def get_stations(): """Setup function to populate stations table if no data exists. Should only be run once.""" resp = requests.get(bike_data_url).text hashed = hashlib.sha256(resp).hexdigest() redis.set('station_data', hashed) redis.set('bike_data', hashed) stations_data = json.loads(resp) for s in stations_data: latitude, longitude = s['location'] station = Station(id=s['id'], station_status=s['station_stocking_status'], name=s['name'], description=s['description'], has_kiosk=s['has_kiosk'], has_ccreader=s['has_ccreader'], station_type=s['type'], latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude) db.session.add(station) soup = BeautifulSoup(s['popup'], 'html.parser') bikes = int('span.station-bikes b')[0].string) docks = int('span.station-docks b')[0].string) redis.hmset(s['name'], {'bikes': bikes, 'docks': docks}) redis.geoadd('stations', latitude, longitude, s['name']) db.session.commit()
def dss_isa_callback(id): ''' This is the call back end point that other USSes in the DSS network call once a subscription is updated ''' if requires_scope('dss.write.identification_service_areas'): new_flights_url = request.args.get('flights_url', 0) try: assert new_flights_url != 0 redis = redis.Redis(host=app.config['REDIS_HOST'], port=app.config['REDIS_PORT']) # Get the flights URL from the DSS and put it in flights_dict = redis.hgetall("all_uss_flights") all_flights_url = flights_dict['all_flights_url'] all_flights_url = all_flights_url.append(new_flights_url) flights_dict["all_uss_flights"] = all_flights_url redis.hmset("all_uss_flights", flights_dict) except AssertionError as ae: return Response("Incorrect data in the POST URL", status=400, mimetype='application/json') else: # All OK return a empty response return Response("", status=204, mimetype='application/json') raise AuthError( { "code": "Unauthorized", "description": "You don't have access to this resource" }, 403)
def route_post_ad(slot): if not advertiser_id(): return '', 404 asset = request.files['asset'] id = next_ad_id() key = ad_key(slot, id) type = fetch(request.form, 'type') if not type: type = asset.mimetype if not type: type = 'video/mp4' redis = get_redis() redis.hmset( key, { 'slot': slot, 'id': id, 'title': fetch(request.form, 'title'), 'type': type, 'advertiser': advertiser_id(), 'destination': fetch(request.form, 'destination'), 'impressions': 0 }) redis.set(asset_key(slot, id), redis.rpush(slot_key(slot), id) redis.sadd(advertiser_key(advertiser_id()), key) return jsonify(get_ad(slot, id))
async def get_card_price(client, card, redis): price = card.get('price') or None timestamp = card.get('timestamp') or (time.time() - 60 * 60 * 24) if not price or float(timestamp) < (time.time() - 60 * 60 * 12): url = '' params = {'cardset': card['set'].lower(), 'cardnumber': card['number']} price = 'N/A' async with client.get(url, params=params) as response: result = await response.text() try: result = json.loads(result) except: result = {} if result.get('status', '').lower() == 'success': try: price = float(result['cards'][0]['price']) except (ValueError, IndexError, KeyError): price = 'N/A' timestamp = time.time() if price != 'N/A': redis.hmset(card['id'], {'price': price, 'timestamp': timestamp}) return { 'price': float(price) if price != 'N/A' else price, 'available': 60, 'timestamp': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( float(timestamp)).strftime('%I:%M %p EST'), }
def main(): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if len(['/home/pi/lol/conf.ini'])): api_key = config.get("user", "api_key") redis_host = config.get("database", "redis_host") redis_port = config.get("database", "redis_port") redis = setRedisConn(host=redis_host, port=redis_port) last_match = redis.lindex("last100", 0) if last_match is None: # for brand-new database match_id = getLastMatch(region, seed_pid="4460427", api_key=api_key) else: match_id = increaseId(last_match) region = "kr" while True: # crawl the match data match_details = getMatchDetails(region=region, match_id=match_id, api_key=api_key) if match_details is not None: # insert match data into redis mid = match_details.pop("matchId") redis.hmset(mid, match_details) # update list of last-inserted redis.lpush("last100", mid) redis.ltrim("last100", 0, 99) match_id = increaseId(match_id) time.sleep(1) # to avoid api overshooting (max 500 queries per 10 min) else: print "File conf.ini not found. Program aborted." exit(1)
def save_all(redis, iterable): try: delete_all(redis, REDIS_PREFIX) for dict in iterable: redis.hmset(REDIS_PREFIX + '@'.join(dict.values()), dict) except redis.exceptions.ResponseError: print('Redis server is not ready. [Skip]')
def setRedis(keyname,data,sessionID): inData = pa.serialize(data).to_buffer() compressLength = len(inData) inDataCompress= pa.compress(inData,asbytes=True) inDataDict = {'compressLength':compressLength,'inDataCompress':inDataCompress} keyDict = {'key':f"{keyname}Cache{sessionID}"} redis.hmset(keyDict['key'],inDataDict)
def save_all(redis, iterable): try: delete_all(redis, REDIS_PREFIX) for dict in iterable: redis.hmset(REDIS_PREFIX + '@'.join(dict.values()) ,dict) except redis.exceptions.ResponseError: print('Redis server is not ready. [Skip]')
def hashes_redis(): import redis redis = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379, db=0, charset="utf-8", decode_responses=True) print("-------------") print("HASH") print("-------------") #hmset(name, mapping) hget(name, key) hgetall(name) redis.hmset("user.1", {"name": "peter", "email": "*****@*****.**"}) print("map.1: ", redis.hgetall("user.1")) print("name.1:", redis.hget("user.1", "name")) print("email.1:", redis.hget("user.1", "email")) print("-------------") #hset(key, field, value) hget() redis.hset("user.2", "name1", "peter") print("map.2: ", redis.hgetall("user.2")) print("type map.2: ", redis.type("user.2")) print("name.2:", redis.hget("user.2", "name1")) print("-------------") #delete all keys for key in redis.scan_iter("prefix:*"): redis.delete(key)
def save(self, openid): mapping = { 'identity_url': openid.identity_url, 'fullname': openid.fullname, 'nickname': openid.nickname, 'email': } redis.hmset(self.key, mapping)
def tags(): if request.method == 'POST': redis.hmset(HASH, {k: v for (k, v) in request.form.items() if k in KEYS}) return "success" elif request.method == 'GET': return repr(redis.hgetall(HASH)) else: return "error"
def get_file(self, fid, stop_event, driver=None, restart=False): """Transfers a file from a Driver to another. """ redis = self.plug.redis metadata = Metadata.get_by_id(self.plug, fid) filename = metadata.filename transfer_key = 'drivers:{}:transfers:{}'.format(, fid) if driver: redis.sadd('drivers:{}:transfers'.format(, fid) redis.hmset(transfer_key, {'from': driver, 'offset': 0}) offset = 0"Starting to get '{}' from {}", filename, driver) else: transfer = redis.hgetall(transfer_key) driver = transfer['from'] offset = int(transfer['offset'])"Restarting transfer of '{}' from {}", filename, driver) dealer = self.context.socket(zmq.DEALER) port = redis.get('drivers:{}:router'.format(driver)) dealer.connect('tcp://localhost:{}'.format(port)) end = metadata.size chunk_size = self.plug.options.get('chunk_size', 1 * 1024 * 1024) if not restart: self._call('start_upload', metadata) while offset < end: if stop_event.is_set(): # another transaction for the same file has # probably started"Aborting transfer of '{}' from {}", filename, driver) return dealer.send_multipart((filename, str(offset), str(chunk_size))) chunk = dealer.recv() self.logger.debug("Received chunk of size {} from {} for '{}'", len(chunk), driver, filename) self._call('upload_chunk', filename, offset, chunk) offset = redis.hincrby(transfer_key, 'offset', len(chunk)) self._call('end_upload', metadata) redis.delete(transfer_key) redis.srem('drivers:{}:transfers'.format(, fid)"Transfer of '{}' from {} successful", filename, driver)
def new_speaker(): check_post_param('name') new_name = request.form['name'] rand_bits = random.getrandbits(SPEAKER_HASH_LENGTH) rand_hash = base64.b64encode(bytes(str(rand_bits), 'ascii')) prefix = new_name[:min(4, len(new_name))] new_id = "{}:{}".format(prefix, rand_hash.decode('utf-8')) redis.sadd(USER_IDS_SET, new_id) redis.hmset(hm_data(new_id), {USER_NAME: new_name}) return new_id
def test_get_by_category(redis): def get_by_category(client, category): ids = client.lrange('category:' + category, 0, -1) items = [] for id in ids: items.append(client.hget(id, 'name')) return items redis.hmset('item:1', {'name': 'Foo', 'category': 'Bar'}) redis.lpush('category:Bar', 'item:1') assert get_by_category(redis, 'Bar') == ['Foo']
def store_mail(mail): try: for line in mail: mail_parser.feed(line) email = mail_parser.close() redis.incr('mail:id') id = redis.get('mail:id') redis.hmset(id, {'To:':email['To'],'From:':email['From'], 'Date:':email['Date'], 'Message:':email.get_payload()}) except: print 'Unexpected error:', sys.exc_info()[0] exit(1) return 'Message was stored successfully'
def command_sequence(script_name, command, redis): command = command.encode('utf-8') #retrieving existing data s_dict = redis.hgetall(script_name) if s_dict is not None: s_dict['msg'] = command else: s_dict = {} s_dict['msg'] = command #set new message for script queue redis.hmset(script_name, s_dict)
def reply_text_and_get_user_profile(event): # 取出消息內User的資料 ################### 須作例外處理 user_profile = line_bot_api.get_profile(event.source.user_id) # 將用戶資訊做成合適Json user_info = { "user_open_id": user_profile.user_id, "user_nick_name": user_profile.display_name, "user_status": "", "user_img": user_profile.picture_url, "user_register_menu": menu_id } #將json傳回API Server Endpoint = 'http://%s:5001/users' % (ip_location) #Endpoint='http://%s:5001/users' % (ip_location) Header = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} Response =, headers=Header, data=json.dumps(user_info)) # 先暫時寫的,用來檢查錯誤情形,方便除錯 print(Response) print(Response.text) # 將菜單綁定在用戶身上 linkMenuEndpoint = '' % ( user_profile.user_id, menu_id) linkMenuRequestHeader = { 'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg', 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % secretFile["channel_access_token"] } lineLinkMenuResponse =, headers=linkMenuRequestHeader) print(lineLinkMenuResponse) print(lineLinkMenuResponse.text) # 回覆文字消息與圖片消息 line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, TextSendMessage(text="請使用下方功能選單\n或是輸入下方字串\ndetail")) #再跟老師討論存在redis的值有沒有需要進去mysql redis.hmset(user_profile.user_id, { 'result': 0, "total": 0, "sa_qid": 0, "dev_qid": 0, "sys_qid": 0 })
def do_report(pipeline, redis): process_report = { 'id': pipeline_id, 'hostname': hostname, 'fqdn': fqdn, 'pid': pid, 'version': VERSION, 'mem_usage': psutil.virtual_memory().percent, 'disk_usage': psutil.disk_usage(pipeline.data_dir).percent } redis.hmset(pipeline_id, process_report) redis.sadd('pipelines', pipeline_id)
def retry(gist_id, error=None): gist_key = "gist:#"+str(gist_id) last_status = redis.hmget(gist_key, 'status')[0] retry_count = redis.hmget(gist_key, 'retry_count')[0] if retry_count is None or int(retry_count) < 10: redis.hmset(gist_key, dict(status='ERR', message=error)) redis.hincrby(gist_key, 'retry_count') return 'ERR' else: redis.hmset(gist_key, dict(status='DEAD')) return 'DEAD'
def callback(ch, method, properties, body): print("Receiver_three got the message!") print(body.decode('utf-8')) index, text, mes_time = get_values(body.decode('utf-8')) time.sleep(int(mes_time)) redis.hmset(f"MESG_{index}", {"TEXT": text, "TIME": mes_time, "I": index}) ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag)
def learn_speaker(): check_post_param('id') user_id = request.form['id'] filename = user_id + next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) + '.wav' request.files['wav_sample'].save(filename) user_training = None if redis.hexists(hm_data(user_id), USER_TRAINING): user_training = pickle.loads(redis.hget(hm_data(user_id), USER_TRAINING)) gmm, mfccs = predict.learn(filename, user_training) redis.hmset(hm_data(user_id), {USER_TRAINING: pickle.dumps(mfccs), USER_MODEL: pickle.dumps(gmm)}) os.remove(filename) return str(len(mfccs))
def add_update(): if (request.method == 'POST'): userData = {} data = request.get_json() spotlights = data['spotlights'] data['spotlights'] = str(spotlights).strip('[]').replace("'", "").replace( " ", "") for value in ('password', 'username', 'spotlights'): userData[value] = data[ value] if value != 'password' else sha256.hash(data[value]) redis.hmset(data['username'], userData) return jsonify({'message': 'Saved!'})
def update_topic_partition(redis, tpos, key_path): """ Updates last read topicpartition offsets in redis """ from itertools import groupby key_func = lambda x: x['topic'] for topic, group in groupby(tpos, key_func): po = {} for el in group: po[str(el['partition'])] = int(el['offset'] + 1) po_str = json.dumps(po) redis.hmset(key_path, {topic: po_str})
def save_cookie_to_redis(self, redis, backend, hname): """ save the cookie to redis Args: redis - the redis.Redis object backend - the backend name hname - the name of hash """ servers = self.get_backend_servers(backend) cookies = {} for server in servers: if len(server['cookie']) > 0: cookies[server['addr']] = server['cookie'] if len(cookies) > 0: redis.hmset(hname, cookies)
def setup_redis(): if not redis.exists(switch_key): ret = redis.hmset(switch_key, {oj: 1 for oj in SUPPORT_OJ}) if ret:'setup switch key success') else: log_spider_status()
def learn_speaker(): check_post_param('id') user_id = request.form['id'] filename = user_id + next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) + '.wav' request.files['wav_sample'].save(filename) user_training = None if redis.hexists(hm_data(user_id), USER_TRAINING): user_training = pickle.loads( redis.hget(hm_data(user_id), USER_TRAINING)) gmm, mfccs = predict.learn(filename, user_training) redis.hmset(hm_data(user_id), { USER_TRAINING: pickle.dumps(mfccs), USER_MODEL: pickle.dumps(gmm) }) os.remove(filename) return str(len(mfccs))
def clear_sign(redis): """ 清除每日领取救济金 """ now_day = convert_util.to_week_day( print now_day if now_day == 1: #周一重置签到 now_sign_id = redis.get(FISH_TABLE_NOW_RUN) sign_table = redis.hgetall(FISH_SIGN_TABLE % (now_sign_id)) for day, val in sign_table.items(): print day, val if day == 'title': continue val = eval(val) val['taked'] = [] sign_table[day] = val #重置签到 redis.hmset(FISH_SIGN_TABLE % (now_sign_id), sign_table)
def update_bike_counts(): """Job function to update bike and dock counts for all stations on a schedule."""'Updating bike counts.') resp = requests.get(bike_data_url).text hashed = hashlib.sha256(resp).hexdigest() if hashed == redis.get('bike_data'):'Dataset has not changed.') return else: redis.set('bike_data', hashed) stations_data = json.loads(resp) for s in stations_data: soup = BeautifulSoup(s['popup'], 'html.parser') bikes = int('span.station-bikes b')[0].string) docks = int('span.station-docks b')[0].string) redis.hmset(s['name'], {'bikes': bikes, 'docks': docks})
def repet_change(): a = 0 b = 0 for key in redis.scan_iter("jobs_*"): item = redis.hgetall(key) string = item["job_name"]+item["company_name"]+item["office_address"]+item["description"] sha256 = hashlib.sha256(string).hexdigest() ret = redis.sadd("check_repetition", sha256) if ret == 0: b += 1 print("find one repetition") item["repetition"] = True redis.hmset(key, item) a += 1 if a in range(0, 1000000, 1000): print(a) print(a) print(b)
def enqueue(): data = json.loads( if 'input_url' not in data: response = { 'error': "The Youtube URL to download must be provided as 'input_url'", } logger.warn("Rejecting /api/enqueue request missing 'input_url'") return json.dumps(response), 400 # bad request clean_url = util.validate_url(data['input_url']) if clean_url is None: response = { 'error': "I'm sorry, that doesn't really look like a Youtube URL. :-(", 'info': "Please try again using a link starting with ''.", } logger.warn("Rejecting /api/enqueue request for %s" % data['input_url']) return json.dumps(response), 403 # forbidden"Accepting /api/enqueue request for %s" % clean_url) job = rqueue.enqueue_call(, args=(clean_url, ), result_ttl=900 # 15 minutes ) job_id = job.get_id() redis.lpush(joblist, job_id) redis.ltrim(joblist, 0, 9) job_details = { 'job_id': job_id, 'request_url': clean_url, 'submitted': time.time(), 'page_title': '...', # just a placeholder to keep it pretty } redis.hmset(jobkey(job_id), job_details) redis.expire(jobkey(job_id), 86400) # 24 hours response = { 'job_id': job_id, } return json.dumps(response), 201 # created
def reply_text_and_get_user_profile(event): # 取出消息內User的資料 ################### 須作例外處理 user_profile = line_bot_api.get_profile(event.source.user_id) # 將用戶資訊做成合適Json user_info = { "user_open_id":user_profile.user_id, "user_nick_name":user_profile.display_name, "user_status" : "", "user_img" : user_profile.picture_url, "user_register_menu" : menu_id } #將json傳回API Server Endpoint='http://%s:5001/users' % (ip_location) #Endpoint='http://%s:5001/users' % (ip_location) Header={'Content-Type':'application/json'},headers=Header,data=json.dumps(user_info)) # 先暫時寫的,用來檢查錯誤情形,方便除錯 print(Response) print(Response.text) # 將菜單綁定在用戶身上 linkMenuEndpoint='' % (user_profile.user_id, menu_id) linkMenuRequestHeader={'Content-Type':'image/jpeg','Authorization':'Bearer %s' % secretFile["channel_access_token"]},headers=linkMenuRequestHeader) print(lineLinkMenuResponse) print(lineLinkMenuResponse.text) # 回覆文字消息與圖片消息 line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, TextSendMessage(text="請使用下方功能選單\n或是輸入下方字串\ndetail") ) #再跟老師討論存在redis的值有沒有需要進去mysql redis.hmset(user_profile.user_id, {'result': 0,"total" : 0,"sa_qid" : 0,"dev_qid" : 0,"sys_qid" : 0})
def update_search_stack(api_session, tweet_stack, keyword): """Searches for a specific term on twitter public timeline""" # Storing last fetched id in order to make fewer requests since_id = get_since_id(redis, "%s:%s" % (LOLCOIFFEURS_LIST, keyword)) search_tweet = api_session.GetSearch(term=keyword, since_id=since_id) for t in search_tweet: computed_tweet = { "keyword": keyword, "username": t.user.screen_name, "created_at": t.created_at, "text": t.text, } sys.stdout.write("adding tweet with id %s by user %s to database\n" % (str(, str(t.user.screen_name))) if (computed_tweet["username"] not in BLACKLISTED_USERS): redis.rpush((LOLCOIFFEURS_LIST + ":%s" % (keyword)), redis.hmset("%s:tweet:%s" % (LOLCOIFFEURS_LIST,, computed_tweet) print "Last since id en vigueur pour ce mot cle : %s" % since_id return
def spotlight_route(room): if (request.method == 'POST'): data = request.get_json() spotlightData = {} params = ('living_room', 'kitchen', 'bathroom', 'bedroom') idents = ('1', '2', '3', '4') for x in range(0, len(params)): if room == params[x]: room = idents[x] if data["status"] == "on": spotlightData['status'] = 'on' spotlightData['hourStart'] = '{}'.format( redis.hmset(room, spotlightData) instruction = "{}{}".format(room, data["status"]) arduino.write(instruction.encode('utf-8')) elif data["status"] == "off": spotlightData['status'] = 'off' spotlightData['hourEnd'] = '{}'.format( redis.hmset(room, spotlightData) spotlightData['timeElapsed'] = getTotalTimeSwitchedOn(room) redis.hmset(room, spotlightData) instruction = "{}{}".format(room, data["status"]) arduino.write(instruction.encode('utf-8')) objectToSend = { "status": data['status'], "timeElapsed": redis.hget(room, 'timeElapsed').decode('utf-8') if data["status"] == "off" else "" } return jsonify(objectToSend)
def enqueue(): data = json.loads( if 'input_url' not in data: response = { 'error': "The Youtube URL to download must be provided as 'input_url'", } logger.warn("Rejecting /api/enqueue request missing 'input_url'") return json.dumps(response), 400 # bad request clean_url = util.validate_url(data['input_url']) if clean_url is None: response = { 'error': "I'm sorry, that doesn't really look like a Youtube URL. :-(", 'info': "Please try again using a link starting with ''.", } logger.warn("Rejecting /api/enqueue request for %s" % data['input_url']) return json.dumps(response), 403 # forbidden"Accepting /api/enqueue request for %s" % clean_url) job = rqueue.enqueue_call(, args=(clean_url,), result_ttl=900 # 15 minutes ) job_id = job.get_id() redis.lpush(joblist, job_id) redis.ltrim(joblist, 0, 9) job_details = { 'job_id': job_id, 'request_url': clean_url, 'submitted': time.time(), 'page_title': '...', # just a placeholder to keep it pretty } redis.hmset(jobkey(job_id), job_details) redis.expire(jobkey(job_id), 86400) # 24 hours response = { 'job_id': job_id, } return json.dumps(response), 201 # created
def lookup_user_cached(u: list, parameter: str): if parameter not in ('login', 'id'): raise ValueError('parameter should be login or id.') if parameter == 'login': #store = users pass else: #store = ids pass c = chunks([i for i in u if not redis.exists(str(i))], MAX_USER_COUNT) for n, i in enumerate(c): if n > 0: sleep(0.5) # a crude way to mitigate Twitch API rate limit try: result = lookup_user(i, parameter) for i in result: i['last_cached_time'] = time() redis.hmset(str(i['id']), i) redis.hmset(str(i['login']), i) except RateLimitException: logger.error('Twitch API rate limit exceeded. Will try later.') spawn_later(10, lookup_user_cached, i, parameter)
def put(self, request, id): """ This function update the existing label @param request: user request @param id: user id @return: update existing label """ user = request.user try: data = label =['label'] user_id = serializer = self.serializer_class(user_id, data=data) if serializer.is_valid(): label_update ="Label successfully updated") redis.hmset(str( + "label", { label}) return Response("Label successfully updated", status=status.HTTP_200_OK) except: logger.error("Label not updated, Something went wrong, Please check again!") return Response("Label not updated, Something went wrong, Please check again!", status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
def add_key_f(key): try: strategies = { 'string': lambda (key, value): redis.set ( key, value ) , 'hash': lambda (key, value): redis.hmset (key, value) , 'list': lambda (key, value): [redis.rpush (key, x) for x in value] } print (strategies) print flask.request.json return json.dumps(definite_strategy (strategies, flask.request.json['kind'], (key, flask.request.json['value']) ), indent = 2) except Exception as e: return str(e)
def callback(): # Handles response from token endpoint auth0.authorize_access_token() resp = auth0.get('userinfo') userinfo = resp.json() sid = str(uuid.uuid4()) session['current_user'] = sid redis.set(session['current_user'], userinfo['name'], ex=300) sids = redis.hgetall("sids") if sids==None: tmp={sid:False} redis.hmset("sids",tmp) else: sids[sid]=0 redis.hmset("sids",sids) # Store the user information in flask session. session['jwt_payload'] = userinfo session['profile'] = { 'user_id': userinfo['sub'], 'name': userinfo['name'], 'picture': userinfo['picture'] } return redirect(url_for('homepage'))
def set_object(self, model): ''' Set values for each of a model's fields in redis. ''' # >>> model.table_name # 'person' # >>> # 42 # >>> self.transform(model, Storage.cache) # { # 'name': 'Andy Warhol', # 'telephone': '(212) 387-7555', # 'location': (40.398, -72.037), # 'email': '*****@*****.**' # 'birthday':, 8, 6) # } # >>> self.construct_kv(self.transform(model, Storage.cache)) # { # 'name': b'\xabAndy Warhol', # 'telephone': b'\xae(212) 387-7555', # 'location': b'\x92...', # 'email': b'\[email protected]', # 'birthday': b'...' # } # TODO: Figure out how to encode references in msgpack # 'person:42:friends', ['person:12', 'person:92'] key = self.build_key(model) mapitems = dict(model.fields) #.items() del mapitems['id'] mapping = { key.encode('utf-8'): self.encoder.encode(val) for key, val in mapitems.items() } with self as redis: response = redis.hmset(key, mapping) return response
def enrol(self, cell_phone_number, pwd): # not exist the cell phone, can go on enrol is_exist = self.cell_phone_number_exist(cell_phone_number) if is_exist != 0 : # TODO(JIAS): put the new user object into 'Member:memberId' redis object redis_structure_name = Constant.MEMBER + cell_phone_number redis.hmset(redis_structure_name, "CELL_PHONE", cell_phone_number) redis.hmset(redis_structure_name, "PASSWORD", pwd) # generate session id # TODO(JIAS): SessionId应该一到MySQL的DAO中处理,然后存储到Redis中 session_id = utils.SessionGenerator.session_generate() redis.hmset(redis_structure_name, "SESSION_ID", session_id) # 把号码放置到Member:cellphone中,标识此号码已经被注册过了 redis.sadd(Constant.MEMBER_CELL_PHONE, cell_phone_number)
def get_file(self, fid, stop_event, driver=None, restart=False): """Transfers a file from a Driver to another. """ redis = self.plug.redis metadata = Metadata.get_by_id(self.plug, fid) filename = metadata.filename transfer_key = 'drivers:{}:transfers:{}'.format(, fid) if driver: redis.sadd( 'drivers:{}:transfers'.format(, fid ) redis.hmset(transfer_key, {'from': driver, 'offset': 0}) offset = 0"Starting to get '{}' from {}", filename, driver) else: transfer = redis.hgetall(transfer_key) driver = transfer['from'] offset = int(transfer['offset']) "Restarting transfer of '{}' from {}", filename, driver ) dealer = self.context.socket(zmq.DEALER) port = redis.get('drivers:{}:router'.format(driver)) dealer.connect('tcp://localhost:{}'.format(port)) end = metadata.size chunk_size = self.plug.options.get('chunk_size', 1 * 1024 * 1024) if not restart: self._call('start_upload', metadata) while offset < end: if stop_event.is_set(): # another transaction for the same file has # probably started "Aborting transfer of '{}' from {}", filename, driver ) return dealer.send_multipart((filename, str(offset), str(chunk_size))) chunk = dealer.recv() self.logger.debug( "Received chunk of size {} from {} for '{}'", len(chunk), driver, filename ) self._call('upload_chunk', filename, offset, chunk) offset = redis.hincrby(transfer_key, 'offset', len(chunk)) self._call('end_upload', metadata) redis.delete(transfer_key) redis.srem( 'drivers:{}:transfers'.format(, fid ) "Transfer of '{}' from {} successful", filename, driver )
def add(gist): gist_key = "gist:#"+str(gist['gist_id']) redis.hmset(gist_key, dict(payload=json.dumps(gist), status='OK')) index_add(gist['gist_id'], gist['hn_id']) return 'OK'
subjectplanlist= Base.classes.eas_exmm_subjectplan DBsession = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = DBsession() #get all courses list of only one examplancode and one examcategorycode and one segmentcode # two hmset one is use exampapercode as key and courseid as value and other is exampapercode as key and examsessionunit as value and two hmset 'name is same tcpcode='080305402010409' examplancode='20150901' examcatetorycode='04' segmentcode='010' hmset1=examplancode+'.'+examcatetorycode+'.'+segmentcode+'.'+tcpcode+'.courses' hmset2=examplancode+'.'+examcatetorycode+'.'+segmentcode+'.'+tcpcode+'.sessionunit' for row in session.query(courseplan).filter_by(tcpcode=tcpcode).\ filter_by(examplancode=examplancode).\ filter_by(examcategorycode=examcatetorycode).\ filter_by(segmentcode=segmentcode): for row2 in session.query(courseplanlist).filter_by( redis.hmset(hmset1,{ row2.exampapercode:row.courseid}) row3 =session.query(subjectplanlist).filter_by(exampapercode=row2.exampapercode).\ filter_by(examplancode=examplancode).\ filter_by(examcategorycode=examcatetorycode).\ filter_by(segmentcode=segmentcode).first() if row2 is not None: redis.hmset(hmset2,{ row3.exampapercode:row3.examsessionunit}) session.close() c =b-a print(divmod(c.days*86400+c.seconds,60))
request_region = requests.get("{:d}/".format(region['id'])) logger.debug(request_region) reg = request_region.json()['marketSellOrders'] logger.debug(result) r_url = reg['href'] t_url = "?type={:d}/".format(result['typeID']) request_url = r_url + t_url logger.debug(request_url) marketdata_req = requests.get(request_url) logger.debug(marketdata_req) highest = 0 marketdata = marketdata_req.json() logger.debug(marketdata) if marketdata['totalCount'] == 0: exempt.append(region['id']) continue market_items = marketdata['items'] logger.debug(market_items) for item in market_items: logger.debug(type(item)) if item['price'] > highest: highest = item['price'] redis_dict = {region['id_str']:highest} logger.debug("redis_dict: {dict}".format(dict = redis_dict)) redis.hmset(i_type, redis_dict) redis.expire(i_type, 600)"Finished caching for {i_type} in {region}".format(i_type = i_type, region = region['id']))"Finished caching for all regions for the i_type: {:d}".format(i_type)) pipe.execute()"Finished Caching")
try: port = int(request.args.get('port', default=25565)) except Exception, e: port = 25565 test = (host == '') if test: return jsonify(players=['doge', 'such', 'wow', 'diamonds']) result = None if redis: key = "%s:%s" % (host, str(port)) result = redis.hgetall(key) if not result: try: result = MinecraftQuery(host, port).get_rules() except Exception as e: result = {'message': 'No response from the Minecraft server'} if redis: redis.hmset(key, result) redis.pexpire(key, 30000) # 30s return jsonify(**result) if __name__ == '__main__':, port=options.port)
def add_to_dict(key_prefix, id, data_dict): if data_dict: key = "%s:%s" % (key_prefix, id) redis.hmset(key, data_dict)
def save(self, video): redis.hmset(self.key, video) self._load_video()
def update_user(self, user): redis_structure_name = Constant.MEMBER + user.get_member_id() # update the session id redis.hmset(redis_structure_name, "SESSION_ID", user.session_id)
else : print(' %s is not exists'%(batname,)) # --------------------begin -------------------------- redis = redis.Redis(host='',port=6380,db=2) #first flush db redis.flushdb() xls = pd.ExcelFile('/home/user/python/datamigrate.xlsx') sheet1 = xls.parse('db') for index ,row in sheet1.iterrows(): if (row['code']==10)==False: redis.sadd('segment',row['code']) if (pd.isnull(row['dbip'])==False): redis.hmset('dbip',{row['code']:row['dbip']}) redis.hmset('dbuser',{row['code']:row['dbuser']}) redis.hmset('dbpwd',{row['code']:row['dbpwd']}) redis.hmset('dbip',{row['code']:row['dbip']}) redis.hmset('dbname',{row['code']:row['dbname']}) redis.sadd('alldb',row['code']) sheet2 = xls.parse('expFile') for index ,row in sheet2.iterrows(): redis.hmset('batdo',{row['batfilename']:row['expfilename']}) redis.hmset('batscope',{row['batfilename']:row['scope']}) redis.hmset('expfilepath',{row['batfilename']:row['filepath']}) # by config add message to MQ
def save(user): if is None: = redis.incr('user_count') redis.hmset('user:%d' %, user.__dict__) return user
def route_post_ad(slot): if not advertiser_id(): return '', 404 asset = request.files['asset'] id = next_ad_id() key = ad_key(slot, id) type = fetch(request.form, 'type') if not type: type = asset.mimetype if not type: type = 'video/mp4' redis = get_redis() redis.hmset(key, { 'slot': slot, 'id': id, 'title': fetch(request.form, 'title'), 'type': type, 'advertiser': advertiser_id(), 'destination': fetch(request.form, 'destination'), 'impressions': 0 }) redis.set(asset_key(slot, id), redis.rpush(slot_key(slot), id) redis.sadd(advertiser_key(advertiser_id()), key) return jsonify(get_ad(slot, id))