Пример #1
def part_two():
    abs_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "input")
    input_data = read_input_as_string(abs_file_path)

    ocean_floor = {}
    hydrothermal_vents = [HydrothermalVent(serialized_vent) for serialized_vent in input_data]

    for vent in hydrothermal_vents:
        if vent.start_position.x == vent.end_position.x:
            min_y = min(vent.start_position.y, vent.end_position.y)
            for i in range(abs(vent.start_position.y - vent.end_position.y) + 1):
                key = (vent.start_position.x, min_y + i)
                ocean_floor[key] = ocean_floor.get(key, 0) + 1

        elif vent.start_position.y == vent.end_position.y:
            min_x = min(vent.start_position.x, vent.end_position.x)
            for i in range(abs(vent.start_position.x - vent.end_position.x) + 1):
                key = (min_x + i, vent.start_position.y)
                ocean_floor[key] = ocean_floor.get(key, 0) + 1
            step_x = -1 if vent.start_position.x > vent.end_position.x else 1
            step_y = -1 if vent.start_position.y > vent.end_position.y else 1

            for i in range(abs(vent.start_position.x - vent.end_position.x) + 1):
                key = (vent.start_position.x +(i * step_x), vent.start_position.y + (i * step_y))
                ocean_floor[key] = ocean_floor.get(key, 0) + 1

    overlapping_points_count = len(list(filter(lambda x: x > 1, ocean_floor.values())))

    print(f"Overlapping points: {overlapping_points_count}")
Пример #2
def part_one_and_two():
    abs_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "input")
    input_data = read_input_as_string(abs_file_path)
    fish_initial_ages = [
        int(age) for line in input_data for age in line.split(",")

    fish_age_count = {k: 0 for k in range(0, 8 + 1)}

    for age in fish_initial_ages:
        fish_age_count[age] += 1


    for i in range(SIMULATION_DAYS):
        tmp_fish_age_count = {k: 0 for k in range(0, 8 + 1)}
        for j in range(0, 8 + 1):
            if j == 0:
                tmp_fish_age_count[6] = tmp_fish_age_count.get(
                    6, 0) + fish_age_count[j]
                tmp_fish_age_count[8] = tmp_fish_age_count.get(
                    8, 0) + fish_age_count[j]
                tmp_fish_age_count[j - 1] = tmp_fish_age_count.get(
                    j - 1, 0) + fish_age_count[j]
        fish_age_count = tmp_fish_age_count


    total = sum(fish_age_count.values())
    print(f"Total fish: {total}")
Пример #3
def part_two():
    abs_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "input")
    question_input = read_input_as_string(abs_file_path)

    scrubber_rating = get_scrubber_rating(question_input)
    oxygen_rating = get_oxygen_rating(question_input)
    print(f"Life support rating: {oxygen_rating * scrubber_rating}")
Пример #4
def part_one():
    abs_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "input_sample")
    input_data = read_input_as_string(abs_file_path)

    base_string = input_data[0]
    insertion_rules = []

    # skip empty line between base string and instructions
    for i in range(2, len(input_data)):
        insertion_rule_split = input_data[i].split(" -> ")
                (insertion_rule_split[0][0], insertion_rule_split[0][1]),

    pair_wise_count = {}

    for i in range(1, len(base_string)):
        pair = (base_string[i - 1], base_string[i])
        pair_wise_count[pair] = pair_wise_count.get(pair, 0) + 1

    for i in range(STEPS):
        tmp_pair_wise_count = {}
        for rule in insertion_rules:
            tmp_pair_wise_count[rule.startPair] = tmp_pair_wise_count.get(
                rule.startPair, 0) + pair_wise_count.get(rule.pair, 0)
            tmp_pair_wise_count[rule.endPair] = tmp_pair_wise_count.get(
                rule.endPair, 0) + pair_wise_count.get(rule.pair, 0)
            # tmp_pair_wise_count[rule.pair] = 0

        for key in pair_wise_count.keys():
            if key not in tmp_pair_wise_count.keys():
                tmp_pair_wise_count[key] = pair_wise_count[key]

        pair_wise_count = tmp_pair_wise_count

    element_count = {}
    for pair in pair_wise_count.keys():
        element_count[pair[0]] = element_count.get(pair[0],
                                                   0) + pair_wise_count[pair]
        element_count[pair[1]] = element_count.get(pair[1],
                                                   0) + pair_wise_count[pair]

    # counts = list(element_count.values())
    # print(element_count)
    # print(element_count.values())
    min_value = min(element_count.values())
    max_value = max(element_count.values())

    total = max_value - min_value

    print(f"Total: {total}")
Пример #5
def part_two():
    abs_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "input")
    input_data = read_input_as_string(abs_file_path)

    octopus_grid = [[int(octopus_energy) for octopus_energy in line]
                    for line in input_data]

    for i in range(STEPS):
        inner_flashes = 0
        is_step_complete = False
        for y in range(0, len(octopus_grid)):
            print(''.join([str(octo) for octo in octopus_grid[y]]))

        for y in range(0, len(octopus_grid)):
            for x in range(0, len(octopus_grid[y])):
                if octopus_grid[y][x] != -1:
                    octopus_grid[y][x] += 1

        while not is_step_complete:
            has_flashed = False
            for y in range(0, len(octopus_grid)):
                for x in range(0, len(octopus_grid[y])):
                    if octopus_grid[y][x] > 9:
                        octopus_grid[y][x] = -1
                        inner_flashes += 1
                        has_flashed = True

                        #  up
                        safe_update(x, y + 1, octopus_grid)
                        safe_update(x - 1, y + 1, octopus_grid)
                        safe_update(x + 1, y + 1, octopus_grid)

                        # down
                        safe_update(x, y - 1, octopus_grid)
                        safe_update(x - 1, y - 1, octopus_grid)
                        safe_update(x + 1, y - 1, octopus_grid)

                        # left / right
                        safe_update(x + 1, y, octopus_grid)
                        safe_update(x - 1, y, octopus_grid)

            is_step_complete = not has_flashed

        # reset -1 to  0's
        for y in range(0, len(octopus_grid)):
            for x in range(0, len(octopus_grid[y])):
                if octopus_grid[y][x] == -1:
                    octopus_grid[y][x] = 0

        if inner_flashes == (len(octopus_grid) * len(octopus_grid[0])):

    print(f"Step: {i + 1}")
Пример #6
def part_one():
    abs_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "input")
    input_data = [int(pos) for pos in read_input_as_string(abs_file_path)[0].split(",")]

    min_crab_pos = min(input_data)
    max_crab_pos = max(input_data)

    cost_per_pos = {}
    for i in range(min_crab_pos, max_crab_pos + 1):
        fuel_usage = 0
        for crab in input_data:
            fuel_usage += abs(crab - i)
        cost_per_pos[i] = fuel_usage

    min_fuel = 99999999
    for fuel in cost_per_pos.values():
        if fuel < min_fuel:
            min_fuel = fuel

    print(f"Fuel: {min_fuel}")
Пример #7
def part_one():
    abs_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "input")

    input_data = read_input_as_string(abs_file_path)

    height_map = [[int(height) for height in line] for line in input_data]
    low_points = []

    for y in range(0, len(height_map)):
        for x in range(0, len(height_map[y])):
            current_val = height_map[y][x]
            if (is_lower_location(x, y, x, y - 1, height_map)
                    and is_lower_location(x, y, x, y + 1, height_map)
                    and is_lower_location(x, y, x + 1, y, height_map)
                    and is_lower_location(x, y, x - 1, y, height_map)):

    risk_level_total = sum(low_points) + len(low_points)
    print(f"Total risk level: {risk_level_total}")
Пример #8
def part_one():
    abs_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "input")
    question_input = read_input_as_string(abs_file_path)

    position = 0
    depth = 0
    for i in question_input:
        command_values = i.split(" ")
        command = command_values[0].strip()
        value = int(command_values[1].strip())

        if command == FORWARD:
            position += value
        if command == DOWN:
            depth += value
        if command == UP:
            depth -= value

    print("Depth: " + str(depth))
    print("Position: " + str(position))
    print("Total: " + str(depth * position))
Пример #9
def part_one():
    abs_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "input")
    question_input = read_input_as_string(abs_file_path)

    bit_positions_on = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    bit_positions_off = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

    for i in range(0, len(question_input)):
        line = question_input[i]
        for j in range(0, len(question_input[i])):
            char = line[j]
            if char == "1":
                bit_positions_on[j] += 1
                bit_positions_off[j] += 1

    gamma_str = "".join(["0" if tup[0] > tup[1] else "1" for tup in zip(bit_positions_on, bit_positions_off)])
    alpha_str = "".join(["1" if tup[0] > tup[1] else "0" for tup in zip(bit_positions_on, bit_positions_off)])

    print(f"gamma: {gamma_str}")
    print(f"alpha: {alpha_str}")
    print(f"Total: {int(gamma_str, 2) * int(alpha_str, 2)}")
Пример #10
def part_one():
    abs_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "input")
    input_data = read_input_as_string(abs_file_path)

    chunk_pairs = {
        "(": ")",
        "[": "]",
        "{": "}",
        "<": ">",

    chunk_points = {
        ")": 3,
        "]": 57,
        "}": 1197,
        ">": 25137,

    illegal_characters = []
    for line in input_data:
        open_chunks = []
        for i in range(0, len(line)):
            current_char = line[i]
            if current_char in chunk_pairs.keys():
                current_open = open_chunks.pop()
                if chunk_pairs[current_open] != current_char:

    total = 0
    for char in illegal_characters:
        total += chunk_points[char]

    print(f"Total: {total}")
Пример #11
def part_two():
    abs_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "input")
    input_data = read_input_as_string(abs_file_path)

    chunk_pairs = {
        "(": ")",
        "[": "]",
        "{": "}",
        "<": ">",

    chunk_points = {
        ")": 1,
        "]": 2,
        "}": 3,
        ">": 4,

    valid_lines = []
    for line in input_data:
        open_chunks = []
        is_valid_line = True

        for i in range(0, len(line)):
            current_char = line[i]
            if current_char in chunk_pairs.keys():
                current_open = open_chunks.pop()
                if chunk_pairs[current_open] != current_char:
                    is_valid_line = False

        if is_valid_line:

    corrected_lines = []
    for line in valid_lines:
        new_line = ""
        open_chunks = []
        for i in range(0, len(line)):
            current_char = line[i]
            if current_char in chunk_pairs.keys():
        for char in reversed(open_chunks):
            new_line = new_line + chunk_pairs[char]

    totals = []
    for line in corrected_lines:
        total = 0
        for char in line:
            total = (total * 5) + chunk_points[char]

    sorted_totals = list(sorted(totals))
    score_index = int(len(sorted_totals) / 2)

    print(f"Total {sorted_totals[score_index]}")