    for f in KB.facts:
        print f.statement, "\n"
    f = KB.facts[2]
    print "this is the fact", f
    print "what", isinstance(f.statement, Statement)
    dummy = Fact(['possesses', 'Ai', 'code'])
    print dummy
    dummy2 = Fact(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
    print "HELLO", KB._get_fact(dummy)
    # print "the fact", f.statement
    # for s in f.supported_by[0]:
    #     print s
    # print "consider the fact", f.statement
    # print f.asserted
    # for sf in f.supported_by:
    #     print sf, "\n"

    print "Starting Test 3"
    fail = True
    _, possesses = read.parse_input("fact: (possesses Ai Loot)")
    print " Retracting", possesses
    _, test3_1 = read.parse_input("fact: (dead ?dragon)")
    print " Asking", test3_1
    answer = KB.kb_ask(test3_1)
    print "I HATE IT", factq(['a'])
    if not answer:
        print " Pass Part 1"
        print " Asserting", possesses
        _, sleeping = read.parse_input("fact: (sleeping Nosliw)")
        _, safe = read.parse_input(
            "rule: (sleeping Nosliw) -> (safe HappyDale)")
        print " Asserting", sleeping
        print " Asserting", safe
        print " Retracting", possesses
        _, possesses = read.parse_input("fact: (possesses Ai Loot)")
        _, test3_2 = read.parse_input("fact: (safe ?town)")
        print " Asking", test3_2
        answer = KB.kb_ask(test3_2)
        if answer and len(answer) == 1 and answer[0]['?town'] == 'HappyDale':
            print " Pass Part 2\nPass Test 3\n"
            fail = False
    if fail:
        print "Fail Test 3\n"
Пример #16
# Assert statements and rules
# Retract statements and rules
# Ask our knowledge base what is true

# Knowledge base is a list of facts
# facts = []
# facts have two parts, the predicate and the argument
# to see if a statment is true, just check if the predicate is true, and the argument is true
# The only tweak is that we want to be able to check facts against statements with variables
# eg We want to be able to check on(?x, ?y), and if on(21, 22) is a fact, then we know that on(?x, ?y) is true for ?x = 21, ?y = 22

# rules = []

facts, rules = read.read_tokenize('statements.txt')

print facts
for rule in rules:
    print rule

# Want classes/objects for
# Statements
# predicates
# arguments
# methods for matching
# supports
# other statements that this fact supports (both facts and rules, so a retracted fact can retract rules and facts, which recursively retract rules and facts etc.)
# in other words, what else to remove if we retract this statement
# Variables
# name
Пример #17
            fact (Fact or Rule): Fact or Rule we're asserting in the format produced by
        print("Asserting {!r}".format(fact))

    def kb_ask(self, fact):
        """Ask if a fact is in the KB

            fact (Fact) - Fact to be asked

            ListOfBindings|False - ListOfBindings if result found, False otherwise
        print("Asking {!r}".format(fact))
        for storedFact in self.facts:
            if storedFact == fact:
                print("fact found!")
                return storedFact
        return False

if __name__ == "__main__":
    kb = KnowledgeBase()
    factList = read.read_tokenize(
        "/Users/jaspergilley/Documents/NU Classes/EECS 348/assignment-1-kb-basics-jagilley/statements_kb2.txt"
    for i in factList:
