def calcpurchases(numtries,numpurchases): buychoices = {} # print ".. trying options for ",numpurchases," number of purchases...tries",numtries # now running multiprocessor, only put out a status bar for the first job. for i in xrange(numtries): buyamounts = rebalance.constrained_sum_sample_pos(numpurchases,int(addedcash - (fee * numpurchases))) buycode = [] intermedport = [] buypattern = [] asxcodestobuy = copy.copy(asxcodestochoosesorted) # we have the sorted list of ASX codes, so randomly remove some from the list until we # only have numpurchases left while len(asxcodestobuy) > numpurchases: asxcodestobuy.remove(random.choice(asxcodestobuy)) # print "for numpurchases",numpurchases,"have asxcodestobuy", asxcodestobuy codestobuy = asxcodestochoosesorted for purchase in xrange(numpurchases): # since the intervals chosen are random anyway, we dont need to randomly choose an ASX code? # so we can do it in order of largest to smallest shareprice buycode.append(asxcodestobuy[purchase][1]) # lets grab the asx code in order of lowest to highest share price, deleting # lets round the amount down to a multiple of share price, and add the remainder to the next purchase.. # proivided we got a share price (which we may have not if it is not a share already in the portfolio) if starterport[buycode[purchase]][3] > 0.0: remainder = buyamounts[purchase] % starterport[buycode[purchase]][3] # print remainder,purchase,numpurchases,buyamounts if purchase < numpurchases -1: buyamounts[purchase] = buyamounts[purchase] - remainder buyamounts[purchase + 1] = buyamounts[purchase + 1] + remainder if purchase == 0: intermedport.append(rebalance.rebalance(buyamounts[purchase],starterport,buycode[purchase])) else: intermedport.append(rebalance.rebalance(buyamounts[purchase],intermedport[purchase - 1],buycode[purchase])) buypattern.append(buyamounts[purchase]) buypattern.append(buycode[purchase]) newport = intermedport[-1] newrating = rebalance.isrebalancegood(newport) buychoices[newrating] = buypattern # just grab the top rated one, we dont have to pass the whole lot back # this step a holdover from when the non-parallel code putting it all in one global dict. sortratings = buychoices.keys() sortratings.sort() # print "ending worker with numtries",numtries,"numpurchases",numpurchases return({ sortratings[0] : buychoices[sortratings[0]] })
def daily_rebalance(d, amount=1000000): symbols = d.keys() ndays = len(d['HLT']) amount = amount shares = {} series1 = collections.defaultdict(list) series2 = collections.defaultdict(list) for day in range(ndays): v = {symbol: d[symbol][day]['close'] for symbol in sorted(symbols)} amount = amount + sum(v[symbol] * shares[symbol] for symbol in shares) print day, d['HLT'][day]['date'], amount shares = rebalance(v, amount) amount = amount - sum(v[symbol] * shares[symbol] for symbol in shares) for symbol in sorted(symbols): series1[symbol].append((day, v[symbol])) series2[symbol].append((day, shares[symbol])) canvas1 = Canvas(title="Hotel Share Prices") for symbol in series1: canvas1.plot(series1[symbol], legend=symbol, color=color(symbol))'prices.png') canvas2 = Canvas(title="Hotel Portfolio Shares") for symbol in series2: canvas2.plot(series2[symbol], legend=symbol, color=color(symbol))'shares.png')
def rebalance_data(matrix, dict_keys, rebal_name): # Construct feature vectors and label vector features = [] labels = [] keys = [] sizes = [] flag = True for row in matrix: feats = [] for key in dict_keys: val = row[key] if key == labelname: labels.append(val) elif key != "MG_ID": if type(val) is list: feats = feats + val if flag: keys.append(key) sizes.append(len(val)) else: feats.append(val) if flag: keys.append(key) sizes.append(1) features.append(feats) if flag: flag = False new_feats, new_labels = rebalance.rebalance(features, labels, rebal_name) new_matrix = [] for y in range(len(new_feats)): row = new_feats[y] label = labels[y] index = 0 new_entry = {} for x in range(len(sizes)): key = keys[x] size = sizes[x] val = row[index:index+size] index = index+size new_entry[key] = val new_entry[labelname] = label new_matrix.append(new_entry) return new_matrix
starterports = [] firstcsv = True for csvfile in inputcsvfiles: starterports.append(rebalance.read_cmc_pnl_to_portfdict(csvfile,desiredport)) if not firstcsv: starterports.append(rebalance.add_portfdict(starterports[-2],starterports[-1])) else: firstcsv = False portfolios = [starterports[-1]] starterport = starterports[-1] print "starter portfolio" rebalance.printport(starterport) starterrating = rebalance.isrebalancegood(starterport) print "starter rating", starterrating totalspend = 0 fees = 0 for buycode,buyamount in buysequence: print "buy ",buyamount," of ",buycode portfolios.append(rebalance.rebalance(float(buyamount),portfolios[-1],buycode)) totalspend = totalspend + float(buyamount) fees = fees + fee rebalance.printport(portfolios[-1]) print "rating of ",rebalance.isrebalancegood(portfolios[-1]) print "totalspend is: ",totalspend," (inc fees is: ",totalspend + fees," )" print "fees are: ",fees," which is ",fees/(totalspend + fees) * 100," per cent"
except: usage() starterport = rebalance.read_cmc_pnl_to_portfdict(cmcpnlcsvfilename,desiredport) buychoices = {} print "starter portfolio, loaded from the file ",cmcpnlcsvfilename rebalance.printport(starterport) starterrating = rebalance.isrebalancegood(starterport) print "starter balance rating (i.e. how close to the desired balance):", starterrating print # first gather all the single buy choices. for asxcode in starterport.keys(): newport = rebalance.rebalance(addedcash - fee,starterport,asxcode) newrating = rebalance.isrebalancegood(newport) # print asxcode,newrating # if newrating > starterrating or asxcode == 'TOTALS:': if asxcode == rebalance.TOTALS: # print "dont bother with", asxcode pass else: buychoices[newrating] = [addedcash,asxcode] # get list of ASXcodes in order of share price, highest to lowest, with TOTALS removed. asxcodestochoose = starterport.keys() asxcodestochoose.remove(rebalance.TOTALS) asxcodestochoosesorted = [] for asxcode in asxcodestochoose: asxcodestochoosesorted.append([starterport[asxcode][3],asxcode])
# Initialize our mutual pairs for Trading polo = initializePoloniex() currencies = getPairs.getPairs(base_a, base_b, polo) # spread[[base,currency],[bid_a,ask_a,bid_b,ask_b],depth,[value, volume]] spread = np.zeros([len(currencies) + 1, 4, depth, 2]) flow = np.zeros([len(currencies) - 1, 4]) print('Starting Trading... Live: ', live) fund_value = float(polo.returnBalances()['BTC']) * exposure print('Fund Value Exposed:', fund_value, ' BTC') # Main Loop while True: if (live == True and rebalance == True): fund_value = rebalance.rebalance(currencies[i], polo) rebalance = False if (fund_value < cutoff): break fees = calculate_fees(fund_value, rate) # Get the Spread spread = getSpread.getSpread(base_a, base_b, currencies, spread, depth, polo) #polo.returnOrderBook() # Calculate the Flow flow = getFlow(spread, flow, fees) print() print(flow) '''
def run(arg_model, arg_modelname, arg_train_feats, arg_test_feats, arg_result_file, arg_prefix, arg_labelname, arg_n_feats=227, arg_anova="chi2", arg_nodes=192, arg_activation='relu', arg_dropout=0.5, arg_rebalance=""): total_start_time = time.time() # Special handling for neural network models is_nn = arg_model == "nn" or arg_model == "lstm" or arg_model == "rnn" or arg_model == "cnn" # Params num_feats = arg_n_feats num_nodes = arg_nodes global labelname labelname = arg_labelname trainids = [] # VA record id trainlabels = [] # Correct ICD codes X = [] # Feature vectors Y = [] X2 = [] # Extra features for hybrid model # Read in feature keys print "reading feature keys..." global keys with open(arg_train_feats + ".keys", "r") as kfile: keys = eval( vec_keys = [] # vector/matrix features for CNN and RNN models point_keys = [] # traditional features for other models # If a mix of traditional and vector features is requested, use a hybrid nn model vec_keys, point_keys = split_feats(keys) hybrid = False if len(vec_keys) > 0 and len(point_keys) > 2: hybrid = True print "hybrid features" # Transform ICD codes and record types to numbers global labelencoder, typeencoder labelencoder = preprocessing.LabelEncoder() typeencoder = preprocessing.LabelEncoder() # Load the features if hybrid: Y = preprocess(arg_train_feats, trainids, trainlabels, X, Y, vec_keys, True) preprocess(arg_train_feats, [], [], X2, [], point_keys, True) else: test_labs = model_new.get_labels(arg_test_feats, arg_labelname) Y = preprocess(arg_train_feats, trainids, trainlabels, X, Y, keys, True, extra_labels=test_labs) print "X: " + str(len(X)) + " Y: " + str(len(Y)) print "X2: " + str(len(X2)) # Rebalance if arg_rebalance != "": print "rebalance: " + arg_rebalance X, Y = rebalance.rebalance(X, Y, arg_rebalance) print "X: " + str(len(X)) + "\nY: " + str(len(Y)) # Train the model print "training model..." stime = time.time() # Feature selection global anova_filter anova_function = f_classif if arg_anova == "chi2": anova_function = chi2 print "anova_function: " + arg_anova + ", num_feats: " + str(num_feats) if not is_nn: anova_filter, X = create_anova_filter(X, Y, anova_function, num_feats) global model model = None # Neural network models if is_nn: modelfile = arg_prefix + "/" + arg_modelname + ".model" if os.path.exists(modelfile): print "using pre-existing model at " + modelfile model = load_model(modelfile) Y = to_categorical(Y) X = numpy.asarray(X) else: print "creating a new neural network model" embedding_dim = 200 if arg_model == "nn": model, X, Y = create_nn_model(X, Y, anova_function, num_feats, num_nodes, 'relu') elif arg_model == "lstm": num_nodes = 56 model, X, Y = create_lstm_model(X, Y, embedding_dim, num_nodes, arg_activation, hybrid=hybrid, X2=X2) #score = model.evaluate(X_test, Y_test, batch_size=16 elif arg_model == "rnn": model, X, Y = create_rnn_model(X, Y, embedding_dim, num_nodes, arg_activation) elif arg_model == "cnn": model, X, Y = create_cnn_model(X, Y, embedding_dim, hybrid=hybrid, X2=X2) # Save the model print "saving the model..." plotname = modelfile + ".png" plot_model(model, to_file=plotname) # Other models else: if arg_model == "svm": print "svm model" model = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', decision_function_shape='ovr', probability=True) elif arg_model == "knn": print "k-nearest neighbor model" model = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1, weights='distance', n_jobs=-1) elif arg_model == "nb": print "naive bayes model" model = MultinomialNB() elif arg_model == "rf": print "random forest model" model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=26, max_features=0.0485, min_samples_split=4, class_weight='balanced', n_jobs=-1), Y) etime = time.time() print "training took " + str(etime - stime) + " s" # Test testids, testlabels, predictedlabels = test(arg_model, model, arg_test_feats, hybrid) # Write results to a file output = open(arg_result_file, 'w') for i in range(len(testids)): out = {} out['MG_ID'] = testids[i] out['Correct_ICD'] = testlabels[i] out['Predicted_ICD'] = predictedlabels[i] output.write(str(out) + "\n") output.close() total_time = (time.time() - total_start_time) / 60 print "total time: " + str(total_time) + " mins"
#Benchmark Index bench_symbol = "SPY" #RF Syntax: 6 MO, 2 YR etc. rate = '1 YR' #CUR, AVG method = "AVG" #For Quandl api_key = "" #Dirctory Input For Data and Reports root_path = "C:/Users/fdupu/PycharmProjects/Portfolio Tracker" #------------Run Program----------------------# if __name__ == '__main__': import rebalance rebalance.rebalance(allocations=allocations) # # 1.) Import the module # import report # # # Select Functions #end_date = # r = report.rep(fname=root_path + '/Reports/Daily Report ' + str(end_date) + '.pdf',fund_name="Valhalla Investments LLC",logo_path="C:/Users/fdupu/Desktop/logo.png") # r.cover() # r.perf() # r.mets() # r.diversification() # r.savePDF()
def lambda_handler(event, context):"Got Event: {}".format(event)) config = fetchFromTransitConfigTable(transitConfigTable) if config: response = getInUsePaGroups(config['TransitPaGroupInfo'], int(config['PaGroupMaxVpc'])) if response: if config['RebalanceInProgress'] == 'True': if config['RebalanceStatus'] == 'Done': apiKey = pan_vpn_generic.getApiKey(response[0]['N1Mgmt'], config['UserName'], config['Password']) result = rebalance.rebalance(apiKey, response, int(config['PaGroupMaxVpc']), config) if result: # Get the VGW, Region, SubscriberSnsArn and SubscriberAssumeRoleArn from VpcTable subscriberData = getSubscriberDataFromVpcTable( config['TransitVpcTable'], result['FromPaGroup']['PaGroupName']) result['FromPaGroup']['VpcCount'] = str( result['FromPaGroup']['VpcCount']) result['ToPaGroup']['VpcCount'] = str( result['ToPaGroup']['VpcCount']) value = { 'FromPaGroupName': result['FromPaGroup']['PaGroupName'], 'ToPaGroupName': result['ToPaGroup']['PaGroupName'], 'VpcId': subscriberData['VpcId'], 'VpcCidr': subscriberData['VpcCidr'], 'Region': subscriberData['Region'], 'SubscriberSnsArn': subscriberData['SubscriberSnsArn'], 'SubscriberAssumeRoleArn': subscriberData['SubscriberAssumeRoleArn'], 'CreateStatus': 'Pending', 'DeleteStatus': 'InProgress' } item = {'Property': 'RebalanceStatus', 'Value': value} updateTransitConfig(transitConfigTable, item) # Send DeleteOperatin first deleteData = { 'Action': 'DeleteVpnConnection', 'VpcId': subscriberData['VpcId'], 'Region': subscriberData['Region'], 'Rebalance': 'True' } #Publish message to Transit SNS publishToSns(subscriberData['SubscriberSnsArn'], deleteData, subscriberData['SubscriberAssumeRoleArn']) "Published message to Subscriber SNS with data: {}" .format(deleteData)) return else: previousTaskStatus = config['RebalanceStatus'] if previousTaskStatus['DeleteStatus'] == 'InProgress': vpcStatus = checkVpcIdInVpcTable( config['TransitVpcTable'], previousTaskStatus['VpcId'])"Got VPC Status: {}".format(vpcStatus)) if len(vpcStatus['Items']) > 0: if vpcStatus['Items'][0][ 'PaGroupName'] == previousTaskStatus[ 'FromPaGroupName']: "Previous Delete VPN Operation is still InProgress, hence exiting from the process" ) return else: # Create FetchVpnServerDetails and send to Subscriber SNS previousTaskStatus['CreateStatus'] = 'InProgress' previousTaskStatus['DeleteStatus'] = 'Completed' item = { 'Property': 'RebalanceStatus', 'Value': previousTaskStatus } updateTransitConfig(transitConfigTable, item) data = { 'Action': 'FetchVpnServerDetails', 'Region': previousTaskStatus['Region'], 'VpcId': previousTaskStatus['VpcId'], 'SubscriberAssumeRoleArn': previousTaskStatus['SubscriberAssumeRoleArn'], 'SubscriberSnsArn': previousTaskStatus['SubscriberSnsArn'], 'VpcCidr': previousTaskStatus['VpcCidr'], 'Rebalance': 'True' } #Publish message to Transit SNS publishToSns(config['TransitSnsArn'], data) "Published message to Transit SNS with data: {}" .format(data)) return elif previousTaskStatus['CreateStatus'] == 'InProgress': "Previous task was CreateTask, now check whether it has completed or not" ) vpcStatus = checkVpcIdInVpcTable( config['TransitVpcTable'], previousTaskStatus['VpcId'])"Got VPC Status: {}".format(vpcStatus)) if not vpcStatus['Items']: "Create Task is still in progress, hence exiting" ) return else: if vpcStatus['Items'][0][ 'PaGroupName'] == previousTaskStatus[ 'ToPaGroupName']: "Previous Rebalance task Completed successfully, updating the RebalanceStatus=Done" ) item = { 'Property': 'RebalanceStatus', 'Value': 'Done' } updateTransitConfig(transitConfigTable, item) return else: logger.error( "Something terrible happened? Unknown status, Stop StateMachine and Exit" ) #Something terrible happened? Unknown status, Stop StateMachine and Exit return else:"No PaGroups for Rebalancing, PaGroups are Optimal") else: logger.error("Not Received any data from TransitConfig table")