def load(index, evt_name="GW150914"):

    从 .json 目录中读取引力波事件的信息,从里面记载的文件名中
    进一步读取拉伸 (strain) 数据。

    - index: .json 目录的文件名
    - evt_name: 想要读取的引力波事例名
    - 返回:H 地信号,L 地信号,时间,事例信息
    events = json.load(open(index, "r"))
    event = events[evt_name]

    import readligo as rl

    # FIXME!! data 路径写死了,应当可变
    fn_H1 = "data/" + event['fn_H1']
    strain_H1, time, chan_dict_H1 = rl.loaddata(fn_H1)
    fn_L1 = "data/" + event['fn_L1']
    strain_L1, time, chan_dict_L1 = rl.loaddata(fn_L1)

    event['tevent'] = event['tevent'] - time[0]
    time = time - time[0]

    return strain_H1, strain_L1, time, event
Пример #2
def LoadLIGO(data_address, GPS):

    H1_list = [
        file for file in os.listdir(data_address) if 'H1' in file
        if str(GPS) in file
    L1_list = [
        file for file in os.listdir(data_address) if 'L1' in file
        if str(GPS) in file
    assert len(H1_list) == len(L1_list) == 1  # Same length for H1/L1 file
    # Same GPS for sorted H1/L1 files list:
    assert len([
        i for i, H1 in enumerate(H1_list)
        if H1.split('-')[2] != L1_list[i].split('-')[2]
    ]) == 0

    # Loading data
    strain_H1, time_H1, chan_dict_H1 = rl.loaddata(
        os.path.join(data_address, H1_list[0]), "H1")
    strain_L1, time_L1, chan_dict_L1 = rl.loaddata(
        os.path.join(data_address, L1_list[0]), "L1")

    assert np.allclose(time_L1, time_H1, atol=0,
                       rtol=0)  # Check GPS time for H1/L1
    GPStime = time_H1

    logger.debug('Loaded strain_H1/GPStime/chan_dict_H1 shape: {}/{}/{}',
                 strain_H1.shape, GPStime.shape, len(chan_dict_H1))
    logger.debug('Loaded strain_L1/GPStime/chan_dict_L1 shape: {}/{}/{}',
                 strain_L1.shape, GPStime.shape, len(chan_dict_L1))
    # Until here may costs 2.1 s
    return GPStime, strain_H1, chan_dict_H1, strain_L1, chan_dict_L1
Пример #3
def fileCheck(fileStr):
    if os.path.exists('psd/' + fileStr + 'pxx') and \
            os.path.exists('psd/' + fileStr + 'freqs') and \
            os.path.exists('data/' + fileStr + 'Noise.h5'):

    strain, time, chan_dict = rl.loaddata('raw/' + fileStr[:-1] + 'prev.hdf5', fileStr[-2] + '1')
    strain = decimate(strain, 2)
    fs = 8192
    pxx, freqs = mlab.psd(strain, Fs=fs, NFFT=fs)
    with open('psd/' + fileStr + 'freqs', 'wb') as fn:
        pickle.dump(freqs, fn)
    with open('psd/' + fileStr + 'pxx', 'wb') as fn:
        pickle.dump(pxx, fn)
    interp_psd = interp1d(freqs, pxx)
    whitened = whiten(strain, interp_psd)
    whitened = whitened[100000:-100000]
    with h5py.File('data/' + fileStr + 'Noise.h5', 'w') as fn:
        fn['noise'] = whitened
Пример #4
def read_strainset(datadir="/media/kawahara/finbacko1",
                   placelist=["L", "H"],
    strain = []
    time = []
    chan_dict = []
    place = []
    for place_ in placelist:
        filename = getfilename(datadir, rel, "O", place_, dataid)
            strain_, time_, chan_dict_ = rl.loaddata(filename,
                                                     place_ + str(rel))
            print("Could not read " + filename)

    return place, strain, time, chan_dict
Пример #5
fband = event['fband']  # frequency band for bandpassing signal
print("Reading in parameters for event " + event["name"])

# ## Read in the data
# We will make use of the data, and waveform template, defined above.

# In[5]:

# Load LIGO data from a single file.
# FIRST, define the filenames fn_H1 and fn_L1, above.
    # read in data from H1 and L1, if available:
    strain_H1, time_H1, chan_dict_H1 = rl.loaddata(fn_H1, 'H1')
    strain_L1, time_L1, chan_dict_L1 = rl.loaddata(fn_L1, 'L1')
    print("Cannot find data files!")
    print("You can download them from" +

# ## Data Gaps
# **NOTE** that in general, LIGO strain time series data has gaps (filled with NaNs) when the detectors are not taking valid ("science quality") data. Analyzing these data requires the user to
#  <a href=''>loop over "segments"</a> of valid data stretches.
# **In this tutorial, for simplicity, we assume there are no data gaps - this will not work for all times!**  See the
# <a href=''>notes on segments</a> for details.
Пример #6
def testReal(trained_model, event, crop, step, output, length, twoChan=False):
    # strain data preprocessing
    if length is not 4096 and length is not 32:
        length = 4096
    num_predict = 0
    if not twoChan:
        strain, time, chan_dict = rl.loaddata('raw/' + event + '-' + str(length) + '.hdf5', event[-1] + '1')
        strain = decimate(strain, 2)
        fs = 8192
        pxx, freqs = mlab.psd(strain, Fs=fs, NFFT=fs)
        interp_psd = interp1d(freqs, pxx)
        whitened = whiten(strain, interp_psd)
        whitened = whitened[crop:-crop]
        whitened /= np.std(whitened)
        num_predict = len(whitened)

        # prepare prediction dataset
        x_predict = []
        for start in range(0, len(whitened)-8192, step):
            waveform = whitened[start:start+8192]
            waveform /= np.std(waveform)
        x_predict = np.asarray(x_predict)
        x_predict = np.expand_dims(x_predict, axis=-1)
        strain_H, time_H, chan_dict_H = rl.loaddata('raw/' + event + 'H-' + str(length) + '.hdf5', 'H1')
        strain_L, time_L, chan_dict_L = rl.loaddata('raw/' + event + 'L-' + str(length) + '.hdf5', 'L1')
        strain_H = decimate(strain_H, 2)
        strain_L = decimate(strain_L, 2)
        fs = 8192
        pxx_H, freqs_H = mlab.psd(strain_H, Fs=fs, NFFT=fs)
        interp_psd_H = interp1d(freqs_H, pxx_H)
        pxx_L, freqs_L = mlab.psd(strain_L, Fs=fs, NFFT=fs)
        interp_psd_L = interp1d(freqs_L, pxx_L)
        whitened_H = whiten(strain_H, interp_psd_H)
        whitened_H = whitened_H[crop:-crop]
        whitened_H /= np.std(whitened_H)
        whitened_L = whiten(strain_L, interp_psd_L)
        whitened_L = whitened_L[crop:-crop]
        whitened_L /= np.std(whitened_L)

        # prepare prediction dataset
        x_predict = []
        if len(whitened_H) < len(whitened_L):
            whitened_L = whitened_L[:len(whitened_H)]
        elif len(whitened_H) > len(whitened_L):
            whitened_H = whitened_H[:len(whitened_L)]
        num_predict = len(whitened_H)
        for start in range(0, len(whitened_H) - 8192, step):
            waveform_H = whitened_H[start:start + 8192]
            waveform_H /= np.std(waveform_H)
            waveform_L = whitened_L[start:start + 8192]
            waveform_L /= np.std(waveform_L)
            waveform = np.stack([waveform_H, waveform_L], axis=-1)
        x_predict = np.asarray(x_predict)

    # get prediction
    y_temp = trained_model.predict(x_predict)
    y_predict = np.zeros(num_predict)
    for start in range(0, num_predict-8192, step):
        y_predict[start:start+8192] += y_temp[start//step] * (step/8192.)
    y_predict = np.convolve(y_predict, np.ones(1024)) / 1024
    plt.figure(figsize=(30, 30))
    counter = 1
    total_peaks = {}
    for threshold in [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8]:
        peaks, _ = find_peaks(y_predict, height=threshold, distance=8192)
        plt.subplot(2, 2, counter)
        plt.plot(peaks, y_predict[peaks], 'x')
        plt.plot(np.repeat(threshold, len(y_predict)), "--", color='gray')
        plt.axvline(x=len(y_predict)/2, color='r')
        plt.xlabel('time step')
        plt.title('threshold-' + str(threshold))
        counter += 1
        total_peaks[threshold] = peaks
    plt.savefig(output + '-testReal.png')
    total_peaks['middle'] = len(y_predict)/2
    return total_peaks
Пример #7
		plt.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=14)
		plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)', fontsize=18)
		plt.ylabel(r'PSD (strain /  $\sqrt{Hz}$)', fontsize=18)
		plt.title('PSD for L1 data starting at GPS ' + str(time_seg[0]))
		plt.xlim([1, np.max(freqs)])
		plt.ylim([1e-26, 1e-16])
	return pxx, freqs

# Read in data
fname = 'L-L1_LOSC_4_V1-842657792-4096.hdf5'
print '=== Start reading data ==='
print '* File name: ', fname
strain, time, channel_dictionary = rl.loaddata(fname)

data_len = len(time)
time_spacing = time[1] - time[0]
fs = int(1/time_spacing)

print '* Number of samples: ', data_len, ' = 2^', np.log2(data_len)
print '* Start GPS Time: ', time[0]
print '* End GPS Time: ', time[data_len - 1]
print '* Sampling Time: ', time_spacing, 'sec => ', fs, ' Hz'
print ''  # blank line

# Select a data segment without errors ("good data")
print '=== DQ good segments ==='
seglist = rl.dq_channel_to_seglist(channel_dictionary['DEFAULT'], fs)
num_seg = len(seglist)
Пример #8
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import readligo as rl
# Load all GWOSC data from a single file 
strain, time, chan_dict = rl.loaddata(
                          'H-H1_LOSC_4_V1-815411200-4096.hdf5', 'H1')
slice_list = rl.dq_channel_to_seglist(chan_dict['DATA'])
for slice in slice_list:
    time_seg = time[slice]
    strain_seg = strain[slice]
    # -- Do stuff with strain segment here
Пример #9
import numpy as np
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import readligo as rl
fileName = 'V-V1_GWOSC_O2_4KHZ_R1-1185615872-4096.hdf5'
strain, time, channel_dict = rl.loaddata(fileName)
ts = time[1] - time[0]  #-- Time between samples
fs = int(1.0 / ts)  #-- Sampling frequency
segList = rl.dq_channel_to_seglist(channel_dict['DEFAULT'], fs)
length = 16  # seconds
strain_seg = strain[segList[0]][0:(length * fs)]
time_seg = time[segList[0]][0:(length * fs)]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3)
plt.plot(time_seg - time_seg[0], strain_seg)
plt.xlabel('Time since GPS ' + str(time_seg[0]))

window = np.blackman(strain_seg.size)
windowed_strain = strain_seg * window
freq_domain = np.fft.rfft(windowed_strain) / fs
freq = np.fft.rfftfreq(len(windowed_strain)) * fs

plt.loglog(freq, abs(freq_domain))
plt.axis([10, fs / 2.0, 1e-24, 1e-18])
plt.xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Strain / Hz')
Пример #10
fn_L1 = event['fn_L1']  # File name for L1 data
fs = event['fs']  # Set sampling rate
print("Reading in parameters for event " + event["name"])

# ## Read in the data
# We will make use of the data, and waveform template, defined above.

# In[5]:
# Load LIGO data from a single file.
# FIRST, define the filenames fn_H1 and fn_L1, above.
    # read in data from H1 and L1, if available:
    strain_H1, time_H1, chan_dict_H1 = rl.loaddata(file_path + fn_H1, 'H1')
    strain_L1, time_L1, chan_dict_L1 = rl.loaddata(file_path + fn_L1, 'L1')
    print("Cannot find data files!")
    print("You can download them from" +

# ## Data Gaps
# ## First look at the data from H1 and L1

# In[6]:
# both H1 and L1 will have the same time vector, so:
time = time_H1
# the time sample interval (uniformly sampled!)
Пример #11
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt, iirdesign, zpk2tf, freqz

# matplotlibはグラフを描くライブラリ
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab

# h5pyは多次元データのフォーマットで、h5pyはh5を読むためのライブラリ
import h5py

# LIGO-specific
import readligo as rl

# 観測データを読み込む
fn_H1 = 'H-H1_LOSC_4_V1-1126259446-32.hdf5'
strain_H1, time_H1, chan_dict_H1 = rl.loaddata(fn_H1, 'H1')

# sampling rate:
fs = 4096
# both H1 and L1 will have the same time vector, so:
time = time_H1
# the time sample interval (uniformly sampled!)
dt = time[1] - time[0]

# コンピューターシミュレーションによる、ブラックホールが衝突したときに発生する重力波の波形
NRtime, NR_H1 = np.genfromtxt('GW150914_4_NR_waveform.txt').transpose()

# データの内覧

print('  time_H1: len, min, mean, max = ', len(time_H1), time_H1.min(),
      time_H1.mean(), time_H1.max())
Пример #12
import numpy as np 
from scipy import signal 
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d 
from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt, iirdesign, zpk2tf, freqz 

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import h5py

import readligo as rl 

fn_H1 = 'H-H1_LOSC_4_V1-1126259446-32.hdf5' 
strain_H1, time_H1, chan_dict_H1 = rl.loaddata(fn_H1, 'H1')
fn_L1 = 'L-L1_LOSC_4_V1-1126259446-32.hdf5'
strain_L1, time_L1, chan_dict_L1 = rl.loaddata(fn_L1, 'L1')

fs = 4096 
time = time_H1
dt = time[1] - time[0]

NRtime, NR_H1 = np.genfromtxt('GW150914_4_NR_waveform.txt').transpose()

print('  time_H1: len, min, mean, max = ', len(time_H1), time_H1.min(), time_H1.mean(), time_H1.max())
print('strain_H1: len, min, mean, max = ', len(strain_H1), strain_H1.min(), strain_H1.mean(), strain_H1.max())
print('strain_L1: len, min, mean, max = ', len(strain_L1), strain_L1.min(), strain_L1.mean(), strain_L1.max())

# plot +- 5 seconds around the event
tevent = 1126259462.422 # mon sept 15 09:50:45 GMT 2015
deltat = 5. # seconds around the event
# index into the strain time series for this time interval
indxt = np.where((time_H1 >= tevent-deltat) & (time_H1 < tevent+deltat))
Пример #13
plottype = 'png'

name = '1185619968'
fn_H1 = 'DataFiles\H1_1185619968.hdf5'
fn_L1 = 'DataFiles\L1_1185619968.hdf5'
fs = 4096
tevent = 1185619968
m1 = 41.743
m2 = 29.237
a1 = 0.355
a2 = -0.769
approx = 'lalsim.SEOBNRv2'
fband = [43.0, 300.0]
f_min = 10.0

strain1, time1, channel_dict1 = rl.loaddata(fn_H1, 'H1')
ts1 = time1[1] - time1[0]  #-- Time between samples
fs1 = int(1.0 / ts1)  #-- Sampling frequency

strain2, time2, channel_dict2 = rl.loaddata(fn_L1, 'L1')
ts2 = time2[1] - time2[0]  #-- Time between samples
fs2 = int(1.0 / ts2)  #-- Sampling frequency

segList1 = rl.dq_channel_to_seglist(channel_dict1['DEFAULT'], fs1)
length1 = 16  # seconds
strain_seg1 = strain1[segList1[0]][0:(length1 * fs1)]
time_seg1 = time1[segList1[0]][0:(length1 * fs1)]

segList2 = rl.dq_channel_to_seglist(channel_dict2['DEFAULT'], fs2)
length2 = 16  # seconds
strain_seg2 = strain2[segList2[0]][0:(length2 * fs2)]
Пример #14
# Import needed modules
import pandas
from pandas import rolling_std
import numpy as np
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import readligo as rl

# Read in strain data
fileName1 = 'LIGO\H1_1185619968.hdf5'
strain1, time1, channel_dict1 = rl.loaddata(fileName1, 'H1')
ts1 = time1[1] - time1[0]  #-- Time between samples
fs1 = int(1.0 / ts1)  #-- Sampling frequency

fileName2 = 'LIGO\L1_1185619968.hdf5'
strain2, time2, channel_dict2 = rl.loaddata(fileName2, 'H1')
ts2 = time2[1] - time2[0]  #-- Time between samples
fs2 = int(1.0 / ts2)  #-- Sampling frequency

# Find a good segment, get first 16 seconds of data
segList1 = rl.dq_channel_to_seglist(channel_dict1['DEFAULT'], fs1)
length1 = 16  # seconds
strain_seg1 = strain1[segList1[0]][0:(length1 * fs1)]
time_seg1 = time1[segList1[0]][0:(length1 * fs1)]
Пример #15
        print("Location information already present. Remove first to replot")

    t0 = times[event_name]
    # Get the current time from GPS time to UTC
    # in 1980: 19 leapseconds, in 2015: 36 leapseconds, 2017: 37
    if event_name[-6:-4] == "15":
        utc = datetime(1980, 1, 6) + timedelta(seconds=t0 - (36 - 19))
        utc = datetime(1980, 1, 6) + timedelta(seconds=t0 - (37 - 19))

    detector = "H1"
    data_file = "data/" + event_name + ".hdf5"
    strain, time, chan_dict_H1 = rl.loaddata(data_file, 'H1')
    dt = time[1] - time[0]
    fs = int(np.round(1 / dt))
    rel_time = time - t0
    #-- How much data to use for the ASD?
    deltat = 15  # Number of seconds on each side of data
    N_samp = deltat * fs

    # -- Center the ASD segment on the requested time
    indx = np.where(np.abs(rel_time) < dt)[0][0]

    strain_seg = strain[indx - N_samp:indx + N_samp]
    time_seg = rel_time[indx - N_samp:indx + N_samp]

    # number of sample for the fast fourier transform:
    NFFT = 1 * fs
Пример #16
    coefs.append((bn, an))

    return coefs

# and then define the filter function:
def filter_data(data_in,coefs):
    data = data_in.copy()
    for coef in coefs:
        b,a = coef
        # filtfilt applies a linear filter twice, once forward and once backwards.
        # The combined filter has linear phase.
        data = filtfilt(b, a, data)
    return data

fn_16 = 'H-H1_LOSC_16_V1-1126259446-32.hdf5'
strain_16, time_16, chan_dict = rl.loaddata(fn_16, 'H1')

# sampling rate:
fs = 16384
time = time_16

# plot +- 5 seconds around the event:
tevent = 1126259462.422 # Mon Sep 14 09:50:45 GMT 2015

# get filter coefficients
coefs = get_filter_coefs(fs)

# filter the data:
strain_16_filt = filter_data(strain_16, coefs)

h1_16_filt_array = [list(t) for t in zip(time-tevent, strain_16_filt)] # H1 csv
Пример #17

# @BEGIN LOAD_DATA @desc Load hdf5 data.
# @in fn_d  @as FN_Detector @uri file:{Detector}_LOSC_4_V1-1126259446-32.hdf5
# @in fn_sr @as FN_Sampling_rate @uri file:H-H1_LOSC_{downsampling}_V1-1126259446-32.hdf5
# @out strain_H1 @as strain_H1
# @out strain_L1 @as strain_L1
# @out strain_16 @as strain_16
# @out strain_4 @as strain_4

# Load LIGO data from a single file
# First from H1
fn_H1 = 'H-H1_LOSC_4_V1-1126259446-32.hdf5'
strain_H1, time_H1, chan_dict_H1 = rl.loaddata(fn_H1, 'H1')
# and then from L1
fn_L1 = 'L-L1_LOSC_4_V1-1126259446-32.hdf5'
strain_L1, time_L1, chan_dict_L1 = rl.loaddata(fn_L1, 'L1')

# sampling rate:
fs = 4096
# both H1 and L1 will have the same time vector, so:
time = time_H1
# the time sample interval (uniformly sampled!)
dt = time[1] - time[0]


# ## Adding a numerical relativity template
Пример #18
    # fs = 4096
    #     # strain, time, dq = rl.loaddata(fn_H1, 'H1') # L1  para el otro caso
    #     # #N_fft = len(time)
    #     # N_fft = fs
    #     # f, M = getPeriodogram(strain, fs, N_fft)
    #     # aux = [(x/10000)**(1/2) for x in M]
    #     # # # usaron mas datos y tambien usaron whitening
    #     # plt.loglog(f, aux, 'b', label='H1_periodogram')
    #     # strain_H1, time_H1, chan_dict_H1 = rl.loaddata(fn_H1, 'H1')
    #     # NFFT = 1 * fs
    #     # fmin = 10
    #     # fmax = 2000
    # Read in strain data
    strain, time, channel_dict = rl.loaddata(fn_H1, 'H1')
    ts = time[1] - time[0] #-- Time between samples
    fs = int(1.0 / ts)          #-- Sampling frequency

    # Find a good segment, get first 16 seconds of data
    segList = rl.dq_channel_to_seglist(channel_dict['DEFAULT'], fs)
    length = 16  # seconds
    strain_seg = strain[segList[0]][0:(length*fs)]
    time_seg = time[segList[0]][0:(length*fs)]

    f, M = getPeriodogram(strain_seg, fs, len(strain_seg))
    # # usaron mas datos y tambien usaron whitening
    plt.loglog(f, np.sqrt(M), 'b', label='H1_periodogram')