Пример #1
def get_best_shelter(life):
    _best_shelter = {"distance": -1, "shelter": None}

    if life["group"] and groups.get_shelter(life, life["group"]):
        _shelter = groups.get_shelter(life, life["group"])

        if _shelter:
            _nearest_chunk_key = references.find_nearest_key_in_reference(life, _shelter)
            _shelter_center = [int(val) + (WORLD_INFO["chunk_size"] / 2) for val in _nearest_chunk_key.split(",")]
            _dist = numbers.distance(life["pos"], _shelter_center)

            judge_chunk(life, _nearest_chunk_key)

            if _dist <= logic.time_until_midnight() * life["speed_max"]:
                print life["name"], "can get to shelter in time"
                return _nearest_chunk_key
                print life["name"], "cant get to shelter in time"

    print life["name"], life["group"], [
        chunk_id for chunk_id in life["known_chunks"] if chunks.get_flag(life, chunk_id, "shelter")
    for chunk_key in [chunk_id for chunk_id in life["known_chunks"] if chunks.get_flag(life, chunk_id, "shelter")]:
        chunk_center = [int(val) + (WORLD_INFO["chunk_size"] / 2) for val in chunk_key.split(",")]
        _score = numbers.distance(life["pos"], chunk_center)

        if not _best_shelter["shelter"] or _score < _best_shelter["distance"]:
            _best_shelter["shelter"] = chunk_key
            _best_shelter["distance"] = _score

    return _best_shelter["shelter"]
Пример #2
def get_best_shelter(life):
	_best_shelter = {'distance': -1, 'shelter': None}
	if life['group'] and groups.get_shelter(life, life['group']):
		_shelter = groups.get_shelter(life, life['group'])
		if _shelter:
			_nearest_chunk_key = references.find_nearest_key_in_reference(life, _shelter)
			_shelter_center = [int(val)+(WORLD_INFO['chunk_size']/2) for val in _nearest_chunk_key.split(',')]
			_dist = bad_numbers.distance(life['pos'], _shelter_center)
			judge_chunk(life, _nearest_chunk_key)
			if _dist <= logic.time_until_midnight()*life['speed_max']:
				print life['name'],'can get to shelter in time'
				return _nearest_chunk_key
				print life['name'],'cant get to shelter in time'
	for chunk_key in [chunk_id for chunk_id in life['known_chunks'] if chunks.get_flag(life, chunk_id, 'shelter')]:
		chunk_center = [int(val)+(WORLD_INFO['chunk_size']/2) for val in chunk_key.split(',')]
		_score = bad_numbers.distance(life['pos'], chunk_center)
		if not _best_shelter['shelter'] or _score<_best_shelter['distance']:
			_best_shelter['shelter'] = chunk_key
			_best_shelter['distance'] = _score
	return _best_shelter['shelter']
Пример #3
def _get_nearest_known_camp(life):
	_nearest_camp = {'camp': None, 'score': -1}
	for camp in [life['known_camps'][i] for i in life['known_camps']]:
		_key = references.find_nearest_key_in_reference(life, get_camp(camp['id'])['reference'])
		_center = [int(val)+(WORLD_INFO['chunk_size']/2) for val in _key.split(',')]
		_distance = bad_numbers.distance(life['pos'], _center)
		if not _nearest_camp['camp'] or _distance>_nearest_camp['score']:
			_nearest_camp['camp'] = camp
			_nearest_camp['score'] = _distance
	return _nearest_camp
Пример #4
def _get_nearest_known_camp(life):
    _nearest_camp = {'camp': None, 'score': -1}

    for camp in [life['known_camps'][i] for i in life['known_camps']]:
        _key = references.find_nearest_key_in_reference(
        _center = [
            int(val) + (WORLD_INFO['chunk_size'] / 2)
            for val in _key.split(',')

        _distance = numbers.distance(life['pos'], _center)

        if not _nearest_camp['camp'] or _distance > _nearest_camp['score']:
            _nearest_camp['camp'] = camp
            _nearest_camp['score'] = _distance

    return _nearest_camp
Пример #5
def explore_unknown_chunks(life):
    if life["path"]:
        return True

    _chunk_key = references.path_along_reference(life, "roads")

    if not _chunk_key:
        _best_reference = references._find_best_unknown_reference(life, "roads")["reference"]
        if not _best_reference:
            return False

        _chunk_key = references.find_nearest_key_in_reference(life, _best_reference, unknown=True, threshold=15)

    if not _chunk_key:
        return False

    _walkable_area = chunks.get_walkable_areas(_chunk_key)
    if not _walkable_area:
        print "no walkable area"
        return False

    _closest_pos = {"pos": None, "distance": -1}
    for pos in _walkable_area:
        _distance = numbers.distance(life["pos"], pos)

        if _distance <= 1:
            _closest_pos["pos"] = pos

        if not _closest_pos["pos"] or _distance < _closest_pos["distance"]:
            _closest_pos["pos"] = pos
            _closest_pos["distance"] = _distance

    lfe.add_action(life, {"action": "move", "to": _closest_pos["pos"]}, 200)

    return True