Пример #1
 def create_view(self, relative_path, user_interface, file_path=None):
     if not user_interface is self:
         raise ProgrammerError('get_file called on %s with %s as user_interface' % (self, user_interface))
     file_url_path = file_path
     filename = self.filesystem_path(file_url_path)
     logging.debug('Finding a static file on filesystem %s' % filename)
     if self.is_dynamic(filename):
         statics = self.statics(file_url_path)
         slot_contents = {'main_slot': DJHTMLWidget.factory(statics['div'])}
         return UrlBoundView(user_interface, file_url_path, statics['title'], slot_contents, cacheable=True)
     elif self.is_static(filename):
         return FileView(user_interface, FileOnDisk(filename, file_url_path))
     raise CannotCreate()
Пример #2
 def assemble(self):
     list_of_files = [FileOnDisk(one_file.name, 'one_file')]
     self.define_static_files('/morestaticfiles', list_of_files)
Пример #3
def test_file_download_details(web_fixture):
    """FileDownloadStub (the GET response for a StaticFileResource) works correctly in
      different scenarios of partial GETting too."""

    file_content = b'some content'
    server_file = temp_file_with(file_content, 'afile.css', mode='w+b')

    class FileDownloadStub(FileDownload):
        chunk_size = 1

    response = FileDownloadStub(
        FileOnDisk(server_file.name, '/path/for/the/file'))

    # Case: The whole content is sent, in chunk_size bits
    read = [i for i in response.app_iter]
    expected = [bytes((i, )) for i in file_content]
    assert read == expected

    # Case: Headers are set correctly
    assert response.content_type == 'text/css'
    assert not response.content_encoding
    assert response.content_length == len(file_content)

    mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
    assert response.last_modified.replace(tzinfo=None) == mtime
    tag_mtime, tag_size, tag_hash = response.etag.split('-')
    mtime = str(os.path.getmtime(server_file.name))
    assert tag_mtime == mtime
    assert tag_size == str(len(file_content))
    assert tag_hash == str(abs(hash(server_file.name)))

    # Case: conditional response is supported
    assert response.conditional_response

    # Case: partial response is supported - different cases:
    #      - normal case
    actual = [i for i in response.app_iter.app_iter_range(3, 7)]
    expected = [bytes((i, )) for i in file_content[3:8]]
    assert actual == expected

    #      - no end specified
    actual = [i for i in response.app_iter.app_iter_range(3)]
    expected = [bytes((i, )) for i in file_content[3:]]
    assert actual == expected

    #      - no start specified
    actual = [i for i in response.app_iter.app_iter_range(end=7)]
    expected = [bytes((i, )) for i in file_content[:8]]
    assert actual == expected

    #      - where the last chunk read would stretch past end
    response.chunk_size = 2
    actual = b''.join([i for i in response.app_iter.app_iter_range(end=6)])
    expected = file_content[:7]
    assert actual == expected

    #      - where start > end
    response.chunk_size = 1
    actual = [i for i in response.app_iter.app_iter_range(start=7, end=3)]
    expected = [b'']
    assert actual == expected

    #      - where start < 0
    actual = [i for i in response.app_iter.app_iter_range(start=-10, end=7)]
    expected = [bytes((i, )) for i in file_content[:8]]
    assert actual == expected

    #      - where end > length of file
    actual = [i for i in response.app_iter.app_iter_range(start=3, end=2000)]
    expected = [bytes((i, )) for i in file_content[3:]]
    assert actual == expected

    #      - where start > length of file
    actual = [i for i in response.app_iter.app_iter_range(start=700)]
    expected = [b'']
    assert actual == expected