Пример #1
def _smeared_abeles_constant(q, w, resolution, parallel=True):
    A kernel for fast and constant dQ/Q smearing

    q: np.ndarray
        Q values to evaluate the reflectivity at
    w: np.ndarray
        Parameters for the reflectivity model
    resolution: float
        Percentage dq/q resolution. dq specified as FWHM of a resolution
    parallel: bool, optional
        Do you want to calculate in parallel? This option is only applicable if
        you are using the ``_creflect`` module. The option is ignored if using
        the pure python calculator, ``_reflect``.

    reflectivity: np.ndarray
        The resolution smeared reflectivity

    if resolution < 0.5:
        return refcalc.abeles(q, w, parallel=parallel)

    resolution /= 100
    gaussnum = 51
    gaussgpoint = (gaussnum - 1) / 2

    gauss = lambda x, s: (1. / s / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
                          * np.exp(-0.5 * x**2 / s / s))

    lowq = np.min(q)
    highq = np.max(q)
    if lowq <= 0:
        lowq = 1e-6

    start = np.log10(lowq) - 6 * resolution / _FWHM
    finish = np.log10(highq * (1 + 6 * resolution / _FWHM))
    interpnum = np.round(np.abs(1 * (np.abs(start - finish))
                                / (1.7 * resolution / _FWHM / gaussgpoint)))
    xtemp = np.linspace(start, finish, int(interpnum))
    xlin = np.power(10., xtemp)

    # resolution smear over [-4 sigma, 4 sigma]
    gauss_x = np.linspace(-1.7 * resolution, 1.7 * resolution, gaussnum)
    gauss_y = gauss(gauss_x, resolution / _FWHM)

    rvals = refcalc.abeles(xlin, w, parallel=parallel)
    smeared_rvals = np.convolve(rvals, gauss_y, mode='same')
    interpolator = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(xlin, smeared_rvals)

    smeared_output = interpolator(q)
    # smeared_output *= np.sum(gauss_y)
    smeared_output *= gauss_x[1] - gauss_x[0]
    return smeared_output
Пример #2
    def test_c_abeles(self):
        if TEST_C_REFLECT:
            # test reflectivity calculation with values generated from Motofit
            calc = _creflect.abeles(self.qvals, self.layer_format)
            assert_almost_equal(calc, self.rvals)

            # test for non-contiguous Q values
            tempq = self.qvals[0::5]
            assert_(tempq.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is False)
            calc = _creflect.abeles(tempq, self.layer_format)
            assert_almost_equal(calc, self.rvals[0::5])
Пример #3
def _smearkernel(x, w, q, dq, parallel):
    Kernel for adaptive Gaussian quadrature integration

    x : float
        Independent variable for integration.
    w : array-like
        The uniform slab model parameters in 'layer' form.
    q : float
        Nominal mean Q of normal distribution
    dq : float
        FWHM of a normal distribution.

    reflectivity : float
        Model reflectivity multiplied by the probability density function
        evaluated at a given distance, x, away from the mean Q value.
    prefactor = 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
    gauss = prefactor * np.exp(-0.5 * x * x)
    localq = q + x * dq / _FWHM
    return refcalc.abeles(localq, w, parallel=parallel) * gauss
Пример #4
def _smeared_abeles_fixed(qvals, w, dqvals, quad_order=17, workers=0):
    Resolution smearing that uses fixed order Gaussian quadrature integration
    for the convolution.

    qvals : array-like
        The Q values for evaluation
    w : array-like
        The uniform slab model parameters in 'layer' form.
    dqvals : array-like
        dQ values corresponding to each value in `qvals`. Each dqval is the
        FWHM of a Gaussian approximation to the resolution kernel.
    quad-order : int, optional
        Specify the order of the Gaussian quadrature integration for the
    workers: int, optional
        Specifies the number of threads for parallel calculation. This
        option is only applicable if you are using the ``_creflect``
        module. The option is ignored if using the pure python calculator,
        ``_reflect``. If `workers == 0` then all available processors are

    reflectivity : np.ndarray
        The smeared reflectivity
    # get the gauss-legendre weights and abscissae
    abscissa, weights = gauss_legendre(quad_order)

    # get the normal distribution at that point
    prefactor = 1. / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)

    def gauss(x):
        return np.exp(-0.5 * x * x)

    gaussvals = prefactor * gauss(abscissa * _INTLIMIT)

    # integration between -3.5 and 3.5 sigma
    va = qvals - _INTLIMIT * dqvals / _FWHM
    vb = qvals + _INTLIMIT * dqvals / _FWHM

    va = va[:, np.newaxis]
    vb = vb[:, np.newaxis]

    qvals_for_res = ((np.atleast_2d(abscissa) *
                     (vb - va) + vb + va) / 2.)
    smeared_rvals = refcalc.abeles(qvals_for_res.flatten(),

    smeared_rvals = np.reshape(smeared_rvals,
                               (qvals.size, abscissa.size))

    smeared_rvals *= np.atleast_2d(gaussvals * weights)
    return np.sum(smeared_rvals, 1) * _INTLIMIT
Пример #5
 def test_c_abeles_reshape(self):
     # c reflectivity should be able to deal with multidimensional input
     if not TEST_C_REFLECT:
     reshaped_q = np.reshape(self.qvals, (2, 250))
     reshaped_r = self.rvals.reshape(2, 250)
     calc = _creflect.abeles(reshaped_q, self.layer_format)
     assert_equal(reshaped_r.shape, calc.shape)
     assert_almost_equal(reshaped_r, calc, 15)
Пример #6
 def test_compare_c_py_abeles0(self):
     # test two layer system
     if not TEST_C_REFLECT:
     layer0 = np.array([[0, 2.07, 0.01, 3],
                        [0, 6.36, 0.1, 3]])
     calc1 = _reflect.abeles(self.qvals, layer0, scale=0.99, bkg=1e-8)
     calc2 = _creflect.abeles(self.qvals, layer0, scale=0.99, bkg=1e-8)
     assert_almost_equal(calc1, calc2)
Пример #7
    def test_compare_c_py_abeles(self):
        # test python and c are equivalent
        # but not the same file
        if not HAVE_CREFLECT:
        assert_(_reflect.__file__ != _creflect.__file__)

        calc1 = _reflect.abeles(self.qvals, self.layer_format)
        calc2 = _creflect.abeles(self.qvals, self.layer_format)
        assert_almost_equal(calc1, calc2)
        calc1 = _reflect.abeles(self.qvals, self.layer_format, scale=2.)
        calc2 = _creflect.abeles(self.qvals, self.layer_format, scale=2.)
        assert_almost_equal(calc1, calc2)
        calc1 = _reflect.abeles(self.qvals, self.layer_format, scale=0.5,
        calc2 = _creflect.abeles(self.qvals, self.layer_format, scale=0.5,
        assert_almost_equal(calc1, calc2)
Пример #8
 def test_compare_c_py_abeles2(self):
     # test two layer system
     if not HAVE_CREFLECT:
     layer2 = np.array([[0, 2.07, 0.01, 3],
                        [10, 3.47, 0.01, 3],
                        [100, 1.0, 0.01, 4],
                        [0, 6.36, 0.1, 3]])
     calc1 = _reflect.abeles(self.qvals, layer2, scale=0.99, bkg=1e-8)
     calc2 = _creflect.abeles(self.qvals, layer2, scale=0.99, bkg=1e-8)
     assert_almost_equal(calc1, calc2)
Пример #9
    def test_cabeles_parallelised(self):
        # I suppose this could fail if someone doesn't have a multicore computer
        if not HAVE_CREFLECT:

        coefs = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0],
                          [300, 3, 1e-3, 3],
                          [10, 3.47, 1e-3, 3],
                          [0, 6.36, 0, 3]])

        x = np.linspace(0.01, 0.2, 1000000)
        pstart = time.time()
        _creflect.abeles(x, coefs, parallel=True)
        pfinish = time.time()

        sstart = time.time()
        _creflect.abeles(x, coefs, parallel=False)
        sfinish = time.time()

        assert_(0.7 * (sfinish - sstart) > (pfinish - pstart))
Пример #10
    def test_compare_c_py_abeles(self):
        # test python and c are equivalent
        # but not the same file
        if not TEST_C_REFLECT:
        assert_(_reflect.__file__ != _creflect.__file__)

        calc1 = _reflect.abeles(self.qvals, self.layer_format)
        calc2 = _creflect.abeles(self.qvals, self.layer_format)
        assert_almost_equal(calc1, calc2)
        calc1 = _reflect.abeles(self.qvals, self.layer_format, scale=2.)
        calc2 = _creflect.abeles(self.qvals, self.layer_format, scale=2.)
        assert_almost_equal(calc1, calc2)
        calc1 = _reflect.abeles(self.qvals, self.layer_format, scale=0.5,
        # workers = 1 is a non-threaded implementation
        calc2 = _creflect.abeles(self.qvals, self.layer_format, scale=0.5,
                                 bkg=0.1, workers=1)
        # workers = 2 forces the calculation to go through multithreaded calcn,
        # even on single core processor
        calc3 = _creflect.abeles(self.qvals, self.layer_format, scale=0.5,
                                 bkg=0.1, workers=2)
        assert_almost_equal(calc1, calc2)
        assert_almost_equal(calc1, calc3)
Пример #11
def abeles(q, layers, scale=1, bkg=0., workers=0):
    Abeles matrix formalism for calculating reflectivity from a stratified

    q : array_like
        the q values required for the calculation.
        :math:`Q = \frac{4\pi}{\lambda}\sin(\Omega)`.
        Units = Angstrom**-1
    layers : np.ndarray
        coefficients required for the calculation, has shape (2 + N, 4),
        where N is the number of layers

        * layers[0, 1] - SLD of fronting (/ 1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * layers[0, 2] - iSLD of fronting (/ 1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * layers[N, 0] - thickness of layer N
        * layers[N, 1] - SLD of layer N (/ 1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * layers[N, 2] - iSLD of layer N (/ 1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * layers[N, 3] - roughness between layer N-1/N
        * layers[-1, 1] - SLD of backing (/ 1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * layers[-1, 2] - iSLD of backing (/ 1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * layers[-1, 3] - roughness between backing and last layer

    scale : float
        Multiply all reflectivities by this value.
    bkg : float
        Linear background to be added to all reflectivities
    workers : int
        Specifies the number of threads for parallel calculation. This option
        is only applicable if you are using the ``_creflect`` module. The
        option is ignored if using the pure python calculator, ``_reflect``.
        If `workers == 0` then all available processors are used.

    Reflectivity: np.ndarray
        Calculated reflectivity values for each q value.
    return refcalc.abeles(q, layers, scale=scale, bkg=bkg, workers=workers)
Пример #12
def abeles(q, layers, scale=1, bkg=0., parallel=True):
    Abeles matrix formalism for calculating reflectivity from a stratified
    q: array_like
        the q values required for the calculation.
        Q = 4 * Pi / lambda * sin(omega).
        Units = Angstrom**-1
    layers: np.ndarray
        coefficients required for the calculation, has shape (2 + N, 4),
        where N is the number of layers

        * layers[0, 1] - SLD of fronting (/ 1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * layers[0, 2] - iSLD of fronting (/ 1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * layers[N, 0] - thickness of layer N
        * layers[N, 1] - SLD of layer N (/ 1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * layers[N, 2] - iSLD of layer N (/ 1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * layers[N, 3] - roughness between layer N-1/N
        * layers[-1, 1] - SLD of backing (/ 1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * layers[-1, 2] - iSLD of backing (/ 1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * layers[-1, 3] - roughness between backing and last layer

    scale: float
        Multiply all reflectivities by this value.
    bkg: float
        Linear background to be added to all reflectivities
    parallel: bool
        Do you want to calculate in parallel? This option is only applicable if
        you are using the ``_creflect`` module. The option is ignored if using
        the pure python calculator, ``_reflect``.

    Reflectivity: np.ndarray
        Calculated reflectivity values for each q value.
    return refcalc.abeles(q, layers, scale=scale, bkg=bkg, parallel=parallel)
Пример #13
def reflectivity(q, coefs, *args, **kwds):
    Abeles matrix formalism for calculating reflectivity from a stratified

    q : np.ndarray
        The qvalues required for the calculation. Q=4*Pi/lambda * sin(omega).
        Units = Angstrom**-1
    coefs : np.ndarray

        * coefs[0] = number of layers, N
        * coefs[1] = scale factor
        * coefs[2] = SLD of fronting (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * coefs[3] = iSLD of fronting (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * coefs[4] = SLD of backing
        * coefs[5] = iSLD of backing
        * coefs[6] = background
        * coefs[7] = roughness between backing and layer N

        * coefs[4 * (N - 1) + 8] = thickness of layer N in Angstrom (layer 1 is
        closest to fronting)
        * coefs[4 * (N - 1) + 9] = SLD of layer N (/ 1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * coefs[4 * (N - 1) + 10] = iSLD of layer N (/ 1e-6 Angstrom**-2)
        * coefs[4 * (N - 1) + 11] = roughness between layer N and N-1.

    kwds : dict, optional
        The following keys are used:

        'dqvals' - float or np.ndarray, optional
            If dqvals is a float, then a constant dQ/Q resolution smearing is
            employed.  For 5% resolution smearing supply 5.
            If `dqvals` is the same shape as q, then the array contains the
            FWHM of a Gaussian approximated resolution kernel. Point by point
            resolution smearing is employed.  Use this option if dQ/Q varies
            across your dataset.
            If `dqvals.ndim == q.ndim + 2` and
            `q.shape == dqvals[..., -3].shape` then an individual resolution
            kernel is applied to each measurement point.  This resolution kernel
            is a probability distribution function (PDF). `dqvals` will have the
            shape (qvals.shape, M, 2).  There are `M` points in the kernel.
            `dqvals[..., 0]` holds the q values for the kernel, `dqvals[..., 1]`
            gives the corresponding probability.
        'quad_order' - int, optional
            the order of the Gaussian quadrature polynomial for doing the
            resolution smearing. default = 17. Don't choose less than 13. If
            quad_order == 'ultimate' then adaptive quadrature is used. Adaptive
            quadrature will always work, but takes a _long_ time (2 or 3 orders
            of magnitude longer). Fixed quadrature will always take a lot less
            time. BUT it won't necessarily work across all samples. For example,
            13 points may be fine for a thin layer, but will be atrocious at
            describing a multilayer with bragg peaks.
        'parallel': bool, optional
            Do you want to calculate in parallel? This option is only
            applicable if you are using the ``_creflect`` module. The option is
            ignored if using the pure python calculator, ``_reflect``. The
            default is `True`.

    if 'parallel' in kwds:
        parallel = kwds['parallel']

    qvals = q
    quad_order = 17
    scale = coefs[1]
    bkg = coefs[6]

    if not is_proper_abeles_input(coefs):
        raise ValueError('The size of the parameter array passed to reflectivity'
                         ' should be 4 * coefs[0] + 8')

    # make into form suitable for reflection calculation
    w = coefs_to_layer(coefs)

    if 'quad_order' in kwds:
        quad_order = kwds['quad_order']

    if 'dqvals' in kwds and kwds['dqvals'] is not None:
        dqvals = kwds['dqvals']

        # constant dq/q smearing
        if isinstance(dqvals, numbers.Real):
            dqvals = float(dqvals)
            return (scale * _smeared_abeles_constant(qvals,
                                                     parallel=parallel)) + bkg

        # point by point resolution smearing
        if dqvals.size == qvals.size:
            dqvals_flat = dqvals.flatten()
            qvals_flat = q.flatten()

            # adaptive quadrature
            if quad_order == 'ultimate':
                smeared_rvals = (scale *
                                             parallel=parallel) + bkg)
                return smeared_rvals.reshape(q.shape)
            # fixed order quadrature
                smeared_rvals = (scale * _smeared_abeles_fixed(
                                 + bkg)
                return np.reshape(smeared_rvals, q.shape)

        # resolution kernel smearing
        elif (dqvals.ndim == qvals.ndim + 2
              and dqvals.shape[0: qvals.ndim] == qvals.shape):
            # TODO may not work yet.
            qvals_for_res = dqvals[..., 0]
            # work out the reflectivity at the kernel evaluation points
            smeared_rvals = refcalc.abeles(qvals_for_res,

            # multiply by probability
            smeared_rvals *= dqvals[..., 1]

            # now do simpson integration
            return scipy.integrate.simps(smeared_rvals, x=dqvals[..., 0])

    # no smearing
    return refcalc.abeles(q,