Пример #1
    def on_connect(self):
        # 若redis服务器设置了密码,那么在使用之前需要先经过AUTH认证 
        if self.password:
            self.send_command('AUTH', self.password)
            if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'OK':
                raise AuthenticationError('Invalid Password')

        # 选择使用编号为db的数据库
        if self.db:
            self.send_command('SELECT', self.db)
            if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'OK':
                raise ConnectionError('Invalid Database')
Пример #2
    def on_connect(self):

        if self.password:
            yield self.send_command('AUTH', self.password)

            response = yield self.read_response()
            if nativestr(response) != 'OK':
                raise AuthenticationError('Invalid Password')

        if self.db:
            yield self.send_command('SELECT', self.db)
            response = yield self.read_response()
            if nativestr(response) != 'OK':
                raise ConnectionError('Invalid Database')
Пример #3
    def on_connect(self):
        "Initialize the connection, authenticate and select a database"

        # if a password is specified, authenticate
        if self.password:
            self.send_command('AUTH', self.password)
            if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'OK':
                raise AuthenticationError('Invalid Password')

        # if a database is specified, switch to it
        if self.db:
            self.send_command('SELECT', self.db)
            if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'OK':
                raise ConnectionError('Invalid Database')
Пример #4
 def connect_to(self, address):
     self.host, self.port = address
     super(SentinelManagedConnection, self).connect()
     if self.connection_pool.check_connection:
         if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'PONG':
             raise ConnectionError('PING failed')
Пример #5
def parse_info(response):
    "Parse the result of Redis's INFO command into a Python dict"
    info = {}
    response = nativestr(response)

    def get_value(value):
        if ',' not in value or '=' not in value:
                if '.' in value:
                    return float(value)
                    return int(value)
            except ValueError:
                return value
            sub_dict = {}
            for item in value.split(','):
                k, v = item.rsplit('=', 1)
                sub_dict[k] = get_value(v)
            return sub_dict

    for line in response.splitlines():
        if line and not line.startswith('#'):
            if line.find(':') != -1:
                key, value = line.split(':', 1)
                info[key] = get_value(value)
                # if the line isn't splittable, append it to the "__raw__" key
                info.setdefault('__raw__', []).append(line)

    return info
 def connect_to(self, address):
     self.host, self.port = address
     super(SentinelManagedConnection, self).connect()
     if self.connection_pool.check_connection:
         if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'PONG':
             raise ConnectionError('PING failed')
Пример #7
    def on_connect(self):
        "Initialize the connection, authenticate and select a database"
        # TODO 初始化链接:鉴权和选择一个DB

        self._parser.on_connect(self)  # TODO 创建response的解析类对象

        # if a password is specified, authenticate
        if self.password:
            self.send_command('AUTH', self.password)
            if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'OK':
                raise AuthenticationError('Invalid Password')

        # if a database is specified, switch to it
        if self.db:
            self.send_command('SELECT', self.db)
            if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'OK':
                raise ConnectionError('Invalid Database')
Пример #8
def parse_m_range(response):
    res = []
    for item in response:
            nativestr(item[0]): [list_to_dict(item[1]),
    return res
Пример #9
    def on_connect(self):
        "Initialize the connection, authenticate and select a database"

        # if a password is specified, authenticate
        if self.password:
            # avoid checking health here -- PING will fail if we try
            # to check the health prior to the AUTH
            self.send_command('AUTH', self.password, check_health=False)
            if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'OK':
                raise AuthenticationError('Invalid Password')

        # if a database is specified, switch to it
        if self.db:
            self.send_command('SELECT', self.db)
            if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'OK':
                raise ConnectionError('Invalid Database')
Пример #10
def parseToList(response):
    res = []
    for item in response:
        if item is not None:
    return res
Пример #11
 def __repr__(self):
     servers = list(
             '{}:{}'.format(nativestr(info['host']), info['port'])
             for info in self.startup_nodes
     return "{}<{}>".format(type(self).__name__, ','.join(servers))
Пример #12
 def __repr__(self):
     servers = list({
         '{0}:{1}'.format(nativestr(info['host']), info['port'])
         for info in self.connection_pool.nodes.startup_nodes
     return "{0}<{1}>".format(type(self).__name__, ', '.join(servers))
Пример #13
def parse_m_get(response):
    res = []
    for item in response:
            [list_to_dict(item[1]), item[2][0],
    return res
Пример #14
    def read_response(self):
        response = self.read()
        if not response:
            raise ConnectionError("Socket closed on remote end")

        byte, response = byte_to_chr(response[0]), response[1:]

        if byte not in ('-', '+', ':', '$', '*'):
            raise InvalidResponse("Protocol Error")

        # server returned an error
        if byte == '-':
            if nativestr(response).startswith('LOADING '):
                # if we're loading the dataset into memory, kill the socket
                # so we re-initialize (and re-SELECT) next time.
                raise ConnectionError("Redis is loading data into memory")
            # if the error starts with ERR, trim that off
            if nativestr(response).startswith('ERR '):
                response = response[4:]
            # *return*, not raise the exception class. if it is meant to be
            # raised, it will be at a higher level.
            return ResponseError(response)
        # single value
        elif byte == '+':
        # int value
        elif byte == ':':
            response = long(response)
        # bulk response
        elif byte == '$':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                return None
            response = self.read(length)
        # multi-bulk response
        elif byte == '*':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                return None
            response = [self.read_response() for i in xrange(length)]
        if isinstance(response, bytes) and self.encoding:
            response = response.decode(self.encoding)
        return response
Пример #15
 def handle_message(self, response, ignore_subscribe_messages=False):
     message_type = nativestr(response[0])
     if message_type == 'pmessage':
         response[1] = rm_namespace(self._namespace, response[1])  # pattern
         response[2] = rm_namespace(self._namespace, response[2])  # channel
     elif message_type == 'pong':
         response[1] = rm_namespace(self._namespace, response[1])  # channel
     return super(PubSub, self).handle_message(response, ignore_subscribe_messages)
Пример #16
    def on_connect(self):
        "Initialize the connection, authenticate and select a database"

        # if a password is specified, authenticate
        if self.password:
            self.send_command('AUTH', self.password)
            if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'OK':
                raise AuthenticationError('Invalid Password')

        if self._client_name:
            self.send_command('CLIENT', 'SETNAME', self._client_name)
            if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'OK':
                raise ConnectionError('Error setting client name')

        # if a database is specified, switch to it
        if self.db:
            self.send_command('SELECT', self.db)
            if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'OK':
                raise ConnectionError('Invalid Database')
Пример #17
def add_namespace(ns, key):
    if not ns or not key:
        return key
    if isinstance(key, list):
        return [add_namespace(ns, k) for k in key]
    elif isinstance(key, dict):
        return {add_namespace(ns, k): v for k, v in key.items()}
    elif isinstance(key, basestring):
        return '{}{}'.format(ns, key)
    elif isinstance(key, bytes):
        return '{}{}'.format(ns, nativestr(key))
    return key
Пример #18
    def read_response(self, command=None, index=0):
        response = self._buffer.readline()
        if not response:
            raise ConnectionError(SERVER_CLOSED_CONNECTION_ERROR)

        byte, response = byte_to_chr(response[0]), response[1:]

        if byte not in ('-', '+', ':', '$', '*'):
            raise InvalidResponse("Protocol Error: %s, %s" %
                                  (str(byte), str(response)))

        # server returned an error
        if byte == '-':
            response = nativestr(response)
            error = self.parse_error(response)
            # if the error is a ConnectionError, raise immediately so the user
            # is notified
            if isinstance(error, ConnectionError):
                raise error
            # otherwise, we're dealing with a ResponseError that might belong
            # inside a pipeline response. the connection's read_response()
            # and/or the pipeline's execute() will raise this error if
            # necessary, so just return the exception instance here.
            return error
        # single value
        elif byte == '+':
        # int value
        elif byte == ':':
            response = long(response)
        # bulk response
        elif byte == '$':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                return None
            # TODO: IF command=HGETALL and it is value (odd indexed), then decode it
            if command == 'HGETALL' and index % 2 == 1:
                # print('Unpacking through here...')
                # start_time = time.time()
                # unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(self._buffer, length)
                response = self._buffer.read_and_decode(length)
                # print('Time taken: {}'.format(time.time() - start_time))
                response = self._buffer.read(length)
        # multi-bulk response
        elif byte == '*':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                return None
            response = [self.read_response(command, i) for i in xrange(length)]
        if isinstance(response, bytes):
            response = self.encoder.decode(response)
        return response
Пример #19
    def on_connect(self):
        Initialize the connection, authenticate and select a database and send READONLY if it is
        set during object initialization.
        super(SSLClusterConnection, self).on_connect()

        if self.readonly:

            if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'OK':
                raise ConnectionError('READONLY command failed')
Пример #20
    def on_connect(self):
        Initialize the connection, authenticate and select a database and send READONLY if it is
        set during object initialization.
        super(ClusterConnection, self).on_connect()

        if self.readonly:

            if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'OK':
                raise ConnectionError('READONLY command failed')
Пример #21
    def read_response(self):
        response = yield self._buffer.readline()

        if not response:
            raise ConnectionError(SERVER_CLOSED_CONNECTION_ERROR)

        byte, response = byte_to_chr(response[0]), response[1:]

        if byte not in ('-', '+', ':', '$', '*'):
            raise InvalidResponse("Protocol Error: %s, %s" %
                                  (str(byte), str(response)))

        # server returned an error
        if byte == '-':
            response = nativestr(response)
            error = self.parse_error(response)
            # if the error is a ConnectionError, raise immediately so the user
            # is notified
            if isinstance(error, ConnectionError):
                raise error
            # otherwise, we're dealing with a ResponseError that might belong
            # inside a pipeline response. the connection's read_response()
            # and/or the pipeline's execute() will raise this error if
            # necessary, so just return the exception instance here.
            raise gen.Return(error)
        # single value
        elif byte == '+':
        # int value
        elif byte == ':':
            response = int(response)
        # bulk response
        elif byte == '$':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                raise gen.Return(None)
            response = yield self._buffer.read(length)
        # multi-bulk response
        elif byte == '*':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                raise gen.Return(None)
            response = []

            for i in range(length):
                res = yield self.read_response()

        if isinstance(response, bytes):
            response = self.encoder.decode(response)

        raise gen.Return(response)
Пример #22
    def read_response(self):
        response = yield self._buffer.readline()

        if not response:
            raise ConnectionError(SERVER_CLOSED_CONNECTION_ERROR)

        byte, response = byte_to_chr(response[0]), response[1:]

        if byte not in ('-', '+', ':', '$', '*'):
            raise InvalidResponse("Protocol Error: %s, %s" %
                                  (str(byte), str(response)))

        # server returned an error
        if byte == '-':
            response = nativestr(response)
            error = self.parse_error(response)
            # if the error is a ConnectionError, raise immediately so the user
            # is notified
            if isinstance(error, ConnectionError):
                raise error
            # otherwise, we're dealing with a ResponseError that might belong
            # inside a pipeline response. the connection's read_response()
            # and/or the pipeline's execute() will raise this error if
            # necessary, so just return the exception instance here.
            raise gen.Return(error)
        # single value
        elif byte == '+':
        # int value
        elif byte == ':':
            response = long(response)
        # bulk response
        elif byte == '$':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                raise gen.Return(None)
            response = yield self._buffer.read(length)
        # multi-bulk response
        elif byte == '*':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                raise gen.Return(None)
            response = []

            for i in xrange(length):
                res = yield self.read_response()

        if isinstance(response, bytes) and self.encoding:
            response = response.decode(self.encoding)

        raise gen.Return(response)
Пример #23
    def handle_message(self, response, ignore_subscribe_messages=False):
        Replacement for the default PubSub message handler, use the threadpool for handling
        Mostly copied from http://github.com/andymccurdy/redis-py/master/redis/client.py
        message_type = nativestr(response[0])
        if message_type == 'pmessage':
            message = {
                'type': message_type,
                'pattern': response[1],
                'channel': response[2],
                'data': response[3],
            message = {
                'type': message_type,
                'pattern': None,
                'channel': response[1],
                'data': response[2],

        # if this is an unsubscribe message, remove it from memory
        if message_type in self.UNSUBSCRIBE_MESSAGE_TYPES:
            subscribed_dict = None
            if message_type == 'punsubscribe':
                subscribed_dict = self.patterns
                subscribed_dict = self.channels
                del subscribed_dict[message['channel']]
            except KeyError:

        if message_type in self.PUBLISH_MESSAGE_TYPES:
            # if there's a message handler, invoke it
            handler = None
            if message_type == 'pmessage':
                handler = self.patterns.get(message['pattern'], None)
                handler = self.channels.get(message['channel'], None)
            if handler:
                res = self.threadpool.apply_async(handler, [message])
                return None

            # this is a subscribe/unsubscribe message. ignore if we don't
            # want them
            if ignore_subscribe_messages or self.ignore_subscribe_messages:
                return None

        return message
Пример #24
    def handle_message(self, response, ignore_subscribe_messages=False):
        Replacement for the default PubSub message handler, use the threadpool for handling
        Mostly copied from http://github.com/andymccurdy/redis-py/master/redis/client.py
        message_type = nativestr(response[0])
        if message_type == 'pmessage':
            message = {
                'type': message_type,
                'pattern': response[1],
                'channel': response[2],
                'data': response[3],
            message = {
                'type': message_type,
                'pattern': None,
                'channel': response[1],
                'data': response[2],

        # if this is an unsubscribe message, remove it from memory
        if message_type in self.UNSUBSCRIBE_MESSAGE_TYPES:
            subscribed_dict = None
            if message_type == 'punsubscribe':
                subscribed_dict = self.patterns
                subscribed_dict = self.channels
                del subscribed_dict[message['channel']]
            except KeyError:

        if message_type in self.PUBLISH_MESSAGE_TYPES:
            # if there's a message handler, invoke it
            handler = None
            if message_type == 'pmessage':
                handler = self.patterns.get(message['pattern'], None)
                handler = self.channels.get(message['channel'], None)
            if handler:
                res = self.threadpool.apply_async(handler, [message])
                return None

            # this is a subscribe/unsubscribe message. ignore if we don't
            # want them
            if ignore_subscribe_messages or self.ignore_subscribe_messages:
                return None

        return message
Пример #25
    def handle_message(self, response, ignore_subscribe_messages=False):
        Parses a pub/sub message. If the channel or pattern was subscribed to
        with a message handler, the handler is invoked instead of a parsed
        message being returned.
        message_type = nativestr(response[0])
        if message_type == 'pmessage':
            message = {
                'type': message_type,
                'pattern': response[1],
                'channel': response[2],
                'data': response[3]
            message = {
                'type': message_type,
                'pattern': None,
                'channel': response[1],
                'data': response[2]

        # if this is an unsubscribe message, remove it from memory
        if message_type in self.UNSUBSCRIBE_MESSAGE_TYPES:
            subscribed_dict = None
            if message_type == 'punsubscribe':
                subscribed_dict = self.patterns
                subscribed_dict = self.channels
                del subscribed_dict[message['channel']]
            except KeyError:

        if message_type in self.PUBLISH_MESSAGE_TYPES:
            # if there's a message handler, invoke it
            handler = None
            if message_type == 'pmessage':
                handler = self.patterns.get(message['pattern'], None)
                handler = self.channels.get(message['channel'], None)
            if handler:
                return None
            # this is a subscribe/unsubscribe message. ignore if we don't
            # want them
            if ignore_subscribe_messages or self.ignore_subscribe_messages:
                return None

        return message
Пример #26
    def on_connect(self):
        Initialize the connection, authenticate and select a database and send READONLY if it is
        set during object initialization.
        super(ClusterConnection, self).on_connect()

        if self.readonly:
            log.debug("Sending READONLY command to server to configure connection as readonly")


            if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'OK':
                raise ConnectionError('READONLY command failed')
Пример #27
def parse_debug_object(response):
    "Parse the results of Redis's DEBUG OBJECT command into a Python dict"
    # The 'type' of the object is the first item in the response, but isn't
    # prefixed with a name
    response = nativestr(response)
    response = 'type:' + response
    response = dict([kv.split(':') for kv in response.split()])

    # parse some expected int values from the string response
    # note: this cmd isn't spec'd so these may not appear in all redis versions
    int_fields = ('refcount', 'serializedlength', 'lru', 'lru_seconds_idle')
    for field in int_fields:
        if field in response:
            response[field] = int(response[field])

    return response
Пример #28
    def read_response(self):
        response = self._buffer.readline()
        if not response:
            raise ConnectionError("Socket closed on remote end")

        byte, response = byte_to_chr(response[0]), response[1:]

        if byte not in ('-', '+', ':', '$', '*'):
            raise InvalidResponse("Protocol Error: %s, %s" %
                                  (str(byte), str(response)))

        # server returned an error
        if byte == '-':
            response = nativestr(response)
            error = self.parse_error(response)
            # if the error is a ConnectionError, raise immediately so the user
            # is notified
            if isinstance(error, ConnectionError):
                raise error
            # otherwise, we're dealing with a ResponseError that might belong
            # inside a pipeline response. the connection's read_response()
            # and/or the pipeline's execute() will raise this error if
            # necessary, so just return the exception instance here.
            return error
        # single value
        elif byte == '+':
        # int value
        elif byte == ':':
            response = long(response)
        # bulk response
        elif byte == '$':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                return None
            response = self._buffer.read(length)
        # multi-bulk response
        elif byte == '*':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                return None
            response = [self.read_response() for i in xrange(length)]
        if isinstance(response, bytes) and self.encoding:
            response = response.decode(self.encoding)
        return response
Пример #29
    def read_response(self):
        response = self.read()
        if not response:
            raise ConnectionError("Socket closed on remote end")

        byte, response = byte_to_chr(response[0]), response[1:]

        if byte not in ('-', '+', ':', '$', '*'):
            message = "Protocol Error: %s, %s" % (str(byte), str(response))
            raise InvalidResponse("%s" % message)

        # server returned an error
        if byte == '-':
            response = nativestr(response)
            error = self.parse_error(response)
            # if the error is a ConnectionError, raise immediately so the user
            # is notified
            if isinstance(error, ConnectionError):
                raise error
            # otherwise, we're dealing with a ResponseError that might belong
            # inside a pipeline response. the connection's read_response()
            # and/or the pipeline's execute() will raise this error if
            # necessary, so just return the exception instance here.
            return error
        # single value
        elif byte == '+':
        # int value
        elif byte == ':':
            response = long(response)
        # bulk response
        elif byte == '$':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                return None
            response = self.read(length)
        # multi-bulk response
        elif byte == '*':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                return None
            response = [self.read_response() for i in xrange(length)]
        if isinstance(response, bytes) and self.encoding:
            response = response.decode(self.encoding)
        return response
Пример #30
    def read_response(self):
        response = self.read()
        if not response:
            raise ConnectionError("Socket closed on remote end")

        byte, response = byte_to_chr(response[0]), response[1:]

        if byte not in ("-", "+", ":", "$", "*"):
            raise InvalidResponse("Protocol Error")

        # server returned an error
        if byte == "-":
            response = nativestr(response)
            if response.startswith("LOADING "):
                # if we're loading the dataset into memory, kill the socket
                # so we re-initialize (and re-SELECT) next time.
                raise ConnectionError("Redis is loading data into memory")
            # *return*, not raise the exception class. if it is meant to be
            # raised, it will be at a higher level.
            return self.parse_error(response)
        # single value
        elif byte == "+":
        # int value
        elif byte == ":":
            response = long(response)
        # bulk response
        elif byte == "$":
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                return None
            response = self.read(length)
        # multi-bulk response
        elif byte == "*":
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                return None
            response = [self.read_response() for i in xrange(length)]
        if isinstance(response, bytes) and self.encoding:
            response = response.decode(self.encoding)
        return response
Пример #31
    def read_response(self):
            response = yield self._stream.read_until(SYM_CRLF)
        except StreamClosedError:
            raise socket.error(SERVER_CLOSED_CONNECTION_ERROR)
        response = response[:-2]
        if not response:
            raise ConnectionError(SERVER_CLOSED_CONNECTION_ERROR)
        byte, response = byte_to_chr(response[0]), response[1:]
        if byte not in ('-', '+', ':', '$', '*'):
            raise InvalidResponse("Protocol Error: %s, %s" %
                                  (str(byte), str(response)))

        if byte == '-':
            response = nativestr(response)
            error = self.parse_error(response)
            if isinstance(error, ConnectionError):
                raise error
            raise gen.Return(error)
        elif byte == '+':
        elif byte == ':':
            response = long(response)
        elif byte == '$':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                raise gen.Return(None)
            response = yield self._stream.read_bytes(
                length + 2)  # make sure to read the '\r\n'
            response = response[:-2]
        elif byte == '*':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                raise gen.Return(None)
            response = []
            for i in xrange(length):
                part = yield self.read_response()
        if isinstance(response, bytes):
            response = self.encoder.decode(response)
        raise gen.Return(response)
Пример #32
    def __init__(self,
        Creates a new ReJSON client.

        ``encoder`` should be an instance of a ``json.JSONEncoder`` class
        ``decoder`` should be an instance of a ``json.JSONDecoder`` class
        if client is None:
            self.setClient(StrictRedis(*args, **kwargs))

        # Set the module commands' callbacks
            'JSON.DEL': long,
            'JSON.GET': self._decode,
            'JSON.MGET': bulk_of_jsons(self._decode),
            'JSON.SET': lambda r: r and nativestr(r) == 'OK',
            'JSON.NUMINCRBY': self._decode,
            'JSON.NUMMULTBY': self._decode,
            'JSON.STRAPPEND': long,
            'JSON.STRLEN': long,
            'JSON.ARRAPPEND': long,
            'JSON.ARRINDEX': long,
            'JSON.ARRINSERT': long,
            'JSON.ARRLEN': long,
            'JSON.ARRPOP': self._decode,
            'JSON.ARRTRIM': long,
            'JSON.OBJLEN': long,
        for k, v in six.iteritems(MODULE_CALLBACKS):
            self.client.set_response_callback(k, v)
Пример #33
    def read_response(self):
        response = self.read()
        if not response:
            raise ConnectionError("Socket closed on remote end")

        byte, response = byte_to_chr(response[0]), response[1:]

        if byte not in ('-', '+', ':', '$', '*'):
            raise InvalidResponse("Protocol Error")

        # server returned an error
        if byte == '-':
            response = nativestr(response)
            # *return*, not raise the exception class. if it is meant to be
            # raised, it will be at a higher level.
            return self.parse_error(response)
        # single value
        elif byte == '+':
        # int value
        elif byte == ':':
            response = long(response)
        # bulk response
        elif byte == '$':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                return None
            response = self.read(length)
        # multi-bulk response
        elif byte == '*':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                return None
            response = [self.read_response() for i in xrange(length)]
        if isinstance(response, bytes) and self.encoding:
            response = response.decode(self.encoding)
        return response
Пример #34
def parse_client_list(response, **options):
    clients = []
    for c in nativestr(response).splitlines():
        clients.append(dict([pair.split('=') for pair in c.split(' ')]))
    return clients
Пример #35
def parse_config_get(response, **options):
    response = [nativestr(i) if i is not None else None for i in response]
    return response and pairs_to_dict(response) or {}
Пример #36
 def __repr__(self):
     servers = list({'{0}:{1}'.format(nativestr(info['host']), info['port']) for info in self.connection_pool.nodes.startup_nodes})
     return "{0}<{1}>".format(type(self).__name__, ', '.join(servers))
Пример #37
def bool_ok(response):
    return nativestr(response) == 'OK'
Пример #38
 def _ardb_patch(self, client):
     client.response_callbacks["HDEL"] = lambda r: r and nativestr(r) == "OK"
Пример #39
def list_to_dict(aList):
    return {nativestr(aList[i][0]):nativestr(aList[i][1])
                for i in range(len(aList))}
Пример #40
def parse_cluster_nodes(resp, **options):
    @see: http://redis.io/commands/cluster-nodes  # string
    @see: http://redis.io/commands/cluster-slaves # list of string
    resp = nativestr(resp)
    current_host = options.get('current_host', '')

    def parse_slots(s):
        slots, migrations = [], []
        for r in s.split(' '):
            if '->-' in r:
                slot_id, dst_node_id = r[1:-1].split('->-', 1)
                    'slot': int(slot_id),
                    'node_id': dst_node_id,
                    'state': 'migrating'
            elif '-<-' in r:
                slot_id, src_node_id = r[1:-1].split('-<-', 1)
                    'slot': int(slot_id),
                    'node_id': src_node_id,
                    'state': 'importing'
            elif '-' in r:
                start, end = r.split('-')
                slots.extend(range(int(start), int(end) + 1))

        return slots, migrations

    if isinstance(resp, basestring):
        resp = resp.splitlines()

    nodes = []
    for line in resp:
        parts = line.split(' ', 8)
        self_id, addr, flags, master_id, ping_sent, \
            pong_recv, config_epoch, link_state = parts[:8]

        host, port = addr.rsplit(':', 1)

        node = {
            'id': self_id,
            'host': host or current_host,
            'port': int(port),
            'flags': tuple(flags.split(',')),
            'master': master_id if master_id != '-' else None,
            'ping-sent': int(ping_sent),
            'pong-recv': int(pong_recv),
            'link-state': link_state,
            'slots': [],
            'migrations': [],

        if len(parts) >= 9:
            slots, migrations = parse_slots(parts[8])
            node['slots'], node['migrations'] = tuple(slots), migrations


    return nodes
Пример #41
 def __repr__(self):
     servers = list(set(['{}:{}'.format(nativestr(info['host']), info['port']) for info in self.connection_pool.nodes.startup_nodes]))
     return "{}<{}>".format(type(self).__name__, ', '.join(servers))
Пример #42
 def _ardb_patch(self, client):
     client.response_callbacks['HDEL'] = lambda r: r and nativestr(r
                                                                   ) == 'OK'
Пример #43
def bool_ok(response):
    return nativestr(response) == 'OK'
Пример #44
def parseToList(response):
    res = []
    for item in response:
    return res
Пример #45
    def read_response(self):
        Reads one line from the wire, and interprets it.
        Example: the acknowledgment to an unsubscribe
        from topic myTopic on the wire looks like this:
        *3    # three items to follow
        $11   # string of 11 chars
        $7    # string of 7 chars
        :1    # one topic subscribed to now
        Each line will cause a recursive call to this method
        (see elif byte == '*' below).
        Simpler calls will be individual elements, such
        as ':12', which returns the integer 12.
        These are the possible prefixes; each item
        is followed by a \r\n, which is stripped
        by SocketLineReader:
            +<str>    simple string
            :<int>    integer
            $<n>    string of length <n>
            *<num>    start of array with <num> elements

        When the message to parse is the acknowledgment of
        a SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE command, this method
        will set() event self.unsubscribeAckEvent/self.unsubscribeAckEvent.

        :return: response string
        :rtype: string
        response = self._buffer.readline()
        if not response:
            raise ConnectionError(SERVER_CLOSED_CONNECTION_ERROR)

        byte, response = byte_to_chr(response[0]), response[1:]

        if byte not in ('-', '+', ':', '$', '*'):
            raise InvalidResponse("Protocol Error: %s, %s" %
                                  (str(byte), str(response)))

        # server returned an error
        if byte == '-':
            response = nativestr(response)
            error = self.parse_error(response)
            # if the error is a ConnectionError, raise immediately so the user
            # is notified
            if isinstance(error, ConnectionError):
                raise error
            # otherwise, we're dealing with a ResponseError that might belong
            # inside a pipeline response. the connection's read_response()
            # and/or the pipeline's execute() will raise this error if
            # necessary, so just return the exception instance here.
            return error
        # simple-string: response holds result:
        elif byte == '+':
        # int value
        elif byte == ':':
            response = long(response)
        # bulk response
        elif byte == '$':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                # Null string:
                return None
            response = self._buffer.read(length)

        # multi-bulk response
        elif byte == '*':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                return None
            response = [self.read_response() for _ in xrange(length)]
        if isinstance(response, bytes) and self.encoding:
            response = response.decode(self.encoding)
        #print('Response: %s' % byte + '|' + str(response))

        return response
    def read_response(self):
        Reads one line from the wire, and interprets it.
        Example: the acknowledgment to an unsubscribe
        from topic myTopic on the wire looks like this:
        *3    # three items to follow
        $11   # string of 11 chars
        $7    # string of 7 chars
        :1    # one topic subscribed to now
        Each line will cause a recursive call to this method
        (see elif byte == '*' below).
        Simpler calls will be individual elements, such
        as ':12', which returns the integer 12.
        These are the possible prefixes; each item
        is followed by a \r\n, which is stripped
        by SocketLineReader:
            +<str>    simple string
            :<int>    integer
            $<n>    string of length <n>
            *<num>    start of array with <num> elements

        When the message to parse is the acknowledgment of
        a SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE command, this method
        will set() event self.unsubscribeAckEvent/self.unsubscribeAckEvent.

        :return: response string
        :rtype: string
        response = self._buffer.readline()
        if not response:
            raise ConnectionError(SERVER_CLOSED_CONNECTION_ERROR)

        byte, response = byte_to_chr(response[0]), response[1:]

        if byte not in ('-', '+', ':', '$', '*'):
            raise InvalidResponse("Protocol Error: %s, %s" %
                                  (str(byte), str(response)))

        # server returned an error
        if byte == '-':
            response = nativestr(response)
            error = self.parse_error(response)
            # if the error is a ConnectionError, raise immediately so the user
            # is notified
            if isinstance(error, ConnectionError):
                raise error
            # otherwise, we're dealing with a ResponseError that might belong
            # inside a pipeline response. the connection's read_response()
            # and/or the pipeline's execute() will raise this error if
            # necessary, so just return the exception instance here.
            return error
        # simple-string: response holds result:
        elif byte == '+':
        # int value
        elif byte == ':':
            response = long(response)
        # bulk response
        elif byte == '$':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                # Null string:
                return None
            response = self._buffer.read(length)
        # multi-bulk response
        elif byte == '*':
            length = int(response)
            if length == -1:
                return None
            response = [self.read_response() for _ in xrange(length)]
        if isinstance(response, bytes) and self.encoding:
            response = response.decode(self.encoding)
        #print('Response: %s' % byte + '|' + str(response))
        return response
Пример #47
def bool_ok(response, *args, **kwargs):
    Borrowed from redis._compat becuase that method to not support extra arguments
    when used in a cluster environment.
    return nativestr(response) == 'OK'
Пример #48
def bool_ok(response, *args, **kwargs):
    Borrowed from redis._compat becuase that method to not support extra arguments
    when used in a cluster environment.
    return nativestr(response) == 'OK'
Пример #49
 def fix_server(*args):
     return (nativestr(args[0]) or current_host, args[1])