Пример #1
    def _setup_cluster(self):
        Set up the cluster to run through the centering code.
        file_path = 'data_for_tests'

        cluster = Cluster()

        cluster.config = Configuration(
            os.path.join(file_path, 'testconfig.yaml'))

        tempcat = fitsio.read(
            os.path.join(file_path, 'test_wcen_zred_data.fit'))

        temp_neighbors = np.zeros(tempcat[0]['RAS'].size,
                                  dtype=[('RA', 'f8'), ('DEC', 'f8'),
                                         ('DIST', 'f4'), ('R', 'f4'),
                                         ('P', 'f4'), ('PFREE', 'f4'),
                                         ('PMEM', 'f4'), ('MAG', 'f4', 5),
                                         ('MAG_ERR', 'f4', 5),
                                         ('REFMAG', 'f4'),
                                         ('REFMAG_ERR', 'f4'), ('CHISQ', 'f4'),
                                         ('ZRED', 'f4'), ('ZRED_E', 'f4'),
                                         ('ZRED_CHISQ', 'f4')])
        temp_neighbors['RA'] = tempcat[0]['RAS']
        temp_neighbors['DEC'] = tempcat[0]['DECS']
        temp_neighbors['R'] = tempcat[0]['R']
        temp_neighbors['P'] = tempcat[0]['PVALS']
        temp_neighbors['PFREE'] = tempcat[0]['WVALS']
        temp_neighbors['PMEM'] = tempcat[0]['WTVALS']
        temp_neighbors['REFMAG'] = tempcat[0]['REFMAG_TOTAL']
        temp_neighbors['ZRED'] = tempcat[0]['GZREDS']
        temp_neighbors['ZRED_E'] = tempcat[0]['GZREDE']
        temp_neighbors['ZRED_CHISQ'] = tempcat[0]['GCHISQ']

        temp_neighbors['DIST'] = tempcat[0]['R'] / (
            np.radians(1.) *
            cluster.config.cosmo.Da(0, tempcat[0]['ZCLUSTER']))

        neighbors = GalaxyCatalog(temp_neighbors)

        zred_filename = 'test_dr8_pars.fit'
        cluster.zredstr = RedSequenceColorPar(os.path.join(
            file_path, 'test_dr8_pars.fit'),
                                              zrange=[0.25, 0.35])

        cluster.bkg = Background(os.path.join(file_path, 'test_bkg.fit'))
        cluster.zredbkg = ZredBackground(
            os.path.join(file_path, 'test_bkg.fit'))

        cluster.redshift = tempcat[0]['ZCLUSTER']
        cluster.ra = tempcat[0]['RAC']
        cluster.dec = tempcat[0]['DECC']
        cluster.r_lambda = 1.0 * (tempcat[0]['LAMBDA'] / 100.0)**0.2
        cluster.Lambda = tempcat[0]['LAMBDA']
        cluster.scaleval = tempcat[0]['SCALEVAL']

        return cluster
Пример #2
    def runTest(self):
        First test the filters:
        nfw, lum, and bkg

        # all new...

        file_path = 'data_for_tests'

        cluster = Cluster()

        conf_filename = 'testconfig.yaml'
        cluster.config = Configuration(file_path + '/' + conf_filename)

        filename = 'test_cluster_members.fit'

        neighbors = GalaxyCatalog.from_fits_file(file_path + '/' + filename)


        zred_filename = 'test_dr8_pars.fit'
        cluster.zredstr = RedSequenceColorPar(file_path + '/' + zred_filename, fine=True)

        bkg_filename = 'test_bkg.fit'
        cluster.bkg = Background('%s/%s' % (file_path, bkg_filename))

        #cluster.z = hdr['Z']
        cluster.redshift = hdr['Z']
        richness_compare = hdr['LAMBDA']
        richness_compare_err = hdr['LAMBDA_E']
        scaleval_compare = hdr['SCALEVAL']
        cpars_compare = np.array([hdr['CPARS0'], hdr['CPARS1'], hdr['CPARS2'], hdr['CPARS3']])
        cval_compare = hdr['CVAL']
        mstar_compare = hdr['MSTAR']
        cluster.ra = hdr['RA']
        cluster.dec = hdr['DEC']

        mask = HPMask(cluster.config)

        depthstr = DepthMap(cluster.config)
        depthstr.calc_maskdepth(mask.maskgals, cluster.ra, cluster.dec, cluster.mpc_scale)

        # Test the NFW profile on its own
        #  (this works to 5 decimal places because of the 2*pi*r scaling)
        nfw_python = cluster._calc_radial_profile()
        testing.assert_almost_equal(nfw_python, neighbors.nfw/(2.*np.pi*neighbors.r),5)

        # Test the luminosity
        # The problem is that the IDL code has multiple ways of computing the index.
        # And this should be fixed here.  I don't want to duplicate dumb ideas.

        #mstar = cluster.zredstr.mstar(cluster.z)
        #testing.assert_almost_equal(mstar, mstar_compare, 3)
        #maxmag = mstar - 2.5*np.log10(cluster.config.lval_reference)
        #lum_python = cluster._calc_luminosity(maxmag)
        #testing.assert_almost_equal(lum_python, neighbors.lumwt, 3)

        # Test theta_i
        #theta_i_python = calc_theta_i(neighbors.refmag, neighbors.refmag_err,
        #                              maxmag, cluster.zredstr.limmag)
        #testing.assert_almost_equal(theta_i_python, neighbors.theta_i, 3)

        # Test the background
        #  Note that this uses the input chisq values
        bkg_python = cluster.calc_bkg_density(cluster.neighbors.r,
        # this is cheating here...
        to_test, = np.where((cluster.neighbors.refmag < cluster.bkg.refmagbins[-1]))
        #testing.assert_almost_equal(bkg_python[to_test], neighbors.bcounts[to_test], 3)
        #testing.assert_allclose(bkg_python[to_test], neighbors.bcounts[to_test],
        #                        rtol=1e-4, atol=0)

        # skip this test for now.  Blah.

        # Now the cluster tests

        # cluster.neighbors.dist = np.degrees(cluster.neighbors.r / cluster.cosmo.Da(0, cluster.redshift))

        seed = 0
        random.seed(seed = 0)

        richness = cluster.calc_richness(mask)

        # these are regression tests.  Various mask issues make the matching
        #  to idl for the time being
        testing.assert_almost_equal(cluster.Lambda, 23.86299324)
        testing.assert_almost_equal(cluster.lambda_e, 2.4780307)

        #                            neighbors.theta_i, 3)
        #                            neighbors.theta_r, 3)
        #                            neighbors.p, 3)

Пример #3
    def runTest(self):

        file_path = 'data_for_tests'
        conffile = 'testconfig.yaml'

        config = Configuration(file_path + '/' + conffile)

        gals_all = GalaxyCatalog.from_galfile(config.galfile)

        zred_filename = 'test_dr8_pars.fit'
        zredstr = RedSequenceColorPar(file_path + '/' + zred_filename, fine=True)

        bkg_filename = 'test_bkg.fit'
        bkg = Background('%s/%s' % (file_path, bkg_filename))

        mask = HPMask(config)
        depthstr = DepthMap(config)

        #cosmo = Cosmo()

        testcatfile = 'test_cluster_pos.fit'
        cat = ClusterCatalog.from_catfile(file_path + '/' + testcatfile,

        # test single neighbors...
        c0 = cat[0]
        c0.find_neighbors(0.2, gals_all)
        c1 = cat[1]
        c1.find_neighbors(0.2, gals_all)

        testing.assert_equal(c0.neighbors.size, 580)
        testing.assert_equal(c1.neighbors.size, 298)
        testing.assert_array_less(c0.neighbors.dist, 0.2)
        testing.assert_array_less(c1.neighbors.dist, 0.2)

        # and multi-match...
        i0, i1, dist = gals_all.match_many(cat.ra, cat.dec, 0.2)

        u0, = np.where(i0 == 0)
        testing.assert_equal(c0.neighbors.size, u0.size)

        u1, = np.where(i0 == 1)
        testing.assert_equal(c1.neighbors.size, u1.size)

        # and compute the richness on the first one...

        depthstr.calc_maskdepth(mask.maskgals, c0.ra, c0.dec, c0.mpc_scale)

        richness = c0.calc_richness(mask)

        # Make sure the numbers were propagated to the parent catalog
        testing.assert_equal(richness, cat.Lambda[0])
        testing.assert_equal(c0.Lambda_e, cat.Lambda_e[0])
        testing.assert_equal(c0.scaleval, cat.scaleval[0])

        # And make sure the numbers are correct
        testing.assert_almost_equal(richness, 23.86299324)
Пример #4
    def test_readbkg(self):
        Part one of this file checks that the background file
        exists and is formatted correctly.

        Then we load the background file and pull out some sources
        in the background, and compare the IDL outputs to thoe
        of the sigma_g attribute of the background. The initialization
        of the sigma_g values as well as the 'lookup' or spline used
        over these valus is also tested. Note that the background
        is characterized by sigma_g as functions of (z,chisq,refmag).
        file_name, file_path = 'test_bkg.fit', 'data_for_tests'
        # test that we fail if we try a non-existent file
        self.assertRaises(IOError, Background, 'nonexistent.fit')
        # test that we fail if we read a non-fits file
        self.assertRaises(IOError, Background,'%s/testconfig.yaml' % (file_path))
        # test that we fail if we try a file without the right header info
        self.assertRaises(IOError, Background,
                          '%s/test_dr8_pars.fit' % (file_path))
        bkg = Background('%s/%s' % (file_path, file_name))

        # test creation of lookup table
        inputs = [(172,15,64), (323,3,103), (9,19,21), (242,4,87),
                  (70,12,58), (193,6,39), (87,14,88), (337,5,25), (333,8,9)]
        py_outputs = np.array([bkg.sigma_g[idx] for idx in inputs])
        idl_outputs = np.array([0.32197464, 6.4165196, 0.0032830855, 
                                1.4605126, 0.0098356586, 0.79848081, 
                                0.011284498, 9.3293247, 8.7064905])
        testing.assert_almost_equal(py_outputs, idl_outputs, decimal=1)

        # test functionality of lookup table
        z = 0.23185321
        chisq = np.array([0.13315917, 3.57059131, 3.71567741, 2.46307987,
                          9.16647519, 8.24240144, -1., 1.19503491])
        refmag = np.array([1000., 15.05129281, 16.81049236, 18.07566359,
                        19.88279, 15.56617587, 18.55626717, 15.00271158])

        py_outputs = bkg.sigma_g_lookup(z, chisq, refmag)
        idl_outputs = np.array([np.inf, 0.0012997627, 0.56412143, 6.4126010, 
                                43.4550, 0.012194233, np.inf, 0.0])
        # idl_ouputs[4] = 42.555183
        testing.assert_almost_equal(py_outputs, idl_outputs, decimal=4)

        ## And test the zred background code

        zredbkg = ZredBackground('%s/%s' % (file_path, file_name))

        # test creation of lookup table
        inputs = [(60, 50), (200, 100), (300, 120)]
        py_outputs = np.array([zredbkg.sigma_g[idx] for idx in inputs])
        idl_outputs = np.array([1.16810, 28.4379, 373.592])

        testing.assert_almost_equal(py_outputs, idl_outputs, decimal=4)

        # test functionality of lookup table
        zred = np.array([0.2154, 0.2545, 0.2876])
        refmag = np.array([18.015,18.576,19.234])
        idl_outputs = np.array([710.17102,1000.1127,1718.0394])
        py_outputs = zredbkg.sigma_g_lookup(zred, refmag)
        testing.assert_almost_equal(py_outputs, idl_outputs, decimal=3)
Пример #5
    def runTest(self):
        Run the ClusterTest

        # all new...


        file_path = 'data_for_tests'

        cluster = Cluster()

        conf_filename = 'testconfig.yaml'
        cluster.config = Configuration(file_path + '/' + conf_filename)

        filename = 'test_cluster_members.fit'

        neighbors = GalaxyCatalog.from_fits_file(file_path + '/' + filename)


        zred_filename = 'test_dr8_pars.fit'
        cluster.zredstr = RedSequenceColorPar(file_path + '/' + zred_filename,

        bkg_filename = 'test_bkg.fit'
        cluster.bkg = Background('%s/%s' % (file_path, bkg_filename))

        hdr = fitsio.read_header(file_path + '/' + filename, ext=1)
        cluster.redshift = hdr['Z']
        richness_compare = hdr['LAMBDA']
        richness_compare_err = hdr['LAMBDA_E']
        scaleval_compare = hdr['SCALEVAL']
        cpars_compare = np.array(
            [hdr['CPARS0'], hdr['CPARS1'], hdr['CPARS2'], hdr['CPARS3']])
        cval_compare = hdr['CVAL']
        mstar_compare = hdr['MSTAR']
        cluster.ra = hdr['RA']
        cluster.dec = hdr['DEC']

        mask = HPMask(cluster.config)
        maskgal_index = mask.select_maskgals_sample(maskgal_index=0)

        depthstr = DepthMap(cluster.config)
        depthstr.calc_maskdepth(mask.maskgals, cluster.ra, cluster.dec,

        # Test the NFW profile on its own
        #  (this works to 5 decimal places because of the 2*pi*r scaling)
        nfw_python = cluster._calc_radial_profile()
                                    neighbors.nfw / (2. * np.pi * neighbors.r),

        # Test the background
        #  Note that this uses the input chisq values
        bkg_python = cluster.calc_bkg_density(cluster.neighbors.r,
        # this is cheating here...
        to_test, = np.where(
            (cluster.neighbors.refmag < cluster.bkg.refmagbins[-1]))

        seed = 0

        richness = cluster.calc_richness(mask)

        # these are regression tests.  Various mask issues make the matching
        #  to idl for the time being
        testing.assert_almost_equal(cluster.Lambda, 24.366407, 5)
        testing.assert_almost_equal(cluster.lambda_e, 2.5137918, 5)

Пример #6
    def runTest(self):
        Run tests on redmapper.Zlambda

        file_path = 'data_for_tests'

        conf_filename = 'testconfig.yaml'
        config = Configuration(file_path + '/' + conf_filename)

        filename = 'test_cluster_members.fit'
        neighbors = GalaxyCatalog.from_fits_file(file_path + '/' + filename)

        zred_filename = 'test_dr8_pars.fit'
        zredstr = RedSequenceColorPar(file_path + '/' + zred_filename,fine = True)

        bkg_filename = 'test_bkg.fit'
        bkg = Background('%s/%s' % (file_path, bkg_filename))

        cluster = Cluster(config=config, zredstr=zredstr, bkg=bkg, neighbors=neighbors)

        cluster.redshift = hdr['Z']
        richness_compare = hdr['LAMBDA']
        richness_compare_err = hdr['LAMBDA_E']
        cluster.ra = hdr['RA']
        cluster.dec = hdr['DEC']

        #Set up the mask
        mask = HPMask(cluster.config) #Create the mask
        maskgal_index = mask.select_maskgals_sample(maskgal_index=0)

        depthstr = DepthMap(cluster.config)
        depthstr.calc_maskdepth(mask.maskgals, cluster.ra, cluster.dec, cluster.mpc_scale)

        cluster.neighbors.dist = np.degrees(cluster.neighbors.r/cluster.cosmo.Dl(0,cluster.redshift))

        # make a zlambda object
        zlam = Zlambda(cluster)

        z_lambda, z_lambda_e = zlam.calc_zlambda(cluster.redshift, mask, calc_err=True, calcpz=True)

        # I am not sure why this isn't repeatable better than this
        testing.assert_almost_equal(cluster.z_lambda, 0.22666427, 6)
        testing.assert_almost_equal(cluster.z_lambda_err, 0.00443601, 4)

        # zlambda_err test
        z_lambda_err = zlam._zlambda_calc_gaussian_err(cluster.z_lambda)

        testing.assert_almost_equal(z_lambda_err, 0.0063738347, 5)

        # and test the correction on its own
        corr_filename = 'test_dr8_zlambdacorr.fit'

        zlambda_corr = ZlambdaCorrectionPar(file_path + '/' + corr_filename, zlambda_pivot=30.0)

        zlam_in = 0.227865
        zlam_e_in = 0.00629995
        zlam_out = 0.228654
        zlam_e_out = 0.00840213

        zlam_new, zlam_e_new = zlambda_corr.apply_correction(24.5, zlam_in, zlam_e_in)

        testing.assert_almost_equal(zlam_new, zlam_out, 5)
        testing.assert_almost_equal(zlam_e_new, zlam_e_out, 5)
Пример #7
    def runTest(self):
        file_path = 'data_for_tests'

        #The configuration
        #Used by the mask, background and richness calculation

        conf_filename = 'testconfig.yaml'
        config = Configuration(file_path + '/' + conf_filename)

        filename = 'test_cluster_members.fit'
        neighbors = GalaxyCatalog.from_fits_file(file_path + '/' + filename)

        zred_filename = 'test_dr8_pars.fit'
        zredstr = RedSequenceColorPar(file_path + '/' + zred_filename,

        bkg_filename = 'test_bkg.fit'
        bkg = Background('%s/%s' % (file_path, bkg_filename))

        cluster = Cluster(config=config,

        hdr = fitsio.read_header(file_path + '/' + filename, ext=1)
        #cluster.z = hdr['Z']
        cluster.redshift = hdr['Z']
        richness_compare = hdr['LAMBDA']
        richness_compare_err = hdr['LAMBDA_E']
        cluster.ra = hdr['RA']
        cluster.dec = hdr['DEC']

        #Set up the mask
        mask = HPMask(cluster.config)  #Create the mask

        depthstr = DepthMap(cluster.config)
        depthstr.calc_maskdepth(mask.maskgals, cluster.ra, cluster.dec,

        cluster.neighbors.dist = np.degrees(
            cluster.neighbors.r / cluster.cosmo.Dl(0, cluster.redshift))

        #set seed
        seed = 0

        # make a zlambda object
        zlam = Zlambda(cluster)

        z_lambda, z_lambda_e = zlam.calc_zlambda(cluster.redshift,

        testing.assert_almost_equal(cluster.z_lambda, 0.22700983)
        testing.assert_almost_equal(cluster.z_lambda_err, 0.00448909596)

        # zlambda_err test
        z_lambda_err = zlam._zlambda_calc_gaussian_err(cluster.z_lambda)

        testing.assert_almost_equal(z_lambda_err, 0.006303830)

        # and test the correction on its own
        corr_filename = 'test_dr8_zlambdacorr.fit'

        zlambda_corr = ZlambdaCorrectionPar(file_path + '/' + corr_filename,

        zlam_in = 0.227865
        zlam_e_in = 0.00629995
        zlam_out = 0.228654
        zlam_e_out = 0.00840213

        zlam_new, zlam_e_new = zlambda_corr.apply_correction(
            24.5, zlam_in, zlam_e_in)

        testing.assert_almost_equal(zlam_new, zlam_out, 5)
        testing.assert_almost_equal(zlam_e_new, zlam_e_out, 5)
Пример #8
    def runTest(self):
        file_path = 'data_for_tests'

        cluster = Cluster()

        conf_filename = 'testconfig.yaml'
        cluster.config = Configuration(file_path + '/' + conf_filename)

        filename = 'test_wcen_zred_data.fit'

        tempcat = fitsio.read(file_path + '/' + filename, ext=1)

        temp_neighbors = np.zeros(tempcat[0]['RAS'].size,
                                  dtype=[('RA', 'f8'), ('DEC', 'f8'),
                                         ('DIST', 'f4'), ('R', 'f4'),
                                         ('P', 'f4'), ('PFREE', 'f4'),
                                         ('PMEM', 'f4'), ('MAG', 'f4', 5),
                                         ('MAG_ERR', 'f4', 5),
                                         ('REFMAG', 'f4'),
                                         ('REFMAG_ERR', 'f4'), ('CHISQ', 'f4'),
                                         ('ZRED', 'f4'), ('ZRED_E', 'f4'),
                                         ('ZRED_CHISQ', 'f4')])
        temp_neighbors['RA'] = tempcat[0]['RAS']
        temp_neighbors['DEC'] = tempcat[0]['DECS']
        temp_neighbors['R'] = tempcat[0]['R']
        temp_neighbors['P'] = tempcat[0]['PVALS']
        temp_neighbors['PFREE'] = tempcat[0]['WVALS']
        temp_neighbors['PMEM'] = tempcat[0]['WTVALS']
        temp_neighbors['REFMAG'] = tempcat[0]['REFMAG_TOTAL']
        temp_neighbors['ZRED'] = tempcat[0]['GZREDS']
        temp_neighbors['ZRED_E'] = tempcat[0]['GZREDE']
        temp_neighbors['ZRED_CHISQ'] = tempcat[0]['GCHISQ']

        temp_neighbors['DIST'] = tempcat[0]['R'] / (
            np.radians(1.) *
            cluster.config.cosmo.Da(0, tempcat[0]['ZCLUSTER']))

        neighbors = GalaxyCatalog(temp_neighbors)

        zred_filename = 'test_dr8_pars.fit'
        cluster.zredstr = RedSequenceColorPar(file_path + '/' + zred_filename,

        bkg_filename = 'test_bkg.fit'
        cluster.bkg = Background('%s/%s' % (file_path, bkg_filename))
        cluster.zredbkg = ZredBackground('%s/%s' % (file_path, bkg_filename))

        cluster.redshift = tempcat[0]['ZCLUSTER']
        cluster.ra = tempcat[0]['RAC']
        cluster.dec = tempcat[0]['DECC']
        cluster.r_lambda = 1.0 * (tempcat[0]['LAMBDA'] / 100.0)**0.2
        cluster.Lambda = tempcat[0]['LAMBDA']
        cluster.scaleval = tempcat[0]['SCALEVAL']

        corr_filename = 'test_dr8_zlambdacorr.fit'
        zlambda_corr = ZlambdaCorrectionPar(file_path + '/' + corr_filename,

        # And the meat of it...

        cent = CenteringWcenZred(cluster, zlambda_corr=zlambda_corr)

                                    tempcat[0]['PCEN'][tempcat[0]['GOOD']], 5)
                                    tempcat[0]['QCEN'][tempcat[0]['GOOD']], 4)
        testing.assert_almost_equal(cent.p_sat, tempcat[0]['PSAT'], 4)
        testing.assert_almost_equal(cent.p_fg, tempcat[0]['PFG'], 4)