def cleanup_mask(mask, n): """Eliminate small islands in the mask""" m = minify(mask, n).astype(np.uint8) m = m & modal(m, ELEMENT) return oversample(m, n).astype(bool)
except IndexError: sys.exit(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} FITSFILE") hdu =[0] if is None: hdu =[1] hdr = hdu.header # Maximum binning nmax = nlist[-1] # Pad arrays to nearest multiple of nmax im = pad_array(, nmax) # First version does not use a separate weight array, and uses NaN as mask w = np.ones_like(im) # Maybe do a star mask later m = np.isfinite(im) for n, mingood in zip(nlist, mingoods): im[~m] = 0.0 outfile = infile.replace(".fits", f"-bin{n:03d}.fits") print("Saving", outfile) # Save both the scaled image and the weights after scaling back up to full res fits.HDUList([ fits.PrimaryHDU(), fits.ImageHDU(data=oversample(im, n), header=hdr, name="scaled"), fits.ImageHDU(data=oversample(w, n), header=hdr, name="weight"), ]).writeto(outfile, overwrite=True) # Now do the rebinning by a factor of two [im,], m, w = downsample([im,], m, weights=w, mingood=mingood)
w = pad_array(, nmax) else: # Otherwise, just natural weighting w = np.ones_like(im) continuum ='muse-hr-image-wfc3-f547m.fits')['DATA'].data starmask = continuum > 150 # If we pad the starmask and combine it with the padded image, then we # automatically deal with the case where the input files have already # been padded m = np.isfinite(im) & (~pad_array(starmask, nmax)) for n, mingood in zip(nlist, mingoods): im[~m] = 0.0 outfile = infile.replace('.fits', '-bin{:03d}.fits'.format(n)) if n == nlist[0]: # Do dependency checking on the first iteration if not newer(infile, outfile): # Bail out if dependency not newer than target sys.exit(outfile + ' is already up to date.') print('Saving', outfile) # Save both the scaled image and the weights, but at the full resolution fits.HDUList([ fits.PrimaryHDU(), fits.ImageHDU(data=oversample(im, n), header=hdr, name='scaled'), fits.ImageHDU(data=oversample(w, n), header=hdr, name='weight'), ]).writeto(outfile, clobber=True) # Now do the rebinning by a factor of two [im,], m, w = downsample([im,], m, weights=w, mingood=mingood)
from import fits nlist = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64] mingoods = [2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2] try: infile = sys.argv[1] except: print('Usage:', sys.argv[0], 'FITSFILE') sys.exit() hdulist = hdr = hdulist['scaled'].header im = hdulist['scaled'].data w = hdulist['weight'].data m = w > 0.0 for n, mingood in zip(nlist, mingoods): im[~m] = 0.0 outfile = infile.replace('.fits', '-bin{:03d}.fits'.format(n)) print('Saving', outfile) # Save both the scaled image and the weights, but at the full resolution fits.HDUList([ fits.PrimaryHDU(), fits.ImageHDU(data=oversample(im, n), header=hdr, name='scaled'), fits.ImageHDU(data=oversample(w, n), header=hdr, name='weight'), ]).writeto(outfile, clobber=True) # Now do the rebinning by a factor of two [im,], m, w = downsample([im,], m, weights=w, mingood=mingood) # Program\ to\ do\ multigridding\ of\ new\ spectral\ maps:\ multibin-map\.py:1 ends here