Пример #1
def lnlikelihood(emceeParams):
    # Set up the experiment

    experToRun, name = emceeParameterSpaceToGidgetExperiment(emceeParams)

    # Run the experiment.
    print "Evaluating likelihood for params ", emceeParams
    experToRun.localRun(1, 0, maxTime=3000)

    output = readoutput.Experiment(name)

    if (len(output.models) < 3):
        print "WARNING: setting likelihood to zero because ", len(
            output.models), " of the 3 models produced sensible results"
        return -np.inf

    model0 = output.models[0]
    zs = model0.var['z'].sensible()

    accum = 0
    for model in output.models:
        for ti in range(len(zs)):
            Mh = model.var['Mh'].sensible(timeIndex=ti)
            lo, hi, mid = efficiency(Mh, zs[ti])
            eff = model.var['mstar'].sensible(timeIndex=ti) / Mh
            logdist = np.abs(np.log(eff / mid) / np.log(hi / mid))
            accum += -0.5 * logdist * logdist - np.log(np.log(hi / mid))

    return accum
Пример #2
def dic(restart, burnin, nspace):
    ''' compute deviance information criterion'''

    epsffs = restart['chain'][:, burnin::nspace, 1].flatten()
    etas = restart['chain'][:, burnin::nspace, 0].flatten()

    chainkeys = []
    keyindices = {}
    for i in range(len(epsffs)):
        key = ("%.5e" % epsffs[i]) + '_' + ("%.5e" % etas[i])
        keyindices[key] = i

    names = glob.glob(chaindir + '-rerun-ppd_*')
    dbar = 0.0
    counter = 0
    for name in names:
        shortname = name[name.find('-rerun-ppd_'):]
        ## most of these don't matter since they're not explicitly
        ##  used in the likelihood.
        #emceeparams = [0]*25
        ## the exception is the scaling of the observational errorbars.
        ##  to do this we need to identify the place in the chain
        ##  where we got this model.
        thisoutput = readoutput.Experiment(shortname)
        if len(thisoutput.models) == 0:
            print 'warning: skipping ', shortname
            model = thisoutput.models[0]
            key = ("%.5e" % model.p['epsff']) + '_' + ("%.5e" % model.p['eta'])
            index = keyindices[key]  # find our index in the chain
            emceeparams = []
            # assemble the emcee parameters.
            for k in range(np.shape(restart['chain'])[2]):
                emceeparams.append(restart['chain'][:, burnin::nspace,
            dbar += -2.0 * lnlikelihood(emceeparams, modelname=shortname)
            counter += 1
        print "current dbar: ", dbar / counter
        print "counter: ", counter
    dbar = dbar / counter
    print "counter = ", counter
    assert np.isfinite(dbar)

    npa = restart['chain'][:, burnin::nspace, :]  # nwalkers x niter x nparam
    thetabar = np.mean(npa, axis=0)[0]
    assert len(thetabar) == 25
    dthetabar = -2.0 * lnlikelihood(thetabar)

    pd = dbar - dthetabar
    return pd + dbar, pd
Пример #3
def lnlikelihoodRehash(emceeparams, modelname=None):
    # set up the experiment
    #Mhz0, raccRvir, rstarRed, rgasRed, fg0mult, muColScaling, muFgScaling, muNorm, ZIGMfac, zmix, eta, Qf, alphaMRI, epsquench, accCeiling, conRF, kZ, xiREC = emceeparams

    time0 = time.time()
    runExists = os.path.isfile(analysisdir + '/' + name + '_sampleInfo.txt')
    if not runExists:
        return 0  # run doesn't exist - no need to include it in our sample obv
    old_sample_info = np.loadtxt(analysisdir + '/' + name + '_sampleInfo.txt')
    if len(old_sample_info) != 19:
        return 0  # something strange has happened.

    output = readoutput.Experiment(name)
    output.read(keepOnly=['vPhi', 'col', 'colst', 'ageSt', 'Z'])

    ## if we're being given a model that's already been run, don't run it again.
    if modelname is None:
        expertorun, name = emceeparameterspacetogidgetexperiment(emceeparams)

        # run the experiment.
        expertorun.localRun(1, 0, maxTime=3600 * 1.2)
        name = modelname

    # read the results of the model
    output = readoutput.Experiment(name)
    # ... but only keep the radial functions to which we will compare real data.

    successfullyRun = 1
    if len(output.models) == 0:
        print "warning: model did not return sensible results, setting likelihood to zero"
        successfullyRun = 0
        #return -np.inf

    np.savetxt(analysisdir + '/' + name + '_sampleInfo.txt',
               list(emceeparams) + [successfullyRun])

    return 0.0
Пример #4
def getPosteriorPredictive(restart, burnIn=0, nspace=10):
    ''' We have to find the set of models over some period of time in the chain (after burnIn)
        that represents the posterior predictive distribution of models. This is NOT the same as
        just taking a set of all models run after you think the sampler has converged because
        some (most!) of those models are not accepted! It's also a bit non-trivial because
        when the new model isn't accepted, you need to include the identical model again.'''
    #allRuns = glob.glob(chainDir+'*')
    output = readoutput.Experiment(chainDirRel)
    modelDict = {}
    for model in output.models:
        key = ("%.5e" % model.p['epsff']) +'_'+ ("%.5e" % model.p['eta'])
        modelDict[key] = model

    # The following block of code ends up working but not being effective because for some reason I changed the number
    # of outputs in between the two runs, so when I can't find a model in 06, it's gone forever.

    # These are all the accScaleLengths in the posterior distribution.
    # This is a somewhat subjective decision: the user needs to have picked a
    #  burnIn time, and spacing to cut down on autocorrelation, and possibly also
    #  a fraction of models to take on board (if e.g. you don't want the full sample).
    epsffs = restart['chain'][:,burnIn::nspace, 1].flatten()
    etas = restart['chain'][:,burnIn::nspace, 0].flatten()
    assert len(epsffs)==len(etas)
    for i in range(len(epsffs)):
        if np.random.uniform()<frac:
            # We have decided to take the model, identified by the key below, and copy it from
            # the MCMC chain into our Posterior Predictive Distribution.
            key = ("%.5e" % epsffs[i]) +'_'+ ("%.5e" % etas[i])
                # To do so, we find the model in our dictionary of models
                model = modelDict[key]
                # Assign it a new name
                destname = chainDirRel+'-ppd_'+str(i).zfill(5)
                # and copy the original run to a new directory.
                shutil.copytree( model.dirname, analysisDir+'/'+destname )
                # For every file in the copied folder, replace its old prefix with its new name.
                for filename in os.listdir(analysisDir+'/'+destname):
                    filenameDest = filename[len(model.name):] # strip off the model name, leaving only e.g. _evolution.dat
                    filenameDest = destname+filenameDest # replace with the current model name.
                    os.rename(analysisDir+'/'+destname+'/'+filename, analysisDir+'/'+destname+'/'+filenameDest)
            except KeyError:
                print "WARNING: skipping selected model because it's not in mcmcIndFromMax06."
Пример #5
def rerunPosteriorPredictive():
    ''' Rerun the posterior predictive distribution. This can be used to e.g. increase the resolution
        spatially or in terms of the age of stellar populations, or vary some parameter systematically.
        The mandatory argument func is a user-provided function that specifies how a model with known
        parameters should be modified and (re) run.'''
    pool = MPIPool(comm=comm, loadbalance=True)
    if not pool.is_master():

    output = readoutput.Experiment(chainDirRel+'-ppd') # read in the posterior predictive distribution.
    emcee_params = []
    print "output.models: ",len(output.models)
    # For each model, take the parameters we have read in and construct the corresponding emcee parameters.
    for model in output.models:
        #eta, epsff, fg0, muNorm, muMhScaling, fixedQ, accScaleLength, fcool, Mh0, fscatter, x0, x1, x2, x3, obsScale, conRF, muHgScaling = emceeParams
        eta = model.p['eta']
        epsff = model.p['epsff']
        fg0 = model.p['fg0']
        muNorm = model.p['muNorm']
        muMhScaling = model.p['muMhScaling']
        fixedQ = model.p['fixedQ']
        accScaleLength = model.p['accScaleLength']
        fcool = model.p['fcool']
        Mh0 = model.p['Mh0']
        fscatter = model.p['fscatter']
        x0 = model.p['x0']
        x1 = model.p['x1']
        x2 = model.p['x2']
        x3 = model.p['x3']
        obsScale = 1.0 # doesn't matter.. see below
        conRF = model.p['concentrationRandomFactor']
        muHgScaling = model.p['muHgScaling']
        # We have everything except obsScale, but actually that doesn't matter,
        # since it only affects the model in post-processing, i.e. in comparing to the data,
        # not the running of the model itself. So..... we good!
        theList = [ eta, epsff, fg0, muNorm, muMhScaling, fixedQ, accScaleLength, fcool, Mh0, fscatter, x0, x1, x2, x3, obsScale, conRF, muHgScaling]
            assert eta>0 and epsff>0 and fg0>0 and fg0<=1 and fixedQ>0 and muNorm>=0 and fcool>=0 and fcool<=1 and Mh0>0
            print 'Unexpected ppd params: ',theList
        emcee_params.append( copy.deepcopy(theList) )
    # OK, from here on out, we just need to emulate parts of the run() function to trick emcee into running a single iteration of the algorithm with this IC.

    ndim =  17

    restart = {}
    restart['currentPosition'] = emcee_params
    restart['chain'] = None
    restart['state'] = None
    restart['prob'] = None
    restart['iterationCounter'] = 0
    restart['mcmcRunCounter'] = 0

    nwalkers = len(emcee_params) # Need one walker per sample from posterior predictive distribution
    print "Starting up the ensemble sampler!"
    sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, fakeProb, pool=pool)
    #pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(restart['currentPosition'], N, rstate0=restart['state'], lnprob0=restart['prob'])
    print "Take a step with the ensemble sampler"

    # Take a single step with the ensemble sampler.
    print np.shape(restart['currentPosition']), np.shape(np.random.uniform(0,1,nwalkers))
    sampler._get_lnprob(pos = restart['currentPosition'])

    #result = sampler.sample(restart['currentPosition'], iterations=1, lnprob0=None, rstate0=None)

    #pos, prob, state = result
    print "Close the pool"

Пример #6
def lnlikelihood(emceeParams):
    # Set up the experiment
    #eta, epsff, fg0, muNorm, muMhScaling, fixedQ, accScaleLength, xiREC, fcool, kappaMetals, ZIGM, Mh0, alphaMRI, fscatter, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, obsScale, conRF, muHgScaling= emceeParams
    eta, epsff, fg0, muNorm, muMhScaling, fixedQ, accScaleLength, fcool, Mh0, fscatter, x0, x1, x2, x3, obsScale, conRF, muHgScaling= emceeParams
    time0 = time.clock()

    experToRun, name = emceeParameterSpaceToGidgetExperiment(emceeParams)

    # Run the experiment.

    output = readoutput.Experiment(name)

    if len(output.models)==0:
        print "WARNING: Model did not return sensible results, setting likelihood to zero"
        return -np.inf

    model0 = output.models[0]
    zs = model0.var['z'].sensible()

    accum = 0

    # In this next section we take the rotation curve from Bhattacharjee (2014) and 
    # compare it to our model. This involves several steps. First, we decide which 
    # model from B14 to use - this is controlled by l0 and l1, two "nuissance parameters" in our model.
    # Next we interpolate the GIDGET model's circular velocity curve onto the radii from B14.
    # At each radius, we take the data to be drawn from a Normal distribution with B14's quoted errors.
    # We assume each measurement is independent, i.e. the likelihood of each point is simply multiplied.
    # To begin to account for possible systematics in the data, we allow the quoted errors to be
    # scaled by an additional nuissance parameter obsScale.

    #rotcurve = np.loadtxt(chainDir+"/../../Bhattacharjee2014.txt", skiprows=15)
    rotcurve = np.loadtxt(chainDir[0:-len(chainDirRel)]+"/../Bhattacharjee2014.txt", skiprows=15)
    #whichRotCurve = convertPairToLabel(l0,l1)
    whichRotCurve = 1
    if whichRotCurve==0:
        rc = rotcurve[0:51, 2:5]
    if whichRotCurve==1:
        rc = rotcurve[51:101, 2:5]
    if whichRotCurve==2:
        rc = rotcurve[101:151, 2:5]

    nr = np.shape(rc)[0]
    rModel = model0.var['r'].sensible(timeIndex=-1)
    rData = rc[:,0]
    vcModel = model0.var['vPhi'].atR(rData, rModel, -1)
    minR = np.min(rModel)
    maxR = np.max(rModel)
    for i in range(nr):
        r = rc[i,0]
        if r<minR or r>maxR:
            # if the observational data lie outside the computational domain don't count them.
            # Note that this would be bad if the computational domain depended on the model parameters!
            # But we don't do that.
            vc = rc[i,1]
            dvc = rc[i,2] * obsScale
            vcM = vcModel[i]
            accum += - 0.5*(vc-vcM)**2.0/dvc**2.0

    # Next up we compare to some results enumerated in Licquia and Newman (2014) arXiv 1407.1078
    r0 = 8.3 #sampleFromNormalDensity(8.33, 0.35**2.0) # first adopt a value of R0, the distance of the sun from the galactic center

    # This is the Boxy & Rix (2013) value of the solar neighborhood stellar surface density
    rInterp = [8.0,8.3,8.5]
    SigStModel = model0.var['colst'].atR(rInterp,rModel,-1)[1]
    accum += - 0.5*(SigStModel-38.0)**2.0/(4.0)**2.0

    rScale = model0.var['scaleLength'].sensible(timeIndex=-1)
#    accum +=  - 0.5*(rScale-2.15)**2.0 / (0.14*obsScale)**2.0

    sfr = model0.var['sfr'].sensible(timeIndex=-1)
    accum +=  - 0.5*(sfr-1.65)**2.0 / (0.19)**2.0

    # Total stellar mass
    mstar = model0.var['mstar'].sensible(timeIndex=-1)
    accum +=  -0.5*((6.08e10 - mstar)/1.14e10)**2.0

#    # Bulge:Total Ratio
    BT = model0.var['BT'].sensible(timeIndex=-1)
#    mean = 0.150 + (0.028 - 0.019)/2.0
#    accum += -0.5*((mean-BT)/0.028/obsScale)**2.0

    maxColStIndex = np.argmax(model0.var['colst'].sensible(timeIndex=-1))
    time1 = time.clock()
    print "With params ",emceeParams," we get BT=",BT," sfr=",sfr,' rScale=',rScale,' mstar=',np.log10(mstar)," and total lnlikelihood = ",accum, " requring a model runtime of ",(time1-time0)/60.0,"minutes. The maximum of ColSt is at ",maxColStIndex,", the number of time outputs is ",model0.nt,len(zs),zs[-1]

    return accum        
Пример #7
def runner(basename, fidname, fh=0.0):
    fid = ro.Experiment(fidname)
    MONDargs = [
        'gbar', 'gtot', 'hGas', 'sSFRRadial', 'rxl', 'colstNormalizedKravtsov',
        'colNormalizedKravtsov', 'colHI', 'colH2', 'colst', 'fH2', 'vPhi',
        'sigstR', 'sigstZ', 'ageRadial', 'colsfr', 'Z', 'sig'
    fid.read(keepOnly=MONDargs, fh=fh, keepStars=True)
    experimentNameList = sorted(glob.glob('../analysis/' + basename + '*'))
    experimentList = []
    for exp in experimentNameList:
        )  # 12 gets rid of the "../analysis/" part of the string used to find all the relevant models.
        experimentList[-1].read(keepOnly=MONDargs, keepStars=True)
    if len(experimentList) < 1:
        pdb.set_trace()  # we didn't find any experiments.. what's going on?

    zinds = [
        ro.Nearest(fid.models[0].var['z'].sensible(), z)[0]
        for z in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

    ###  raccRvir, rstarRed, rgasRed, fg0mult, muColScaling,
    ###   muFgScaling, muNorm, muMhScaling, ZIGMfac, zmix,
    ###   eta, Qf, alphaMRI, epsquench, accCeiling,
    ###   conRF, kZ, xiREC, epsff, scaleAdjust,
    ###   mquench, enInjFac, fh = emceeparams
    featureNames = [
        r'$\alpha_r$', r'$\alpha_{r,*,0}$', r'$\alpha_{r,g,0}$',
        r'$\chi_{f_{g,0}}$', r'$\alpha_\Sigma$', r'$\alpha_{f_g}$', r'$\mu_0$',
        r'$\alpha_{M_h}$', r'$\chi_{Z_\mathrm{IGM}}$', r'$\xi_\mathrm{acc}$',
        r'$\eta$', r'$Q_f$', r'$\alpha_\mathrm{MRI}$',
        r'$\epsilon_\mathrm{quench}$', r'$\epsilon_\mathrm{ceil}$',
        r'$\alpha_\mathrm{con}$', r'$k_Z$', r'$\xi$',
        r'$\epsilon_\mathrm{ff}$', r'$\Delta\beta$', r'$M_Q$',
    colorNames = [
        'k', 'olive', 'b', 'pink', 'lightblue', 'darkgreen', 'lightgreen',
        'gray', 'orange', 'yellow', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'maroon', 'purple',
        'lightslategray', 'moccasin', 'fuchsia', 'mediumorchid', 'cadetblue',
        'darkkhaki', 'chocolate', 'red', 'darkorange'
    ] * 2

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(5, 4, figsize=(12, 12))
    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.01, hspace=0.04, bottom=0.1)
    colorby = 'Mh0'
    for j in range(4):
                    axIn=ax[0, j],
        expand(ax[0, j])
        singlePanel('mstar', 'sSFR', zinds[j], ax[0, j], featureNames,
                    colorNames, fid, experimentList, 1.0, None)
                    axIn=ax[1, j],
        expand(ax[1, j])
        singlePanel('mstar', 'sfZ', zinds[j], ax[1, j], featureNames,
                    colorNames, fid, experimentList, 1.0, None)
                    axIn=ax[2, j],
        expand(ax[2, j])
        singlePanel('mstar', 'stZ', zinds[j], ax[2, j], featureNames,
                    colorNames, fid, experimentList, 1.0, None)
                    axIn=ax[3, j],
        expand(ax[3, j])
        singlePanel('mstar', 'gasToStellarRatioH2', zinds[j], ax[3, j],
                    featureNames, colorNames, fid, experimentList, 1.0, None)
                    axIn=ax[4, j],
        expand(ax[4, j])
        singlePanel('mstar', 'gasToStellarRatioHI', zinds[j], ax[4, j],
                    featureNames, colorNames, fid, experimentList, 1.0, None)

        ax[2, j].text(1.0e10, 2.0e-2, r'$z=$' + str(j))
    for j in range(4):
        for i in range(5):
            if j > 0:
                ax[i, j].set_ylabel('')
                ax[i, j].get_yaxis().set_ticks([])
            if i < 4:
                ax[i, j].set_xlabel('')
                ax[i, j].get_xaxis().set_ticks([])
        ax[4, j].get_xaxis().set_ticks([1.0e5, 1.0e7, 1.0e9, 1.0e11])
    plt.savefig(fidname + '_directionalCalibrationLo1.pdf')

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 4, figsize=(12, 11))
    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.01, hspace=0.04, bottom=0.1)
    for j in range(4):
                    axIn=ax[0, j],
        expand(ax[0, j], bottom=1.0)
        singlePanel('mstar', 'halfMassStars', zinds[j], ax[0, j], featureNames,
                    colorNames, fid, experimentList, 1.0, None)
                    axIn=ax[1, j],
        expand(ax[1, j], bottom=1.0)
        singlePanel('mstar', 'vPhi22', zinds[j], ax[1, j], featureNames,
                    colorNames, fid, experimentList, 1.0, None)
                    axIn=ax[2, j],
        expand(ax[2, j], bottom=1.0)
        singlePanel('mstar', 'c82', zinds[j], ax[2, j], featureNames,
                    colorNames, fid, experimentList, 1.0, None)
                    axIn=ax[3, j],
        expand(ax[3, j], bottom=1.0)
        singlePanel('mstar', 'Sigma1', zinds[j], ax[3, j], featureNames,
                    colorNames, fid, experimentList, 1.0, None)
        ax[1, j].text(1.0e10, 80.0, r'$z=$' + str(j))
    for j in range(4):
        for i in range(4):
            if j > 0:
                ax[i, j].set_ylabel('')
                ax[i, j].get_yaxis().set_ticks([])
            if i < 3:
                ax[i, j].set_xlabel('')
                ax[i, j].get_xaxis().set_ticks([])
        ax[3, j].get_xaxis().set_ticks([1.0e5, 1.0e7, 1.0e9, 1.0e11])
    plt.savefig(fidname + '_directionalCalibrationLo2.pdf')

    percentiles = None
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(5, 4, figsize=(8, 9))
    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.01, hspace=0.03)
    for j in range(4):
        ax[0, j].set_title(r'$z=$' + str(j))
                       axIn=ax[0, j])
        singlePanelR('colst', zinds[j], ax[0, j], featureNames, colorNames,
                     fid, experimentList, 1.0, None)

                       axIn=ax[1, j])
        singlePanelR('colsfr', zinds[j], ax[1, j], featureNames, colorNames,
                     fid, experimentList, 1.0, None)

                       axIn=ax[2, j])
        singlePanelR('sSFRRadial', zinds[j], ax[2, j], featureNames,
                     colorNames, fid, experimentList, 1.0, None)

                       axIn=ax[3, j])
        singlePanelR('colH2', zinds[j], ax[3, j], featureNames, colorNames,
                     fid, experimentList, 1.0, None)

                       axIn=ax[4, j])
        singlePanelR('colHI', zinds[j], ax[4, j], featureNames, colorNames,
                     fid, experimentList, 1.0, None)
        #ax[0,j].text(1.0e12, 1.0e7, r'$z=$'+str(j))
    for j in range(4):
        for i in range(5):
            if j > 0:
                ax[i, j].set_ylabel('')
                ax[i, j].get_yaxis().set_ticks([])
            if i < 4:
                ax[i, j].set_xlabel('')
                ax[i, j].get_xaxis().set_ticks([])
    plt.savefig(fidname + '_directionalCalibration3.pdf')
Пример #8
def getposteriorpredictive(restart, burnin=0, nspace=10):
    ''' we have to find the set of models over some period of time in the chain (after burnin)
        that represents the posterior predictive distribution of models. this is not the same as
        just taking a set of all models run after you think the sampler has converged because
        some (most!) of those models are not accepted! it's also a bit non-trivial because
        when the new model isn't accepted, you need to include the identical model again.'''
    #allruns = glob.glob(chaindir+'*')
    frac = 1.0
    output = readoutput.Experiment(chaindirrel)
    modeldict = {}
    # accScaleLength, muNorm, muMassScaling, muFgScaling, muColScaling, accCeiling, eta, fixedQ, Qlim, conRF, kappaNormalization, kappaMassScaling = emceeparams
    for model in output.models:
        key = ("%.5e" % model.p['accScaleLength']) + '_' + ("%.5e" %
        modeldict[key] = model

    # the following block of code ends up working but not being effective because for some reason i changed the number
    # of outputs in between the two runs, so when i can't find a model in 06, it's gone forever.

    # these are all the accscalelengths in the posterior distribution.
    # this is a somewhat subjective decision: the user needs to have picked a
    #  burnin time, and spacing to cut down on autocorrelation, and possibly also
    #  a fraction of models to take on board (if e.g. you don't want the full sample).
    accScaleLength = restart['chain'][:, burnin::nspace, 0].flatten()
    eta = restart['chain'][:, burnin::nspace, 6].flatten()
    assert len(accScaleLength) == len(etas)
    print "copying over models as ", len(eta), " samples from the ppd."
    for i in range(len(eta)):
        if np.random.uniform() < frac:
            # we have decided to take the model, identified by the key below, and copy it from
            # the mcmc chain into our posterior predictive distribution.
            key = ("%.5e" % accScaleLength[i]) + '_' + ("%.5e" % eta[i])
            print "using key ", key
            # to do so, we find the model in our dictionary of models
            if key in modeldict.keys():
                model = modeldict[key]
                print "didn't find the key in modeldict! diagnostics:"
                print "i: ", i
                print "key: ", key
                print "len(keys())", len(modeldict.keys())
                print "examples: ", modeldict.keys()[0]
                print "examples: ", modeldict.keys()[1]
                print "examples: ", modeldict.keys()[2]
                print "chain shape: ", np.shape(restart['chain'])
                print "len(epsffs): ", len(epsffs)
                raise keyerror

            # assign it a new name
            destname = chaindirrel + '-ppd_' + str(i).zfill(5)
            # and copy the original run to a new directory.
            shutil.copytree(model.dirname, analysisdir + '/' + destname)
            print "copied over key ", key
            # for every file in the copied folder, replace its old prefix with its new name.
            for filename in os.listdir(analysisdir + '/' + destname):
                filenamedest = filename[len(
                ):]  # strip off the model name, leaving only e.g. _evolution.dat
                filenamedest = destname + filenamedest  # replace with the current model name.
                os.rename(analysisdir + '/' + destname + '/' + filename,
                          analysisdir + '/' + destname + '/' + filenamedest)
Пример #9
def rerunposteriorpredictive():
    ''' rerun the posterior predictive distribution. this can be used to e.g. increase the resolution
        spatially or in terms of the age of stellar populations, or vary some parameter systematically.
    pool = MPIPool(comm=comm, loadbalance=True)
    if not pool.is_master():

    output = readoutput.Experiment(
        chaindirrel + '-ppd')  # read in the posterior predictive distribution.
    output.read(paramsonly=True, keepstars=False)
    emcee_params = []
    print "output.models: ", len(output.models)
    # for each model, take the parameters we have read in and construct the corresponding emcee parameters.
    # accScaleLength, muNorm, muMassScaling, muFgScaling, muColScaling, accCeiling, eta, fixedQ, Qlim, conRF, kappaNormalization, kappaMassScaling = emceeparams
    for model in output.models:
        eta = model.p['eta']
        epsff = model.p['epsff']
        fg0 = model.p['fg0']
        munorm = model.p['muNorm']
        mucolscaling = model.p['muColScaling']
        fixedq = model.p['fixedq']
        qlim = model.p['Qlim']
        accscalelength = model.p['accScaleLength']
        fcool = model.p['fcool']
        mh0 = model.p['Mh0']
        mufgscaling = model.p['muFgScaling']
        zigm = model.p['ZIGM']
        r0mcmc = 8
        v0mcmc = 220
        epsilonacc = model.p['accNorm']

        # we have everything except obsscale, but actually that doesn't matter,
        # since it only affects the model in post-processing, i.e. in comparing to the data,
        # not the running of the model itself. so..... we good!
        thelist = [
            eta, epsff, fg0, munorm, mucolscaling, fixedq, qlim,
            accscalelength, fcool, mh0, conrf, mufgscaling, zigm, r0mcmc,
            v0mcmc, epsilonacc
            assert eta > 0 and epsff > 0 and fg0 > 0 and fg0 <= 1 and fixedq > 0 and munorm >= 0 and fcool >= 0 and fcool <= 1 and mh0 > 0
            print 'unexpected ppd params: ', thelist
    # ok, from here on out, we just need to emulate parts of the run() function to trick emcee into running a single iteration of the algorithm with this ic.

    ndim = 18

    restart = {}
    restart['currentPosition'] = emcee_params
    restart['chain'] = None
    restart['state'] = None
    restart['prob'] = None
    restart['iterationCounter'] = 0
    restart['mcmcRunCounter'] = 0

    nwalkers = len(
    )  # need one walker per sample from posterior predictive distribution
    print "starting up the ensemble sampler!"
    sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, fakeprob, pool=pool)
    #pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(restart['currentPosition'], n, rstate0=restart['state'], lnprob0=restart['prob'])
    print "take a step with the ensemble sampler"

    # take a single step with the ensemble sampler.
    print np.shape(restart['currentPosition']), np.shape(
        np.random.uniform(0, 1, nwalkers))

    #result = sampler.sample(restart['currentPosition'], iterations=1, lnprob0=None, rstate0=None)

    #pos, prob, state = result
    print "close the pool"

Пример #10
def lnlikelihood(emceeparams, modelname=None):
    # set up the experiment
    Mh0, raccRvir, rstarRed, rgasRed, fg0mult, muColScaling, muFgScaling, muNorm, muMhScaling, ZIGMfac, zmix, eta, Qf, alphaMRI, epsquench, accCeiling, conRF, kZ, xiREC, epsff, scaleAdjust, mquench, enInjFac, chiZslope = emceeparams
    #accScaleLength, muNorm, muMassScaling, muFgScaling, muColScaling, accCeiling, eta, fixedQ, Qlim, conRF, kappaNormalization, kappaMassScaling = emceeparams

    time0 = time.time()

    ## if we're being given a model that's already been run, don't run it again.
    if modelname is None:
        expertorun, name = emceeparameterspacetogidgetexperiment(emceeparams)

        # run the experiment.
        expertorun.localRun(1, 0, maxTime=3600 * 2)
        name = modelname

    # read the results of the model
    output = readoutput.Experiment(name)
    # ... but only keep the radial functions to which we will compare real data.
    radialVars = ['vPhi', 'col', 'colst', 'colsfr', 'Z', 'ageRadial']
    output.read(keepOnly=radialVars, keepStars=True)

    successfullyRun = 1
    if len(output.models) == 0:
        print "warning: model did not return sensible results, setting likelihood to zero"
        successfullyRun = 0
        #return -np.inf
    variables = [
        'Mh', 'mstar', 'sSFR', 'sfZ', 'stZ', 'gasToStellarRatioH2',
        'gasToStellarRatioHI', 'halfMassStars', 'vPhi22', 'c82', 'Sigma1',
        'specificJStars', 'metallicityGradientR90', 'sfsig', 'mdotBulgeG',
        'fractionGI', 'tdep', 'tDepH2', 'broeilsHI', 'mStellarHalo'
    nz = 4
    nRadii = 20
    toFit = np.zeros(nRadii * len(radialVars) + len(variables) * nz)
    if successfullyRun == 1:
        model = output.models[0]
        zinds = [
            readoutput.Nearest(model.var['z'].sensible(), z)[0]
            for z in [0, 1, 2, 3]
        for j in range(len(variables)):
            for k in range(nz):
                toFit[j * nz +
                      k] = model.var[variables[j]].sensible(timeIndex=zinds[k])
        for l in range(len(radialVars)):
            rNew = np.linspace(0.1, 3.0, nRadii)
            rVec = model.var['rx'].sensible(timeIndex=zinds[0])
            toFit[len(variables) * nz + l * nRadii:len(variables) * nz +
                  (l + 1) * nRadii] = model.var[radialVars[l]].atR(
                      rNew, rVec, zinds[0], sensible=True)

    # 200 + 1 + 24
    outputList = list(emceeparams) + [successfullyRun] + list(toFit)
    np.savetxt(analysisdir + '/' + name + '_sampleInfo.txt', outputList)

    # shutil.rmtree( analysisdir+'/'+name+'/' )
    # remove the large files in the output, since we no longer need them
        os.remove(analysisdir + '/' + name + '/' + name + '_evolution.dat')
        os.remove(analysisdir + '/' + name + '/' + name + '_radial.dat')
        os.remove(analysisdir + '/' + name + '/' + name + '_stars.dat')
        print "WARNING: did not successfully remove evolution.dat radial.dat or stars.dat from ", analysisdir + '/' + name + '/'

    return 0.0

    model0 = output.models[0]
    zs = model0.var['z'].sensible()
    ts = model0.var['t'].sensible()

    accum = np.zeros(
        (len(zs), 5)
    )  # contribution to likelihood from each redshift & each of the 5 relations.

    def Moster(Mh, mparams):
        M10, M11, N10, N11, beta10, beta11, gamma10, gamma11 = mparams
        zti = 4.0
        logM1z = M10 + M11 * zti / (zti + 1.0)
        Nz = N10 + N11 * zti / (zti + 1.0)
        betaz = beta10 + beta11 * zti / (zti + 1.0)
        gammaz = gamma10 + gamma11 * zti / (zti + 1.0)
        M1 = np.power(10.0, logM1z)
        eff = 2.0 * Nz / (np.power(Mh / M1, -betaz) +
                          np.power(Mh / M1, gammaz))
        return eff

    central = np.array(
        [11.590, 1.195, 0.0351, -0.0247, 1.376, -0.826, 0.608, 0.329])
    #eff = Moster(Mhz4,central)
    #mst = eff*Mhz4 # mstar according to the moster relation. ## at z=4 !!

    print "For the record, the redshifts we're analyzing here are ", zs
    for ti in range(len(zs[1:-1])):
        # make a list of the mstar's at this redshift.
        mstar = np.array([
            for model in output.models

        ZHayward = -8.69 + 9.09 * np.power(
            1.0 + zs[ti], -0.017) - 0.0864 * np.power(
                np.log10(mstar) - 11.07 * np.power(1.0 + zs[ti], 0.094), 2.0)
        ZHayward = np.power(10.0, ZHayward) * 0.02
        reff = 5.28 * np.power(mstar / 1.0e10, 0.25) * np.power(
            1.0 + zs[ti], -0.6)  # kpc (eq B3) at z=4
        f0 = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.power(mstar / 10.0**9.15, 0.4)
                    )  # from Hayward & Hopkins (2015) eq. B2
        tau4 = (12.27 - ts[ti]) / (12.27 + 1.60
                                   )  # fractional lookback time at z=4
        fgz4 = f0 * np.power(1.0 - tau4 *
                             (1.0 - np.power(f0, 1.5)), -2.0 / 3.0)
        obsgasratio = fgz4 / (1 - fgz4)
        dataVphi = 147.0 * np.power(mstar / 1.0e10,
                                    0.23)  # independent of redshift, km/s.
        for i, model in enumerate(output.models):
            modelZ = model.var['sfZ'].cgs(timeIndex=ti)
            # Compare metallicities
            accum[ti, 0] += -0.5 * (np.log10(modelZ) - np.log10(
                ZHayward[i]))**2.0 / np.log10(2.0)**2.0

            modelReff = model.var['halfMassStars'].sensible(timeIndex=ti)
            # Compare half mass radii
                  1] += -0.5 * (np.log10(modelReff) -
                                np.log10(reff[i]))**2.0 / np.log10(2.0)**2.0

            ## fgas = Mgas/(Mstar+Mgas)
            ## fgas*(Mstar/Mgas+1) = 1
            ## Mgas/Mstar = fgas / (1 - fgas)
            modelfg = model.var['fg'].sensible(timeIndex=ti)
            modelgasratio = modelfg / (1 - modelfg)
            # Compare gas:stellar mass ratio
            accum[ti, 2] += -0.5 * (np.log10(modelgasratio) - np.log10(
                obsgasratio[i]))**2.0 / np.log10(2.0**2.0)
            modelVphi = model.var['vPhiOuter'].sensible(timeIndex=ti)
            # Compare TF relation (mstar vs vphi)
            accum[ti, 3] += -0.5 * (np.log10(modelVphi) - np.log10(
                dataVphi[i]))**2.0 / np.log10(2.0)**2.0

            modelMh = model.var['Mh'].sensible(timeIndex=ti)
            modelMst = mstar[i]
            dataMst = Moster(modelMh, central) * modelMh
                  4] += -0.5 * (np.log10(dataMst) -
                                np.log10(modelMst))**2.0 / np.log10(2.0)**2.0

    time1 = time.time()

    totaccum = np.sum(accum)

    print "with params ", emceeparams, " we get total lnlikelihood = ", totaccum, accum, " requring a model runtime of ", (
        time1 - time0
    ) / 60.0, "minutes. The number of time outputs is ", model0.nt, len(
        zs), zs[-1]

    return totaccum