Пример #1
    def get_refined_query_generator(tilde_query: TILDEQuery, language: TypeModeLanguage, debug_printing: bool = False):

        # generating the refined queries to test
        refinement_generator = language.refine_conjunction_one_literal(tilde_query)
        for refinement in refinement_generator:  # type: Term
            refined_query = TILDEQuery(tilde_query, refinement)
            yield refined_query
Пример #2
    def get_initial_query(query_head_if_keys_format: Optional[Term] = None):
        if query_head_if_keys_format is not None:
            initial_tilde_query = TILDEQueryHiddenLiteral(query_head_if_keys_format)
            initial_tilde_query = TILDEQuery(None, None)

        wrapper_initial_tilde_query = FLGGQueryWrapper(initial_tilde_query, build_hypothesis(initial_tilde_query))

        return wrapper_initial_tilde_query
Пример #3
def build_hypothesis(tilde_query: TILDEQuery) -> HypothesisWrapper:
    clause = ClauseWrapper(clause_id=None)

    literals = tilde_query.get_literals_of_body()  # NOTE: only of query body
    for literal in literals:


    hypothesis = HypothesisWrapper(clause)
    return hypothesis
Пример #4
    def get_refined_queries_of(tilde_query: TILDEQuery, language: TypeModeLanguage, debug_printing: bool = False) -> \

        # generating the refined queries to test
        refinement_generator = language.refine_conjunction_one_literal(tilde_query)
        refined_queries = []  # type: List[TILDEQuery]
        for refinement in refinement_generator:  # type: Term
            refined_query = TILDEQuery(tilde_query, refinement)

        if debug_printing:
            print('generated refined queries of: ', str(tilde_query))
            print('refined queries:', list(map(str, refined_queries)))
        return refined_queries
Пример #5
    def evaluate(self, instance: Example, test: TILDEQuery) -> bool:

        query_conj = test.to_conjunction()

        db_to_query = self.db.extend()

        for statement in instance.data:
            db_to_query += statement

        # TODO: remove ugly hack
        if hasattr(instance,  'classification_term'):
            db_to_query += instance.classification_term

        db_to_query += (self.to_query << query_conj)

        query_result = problog.get_evaluatable().create_from(db_to_query, engine=self.engine).evaluate()

        return query_result[self.to_query] > 0.5
Пример #6
    def refine_conjunction_one_literal(self, query: TILDEQuery) -> Iterator[Term]:
        # 1. we need to know how many variables are in the already existing rule.
        #    We also need to know the types of these variables.
        #    This is important information when adding new literals.
        nb_of_vars_in_query = len(query.get_variables())
        variables_in_query_by_type = self.get_variable_types(*query.get_literals())  # type: Dict[TypeName, List[Term]]

        #TODO: check if this is okay
        # if key_output:
        #     add variables of head to variables_in_query_by_type

        # We check the most recently added body literal.
        # If there is a most recently added body literal,
        #   then we check whether its functor is '_recursive'
        #   If its most recently added body literal is '_recursive',
        #       we cannot extend the body any further,
        #       so the function returns.
        #   Else, we get the set of already generated literals from the last added literal
        # If there is no recently added body literal,
        #       we will have to start from scratch, from an empty set
        if query.get_literal() is not None:
            already_generated_literals = query.get_literal().refine_state
            already_generated_literals = set()

        # We need to generate a literal to refine the body of the clause
        # 1) a positive refinement
        # We have defined which literals can be added in _refinement_modes,
        # as their functor and the mode of each of the arguments.
        # We will consider each functor as a possible candidate for refinement
        # SO for each functor in MODES
        for functor, argument_mode_indicators in self._refinement_modes:  # e.g. 'parent', ['+', '+']
            # for each possible combination of arguments:
            #   create a term using the functor and the arguments.
            #   IF the term hasn't already been generated in the past:
            #       IF we want to break symmetries
            #            add the term to the set of already generated terms
            #       Substitute each of the '#'-vars for a new variable
            #       add the term t as the prototype of the substuted term
            # We know want to be return the substituted term
            # But before returning,
            # we want to save the state of this function,
            # so we can generate new terms next time we call this function.
            # To do this, we add the set of generated terms to the new literal.
            # IF we want to break symmetry,
            #   save a shallow copy of the set of generated literals
            # ELSE
            #   save the UNION of the seg of generated literals and {t, -t, t_i, -t_i}
            # for args in product(*arguments):
            #     t = Term(functor, *args)

            possible_term_generator = self.__get_possible_terms_for(functor, argument_mode_indicators, variables_in_query_by_type)

            for t in possible_term_generator:
                if t not in already_generated_literals:
                    if self._symmetry_breaking:
                    t_i = t.apply(TypeModeLanguage.ReplaceNew(nb_of_vars_in_query))
                    t_i.prototype = t
                    if self._symmetry_breaking:
                        t_i.refine_state = already_generated_literals.copy()
                        t_i.refine_state = already_generated_literals | {t, -t, t_i, -t_i}
                    yield t_i
Пример #7
        for statement in instance.data:
            db_to_query += statement

        # TODO: remove ugly hack
        if hasattr(instance,  'classification_term'):
            db_to_query += instance.classification_term

        db_to_query += (self.to_query << query_conj)

        query_result = problog.get_evaluatable().create_from(db_to_query, engine=self.engine).evaluate()

        return query_result[self.to_query] > 0.5

if __name__ == '__main__':
    instance = PrologString("""
    query = TILDEQuery(None, Term('color')(Var('X')))

    evaluator = SimpleProgramQueryEvaluator()

    result = evaluator.evaluate(instance, query)

Пример #8
def build_hypothesis(tilde_query: TILDEQuery) -> str:
    return literals_to_flgg_clause_string(
Пример #9
 def get_initial_query(query_head_if_keys_format: Optional[Term] = None):
     if query_head_if_keys_format is not None:
         initial_query = TILDEQueryHiddenLiteral(query_head_if_keys_format)
         initial_query = TILDEQuery(None, None)
     return initial_query