Пример #1
    def compute_dHKL(self, inplace=False):
        Compute the real space lattice plane spacing, d, associated with
        the HKL indices in the object.

        inplace : bool
            Whether to add the column in place or return a copy
        dHKL = compute_dHKL(self.get_hkls(), self.cell)
        self['dHKL'] = rs.DataSeries(dHKL, dtype='R', index=self.index)
        return self
Пример #2
def test_generate_reciprocal_cell(cell, dtype):
    """Test rs.utils.generate_reciprocal_cell"""
    dmin = 5.0
    hkl = generate_reciprocal_cell(cell, dmin, dtype)

    assert hkl.dtype == dtype

    # Check that reflection 0,0,0 is omitted
    assert np.all(np.any(hkl != 0, axis=1))

    assert len(hkl) > 0
    assert len(np.unique(hkl, axis=0)) == len(hkl)
    assert compute_dHKL(hkl, cell).min() >= dmin
    assert cell.calculate_d_array(hkl).min() >= dmin
Пример #3
def test_compute_dHKL(dataset_hkl, cell):
    """Test rs.utils.compute_dHKL()"""
    hmax = 10
    H = np.mgrid[-hmax:hmax + 1:1, -hmax:hmax + 1:1, -hmax:hmax + 1:1].reshape(
        (3, -1)).T
    H = H[~np.all(H == 0, axis=1)]  #Remove 0,0,0
    result = compute_dHKL(H, cell)

    # Compare to gemmi result
    expected = np.zeros(len(result), dtype=np.float32)
    for i, h in enumerate(H):
        expected[i] = cell.calculate_d(h)

    assert np.allclose(result, expected)
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(result))