def add_labels(PathToHDF5): f = rHDF5.AFMdata(PathToHDF5) for molstr in f.f.keys(): molecule = f.f[molstr] for ortnstr in molecule.keys(): orientation = molecule[ortnstr] orientation.create_dataset('solution', data=f.solution_xymap_collapsed([...]) print('Completeded %s bzw %s' % (ortnstr,
def change_labels(PathToHDF5): f = rHDF5.AFMdata(PathToHDF5) for molstr in f.f.keys(): timestart = time.time() molecule = f.f[molstr] print(molstr) for ortnstr in molecule.keys(): orientation = molecule[ortnstr] orientation['solution'][...] = f.solution_toyDB([...] # del(orientation['solution']) # orientation.create_dataset('solution', data=f.solution_xymap_collapsed( print(ortnstr, timeend = time.time() print("This molecule took %f seconds to relabel." % (timeend - timestart))
''' Created on Jul 25, 2017 @author: reischt1 ''' import sys sys.path.append('/u/58/reischt1/unix/ml_projects/MutualInformation/src') from MutualInformation import pyMIestimator sys.path.append('/u/58/reischt1/unix/ml_projects/readAFM/src') import readAFMHDF5 as rHDF5 k = 5 n = 100 db = rHDF5.AFMdata('/l/reischt1/toyDB_v14_twoAtoms3D.hdf5', [41, 41, 41, 1]) # for sz in range(2, 150): for sz in [200.]: for amp in [10.0]: try: data = db.batch_runtimeSolution(n, sigmabasez=float(sz) / 10., amplificationFactor=amp, verbose=True) except KeyError: print('KeyError occured. sz = {}, amp = {}'.format(sz, amp)) continue X = data['forces'] Y = data['solutions'] print("sz: %f, amp: %f" % (float(sz) / 10., amp))
def train_model(model_function, Fz_xyz, solution, keep_prob, posxyz, parameters, logfile): """Takes model function, and trains it. What kind of database, solutions, etc. to use can be specified in the parameters-dictionary. For some reason tensorflow wants the placeholders to be defined on the topmost level, so they need to be passed to this function, although they will be filled and used only within this function. Args: model_function: Function that defines the model, see, should be model_function(Fz_xyz, keep_prob, parameters, logfile), returns tensor outputlayer (batchsize, xdim, ydim, outChannels) Fz_xyz: Placeholder for the force values solution: placeholder for the solutions keep_prob: placeholder for the keep probability of the dropout layer posxyz: placeholder for the xyz positions, to be stored as text for tensorboard parameters: dict containing the parameters logfile: handle for the logfile Returns: If finished without error =0 """ LOGDIR = parameters['logdir'] # Define model: outputLayer = model_function(Fz_xyz, keep_prob, parameters, logfile) # set up evaluation system with tf.name_scope('cost'): # cost = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract(outputLayer, solution)))/float(parameters['trainbatchSize']) cost = (1. - parameters['costWeight']) * ( 1. / parameters['RuntimeSol.amplificationFactor']) * tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply(tf.square(tf.subtract( outputLayer, solution)), solution)) / float( parameters['trainbatchSize'] ) + parameters['costWeight'] * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(tf.subtract(outputLayer, solution))) / float( parameters['trainbatchSize']) tf.summary.scalar('cost', cost) with tf.name_scope('accuracy'): accuracy = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract( outputLayer, solution))) / float(parameters['testbatchSize']) tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', accuracy) # accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(tf.abs(tf.subtract(prediction, solution)), tf.float32)) with tf.name_scope('train'): train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( parameters['LearningRate']).minimize(cost) # Crate saver saver = tf.train.Saver() # Init op init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() # Start session logfile.write('it worked so far, now start session \n') summ = tf.summary.merge_all() with tf.Session() as sess: # print("b_conv1, as initialized: ") # print( # Pack this into a function! if parameters['restorePath']: saver.restore(sess, parameters['restorePath']) logfile.write("Model restored. \n") print("Model restored. See here b_conv1 restored:") # print( logfile.write('Variables initialized successfully \n') AFMdata = readAFM.AFMdata(parameters['DBPath'], shape=parameters['DBShape']) # AFMdata = readAFM.AFMdata('/tmp/reischt1/AFMDB_version_01.hdf5') writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(LOGDIR) writer.add_graph(sess.graph) # Do stochastic training: for i in range(parameters['trainstepsNumber']): logfile.write('Starting Run #%i \n' % (i)) timestart = time.time() if parameters['useRuntimeSolution']: batch = AFMdata.batch_runtimeSolution( parameters['trainbatchSize'], outputChannels=parameters['outChannels'], method=parameters['RuntimeSol.method'], COMposition=parameters['RuntimeSol.COMposition'], sigmabasexy=parameters['RuntimeSol.sigmabasexy'], sigmabasez=parameters['RuntimeSol.sigmabasez'], amplificationFactor=parameters[ 'RuntimeSol.amplificationFactor'], orientationsOnly=True, rootGroup='/train/') else: batch = AFMdata.batch(parameters['trainbatchSize'], outputChannels=parameters['outChannels']) logfile.write('read batch successfully \n') if i % parameters['logEvery'] == 0: testbatch = AFMdata.batch_runtimeSolution( parameters['testbatchSize'], outputChannels=parameters['outChannels'], method=parameters['RuntimeSol.method'], COMposition=parameters['RuntimeSol.COMposition'], sigmabasexy=parameters['RuntimeSol.sigmabasexy'], sigmabasez=parameters['RuntimeSol.sigmabasez'], amplificationFactor=parameters[ 'RuntimeSol.amplificationFactor'], orientationsOnly=True, rootGroup='/validation/', returnAtomPositions=True) [train_accuracy, s] = [accuracy, summ], feed_dict={ Fz_xyz: testbatch['forces'], solution: testbatch['solutions'], keep_prob: 1.0, posxyz: [map(str, bla) for bla in testbatch['atomPosition']] }) logfile.write("step %d, training accuracy %g \n" % (i, train_accuracy)) writer.add_summary(s, i) if i % parameters['saveEvery'] == 0 and parameters['saveName']: save_path =, LOGDIR + parameters['saveName'], i) logfile.write("Model saved in file: %s \n" % save_path) feed_dict={ Fz_xyz: batch['forces'], solution: batch['solutions'], keep_prob: 0.6 }) timeend = time.time() logfile.write('ran train step in %f seconds \n' % (timeend - timestart)) if parameters['useRuntimeSolution']: testbatch = AFMdata.batch_runtimeSolution( parameters['testbatchSize'], outputChannels=parameters['outChannels'], method=parameters['RuntimeSol.method'], COMposition=parameters['RuntimeSol.COMposition'], sigmabasexy=parameters['RuntimeSol.sigmabasexy'], sigmabasez=parameters['RuntimeSol.sigmabasez'], amplificationFactor=parameters[ 'RuntimeSol.amplificationFactor'], orientationsOnly=True, rootGroup='/validation/', returnAtomPositions=True) else: testbatch = AFMdata.batch(parameters['testbatchSize'], outputChannels=parameters['outChannels'], returnAtomPositions=True) [testaccuracy, s] = [accuracy, summ], feed_dict={ Fz_xyz: testbatch['forces'], solution: testbatch['solutions'], keep_prob: 1.0, posxyz: [map(str, bla) for bla in testbatch['atomPosition']] }) logfile.write("test accuracy %g \n" % testaccuracy) make_viewfile( parameters, testaccuracy, outputLayer.eval(feed_dict={ Fz_xyz: testbatch['forces'], keep_prob: 1.0 }), testbatch['solutions'], testbatch['atomPosition']) return 0
def eval_model(model_function, Fz_xyz, solution, keep_prob, posxyz, parameters, logfile): """ Evaluates the model_function that is passed to it. What kind of database, solutions, etc. to use can be specified in the parameters-dictionary. For some reason tensorflow wants the placeholders to be defined on the topmost level, so they need to be passed to this function, although they will be filled and used only within this function. Args: model_function: Function that defines the model, see, should be model_function(Fz_xyz, keep_prob, parameters, logfile), returns tensor outputlayer (batchsize, xdim, ydim, outChannels) Fz_xyz: Placeholder for the force values solution: placeholder for the solutions keep_prob: placeholder for the keep probability of the dropout layer posxyz: placeholder for the xyz positions, to be stored as text for tensorboard parameters: dict containing the parameters logfile: handle for the logfile Returns: If finished without error =0 """ LOGDIR = parameters['logdir'] # Define model: outputLayer = model_function(Fz_xyz, keep_prob, parameters, logfile) # set up evaluation system with tf.name_scope('accuracy'): accuracy = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract( outputLayer, solution))) / float(parameters['testbatchSize']) tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', accuracy) # accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(tf.abs(tf.subtract(prediction, solution)), tf.float32)) # Crate saver saver = tf.train.Saver() # Init op init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() # Start session logfile.write('it worked so far, now start session \n') summ = tf.summary.merge_all() with tf.Session() as sess: if parameters['restorePath']: saver.restore(sess, parameters['restorePath']) logfile.write("Model restored. \n") print("Model restored.") logfile.write('Variables initialized successfully \n') AFMdata = readAFM.AFMdata(parameters['DBPath'], shape=parameters['DBShape']) # AFMdata = readAFM.AFMdata('/tmp/reischt1/AFMDB_version_01.hdf5') writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(LOGDIR) writer.add_graph(sess.graph) if parameters['useRuntimeSolution']: testbatch = AFMdata.batch_runtimeSolution( parameters['testbatchSize'], outputChannels=parameters['outChannels'], method=parameters['RuntimeSol.method'], COMposition=parameters['RuntimeSol.COMposition'], sigmabasexy=parameters['RuntimeSol.sigmabasexy'], sigmabasez=parameters['RuntimeSol.sigmabasez'], amplificationFactor=parameters[ 'RuntimeSol.amplificationFactor'], returnAtomPositions=True, orientationsOnly=False, rootGroup='/') else: testbatch = AFMdata.batch(parameters['testbatchSize'], outputChannels=parameters['outChannels'], returnAtomPositions=True) [testaccuracy, s] = [accuracy, summ], feed_dict={ Fz_xyz: testbatch['forces'], solution: testbatch['solutions'], keep_prob: 1.0, posxyz: [map(str, bla) for bla in testbatch['atomPosition']] }) logfile.write("test accuracy %g \n" % testaccuracy) writer.add_summary(s) # Save two np.arrays to be able to view it later. # make_viewfile(parameters, testaccuracy, outputLayer.eval(feed_dict={Fz_xyz: testbatch['forces'], keep_prob: 1.0}), testbatch['solutions'], testbatch['atomPosition']) return 0
with tf.Session() as sess: print("b_conv1, as initialized: ") print(['biases'])) # Pack this into a function! if parameters['restorePath']: saver.restore(sess, parameters['restorePath']) logfile.write("Model restored. \n") print("Model restored. See here b_conv1 restored:") print(['biases'])) logfile.write('Variables initialized successfully \n') AFMdata = readAFM.AFMdata(parameters['DBPath']) testbatch = AFMdata.batch_test(parameters['testbatchSize']) testaccuracy = accuracy.eval( feed_dict={ Fz_xyz: testbatch['forces'], solution: testbatch['solutions'], keep_prob: 1.0 }) logfile.write("test accuracy %g \n" % testaccuracy) # Save two np.arrays to be able to view it later. viewfile = h5py.File(parameters['viewPath'], 'w') viewfile.attrs['testaccuracy'] = testaccuracy viewfile.create_dataset( 'predictions',