Пример #1
def main():
    script, filename, lookaside, lookahead = sys.argv
    lookaside = int(lookaside)
    lookahead = int(lookahead)

    # print "read filter file"
    # w is an Nn x Ni ndarray of weights
    w = read_filters.read_filters(filename)

    # print "break into chunks"
    # chunks is a list of Nrows * Tn * Ti weights
    (chunks, chunk_idxs) = chunk.chunk(w)

    # print "processing each chunk"
    for c in chunks:
        process_weights(c, lookaside, lookahead)

    # print "cycles = ", float(total_reduced_rows)/total_rows
    cols = (filename, lookaside, lookahead, total_reduced_rows, total_rows)
    for c in cols:
        print str(c) + ",",
Пример #2
def main():
    script, filename, lookaside, lookahead = sys.argv
    lookaside = int(lookaside)
    lookahead = int(lookahead)

    # print "read filter file"
    # w is an Nn x Ni ndarray of weights
    w = read_filters.read_filters(filename)

    # print "break into chunks"
    # chunks is a list of Nrows * Tn * Ti weights
    (chunks, chunk_idxs) = chunk.chunk(w)

    # print "processing each chunk"
    for c in chunks:
        process_weights(c, lookaside, lookahead)

    # print "cycles = ", float(total_reduced_rows)/total_rows
    cols = (filename, lookaside, lookahead, total_reduced_rows, total_rows)
    for c in cols:
        print str(c) +",",
Пример #3
lookahead   = int(args.pop(0))
out_limit   = int(args.pop(0))
in_limit    = int(args.pop(0))
buffer_size = int(args.pop(0))
n_sets      = int(args.pop(0))
n_ways      = int(args.pop(0))
Tii         = int(args.pop(0))

negatives_are_dups = True

#print "read filter file"
# w is an Nn x Ni ndarray of weights
w = read_filters.read_filters(filename)
(Nn, Ni) = w.shape

#print w.shape

glob_weights = w
glob_dups = {}
glob_max_buffer_size = 0

total_dups = 0
removed_dups = 0
forwarded_dups = 0

# buffer[set][way]
buffer = [[{} for i in range(n_ways)] for j in range(n_sets)]
next_c_dict = [[{} for i in range(n_ways)] for j in range(n_sets)]
Пример #4
Make_Figure = True	#Creates a plot with the LFs at different bands
Make_LF		= True
Make_Output = True	#Outputs galaxy catalogues that can be used for clustering analysis.
Make_Random	= False	
Make_FigCompareMags = False
CheckMock = False

#L_line  = 1215.67  # Angstroms
L_line  = 3727.0  # Angstroms

#Lyaz,izr,GalArr,Vol = get_lya(zrange)

FiltArr,wrange = rf.read_filters()
jpaslims = jp.get_jpaslims()

app_type = 1	# 0 means per 3 arcsec diameter, 1 means per square arcsec

cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=73, Om0=0.25)
zrArr = comparat_zranges()

zminlist = map(float,zrArr['zmin'])
zmaxlist = map(float,zrArr['zmax'])
minz = np.min(zminlist)
maxz = np.max(zmaxlist)
#maxz = np.max(zrArr['zmax'])

print minz,maxz
minsfr = 5.0
Пример #5
def main(nproc, outfile):
  Creates files containing all emission line luminosities and
  magnitudes for lightcone galaxies.
  Calculation is split in a given number of processes, where
  each computes the emission lines of a chunk of data independently
  and outputs the results to a file.


  nproc = number of processes
  outfile = Output file name. (final name will be followed by a number)

    # nproc = argv[0]
    # outfile = argv[1]

    # if (len(argv) < 2):
    #   print 'you need to provide 2 arguments: nproc outfile.'
    #   print 'Exiting..'
    #   return 0

    nproc = int(nproc)

    IncludeMags = True

    print 'nproc:', nproc, ' outfile:', outfile
    #L_line  = 1215.67  # Angstroms
    L_line = 3727.0  # Angstroms
    #Lyaz,izr,GalArr,Vol = get_lya(zrange)

    FiltArr, wrange = rf.read_filters()
    jpaslims = jp.get_jpaslims()

    app_type = 1  # 0 means per 3 arcsec diameter, 1 means per square arcsec
    cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=73, Om0=0.25)
    zrArr = comparat_zranges()

    zminlist = map(float, zrArr['zmin'])
    zmaxlist = map(float, zrArr['zmax'])
    minz = np.min(zminlist)
    maxz = np.max(zmaxlist)
    #maxz = np.max(zrArr['zmax'])

    print minz, maxz
    minsfr = 0.1

    nFil = len(FiltArr['w'])
    CentralW = np.zeros(nFil)
    int_ab = np.zeros(nFil)
    p10p90W = np.zeros([nFil, 2])

    for i in range(nFil):
        CentralW[i] = wp.quantile(FiltArr['w'][i], FiltArr['t'][i], 0.5)
        nz = np.where(FiltArr['w'][i] != 0)
        int_ab[i] = (integral.simps(FiltArr['t'][i][nz] / FiltArr['w'][i][nz],
        p10p90W[i, 0] = wp.quantile(FiltArr['w'][i][nz], FiltArr['t'][i][nz],
        p10p90W[i, 1] = wp.quantile(FiltArr['w'][i][nz], FiltArr['t'][i][nz],
        print 'int_ab[i]', int_ab[i]

    print 'loading lightcone data'
    props = ['redshift', 'pos', 'Mz', 'Mcold', 'sfr', 'vel', 'stellarmass']
    print 'now loading photo-ionisation grid'
    lineinfo, linesarr = read_photoion()
    nline = lineinfo['nlines']
    usezspace = 1

    # magtype stores both the value of the magnitude (float) and the
    # filter id (int) where that magnitude was computed.

    magtype = np.dtype('f4, i4')

    def read_lightcone_chunk(ip, nproc):
        GalArr, lLyc, ngg, DistNz, zdist = readmock_chunk(ip,

        zcold = GalArr['Mcold'] / GalArr['Mz']
        qpar = qZrelation(zcold)  # assuming default pars.

        # This stores all line luminosities for all galaxies
        # LinesLumArr[i,j] = Luminosity of line j for galaxy i.
        LinesLumArr = np.zeros((ngg, nline))
        redshiftArr = np.zeros(ngg)
        SfrArr = np.zeros(ngg)
        MStellarArr = np.zeros(ngg)
        ZArr = np.zeros(ngg)
        print 'ip ' + str(
            ip) + ', computing lines for  ngals=', ngg, ' galaxies...'
        for ig in range(ngg):
            LinesLumArr[ig, :] = integ_line(lineinfo,
            redshiftArr[ig] = GalArr['redshift'][ig]
            SfrArr[ig] = GalArr['sfr'][ig]
            MStellarArr[ig] = GalArr['stellarmass'][ig]
            ZArr[ig] = zcold[ig]

#     LinesLumArr[ig,il] = iline

        print 'redshiftArr', redshiftArr[0:10]
        print 'Lines[0,:]', LinesLumArr[0, :]
        print 'Lines[10,:]', LinesLumArr[10, :]
        print 'Lines[100,:]', LinesLumArr[100, :]
        print 'zarr[100,:]', ZArr[0:100]
        print 'Proc ip:' + str(ip) + ' done with that.'

        # This stores the AB observed-frame apparent magnitude for all luminosities of all galaxies, indicating also to which filter
        # the stored magnitudes corresponds to.
        # MagsLumArr[i,j] = (AB magnitude, filter id) of line j of galaxy i.

        MagsLumArr = np.zeros((ngg, nline), dtype=magtype)
        realdist = np.sqrt(GalArr['pos'][:, 0]**2 + GalArr['pos'][:, 1]**2 +
                           GalArr['pos'][:, 2]**2)
        log_dist = np.log10(realdist) + np.log10(mpc2cm_24) + 24.0 + np.log10(
            1 + GalArr['redshift'])

        if IncludeMags is True:
            for il in range(nline):
                L_line = lineinfo['lambda0'][il]
                wgal = L_line * (1 + GalArr['redshift'])
                log_Fline = LinesLumArr[:, il] - (np.log10(4 * np.pi) + 2 *
                FLine = 10**log_Fline

                for i in range(ngg):
                    idFilter, Val = find_nearest_vector(CentralW, wgal[i])

                    if idFilter == 0:
                        if wgal[i] < p10p90W[0, 0]:
                            MagsLumArr[i, il] = (-99, -99)
                    elif idFilter == nFil - 1:
                        if wgal[i] > p10p90W[nFil - 1, 1]:
                            MagsLumArr[i, il] = (99, 99)
                        nz = np.where(FiltArr['w'][idFilter] != 0)
                        lamb = FiltArr['w'][idFilter][nz]
                        tlamb = FiltArr['t'][idFilter][nz]
                        tlam0 = np.interp(wgal[i], lamb, tlamb)
                        # mag_app[i] = -2.5*(log_Fline[i]+ np.log10((wgal[i]*tlam0)/int_ab[idFilter]) - 18-np.log10(3.0)) - 48.60
                        mag_app = -2.5 * (log_Fline[i] + np.log10(
                            (wgal[i] * tlam0) / int_ab[idFilter]) - 18 -
                                          np.log10(3.0)) - 48.60

                        MagsLumArr[i, il] = (mag_app, idFilter)

        filename = outfile + '.' + str(ip)
        nf = open(filename, "wb")
        print 'writing file ' + filename
        nf.write(struct.pack('l', ngg))
        nf.write(struct.pack('i', nline))
        if IncludeMags is True:
        print 'file ' + filename + ' written succesfully.'

        return 1

    if nproc == 1:
        processes = read_lightcone_chunk(0, 1)
        print 'start processes'
        processes = [
            mp.Process(target=read_lightcone_chunk, args=(ip, nproc))
            for ip in range(nproc)
        for p in processes:

        for p in processes:

    return 1
Пример #6
def main(nproc,outfile):
  Creates files containing all emission line luminosities and
  magnitudes for lightcone galaxies.
  Calculation is split in a given number of processes, where
  each computes the emission lines of a chunk of data independently
  and outputs the results to a file.


  nproc = number of processes
  outfile = Output file name. (final name will be followed by a number)

# nproc = argv[0]
# outfile = argv[1]

# if (len(argv) < 2):
#   print 'you need to provide 2 arguments: nproc outfile.'
#   print 'Exiting..'
#   return 0

  nproc = int(nproc)

  IncludeMags = True

  print 'nproc:',nproc,' outfile:',outfile
  #L_line  = 1215.67  # Angstroms
  L_line  = 3727.0  # Angstroms
  #Lyaz,izr,GalArr,Vol = get_lya(zrange)

  FiltArr,wrange = rf.read_filters()
  jpaslims = jp.get_jpaslims()

  app_type = 1  # 0 means per 3 arcsec diameter, 1 means per square arcsec
  cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=73, Om0=0.25)
  zrArr = comparat_zranges()

  zminlist = map(float,zrArr['zmin'])
  zmaxlist = map(float,zrArr['zmax'])
  minz = np.min(zminlist)
  maxz = np.max(zmaxlist)
  #maxz = np.max(zrArr['zmax'])

  print minz,maxz
  minsfr = 0.1

  nFil = len(FiltArr['w'])
  CentralW = np.zeros(nFil)
  int_ab = np.zeros(nFil)
  p10p90W = np.zeros([nFil,2])

  for i in range(nFil):
    CentralW[i] = wp.quantile(FiltArr['w'][i],FiltArr['t'][i],0.5)
    nz = np.where(FiltArr['w'][i] != 0)
    int_ab[i] = (integral.simps(FiltArr['t'][i][nz]/FiltArr['w'][i][nz],FiltArr['w'][i][nz]))
    p10p90W[i,0] = wp.quantile(FiltArr['w'][i][nz],FiltArr['t'][i][nz],0.1)
    p10p90W[i,1] = wp.quantile(FiltArr['w'][i][nz],FiltArr['t'][i][nz],0.9)
    print 'int_ab[i]',int_ab[i]

  print 'loading lightcone data'
  props = ['redshift','pos','Mz','Mcold','sfr','vel','stellarmass']
  print 'now loading photo-ionisation grid'
  lineinfo,linesarr = read_photoion()
  nline = lineinfo['nlines']
  usezspace = 1
  # magtype stores both the value of the magnitude (float) and the
  # filter id (int) where that magnitude was computed.

  magtype = np.dtype('f4, i4')
  def read_lightcone_chunk(ip, nproc):
    GalArr,lLyc,ngg,DistNz,zdist = readmock_chunk(ip,nproc,props_array = props,

    zcold = GalArr['Mcold']/GalArr['Mz']
    qpar = qZrelation(zcold)  # assuming default pars.

    # This stores all line luminosities for all galaxies
    # LinesLumArr[i,j] = Luminosity of line j for galaxy i.
    LinesLumArr = np.zeros((ngg,nline))
    redshiftArr = np.zeros(ngg)
    SfrArr = np.zeros(ngg)
    MStellarArr = np.zeros(ngg)
    ZArr        = np.zeros(ngg)
    print 'ip '+str(ip)+', computing lines for  ngals=',ngg,' galaxies...'
    for ig in range(ngg):
      LinesLumArr[ig,:] = integ_line(lineinfo,linesarr,qpar[ig],zcold[ig],lLyc[ig],all_lines=True) 
      redshiftArr[ig] = GalArr['redshift'][ig]
      SfrArr[ig] = GalArr['sfr'][ig]
      MStellarArr[ig] = GalArr['stellarmass'][ig]
      ZArr[ig]        = zcold[ig]

#     LinesLumArr[ig,il] = iline
    print 'redshiftArr'  , redshiftArr[0:10]
    print 'Lines[0,:]'   , LinesLumArr[0,:]
    print 'Lines[10,:]'  , LinesLumArr[10,:]
    print 'Lines[100,:]' , LinesLumArr[100,:]
    print 'zarr[100,:]'  , ZArr[0:100]
    print 'Proc ip:'+str(ip)+' done with that.'

    # This stores the AB observed-frame apparent magnitude for all luminosities of all galaxies, indicating also to which filter
    # the stored magnitudes corresponds to.
    # MagsLumArr[i,j] = (AB magnitude, filter id) of line j of galaxy i.

    MagsLumArr = np.zeros((ngg,nline),dtype=magtype)
    realdist = np.sqrt(GalArr['pos'][:,0]**2 + GalArr['pos'][:,1]**2+GalArr['pos'][:,2]**2)
    log_dist = np.log10(realdist) + np.log10(mpc2cm_24)+24.0 + np.log10(1+GalArr['redshift'])

    if IncludeMags is True:
      for il in range(nline):
        L_line = lineinfo['lambda0'][il]
        wgal = L_line*(1 + GalArr['redshift'])
        log_Fline = LinesLumArr[:,il] - (np.log10(4*np.pi)+2*(log_dist))
        FLine = 10**log_Fline

        for i in range(ngg):
          idFilter,Val = find_nearest_vector(CentralW,wgal[i])
          if idFilter == 0:
            if wgal[i] < p10p90W[0,0]:
              MagsLumArr[i,il] = (-99,-99)
          elif idFilter == nFil-1:
            if wgal[i] > p10p90W[nFil-1,1]:
              MagsLumArr[i,il] = (99,99)
            nz = np.where(FiltArr['w'][idFilter] != 0)
            lamb = FiltArr['w'][idFilter][nz]
            tlamb = FiltArr['t'][idFilter][nz]
            tlam0 = np.interp(wgal[i],lamb,tlamb)
      # mag_app[i] = -2.5*(log_Fline[i]+ np.log10((wgal[i]*tlam0)/int_ab[idFilter]) - 18-np.log10(3.0)) - 48.60
            mag_app = -2.5*(log_Fline[i]+ np.log10((wgal[i]*tlam0)/int_ab[idFilter]) - 18-np.log10(3.0)) - 48.60

            MagsLumArr[i,il] = (mag_app, idFilter)
    filename = outfile + '.' + str(ip)
    nf = open(filename,"wb")
    print 'writing file '+filename
    if IncludeMags is True:
    print 'file '+filename+' written succesfully.'
    return 1

  if nproc == 1:
    processes = read_lightcone_chunk(0,1)
    print 'start processes'
    processes = [mp.Process(target=read_lightcone_chunk, args=(ip,nproc)) for ip in range(nproc)]
    for p in processes:

    for p in processes:

  return 1