Пример #1
class Corrp():
    def __init__(self):

        self.obj = None

        self.decision = None
        self.time = None
        self.location = None
        self.suplearn = None

    def init_pred(self):  #remember later to change it to override method
        self.obj = Reason()
        time = ['(currenttime=rush)', '(currenttime=break)']
        location = ['(atlocation=at_entrance)', '(atlocation=at_exit)']
        lstm = ['(classifier=zero)', '(classifier=one)']
        decision = ['interested', 'not_interested']

        time_rand = random.choice(time)
        loc_rand = random.choice(location)
        lstm_rand = random.choice(lstm)

        int_prob = float(
            self.obj.query('reason.plog', self.decision, time_rand, lstm_rand,

        print int_prob

        print int_prob
        return int_prob

    def init_state(self):

        self.decision = random.choice(['interested', 'not_interested'])
        print 'the random decision is:', self.decision
        self.time = random.choice(['break', 'rush'])
        print 'The random time is ', self.time
        self.location = random.choice(['at_entrance', 'at_exit'])
        print 'The random location is : ', self.location

        print 'The classifier output is: ', self.classifier

        return self.decision

    def get_state_index(self, state):

        return self.model.states.index(state)

    def get_obs_index(self, obs):

        return self.model.observations.index(obs)

    def lstm(self):
        pred = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]
        #pred_int = [0.9,1.0]
        #pred_not_int = [0.0,0.1,0.2]
        if random.choice(pred) >= 0.5:
            self.suplearn = 1
            self.classifier = 'one'
            self.suplearn = 0
            self.classifier = 'zero'

    def run(self):

        init = self.init_state()
        prob = self.init_pred()
        cost = 0
        #print ( 'b shape is,', b.shape )
        #print b

        success = 0
        tp = 0
        tn = 0
        fp = 0
        fn = 0

        if prob > 0.5:
            if 'interested' == init:
                success = 1
                tp = 1
                print 'Trial was successfull'
            elif 'not_interested' == init:
                success = 0
                fp = 1
                print 'Trial was unsuccessful'
            if 'not_interested' == init:
                tn = 1
                success = 1
                print 'Trial was successful'
            elif 'interested' == init:
                fn = 1

        #print ('finished ')

        return cost, success, tp, tn, fp, fn

    def trial_num(self, num):
        total_success = 0
        total_cost = 0
        total_tp = 0
        total_tn = 0
        total_fp = 0
        total_fn = 0

        for i in range(num):
            c, s, tp, tn, fp, fn = self.run()
            total_cost += c
            total_success += s
            total_tp += tp
            total_tn += tn
            total_fp += fp
            total_fn += fn

        print 'Average total reward is:', total_cost / num
        print 'Average total success is: ', float(total_success) / num
        Precision = float(total_tp) / (total_tp + total_fp)
        print 'Precision is ', Precision
        Recall = float(total_tp) / (total_tp + total_fn)
        print 'Recall is ', Recall
        F1score = 2.0 * Precision * Recall / (Precision + Recall)
        print 'F1 score', F1score
Пример #2
class Corrp():
    def __init__(self, pomdpfile='program.pomdp'):

        self.obj = None
        self.model = Model(filename='program.pomdp', parsing_print_flag=False)
        self.policy = Policy(5, 4, output='program.policy')
        print self.model.states
        self.decision = None
        self.time = None
        self.location = None
        self.suplearn = None

    def init_belief(self):  #remember later to change it to override method
        self.obj = Reason()
        time = [
            '(currenttime=morning)', '(currenttime=afternoon)',
        location = ['(atlocation=classroom)', '(atlocation=library)']
        #lstm = ['(classifier=zero)','(classifier=one)']
        decision = ['interested', 'not_interested']

        time_rand = random.choice(time)
        loc_rand = random.choice(location)
        #lstm_rand = random.choice(lstm)
        lstm_rand = self.lstm()

        int_prob = float(
            self.obj.query('reason.plog', self.decision, time_rand, lstm_rand,

        print int_prob

        init_belief = [1.0 - int_prob, int_prob, 1.0 - int_prob, int_prob, 0]
        b = np.zeros(len(init_belief))
        for i in range(len(init_belief)):
            b[i] = init_belief[i] / sum(init_belief)

        print b
        return b

    def init_state(self):
        self.decision = random.choice(['interested', 'not_interested'])
        print 'the random decision is:', self.decision
        self.time = random.choice(['morning', 'afternoon', 'evening'])
        print 'The random time is ', self.time
        self.location = random.choice(['library', 'classroom'])
        print 'The random location is : ', self.location

        print 'The classifier output is: ', self.classifier

        if self.decision == 'interested':
            state = random.choice(
                ['not_forward_interested', 'forward_interested'])
            state = random.choice(
                ['not_forward_not_interested', 'forward_not_interested'])
        print state
        s_idx = self.get_state_index(state)
        print s_idx
        return s_idx, state

    def get_state_index(self, state):

        return self.model.states.index(state)

    def get_obs_index(self, obs):

        return self.model.observations.index(obs)

    def random_observe(self, a_idx):
        if self.model.actions[a_idx] == 'move_forward':
            obs = random.choice(['physical', 'no_physical'])
        elif self.model.actions[a_idx] == 'greet':
            obs = random.choice(['verbal', 'no_verbal'])
            obs = 'na'
        o_idx = self.get_obs_index(obs)
        print('random observation is: ', self.model.observations[o_idx])
        return o_idx

    def observe_logical(self, a_idx):
        if self.model.actions[
                a_idx] == 'move_forward' and self.decision == 'interested':
            obs = 'physical'
        elif self.model.actions[
                a_idx] == 'move_forward' and self.decision == 'not_interested':
            obs = 'no_physical'
        elif self.model.actions[
                a_idx] == 'greet' and self.decision == 'interested':
            obs = 'verbal'
        elif self.model.actions[
                a_idx] == 'greet' and self.decision == 'not_interested':
            obs = 'no_verbal'
            obs = 'na'
        o_idx = self.get_obs_index(obs)
        print('random observation is: ', self.model.observations[o_idx])
        return o_idx

    #def update(self, a_idx,o_idx,b ):
    #	temp = np.matmul(self.model.trans_mat[0,:,:],self.model.obs_mat[0,:,:])
    #	temp = np.matmul(b,temp)
    #	b = temp/np.sum(temp)
    #	return b

    def update(self, a_idx, o_idx, b):
        b = np.dot(b, self.model.trans_mat[a_idx, :])

        b = [
            b[i] * self.model.obs_mat[a_idx, i, o_idx]
            for i in range(len(self.model.states))

        b = b / sum(b)
        return b

    def lstm(self):
        predone = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
        prezero = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]
        if self.decision == 'interested':
            if random.choice(predone) == 1:
                self.classifier = 'one'
                return '(classifier=one)'
                self.classifier = 'zero'
                return '(classifier=zero)'
            if random.choice(predone) == 1:
                self.classifier = 'one'
                return '(classifier=one)'
                self.classifier = 'zero'
                return '(classifier=zero)'
            #self.suplearn = 0
            #self.classifier = 'zero'
    def run(self):

        s_idx, temp = self.init_state()
        b = self.init_belief()
        cost = 0
        #print ( 'b shape is,', b.shape )
        #print b

        while True:
            a_idx = self.policy.select_action(b)
            a = self.model.actions[a_idx]

            print('action selected', a)

            o_idx = self.random_observe(a_idx)
            #o_idx= self.observe_logical(a_idx)
            #print ('transition matrix shape is', self.model.trans_mat.shape)
            #print self.model.trans_mat[a_idx,:,:]
            #print ('observation matrix shape is', self.model.obs_mat.shape)
            #print self.model.trans_mat[a_idx,:,:]
            print s_idx
            cost = cost + self.model.reward_mat[a_idx, s_idx]
            print('Total reward is,', cost)
            b = self.update(a_idx, o_idx, b)
            print b
            success = 0
            tp = 0
            tn = 0
            fp = 0
            fn = 0

            if 'report' in a:
                if 'not_interested' in a and 'not_interested' in temp:
                    success = 1
                    tn = 1
                    print 'Trial was successfull'
                elif 'report_interested' in a and 'forward_interested' in temp:
                    success = 1
                    tp = 1
                    print 'Trial was successful'
                elif 'report_interested' in a and 'forward_not_interested' in temp:
                    fp = 1
                    print 'Trial was unsuccessful'
                elif 'not_interested' in a and 'forward_interested' in temp:
                    fn = 1

                print('finished ')

        return cost, success, tp, tn, fp, fn

    def trial_num(self, num):
        total_success = 0
        total_cost = 0
        total_tp = 0
        total_tn = 0
        total_fp = 0
        total_fn = 0

        for i in range(num):
            c, s, tp, tn, fp, fn = self.run()
            total_cost += c
            total_success += s
            total_tp += tp
            total_tn += tn
            total_fp += fp
            total_fn += fn

        print 'Average total reward is:', total_cost / num
        print 'Average total success is: ', float(total_success) / num
        Precision = float(total_tp) / (total_tp + total_fp)
        print 'Precision is ', Precision
        Recall = float(total_tp) / (total_tp + total_fn)
        print 'Recall is ', Recall
        F1score = 2.0 * Precision * Recall / (Precision + Recall)
        print 'F1 score', F1score