def call_bm25(self): #print(len(self.final_doc)) if (len(self.final_doc) == 0): return [] similarDocs = recomMatch.bm25(self.query, self.final_doc) return similarDocs
def call_bm25(self): print(len(self.final_doc)) similarDocs = recomMatch.bm25(self.query, self.final_doc) return similarDocs
def recom(index): f = open("..\\sentimental_analysis\\docs\\" + str(index) + ".txt", "r", encoding='utf-8') doc = [] lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: line.replace("\n", "") lines = "".join(lines) #Get title and content for single doc summarization, 0) title = f.readline() #print("OLD title:",title) # title = [s.rstrip() for s in title] # print("title:",title) content = f.readlines() content = "".join(content) content.replace("\\n", "") content = [content] # for c in content: # c.replace("\\n","") temp = [] temp.append([title]) temp.append(content) doc.append(temp) #print("DOC IS: ",doc) lines = SingleDocSumm.bm25(doc) #[ [[title],[text]] ] # blob = TextBlob(lines) # print("TEXT BL:",list(set(blob.noun_phrases))) #print("REL :",relWords) text = nltk.word_tokenize(lines) tags = nltk.pos_tag(text) relWords = [] places = GeoText(lines) cities = places.cities countries = places.countries relWords = cities + countries temp = "" i = 0 while i < len(tags): temp = "" flag = False index = i #print("t:",tags[index]) while index < len(tags) and tags[index][1] == 'NNP': if flag: temp += " " + tags[index][0] else: temp += tags[index][0] index = index + 1 flag = True relWords.append(temp) temp = "" if flag is False: i = i + 1 else: i = index relWords = list(set(relWords)) stop_words = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", "Rs", "Cr", "Lakh", "Thousand", "Crore", "Kg", "Gram", "Watch", "Sources", "Watch live", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday", "I", "We", "He", "She", "It", "You", "They", "We're" ] puncts = ["{", "}", "[", "]", "(", ")"] #print("REL WORDS1 ",relWords) words = [] for i, word in enumerate(relWords): if word != '' and word not in stop_words: #print("i:",word) #print("word: ",word) words.append(word) for index, word in enumerate(words): for p in puncts: if p in word: words[index] = words[index].replace(p, "") #print("WORDS: ",words) new_list = [] flag = False for i in range(len(words)): for j in range(len(words)): if i == j: continue if words[i] in words[j]: flag = True break if flag == True: flag = False continue else: new_list.append(words[i]) relWords = copy.copy(new_list) #print("REL :",relWords) query = " ".join(relWords) #print("QUERY ",query) def call_bm25(): #allDocs=[] # for word in relWords: webhose_tokens = [ # "ecd3d983-093a-4d8d-a7bd-71207dad85a9", "e6c1084e-8b63-42cf-bfe3-8ccd24a3a9b1", "cb5edba5-48ad-4afa-8d69-ab1ff1092835", "de684b78-5b7e-4c6a-a3d4-4efe80f3e1de", "39d754b3-64c2-48a2-ba0e-5d147168bda7", "191c39da-2f67-4af6-9608-460cc6293108", "a4423ef6-f4a3-4231-a0e0-2aa38546facf", "e25db40a-f3c3-4d12-92f0-73251732b389" ] tags_with_tokens = [] temp = [] for i in range(len(relWords)): temp.append(relWords[i]) temp.append(webhose_tokens[i % len(webhose_tokens)]) tags_with_tokens.append(temp) temp = [] allDocs = Parallel(n_jobs=5)( delayed(RecomParallel.Scrape)(single_tag_with_token) for single_tag_with_token in tags_with_tokens) # for word in relWords: # print ("WORD IS ",word) # similarDocs = RecomParallel.Scrape(word) # allDocs.append(similarDocs) return allDocs allDocs = call_bm25() #4D list --- [ [ [[title],[text]],[[title],[text]] for query1 ] [[[]]] ] #print("ALL DOc ") # result=RecomSemantic.rec(starred_doc,summaries) # print("\n\nRES:",result) # for doc in allDocs: # print("\n",doc) # f1.write(doc) # f1.write("\n") temp = [] for queryList in allDocs: for eachDoc in queryList: temp.append(eachDoc) allDocs = temp # for doc in allDocs: # print(doc) if len(allDocs) == 0: print("Cannot find relevant articles") return "" final = recomMatch.bm25(query, allDocs) summary = [] index = 1 for doc in final: f = open("" + str(index) + ".txt", "w") f.write(doc[0][0]) f.write("\n\n") f.write(doc[1][0]) f.close() index = index + 1 sdoc = SingleDocSumm.bm25([doc]) if sdoc not in summary: summary.append([sdoc]) #print("SUMMARIES:....") ans = "" for index in range(len(summary)): #print(summary[index][0],"\n",index,"\n\n\n") ans = "Article " + str(index + 1) + ": " print(ans) print("~~") ans = summary[index][0] print(ans) print("\n") print("~~") # ans += "Article " + str(index) + ": \n" # ans += summary[index+1][0] # print(ans) return ans