Пример #1
    def test_load_to_dump_to_load(self):
        """Assert when we load data and then dump and then reload it's equal"""
        data = Handler.load(self.yaml_data)
        yaml = StringIO(Handler.dump(data))
        final_data = Handler.load(yaml)

        self.assertDictEqual(data, final_data)
Пример #2
    def test_string_replacements(self):
        """Mimic the string replacement used for env var interpolation in charts"""
        # Load a new yaml file with an "env var" of replacethis: ""
        yaml_file = self.yaml_data.getvalue(
        ) + '\nexpect_string: "${REPLACEME}"\nexpect_bool: ${REPLACEME}\n'

        # Serialize the yaml into memory
        initial_read = Handler.load(StringIO(yaml_file))

        # Redump the yaml (mimicing the temp file yaml for helm)
        initial_dump = Handler.dump(initial_read)

        # Do a string replacement on the env var in the new dump
        yaml_file = Template(initial_dump).substitute({'REPLACEME': 'true'})

        # Re-read the replaced string
        data = Handler.load(StringIO(yaml_file))

        # Test that type is consistent
            data["expect_bool"], bool,
            "Expected 'expect_bool' to be a bool due to no quotes in the initial yaml."
            data["expect_string"], str,
            "Expected 'expect_string' to remain a string because it was quoted in the initial yaml."
Пример #3
    def test_dump(self):
        """Assert that dump returns a string that is valid yaml"""
        # Read the dict into a yaml file string via stringIO
        yaml_file = StringIO(Handler.dump(self.example_dict))
        # Read the stringio "file" into a dict again
        data = Handler.load(yaml_file)

        # Assert that the data that was dumped and loaded is completely equal
        self.assertDictEqual(data, self.example_dict)