def process(targ): if P(targ).is_file(): targ = P(targ).parent regex = re.compile(r"_Scan(\d+).dat") experiments = list(set([P("_".join(str(ii).split("_")[:-1])) for ii in P(targ).iterdir() if])) for ind, exp in enumerate(experiments): files = [ii for ii in P(targ).iterdir() if and] for idx, f in enumerate(files): header, data = read(f, flipX=False) if idx == 0: outdata = np.zeros_like(data) for row in header.split("\n"): if 'Wavelength:' in row: wv = int( float(("".join([ii for ii in row if ii.isdigit() or ii == "."])))) outdata += data outdata /= len(files) try: os.mkdir(str(exp.parent) + '/processed_data/') except FileExistsError: pass fileout = exp.parent.joinpath( "processed_data/" + + f"_{wv}.csv") outstr = "" for row in outdata: if row[0] > 0: outstr += f"{row[0]}, {row[1]}\n" fileout.write_text(outstr) statusBar((ind + 1) / len(experiments) * 100)
def process(filename): header, data = read(filename) data_array = np.array(data) data_dict = { 'param': 1E6 * data_array[:, 0], 'echo': data_array[:, 3], } popt, pcov = cf(func, data_dict['param'], data_dict['echo']) min_idx = np.argmin(func(data_dict['param'], *popt)) min_time = data_dict['param'][min_idx] rabi_freq = 1 / (2 * min_time * 1E-6) / 1E6 # convert the us to s then get freq # print(popt) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(data_dict['param'], data_dict['echo'], label='Raw data', c='black') ax.plot(data_dict['param'], func(data_dict['param'], *popt), label=f"Min time: {min_time:.2f} $\mu$s\nFreq: {popt[0]:.2f} MHz", c='red') ax.legend() ax.set_ylabel('Echo intensity (arb. u)') ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xlabel('$P_1$ length ($\mu$s)') ax.set_title('Rabi echo intensity vs. inversion pulse length') for s in ['top', 'right']: ax.spines[s].set_visible(False) plt.savefig(P(filename).parent.joinpath('fixedSourceRabi.png'), dpi=300)
def fit(filename, fitax, difax): folder = P(filename).parent _, data = read(filename) field = str(P(filename).stem).split("data_")[-1] if TESTING: popt, pcov = cf(double_debye, data[:, 0], data[:, 1], method='trf', verbose=0) print(field) else: popt, pcov = cf(double_debye, data[:, 0], data[:, 1], method='trf', verbose=2, p0=[50, 10, 200, 10]) leg_popt = [f"{ii:.1f}" for ii in popt] fitax.plot(data[:, 0], double_debye(data[:, 0], *popt), label=f'fit: {field}') fitax.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], label=f'raw: {field}') fitax.legend() difax.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1] - double_debye(data[:, 0], *popt), label=f'{field}') difax.legend() return popt
def fit(filename, debye_T, approx=False, dims=False): header, data = read(filename) max_T = 15 data = data[data[:, 0] < max_T] if not approx: if dims: popt, pcov = cf(debye_ndim, data[:,0], data[:, 1], bounds=(([55, 0, 1/2],[65,np.inf,4]))) else: popt, pcov = cf(debye, data[:,0], data[:, 1], bounds=(([55, 0],[65,np.inf]))) else: popt, pcov = cf(low_T_approx, data[:,0], data[:, 1], p0=[150, 10E-3]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() if not approx: if dims: ax.plot(data[:,0], debye_ndim(data[:, 0], *popt),label=r"$T_D$" + f"={popt[0]:.1f} K\nA={popt[1]:.1e}\nn={popt[2]:.1f}") else: ax.plot(data[:,0], debye(data[:, 0], *popt),label=r"$T_D$" + f"={popt[0]:.1f} K\nA={popt[1]:.1e}") else: ax.plot(data[:,0], low_T_approx(data[:, 0], *popt),label=f"A={popt[0]:.3e}; B={popt[1]:.3e}") ax.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], label="raw") ax.legend() plt.savefig(P(filename).parent.joinpath('fit_to_0T.png'),dpi=300) # ax.set_yscale('log') figg, axx = plt.subplots() for field in [0, 1, 3, 6, 9]: _, data = read(f"/Users/Brad/Library/Containers/com.eltima.cloudmounter.mas/Data/.CMVolumes/Brad Price/Research/Data/2021/04/1/data_{field}T.dat") data = data[data[:, 0] < max_T] if not approx: if dims: plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1] - debye_ndim(data[:, 0], *popt), label=f"{field} T") else: plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1] - debye(data[:, 0], *popt), label=f"{field} T") else: plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1] - low_T_approx(data[:, 0], *popt), label=f"{field} T") axx.legend() plt.savefig(P(filename).parent.joinpath('all_fields_subtract_0T_fit.png'),dpi=300)
def compare(targ='./'): if not targ.endswith('/'): targ += '/' filelist = [ targ + ii for ii in os.listdir(targ) if (ii.startswith('dispersion') or ii.startswith('absorption')) and ii.endswith('_exp.txt') ] disp_add = False abs_add = False for file in filelist: legend = ' '.join([ ii.title() for ii in P(file).stem.split('_') if ('absorption' in ii or 'dispersion' in ii or 'light' in ii.lower()) ]).replace('light', '').replace('Absorption', 'Abs').replace('Dispersion', 'Disp') header, data = read(file) plt.figure('Comparison') # data[:, 1] = subtract(data[:, 1]) if not disp_add: if 'Disp' in legend: disp_add = np.max(data[:, 1]) if not abs_add: if 'Abs' in legend: abs_add = np.min(data[:, 1]) if 'Disp' in legend: data[:, 1] += disp_add elif 'Abs' in legend: data[:, 1] += abs_add plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], label=legend) plt.legend() plt.title('Light on/off comparison') plt.xlabel('Field (T)') plt.ylabel('Signal (arb. u)') plt.yticks([]) plt.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(-2, 2)) plt.savefig(targ + 'compared.png', dpi=200)
def importData(filename): """importData. :param filename: file """ file = open(filename, 'r').read() if file[0] == '{': data = ast.literal_eval(file) else: data = {} header, npdata = read(filename) for item in header.strip().split('\n')[-1].split(','): itemdata = list( npdata[:, header.strip().split('\n')[-1].split(',').index(item)]) data[item.strip()] = itemdata return data
def create(targ): files = [ ii for ii in P(targ).iterdir() if'_exp.txt') and'dispersion') ] for f in files: outstr = "" header, data = read(f) data[:, 1] = -1 * np.imag(signal.hilbert(data[:, 1])) frac = 100 deltaB = (data[-1, 0] - data[0, 0]) / len(data[:, 0]) leftB = np.linspace(data[0, 0] - (data[-1, 0] - data[0, 0]) / frac, data[0, 0], int(((data[-1, 0] - data[0, 0]) / frac) // deltaB)) rightB = np.linspace( data[-1, 0] + (data[-1, 0] - data[0, 0]) / frac, data[-1, 0], int(((data[-1, 0] - data[0, 0]) / frac) // deltaB)) left_zeros = np.zeros_like(leftB) right_zeros = np.zeros_like(rightB) B = np.zeros(len(data[:, 0]) + len(leftB) + len(rightB)) Data = np.zeros_like(B) B[:len(leftB)] = leftB B[len(leftB):len(leftB) + len(data[:, 0])] = data[:, 0] B[len(leftB) + len(data[:, 0]):len(leftB) + len(data[:, 0]) + len(rightB)] = rightB Data[:len(leftB)] = left_zeros Data[len(leftB):len(leftB) + len(data[:, 1])] = data[:, 1] Data[len(leftB) + len(data[:, 1]):len(leftB) + len(data[:, 1]) + len(rightB)] = right_zeros outdat = np.transpose(np.array([B, Data])) for index, row in enumerate(outdat): outstr += f"{row[0]}, {row[1]}\n" P(targ).joinpath('dispersion', 'hilbert_abs')).write_text(outstr)
def process(filename, on, off, window_frac=10, order=2): """process. :param filename: input filename :param on: on-time for laser :param off: off-time for laser :window_frac: reciprocal of data length for window choice :order: savgol_filter polyfit order """ header, data = read(filename) t = data[:, 0] r = data[:, 2] + 1j * data[:, 3] i = data[:, 4] + 1j * data[:, 5] sig = np.abs(r) + 1j * np.abs(i) index = 0 avgsig = [] avgr = [] avgi = [] prevlen = 0 while index < len(sig): lo = np.where(t >= index * (on + off))[0][0] hi = np.where(t < (index + 1) * (on + off))[0][-1] if np.abs(hi - lo) < prevlen * 0.9: break if window_frac == 0: # use 0 to not do savgol filtering avgsig.append(np.abs(sig[lo:hi])) avgr.append(np.real(r[lo:hi]) + 1j * np.imag(r[lo:hi])) avgi.append(np.real(i[lo:hi]) + 1j * np.imag(i[lo:hi])) else: avgsig.append( savgol_filter(np.abs(sig[lo:hi]), (2 * (np.abs(hi - lo) // window_frac) + 1), order)) avgr.append( savgol_filter( np.real(r)[lo:hi], (2 * (np.abs(hi - lo) // window_frac) + 1), order) + 1j * savgol_filter( np.imag(r)[lo:hi], (2 * (np.abs(hi - lo) // window_frac) + 1), order)) avgi.append( savgol_filter( np.real(i)[lo:hi], (2 * (np.abs(hi - lo) // window_frac) + 1), order) + 1j * savgol_filter( np.imag(i)[lo:hi], (2 * (np.abs(hi - lo) // window_frac) + 1), order)) prevlen = np.abs(hi - lo) index += 1 smallen = np.inf for row in avgsig: if len(row) < smallen: smallen = len(row) full = np.zeros(smallen) plots = { "Average mag": avgsig, "Ch1 real": avgr, "Ch1 imag": avgr, "Ch2 real": avgi, "Ch2 imag": avgi } # avgr, "Ch2 real": avgi, "Ch2 imag": avgi} for plot, dat in plots.items(): plt.figure(plot) for row in dat: if "real" in plot: row = np.real(row) elif "imag" in plot: row = np.imag(row) if np.min(row) < 0: row -= np.min(row) plt.plot(t[:len(row)], row / np.max(row), alpha=0.3, color='lightgray') full += row[:smallen] / np.max(row[:smallen]) full = full / np.max(full) popt, pcov = curve_fit(biexponential, t[:smallen], full, maxfev=1000000) abovelas = np.where(t > on)[0][0] plt.plot(t[:smallen], full, label="Raw data") plt.plot(np.linspace(t[abovelas], t[smallen]), biexponential(np.linspace(t[abovelas], t[smallen]), *popt), label=r"Fit: $\tau_1$=" + f"{popt[2]:.2f}" + r" $s^{-1}$;$\tau_2$=" + f"{popt[4]:.2f}" + r" $s^{-1}$") plt.legend() rang = np.max(full) - np.min(full) plt.annotate('Laser\npulse', (on / 2, np.max(full)), color='gray', horizontalalignment='center') plt.ylim(np.min(full) - rang / 4, np.max(full) + rang / 4) plt.axvspan(0, on, facecolor='palegreen') plt.title(plot) if plot == "Ch2 imag": plt.title("Time-resolved EPR absoption vs. time") plt.ylabel('Normalized signal') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') full = np.zeros(smallen) plt.savefig(P(filename).parent.joinpath(f"{plot}.png"))
def shrink(filename, start=0, end=-1, directory='./'): header, data = read(directory + filename) data = data[start:end, :] savename = directory + '/short/' + filename np.savetxt(savename, data, header=header, delimiter=', ')
def subtract(targ='./', background=0, experiment=1, downsample=10): if not targ.endswith('/'): targ += '/' filelist = [ targ + ii for ii in os.listdir(targ) if ii.endswith('.dat') and ii.startswith('M') ] background_file = '' data_file = '' for file in filelist: m ='[M][0-9][0-9]', file) num = int('M')) if num == background and 'AverageLog' in file: background_file = file if num == experiment and 'AverageLog' in file: data_file = file if not background_file: print('No background average found. Attempting to calculate it.') background_list = [ ii for ii in filelist if int('[M][0-9][0-9]', ii).group(0).lstrip('M')) == background ] first_head, first_data = read(background_list[0]) background_sum = np.copy(first_data) count = 1 for file in background_list: h, d = read(file) background_sum += d count += 1 b_data = background_sum / count else: b_header, b_data = read(background_file) if not data_file: print('No data average found. Attempting to calculate it.') data_list = [ ii for ii in filelist if int('[M][0-9][0-9]', ii).group(0).lstrip('M')) == data ] first_head, first_data = read(data_list[0]) data_sum = np.copy(first_data) count = 1 for file in data_list: h, d = read(file) data_sum += d count += 1 data = data_sum / count else: header, data = read(data_file) datatypes = header.strip().split(', ') title = ' '.join(data_file.split('/')[-1].split('_')[:-1]).title() + \ ' spectrum w/o background' true_data = data[2:, 1] - b_data[2:, 1] plt.figure('True data') plt.plot(data[2:, 0], true_data, label=f"{targ.split('/')[-2]}nm") plt.plot(data[2::downsample, 0], decimate(true_data, downsample), label=f"{targ.split('/')[-2]}nm {downsample}x downsample") yy = savgol_filter(true_data, len(true_data) // downsample, 2) plt.plot(data[2:, 0], yy, label='savgol_filter') plt.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(-2, 2)) plt.ylabel(datatypes[1]) plt.yticks([]) plt.xlabel(datatypes[0]) plt.title(title) plt.legend() plt.savefig(targ + 'subtracted.png')
if __name__ == "__main__": _, ax = plt.subplots() if FITALL: fields = [0, 3, 6, 9] _, dax = plt.subplots() results = {} for field in fields: filename = f"/Users/Brad/Library/Containers/com.eltima.cloudmounter.mas/Data/.CMVolumes/Brad Price/Research/Data/2021/04/13/BDPA_{field}T.csv" results[f"{field}T"] = list(fit(filename, ax, dax)) P(filename).parent.joinpath('fit_params.txt').write_text(repr(results)) else: fields = [3, 6, 9] filename = f"/Users/Brad/Library/Containers/com.eltima.cloudmounter.mas/Data/.CMVolumes/Brad Price/Research/Data/2021/04/13/BDPA_0T.csv" params = P(filename).parent.joinpath("fit_params.txt").read_text() popt = ast.literal_eval(params)["0T"] _, dat = read(filename) f = interp1d(dat[:, 0], dat[:, 1]) for field in fields: # popt = ast.literal_eval(params)[f"{field}T"] filename = f"/Users/Brad/Library/Containers/com.eltima.cloudmounter.mas/Data/.CMVolumes/Brad Price/Research/Data/2021/04/13/BDPA_{field}T.csv" _, data = read(filename) data = data[(data[:, 0] <= dat[-1, 0]) & (data[:, 0] >= dat[0, 0])] bdata = f(data[:, 0]) # ax.plot(data[:, 0], (data[:, 1]-double_debye(data[:, 0], *popt))/(double_debye(data[:,0], *popt))*100, label=f"{field}T") # ax.scatter(data[:, 0], (data[:, 1]-bdata)/bdata*100, label=f"{field}T", s=10) ax.plot(data[:, 0], (data[:, 1] - bdata) / bdata * 100, label=f"{field}T") # ax.plot(data[:, 0], double_debye(data[:, 0], *popt), label="1T fit") # ax.set_title(r"$T_{D_1}$=" + f"{popt[0]:.1f}, " + f"A={popt[1]:.1f}, " + r"$T_{D_2}$=" + f"{popt[2]:.1f}, B={popt[3]:.1f}") ax.set_title("Field dependent magnetic heat capacity") # plot =