os.chdir(bfp_path) cf = readConfig(config_file) # Import BrainSync libraries # %% log_fname = os.path.join(cf.out_dir, 'bfp_group_stat_log.txt') write_text_timestamp(log_fname, 'Config file used: ' + config_file) if not os.path.isdir(cf.out_dir): os.makedirs(cf.out_dir) write_text_timestamp(log_fname, "All outputs will be written in: " + cf.out_dir) # read demographic csv file subIDs, sub_fname, group, reg_var, reg_cvar1, reg_cvar2 = read_demoCSV( cf.csv_fname, cf.data_dir, cf.file_ext, cf.colsubj, cf.colvar_exclude, cf.colvar_group, cf.colvar_main, cf.colvar_reg1, cf.colvar_reg2) group = np.int16(group) # for boolan indexing, need to convert to numpy array subIDs = np.array(subIDs) sub_fname = np.array(sub_fname) print('Identifying subjects for each group...') subIDs_grp2 = subIDs[group == 1] sub_fname_grp2 = sub_fname[group == 1] subIDs_grp1 = subIDs[group == 0] sub_fname_grp1 = sub_fname[group == 0] # %% makes file list for subcjects
sys.path.append(os.path.join(str(bfp_path), 'src/BrainSync/')) from read_data_utils import load_bfp_data, read_demoCSV, write_text_timestamp, readConfig os.chdir(bfp_path) cf = readConfig(config_file) from stats_utils import randpairs_regression, multiLinReg_resid, LinReg_resid, multiLinReg_corr from grayord_utils import vis_grayord_sigcorr, vis_grayord_sigpval #%% log_fname = os.path.join(cf.out_dir, 'bfp_linregr_stat_log.txt') write_text_timestamp(log_fname, 'Config file used: ' + config_file) if not os.path.isdir(cf.out_dir): os.makedirs(cf.out_dir) write_text_timestamp(log_fname, "All outputs will be written in: " + cf.out_dir) # read demographic csv file sub_ID, sub_fname, _, reg_var, reg_cvar1, reg_cvar2 = read_demoCSV( cf.csv_fname, cf.data_dir, cf.file_ext, cf.colsubj, cf.colvar_exclude, cf.colvar_atlas, cf.colvar_main, cf.colvar_reg1, cf.colvar_reg2) #%% makes file list for subjects print( 'Identifying subjects for hypothesis testing, no atlas needs to be created...' ) subTest_fname = [] subTest_IDs = [] for ind in range(len(sub_ID)): sub = sub_ID[ind] fname = sub_fname[ind] subTest_fname.append(fname) subTest_IDs.append(sub) if cf.test_all == 'False': numT = len(subTest_IDs)
from stats_utils import dist2atlas, sync2atlas, multiLinReg_corr from stats_utils import randpairs_regression, multiLinReg_resid, LinReg_resid, multiLinReg_corr from grayord_utils import vis_grayord_sigcorr, vis_grayord_sigpval #%% if not os.path.isdir(cf.out_dir): os.makedirs(cf.out_dir) log_fname = os.path.join(cf.out_dir, 'bfp_linregr_stat_log.txt') write_text_timestamp(log_fname, 'Config file used: ' + config_file) write_text_timestamp(log_fname, "All outputs will be written in: " + cf.out_dir ) # read demographic csv file sub_ID, sub_fname, subAtlas_idx, reg_var, reg_cvar1, reg_cvar2 = read_demoCSV(cf.csv_fname, cf.data_dir, cf.file_ext, cf.colsubj, cf.colvar_exclude, cf.colvar_atlas, cf.colvar_main, cf.colvar_reg1, cf.colvar_reg2, cf.matcht, cf.lentime) #%% makes file list for subjects print('Identifying subjects for atlas creation and hypothesis testing...') subTest_fname = []; subTest_IDs = []; subAtlas_fname = []; subAtlas_IDs = [] for ind in range(len(sub_ID)): sub = sub_ID[ind] fname = sub_fname[ind] if cf.stat_test == 'atlas-linear' or cf.stat_test == 'atlas-group': if int(subAtlas_idx[ind]) ==1: subAtlas_fname.append(fname) subAtlas_IDs.append(sub)