class TextItem(DocItem): """Prints some form of text""" def __init__(self, text = '', style = 'body'): DocItem.__init__(self) self.text = text = style def writePDF(self, pdf = None): """Write itself to a FPDF object. Args: pdf (FPDF): the FPDF object to write to. """ return self.getText() def resizePDF(self, pdf, x = 0, y = 0): """Resize internal Rect according to current settings of pdf""" width = pdf.get_string_width( self.getText() ) height = pdf.font_size_pt / pdf.k self.rect = Rect( x, y, x + width, y + height ) def cellPDF(self, pdf, r = None): if r: x_shift = r.x0() y_shift = r.y0() else: x_shift = 0.0 y_shift = 0.0 pdf.set_y( self.rect.y0() - y_shift ) pdf.set_x( self.rect.x0() - x_shift ) pdf.cell( self.rect.width(), self.rect.height(), self.getText() ) def refit(self): """Doesn't need to do anything as cellPDF uses self.rect to output the content""" pass
class MathFrac(MultiItem): """Container for inline maths""" def __init__(self, num = None, denom = None): MultiItem.__init__(self) = 'math-var', 1 if num: if not denom: denom = MathNumber('1') self.appendItem(num) self.appendItem(denom) def resizePDF(self, pdf, x = 0, y = 0): if len(self.items) < 2 or not self.items[0] or not self.items[1]: raise Exception('MathFrac must have two items.') self.rect = Rect(x,y,x,y) dx = pdf.get_string_width(' ') *[1] self.margins.set(dx, 0.0) setFontPDF(pdf,, self.styles) lineHeight = pdf.font_size_pt / pdf.k numerator = self.items[0] if hasattr(numerator,'style'): setFontPDF(pdf,, self.styles) numerator.resizePDF(pdf,x + dx, y - lineHeight * 0.5) denominator = self.items[1] if hasattr(denominator,'style'): setFontPDF(pdf,, self.styles) denominator.resizePDF(pdf, x + dx, numerator.rect.y1()) if numerator.rect.width() > denominator.rect.width(): denominator.rect.alignXCenter(numerator.rect) else: numerator.rect.alignXCenter(denominator.rect) self.rect.unite(numerator.rect) self.rect.unite(denominator.rect) self.rect.adjust(rect.Point(0,0),rect.Point(dx,0)) def cellPDF(self, pdf, r = None): MultiItem.cellPDF(self, pdf, r) y = self.items[0].rect.y1() pdf.set_line_width(0.2) if r: x_shift = r.x0() y_shift = r.y0() else: x_shift = 0.0 y_shift = 0.0 pdf.line(self.rect.x0() - x_shift, y - y_shift, self.rect.x1() - x_shift, y - y_shift)
def process_file(path, images): annotation = ET.Element("annotation") tree = ElementTree(annotation) filename = ET.SubElement(annotation, "filename") name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(path)[1])[0] filename.text = name + ".jpeg" size = ET.SubElement(annotation, "size") width = ET.SubElement(size, "width") width.text = str(images[name].get("width")) height = ET.SubElement(size, "height") height.text = str(images[name].get("height")) depth = ET.SubElement(size, "depth") depth.text = str(3) segmented = ET.SubElement(annotation, "segmented") segmented.text = str(0) marmot_tree = ET.parse(path) marmot_root = marmot_tree.getroot() tables = marmot_root.findall("*/Composites/*[@Label='TableBody']") if not tables: return None for table in tables: obj = ET.SubElement(annotation, "object") obj_name = ET.SubElement(obj, "name") obj_name.text = "table" bndbox = ET.SubElement(obj, "bndbox") hexs = table.get("BBox").split(" ") bbox_array = [hex_to_double(x) for x in hexs] re = Rect(bbox_array[0], bbox_array[3], bbox_array[2], bbox_array[1]) xmin = ET.SubElement(bndbox, "xmin") xmin.text = str(re.x0()) ymin = ET.SubElement(bndbox, "ymin") fymin = images[name].get("height") - re.y1() ymin.text = str(fymin) xmax = ET.SubElement(bndbox, "xmax") xmax.text = str(re.x1()) fymax = images[name].get("height") - re.y0() ymax = ET.SubElement(bndbox, "ymax") ymax.text = str(fymax) return tree