Пример #1
 def sendAtomicSwapTx(self, callback):
     transaction = None
     if MemoryPool.addSignedTransaction(transaction):
             JSONRPC.createResultObject(result, self.id)
Пример #2
 def signAtomicSwapTx(self, callback):
     transaction = Transaction()
     if MemoryPool.addSignedTransaction(transaction):
         txId = transaction.hash()
             JSONRPC.createResultObject(DataType.toHex(txId), self.id)
Пример #3
 def onSuccess(self, callback=None):
     transaction = Transaction()
     if not MemoryPool.addSignedTransaction(transaction):
Пример #4
    def addBlock(self, block):
        if self.blkValidator.validate(block):
                blockHash = block.hash()
                blockHashBytes = DataType.serialize(blockHash)
                if self.index.get(blockHashBytes) == None:
                    if not OrphanManager.hasBlock(blockHash):
                        bits = block.bits
                        previousChainWork = None
                        previousHash = block.previousHash
                        blockGasLimit = block.gasLimit
                        blockHeight = 0
                        chainHeadBlock = self.getChainHeadBlock()
                        chainHeadIndexBlock = self.getIndexBlockByHash(self.CHAIN_HEAD_INDEX)
                        previousIndexBlock = self.getIndexBlockByHash(previousHash)
                        if chainHeadIndexBlock == None:
                            chainHeadIndexBlock = IndexBlock()
                        if previousIndexBlock != None:
                            blockHeight = previousIndexBlock.height + 1
                            previousChainWork = previousIndexBlock.chainWork
                        if blockHash == Config.getBytesValue('GENESIS_BLOCK_HASH'):
                            previousChainWork = Config.getIntValue('GENESIS_BLOCK_CHAIN_WORK', 16)
                            For case 1, adding to main branch:
                        if previousHash == chainHeadIndexBlock.previousHash or blockHash == Config.getBytesValue('GENESIS_BLOCK_HASH'):                
                                For all but the coinbase transaction, apply the following:
                            if not self.blkValidator.verifyNonCoinbaseTransactions(block):
                                return False
                                Reject if coinbase value > sum of block creation fee and transaction fees
                            if not self.blkValidator.verifyCoinbaseValue(block):
                                return False
                            for transaction in block.transactions:
                                for txIn in transaction.inputs:
                                uxtoOutputs = []
                                txOutputSize = 0
                                for txOut in uxtoOutputs:
                                    if txOut.store:
                                        txOutputSize += 1
                                outputIndex = 0
                                for txOut in uxtoOutputs:
                                    if txOut.store:
                                        coin = Coin()
                                        coin.output = txOut
                                        coin.txOutputSize = txOutputSize
                                        coin.height = blockHeight
                                        coin.coinbase = transaction.isCoinbase()
                                        UXTO.addUnspentTransactionCoin(Outpoint(transaction.hash(), outputIndex), coin)
                                        outputIndex += 1
                                            For each transaction, "Add to wallet if mine"

                                    For each transaction in the block, delete any matching transaction from the transaction pool
                            chainHeadIndexBlock.chainWork = Bits.getChainworkFromBits(previousChainWork, bits)
                            chainHeadIndexBlock.previousHash = blockHash
                            chainHeadIndexBlock.gasLimit = blockGasLimit
                            chainHeadIndexBlock.height = blockHeight
                            self.index.set(self.CHAIN_HEAD_INDEX, chainHeadIndexBlock.serialize())
                            blockChainWork = Bits.getChainworkFromBits(previousChainWork, bits)
                            chainHeadWork = chainHeadIndexBlock.chainWork
                            hasNewMainChain = blockChainWork > chainHeadWork
                            if hasNewMainChain:
                                    For case 3, a side branch becoming the main branch:
                                    For case 2, adding to a side branch, we don't do anything.
                            if hasNewMainChain:
                                    Find the fork block on the main branch which this side branch forks off of
                                forkBlockHash = self.searchForkBlockHash(previousIndexBlock, chainHeadIndexBlock)
                                    Redefine the main branch to only go up to this fork block
                                    We will set new main chain head below
                                isNewMainChainValid = True
                                    For each block on the side branch, from the child of the fork block to the leaf, add to the main branch:
                                prevBlock = self.getBlockByHash(block.previousHash)
                                while prevBlock.hash() != forkBlockHash:
                                        Do "branch" checks 3-11
                                        3) Transaction list must be non-empty
                                    if not self.blkValidator.verifyTransactionsNonEmpty(prevBlock):
                                        isNewMainChainValid = False
                                        4) Block hash must satisfy claimed nBits proof of work
                                    if not self.blkValidator.validateBlockBits(prevBlock.serializeHeader(), prevBlock.bits):
                                        isNewMainChainValid = False
                                        5) Block timestamp must not be more than two hours in the future
                                    if not self.blkValidator.verifyFutureTimestamp(prevBlock):
                                        isNewMainChainValid = False
                                        6) First transaction must be coinbase (i.e. only 1 input, with hash=0, n=-1), the rest must not be
                                    if not self.blkValidator.verifyInitialCoinbaseTransaction(prevBlock):
                                        isNewMainChainValid = False
                                        7) For each transaction, apply "tx" checks 2-4
                                            2) Make sure neither in or out lists are empty
                                            3) Size in bytes <= TRANSACTION_SIZE_LIMIT
                                            4) Each output value, as well as the total, must be in legal money range
                                    for transaction in prevBlock.transactions:
                                        if not self.txValidator.verifyInputOutputNonEmpty(transaction):
                                            isNewMainChainValid = False
                                        if not self.txValidator.verifyTransactionSizeLimit(transaction):
                                            isNewMainChainValid = False
                                        if not self.txValidator.verifyAllowedOutputValueRange(transaction):
                                            isNewMainChainValid = False
                                            8) For the coinbase (first) transaction, scriptSig length must be 2-100
                                        if not self.blkValidator.verifyCoinbaseWitnessLength(transaction):
                                            isNewMainChainValid = False
                                            9) Reject if sum of transaction sig opcounts > MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS
                                        if not self.blkValidator.verifyMaxBlockSigOps(transaction):
                                            isNewMainChainValid = False
                                        10) Verify Merkle hash
                                    if not self.blkValidator.verifyMerkleHash(prevBlock):
                                        isNewMainChainValid = False
                                        Verify Witness hash
                                    if not self.blkValidator.verifyWitnessHash(prevBlock):
                                        isNewMainChainValid = False
                                        11) Check if prev block (matching prev hash) is in main branch or side branches. If not, add this to orphan blocks, 
                                        then query peer we got this from for 1st missing orphan block in prev chain; done with block
                                    if blockHash != Config.getBytesValue('GENESIS_BLOCK_HASH') and self.getBlockByHash(prevBlock.previousHash) == None:
                                        isNewMainChainValid = False
                                        For all but the coinbase transaction, apply the following:
                                    if not self.blkValidator.verifyNonCoinbaseTransactions(prevBlock):
                                        isNewMainChainValid = False
                                        Reject if coinbase value > sum of block creation fee and transaction fees
                                    if not self.blkValidator.verifyCoinbaseValue(prevBlock):
                                        isNewMainChainValid = False
                                        (If we have not rejected):
                                    if not isNewMainChainValid:
                                        For each transaction, "Add to wallet if mine"
                                    prevBlock = self.getBlockByHash(prevBlock.previousHash)
                                    If we reject at any point, leave the main branch as what it was originally, done with block
                                if isNewMainChainValid:
                                    chainHeadIndexBlock.chainWork = blockChainWork
                                    chainHeadIndexBlock.previousHash = blockHash 
                                    chainHeadIndexBlock.gasLimit = blockGasLimit
                                    chainHeadIndexBlock.height = blockHeight
                                    self.index.set(self.CHAIN_HEAD_INDEX, chainHeadIndexBlock.serialize())
                                        For each block in the old main branch, from the leaf down to the child of the fork block:
                                    oldBlock = chainHeadBlock
                                    while oldBlock.hash() != forkBlockHash:
                                            For each non-coinbase transaction in the block:
                                        for transaction in oldBlock.transactions:
                                            if not transaction.isCoinbase():
                                                    Apply "tx" checks 2-9
                                                isTxValid = True
                                                    2) Make sure neither in or out lists are empty
                                                if not self.txValidator.verifyInputOutputNonEmpty(transaction):
                                                    isTxValid = False
                                                    3) Size in bytes <= TRANSACTION_SIZE_LIMIT
                                                if not self.txValidator.verifyTransactionSizeLimit(transaction):
                                                    isTxValid = False
                                                    4) Each output value, as well as the total, must be in legal money range
                                                if not self.txValidator.verifyAllowedOutputValueRange(transaction):
                                                    isTxValid = False
                                                    5) Make sure none of the inputs have hash=0, n=-1 (coinbase transactions)
                                                if not self.txValidator.verifyInputsNonCoinbase(transaction):
                                                    isTxValid = False
                                                    6) size in bytes >= 100[2]
                                                if not self.txValidator.verifyTransactionRequiredSize(transaction):
                                                    isTxValid = False
                                                    sig opcount <= 2[3]
                                                    3) The number of signature operands in the signature (no, that is not redundant) for standard transactions will never exceed two
                                                    7) Reject "nonstandard" transactions: scriptSig doing anything other than pushing numbers on the stack, 
                                                    or script not matching the two usual forms[4]
                                                if not self.txValidator.verifyAddress(transaction):
                                                    isTxValid = False
                                                if not self.txValidator.verifyExtraData(transaction):
                                                    isTxValid = False
                                                if not self.txValidator.verifyScript(transaction):
                                                    isTxValid = False
                                                if not self.txValidator.verifyWitness(transaction):
                                                    isTxValid = False
                                                    8) Reject if we already have matching tx in the pool,
                                                    except in step 8, only look in the transaction pool for duplicates, not the main branch
                                                if not self.txValidator.verifyTransactionDuplicateInPool(transaction):
                                                    isTxValid = False
                                                    9) For each input, if the referenced output exists in any other tx in the pool, reject this transaction
                                                if not self.txValidator.verifyTxOutputDuplicateInPool(transaction):
                                                    isTxValid = False
                                                    Add to transaction pool if accepted, else go on to next transaction
                                                if isTxValid:

                                            outputIndex = 0
                                            for txOut in transaction.outputs:
                                                UXTO.removeUnspentTransactionCoin(Outpoint(transaction.hash(), outputIndex))
                                                outputIndex += 1

                                        oldBlock = self.getBlockByHash(oldBlock.previousHash)
                                        For each block in the new main branch, from the child of the fork node to the leaf:
                                    newMainBranchBlocks = []
                                    prevBlock = block
                                    while prevBlock.hash() != forkBlockHash:
                                        newMainBranchBlocks.insert(0, prevBlock)
                                        prevBlock = self.getBlockByHash(prevBlock.previousHash)
                                    for newMainBranchBlock in newMainBranchBlocks:
                                        newMainBranchBlockHash = newMainBranchBlock.hash()
                                        newMainBranchIndexBlock = None
                                        if newMainBranchBlockHash == blockHash:
                                            newMainBranchIndexBlock = chainHeadIndexBlock
                                            newMainBranchIndexBlock = self.getIndexBlockByHash(newMainBranchBlockHash)
                                        for transaction in newMainBranchBlock.transactions:
                                            for txIn in transaction.inputs:
                                            uxtoOutputs = []
                                            txOutputSize = 0
                                            for txOut in uxtoOutputs:
                                                if txOut.store:
                                                    txOutputSize += 1
                                            outputIndex = 0
                                            for txOut in uxtoOutputs:
                                                if txOut.store:
                                                    coin = Coin()
                                                    coin.output = txOut
                                                    coin.txOutputSize = txOutputSize
                                                    coin.height = newMainBranchIndexBlock.height
                                                    coin.coinbase = transaction.isCoinbase()
                                                    UXTO.addUnspentTransactionCoin(Outpoint(transaction.hash(), outputIndex), coin)
                                                    outputIndex += 1
                                                        For each transaction, "Add to wallet if mine"

                                                For each transaction in the block, delete any matching transaction from the transaction pool
                            (If we have not rejected):
                        self.storage.set(blockHashBytes, block.serialize())

                        blockHeightKey = "{0}{1}{2}".format(self.BLOCK_HEIGHT_KEY, '_', blockHeight)
                        blockHeightKey = DataType.serialize(blockHeightKey)
                        self.index.set(blockHeightKey, blockHashBytes)
                        indexBlock = IndexBlock()
                        indexBlock.chainWork = Bits.getChainworkFromBits(previousChainWork, bits)
                        indexBlock.previousHash = previousHash 
                        indexBlock.gasLimit = blockGasLimit
                        indexBlock.height = blockHeight
                        self.index.set(blockHashBytes, indexBlock.serialize())
                            Relay block to our peers
                        Sync.inv(InventoryType.BLOCK, blockHash)
                        For each orphan block for which this block is its prev, run all these steps (including this one) recursively on that orphan
                    return True
            For each orphan block for which this block is its prev, run all these steps (including this one) recursively on that orphan
            If we rejected, the block is not counted as part of the main branch
        return False