Пример #1
 async def history(self, ctx, region, summoner, count : int = 5):
     """Shows X last game of a summoner (default: 5).
     NB: if your summoner name contains spaces, use "" (eg: "My summoner name")"""
     msg = await ctx.send(f"Loading last {count} games of {summoner} ...")
     region = region.lower()
     async with ctx.typing():
         histo = await self.stats.get_history(count, region, summoner)
         if not histo:
             return await ctx.send("Unknown region or summoner.\nList of league of legends regions:" + '\n'.join(self.stats.regions.keys()))
         emb = discord.Embed()
         emblist = []
         for i in histo:
             cur = histo[i]
             champ = cur["champ"]
             horo = cur["horo"]
             role = cur["role"]
             duree = cur["Durée"]
             mode = cur["Gamemode"]
             res = cur["resultat"]
             kda = cur["kda"]
             stats = cur["stats"]
             golds = cur["golds"]
             emb.add_field(name=champ, value=mode + " : " + res, inline=True)
             emb.add_field(name=role, value=duree, inline=False)
             emb.add_field(name=golds, value=horo, inline=False)
             emb.add_field(name=kda, value=stats, inline=True)
             emb = discord.Embed()
     start_adding_reactions(msg, DEFAULT_CONTROLS.keys())#, self.bot.loop)
     await menu(ctx=ctx, pages=emblist, controls=DEFAULT_CONTROLS, message=msg, page=0)
     await msg.edit(content="")
Пример #2
async def hockey_menu(
    ctx: Context,
    display_type: str,
    post_list: list,
    message: discord.Message = None,
    timeout: int = 30,
    """menu control logic for this taken from
    if ctx.channel.permissions_for(ctx.me).embed_links:
        if display_type == "standings":
            em = await Standings.build_standing_embed(post_list, page)
        if display_type == "division":
            em = await Standings.build_standing_embed(post_list, page)
        if display_type == "conference":
            em = await Standings.build_standing_embed(post_list, page)
        if display_type == "teams":
            em = await Standings.build_standing_embed(post_list, page)
        if display_type == "all":
            em = await Standings.all_standing_embed(post_list, page)
        if display_type == "roster":
            em = await roster_embed(post_list, page)
        if display_type == "game":
            em = await Game.get_game_embed(post_list, page)
        if display_type == "season":
            leaderboard = {"type": "Seasonal", "lists": post_list}
            em = await make_leaderboard_embed(ctx.guild, leaderboard, page)
        if display_type == "weekly":
            leaderboard = {"type": "Weekly", "lists": post_list}
            em = await make_leaderboard_embed(ctx.guild, leaderboard, page)
        if display_type == "worst":
            leaderboard = {"type": "Worst", "lists": post_list}
            em = await make_leaderboard_embed(ctx.guild, leaderboard, page)
        await ctx.send(_("I don't have embed links permission!"))

    if not message:
        message = await ctx.send(embed=em)
        start_adding_reactions(message, DEFAULT_CONTROLS.keys())
        # await message.add_reaction("⬅")
        # await message.add_reaction("❌")
        # await message.add_reaction("➡")
        # message edits don't return the message object anymore lol
        await message.edit(embed=em)
    check = (
        lambda react, user: user == ctx.message.author
        and react.emoji in ["➡", "⬅", "❌"]
        and react.message.id == message.id
        react, user = await ctx.bot.wait_for("reaction_add", check=check, timeout=timeout)
    except asyncio.TimeoutError:
        await message.remove_reaction("⬅", ctx.me)
        await message.remove_reaction("❌", ctx.me)
        await message.remove_reaction("➡", ctx.me)
        return None
        reacts = {v: k for k, v in numbs.items()}
        react = reacts[react.emoji]
        if react == "next":
            next_page = 0
            if page == len(post_list) - 1:
                next_page = 0  # Loop around to the first item
                next_page = page + 1
            if ctx.channel.permissions_for(ctx.me).manage_messages:
                await message.remove_reaction("➡", ctx.message.author)
            return await hockey_menu(
                ctx, display_type, post_list, message=message, page=next_page, timeout=timeout
        elif react == "back":
            next_page = 0
            if page == 0:
                next_page = len(post_list) - 1  # Loop around to the last item
                next_page = page - 1
            if ctx.channel.permissions_for(ctx.me).manage_messages:
                await message.remove_reaction("⬅", ctx.message.author)
            return await hockey_menu(
                ctx, display_type, post_list, message=message, page=next_page, timeout=timeout
            return await message.delete()