def run_commands(conn, commands, cw=None, cluster_name=None, suppress_errors=False): for idx, c in enumerate(commands, start=1): if c is not None: comment('[%s] Running %s out of %s commands: %s' % (str(os.getpid()), idx, len(commands), c)) try: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(c) comment('Success.') except: # cowardly bail on errors conn.rollback() print(traceback.format_exc()) if not suppress_errors: raise # emit a cloudwatch metric for the statement if cw is not None and cluster_name is not None: dimensions = [{ 'Name': 'ClusterIdentifier', 'Value': cluster_name }] if c.lower().startswith('analyze'): metric_name = 'AnalyzeTable' elif c.lower().startswith('vacuum'): metric_name = 'VacuumTable' else: # skip to the next statement - not exporting anything about these statements to cloudwatch continue aws_utils.put_metric(cw, 'Redshift', metric_name, dimensions, None, 1, 'Count') if debug: comment( "Emitted Cloudwatch Metric for Column Encoded table") return True
def analyze(table_info): schema_name = table_info[0] table_name = table_info[1] dist_style = table_info[4] owner = table_info[5] if len(table_info) > 6: table_comment = table_info[6] # get the count of columns that have raw encoding applied table_unoptimised = False count_unoptimised = 0 encodings_modified = False output = get_count_raw_columns(schema_name, table_name) if output is None: print("Unable to determine potential RAW column encoding for %s" % table_name) return ERROR else: for row in output: if row[0] > 0: table_unoptimised = True count_unoptimised += row[0] if not table_unoptimised and not force: comment("Table %s.%s does not require encoding optimisation" % (schema_name, table_name)) return OK else: comment("Table %s.%s contains %s unoptimised columns" % (schema_name, table_name, count_unoptimised)) if force: comment("Using Force Override Option") statement = 'analyze compression %s."%s"' % (schema_name, table_name) if comprows is not None: statement = statement + (" comprows %s" % int(comprows)) try: if debug: comment(statement) comment("Analyzing Table '%s.%s'" % (schema_name, table_name,)) # run the analyze in a loop, because it could be locked by another process modifying rows and get a timeout analyze_compression_result = None analyze_retry = 10 attempt_count = 0 last_exception = None while attempt_count < analyze_retry and analyze_compression_result is None: try: analyze_compression_result = execute_query(statement) # Commiting otherwise anaylze keep an exclusive lock until a commit arrive which can be very long execute_query('commit;') except KeyboardInterrupt: # To handle Ctrl-C from user cleanup(get_pg_conn()) return TERMINATED_BY_USER except Exception as e: execute_query('rollback;') print(e) attempt_count += 1 last_exception = e # Exponential Backoff time.sleep(2 ** attempt_count * RETRY_TIMEOUT) if analyze_compression_result is None: if last_exception is not None: print("Unable to analyze %s due to Exception %s" % (table_name, last_exception.message)) else: print("Unknown Error") return ERROR if target_schema is None: set_target_schema = schema_name else: set_target_schema = target_schema if set_target_schema == schema_name: target_table = '%s_$mig' % table_name else: target_table = table_name create_table = 'begin;\nlock table %s."%s";\ncreate table %s."%s"(' % ( schema_name, table_name, set_target_schema, target_table,) # query the table column definition descr = get_table_desc(schema_name, table_name) encode_columns = [] statements = [] sortkeys = {} has_zindex_sortkeys = False has_identity = False non_identity_columns = [] fks = [] table_distkey = None table_sortkeys = [] new_sortkey_arr = [t.strip() for t in new_sort_keys.split(',')] if new_sort_keys is not None else [] # count of suggested optimizations count_optimized = 0 # process each item given back by the analyze request for row in analyze_compression_result: if debug: comment("Analyzed Compression Row State: %s" % str(row)) col = row[1] row_sortkey = descr[col][4] # compare the previous encoding to the new encoding # don't use new encoding for first sortkey datatype = descr[col][1] new_encoding = row[2] new_encoding = new_encoding if not abs(row_sortkey) == 1 else 'raw' old_encoding = descr[col][2] old_encoding = 'raw' if old_encoding == 'none' else old_encoding if new_encoding != old_encoding: encodings_modified = True count_optimized += 1 # fix datatypes from the description type to the create type col_type = descr[col][1].replace('character varying', 'varchar').replace('without time zone', '') # check whether columns are too wide if analyze_col_width and ("varchar" in col_type or "int" in col_type): new_col_type = reduce_column_length(col_type, descr[col][0], table_name) if new_col_type != col_type: col_type = new_col_type encodings_modified = True # link in the existing distribution key, or set the new one row_distkey = descr[col][3] if table_name is not None and new_dist_key is not None: if col == new_dist_key: distkey = 'DISTKEY' dist_style = 'KEY' table_distkey = col else: distkey = '' else: if str(row_distkey).upper()[0] == 'T': distkey = 'DISTKEY' dist_style = 'KEY' table_distkey = col else: distkey = '' # link in the existing sort keys, or set the new ones if table_name is not None and len(new_sortkey_arr) > 0: if col in new_sortkey_arr: sortkeys[new_sortkey_arr.index(col) + 1] = col table_sortkeys.append(col) else: if row_sortkey != 0: # add the absolute ordering of the sortkey to the list of all sortkeys sortkeys[abs(row_sortkey)] = col table_sortkeys.append(col) if row_sortkey < 0: has_zindex_sortkeys = True # don't compress first sort key column. This will be set on the basis of the existing sort key not # being modified, or on the assignment of the new first sortkey if (abs(row_sortkey) == 1 and len(new_sortkey_arr) == 0) or ( col in table_sortkeys and table_sortkeys.index(col) == 0): compression = 'RAW' else: compression = new_encoding # extract null/not null setting col_null = descr[col][5] if str(col_null).upper() == 'TRUE': col_null = 'NOT NULL' else: col_null = '' # get default or identity syntax for this column default_or_identity = descr[col][6] if default_or_identity: ident_data = get_identity(default_or_identity) if ident_data is None: default_value = 'default %s' % default_or_identity non_identity_columns.append('"%s"' % col) else: default_value = 'identity (%s, %s)' % ident_data has_identity = True else: default_value = '' non_identity_columns.append('"%s"' % col) if debug: comment("Column %s will be encoded as %s (previous %s)" % ( col, compression, old_encoding)) # add the formatted column specification encode_columns.extend(['"%s" %s %s %s encode %s %s' % (col, col_type, default_value, col_null, compression, distkey)]) # abort if a new distkey was set but we couldn't find it in the set of all columns if new_dist_key is not None and table_distkey is None: msg = "Column '%s' not found when setting new Table Distribution Key" % new_dist_key comment(msg) raise Exception(msg) # abort if new sortkeys were set but we couldn't find them in the set of all columns if new_sort_keys is not None and len(table_sortkeys) != len(new_sortkey_arr): if debug: comment("Requested Sort Keys: %s" % new_sortkey_arr) comment("Resolved Sort Keys: %s" % table_sortkeys) msg = "Column resolution of sortkeys '%s' not found when setting new Table Sort Keys" % new_sortkey_arr comment(msg) raise Exception(msg) # if this table's encodings have not changed, then don't do a modification, unless force options is set if (not force) and (not encodings_modified): comment("Column Encoding resulted in an identical table - no changes will be made") else: comment("Column Encoding will be modified for %s.%s" % (schema_name, table_name)) # add all the column encoding statements on to the create table statement, suppressing the leading # comma on the first one for i, s in enumerate(encode_columns): create_table += '\n%s%s' % ('' if i == 0 else ',', s) create_table = create_table + '\n)\n' # add diststyle all if needed if dist_style == 'ALL': create_table = create_table + 'diststyle all\n' # add sort key as a table block to accommodate multiple columns if len(sortkeys) > 0: if debug: comment("Adding Sortkeys: %s" % sortkeys) sortkey = '%sSORTKEY(' % ('INTERLEAVED ' if has_zindex_sortkeys else '') for i in range(1, len(sortkeys) + 1): sortkey = sortkey + sortkeys[i] if i != len(sortkeys): sortkey = sortkey + ',' else: sortkey = sortkey + ')\n' create_table = create_table + (' %s ' % sortkey) create_table = create_table + ';' # run the create table statement statements.extend([create_table]) # get the primary key statement statements.extend([get_primary_key(schema_name, set_target_schema, table_name, target_table)]) # set the table owner statements.extend(['alter table %s."%s" owner to %s;' % (set_target_schema, target_table, owner)]) if table_comment is not None: statements.extend( ['comment on table %s."%s" is \'%s\';' % (set_target_schema, target_table, table_comment)]) # insert the old data into the new table # if we have identity column(s), we can't insert data from them, so do selective insert if has_identity: source_columns = ', '.join(non_identity_columns) mig_columns = '(' + source_columns + ')' else: source_columns = '*' mig_columns = '' insert = 'insert into %s."%s" %s select %s from %s."%s"' % (set_target_schema, target_table, mig_columns, source_columns, schema_name, table_name) if len(table_sortkeys) > 0: insert = "%s order by \"%s\";" % (insert, ",".join(table_sortkeys).replace(',', '\",\"')) else: insert = "%s;" % (insert) statements.extend([insert]) # analyze the new table analyze = 'analyze %s."%s";' % (set_target_schema, target_table) statements.extend([analyze]) if set_target_schema == schema_name: # rename the old table to _$old or drop if drop_old_data: drop = 'drop table %s."%s" cascade;' % (set_target_schema, table_name) else: # the alter table statement for the current data will use the first 104 characters of the # original table name, the current datetime as YYYYMMDD and a 10 digit random string drop = 'alter table %s."%s" rename to "%s_%s_%s_$old";' % ( set_target_schema, table_name, table_name[0:104],"%Y%m%d"), shortuuid.ShortUUID().random(length=10)) statements.extend([drop]) # rename the migrate table to the old table name rename = 'alter table %s."%s" rename to "%s";' % (set_target_schema, target_table, table_name) statements.extend([rename]) # add foreign keys fks = get_foreign_keys(schema_name, set_target_schema, table_name) # add grants back grants = get_grants(schema_name, table_name, db_user) if grants is not None: statements.extend(grants) statements.extend(['commit;']) if do_execute: if not run_commands(get_pg_conn(), statements): if not ignore_errors: if debug: print("Error running statements: %s" % (str(statements),)) return ERROR # emit a cloudwatch metric for the table if cw is not None: dimensions = [ {'Name': 'ClusterIdentifier', 'Value': db_host.split('.')[0]}, {'Name': 'TableName', 'Value': table_name} ] aws_utils.put_metric(cw, 'Redshift', 'ColumnEncodingModification', dimensions, None, 1, 'Count') if debug: comment("Emitted Cloudwatch Metric for Column Encoded table") else: comment("No encoding modifications run for %s.%s" % (schema_name, table_name)) except Exception as e: print('Exception %s during analysis of %s' % (e, table_name)) print(traceback.format_exc()) return ERROR print_statements(statements) return (OK, fks, encodings_modified)