Пример #1
    def parameters(self):
        :class:`refnx.analysis.Parameters`, all the Parameters contained in the
        fitting system.

        if is_parameter(self.lnsigma):
            return self.lnsigma | self.model.parameters
            return self.model.parameters
Пример #2
def process_chain(objective, chain, nburn=0, nthin=1, flatchain=False):
    Process the chain produced by a sampler for a given Objective

    objective : refnx.analysis.Objective
        The Objective function that the Posterior was sampled for
    chain : array
        The MCMC chain
    nburn : int, optional
        discard this many steps from the start of the chain
    nthin : int, optional
        only accept every `nthin` samples from the chain
    flatchain : bool, optional
        collapse the walkers down into a single dimension.

    [(param, stderr, chain)] : list
        List of (param, stderr, chain) tuples.
        If `isinstance(objective.parameters, Parameters)` then `param` is a
        `Parameter` instance. `param.value`, `param.stderr` and
        `param.chain` will contain the median, stderr and chain samples,
        respectively. Otherwise `param` will be a float representing the
        median of the chain samples.
        `stderr` is the half width of the [15.87, 84.13] spread (similar to
        standard deviation) and `chain` is an array containing the MCMC
        samples for that parameter.

    The chain should have the shape `(iterations, nwalkers, nvary)` or
    `(iterations, ntemps, nwalkers, nvary)` if parallel tempering was
    The burned and thinned chain is created via:
    Note, if parallel tempering is employed, then only the lowest temperature
    of the parallel tempering chain is processed and returned as it
    corresponds to the (lowest energy) target distribution.
    If `flatten is True` then the burned/thinned chain is reshaped and
    `arr.reshape(-1, nvary)` is returned.
    This function has the effect of setting the parameter stderr's.
    chain = chain[nburn::nthin]
    shape = chain.shape
    nvary = shape[-1]

    # nwalkers = shape[1]
    if len(shape) == 4:
        ntemps = shape[1]
    elif len(shape) == 3:
        ntemps = -1

    if ntemps != -1:
        # PTSampler, we require the target distribution in the first row.
        chain = chain[:, 0]

    _flatchain = chain.reshape((-1, nvary))
    if flatchain:
        chain = _flatchain

    flat_params = list(f_unique(flatten(objective.parameters)))
    varying_parameters = objective.varying_parameters()

    # set the stderr of each of the Parameters
    result_list = []
    if np.all([is_parameter(param) for param in flat_params]):
        # zero out all the old parameter stderrs
        for param in flat_params:
            param.stderr = None
            param.chain = None

        # do the error calcn for the varying parameters and set the chain
        quantiles = np.percentile(_flatchain, [15.87, 50, 84.13], axis=0)
        for i, param in enumerate(varying_parameters):
            std_l, median, std_u = quantiles[:, i]
            param.value = median
            param.stderr = 0.5 * (std_u - std_l)

            # copy in the chain
            param.chain = np.copy(chain[..., i])
            res = MCMCResult(

        fitted_values = np.array(varying_parameters)

        # give each constrained param a chain (to be reshaped later)
        constrained_params = [
            param for param in flat_params if param.constraint is not None

        for constrain_param in constrained_params:
            constrain_param.chain = np.empty(chain.shape[:-1], float)

        # now iterate through the varying parameters, set the values, thereby
        # setting the constraint value
        if len(constrained_params):
            for index in np.ndindex(chain.shape[:-1]):
                # iterate over parameter vectors
                pvals = chain[index]

                for constrain_param in constrained_params:
                    constrain_param.chain[index] = constrain_param.value

            for constrain_param in constrained_params:
                quantiles = np.percentile(constrain_param.chain,
                                          [15.87, 50, 84.13])

                std_l, median, std_u = quantiles
                constrain_param.value = median
                constrain_param.stderr = 0.5 * (std_u - std_l)

        # now reset fitted parameter values (they would've been changed by
        # constraints calculations

    # the parameter set are not Parameter objects, an array was probably
    # being used with BaseObjective.
        for i in range(nvary):
            c = np.copy(chain[..., i])
            median, stderr = uncertainty_from_chain(c)
            res = MCMCResult(name="",

    return result_list
Пример #3
    def fit(self, method="L-BFGS-B", target="nll", verbose=True, **kws):
        Obtain the maximum log-likelihood, or log-posterior, estimate (mode)
        of the objective. Maximising the log-likelihood is equivalent to
        minimising chi2 in a least squares fit.

        method : str
            which method to use for the optimisation. One of:

            - `'least_squares'`: :func:`scipy.optimize.least_squares`.
            - `'L-BFGS-B'`: L-BFGS-B.
            - `'differential_evolution'`:
            - `'dual_annealing'`:
              :func:`scipy.optimize.dual_annealing` (SciPy >= 1.2.0)
            - `'shgo'`: :func:`scipy.optimize.shgo` (SciPy >= 1.2.0)

            You can also choose many of the minimizers from

        target : {'nll', 'nlpost'}, optional
            Minimize the negative log-likelihood (`'nll'`) or the negative
            log-posterior (`'nlpost'`). This is equivalent to maximising the
            likelihood or posterior probabilities respectively.
            Maximising the likelihood is equivalent to minimising chi^2 in a
            least-squares fit.
            This option only applies to the `differential_evolution`, `shgo`,
            `dual_annealing` or `L-BFGS-B` methods.
            These optimisers require lower and upper (box) bounds for each
            parameter. If the `Bounds` on a parameter are not an `Interval`,
            but a `PDF` specifying a statistical distribution, then the lower
            and upper bounds are approximated as
            ``PDF.rv.ppf([0.005, 0.995])``, covering 99 % of the statistical
        verbose : bool, optional
            Gives fitting progress. To see a progress bar tqdm has to be
        kws : dict
            Additional arguments are passed to the underlying minimization

        result, covar : :class:`scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult`, np.ndarray
            `result.x` contains the best fit parameters
            `result.covar` is the covariance matrix for the fit.
            `result.stderr` is the uncertainties on each of the fit parameters.

        If the `objective` supplies a `residuals` method then `least_squares`
        can be used. Otherwise the `nll` method of the `objective` is
        minimised. Use this method just before a sampling run.
        If `self.objective.parameters` is a `Parameters` instance, then each
        of the varying parameters has its value updated by the fit, and each
        `Parameter` has a `stderr` attribute which represents the uncertainty
        on the fit parameter.

        The use of `dual annealing` and `shgo` requires that `scipy >= 1.2.0`
        be installed.

        _varying_parameters = self.objective.varying_parameters()
        init_pars = np.array(_varying_parameters)

        _min_kws = {}
        _bounds = bounds_list(self.objective.varying_parameters())
        _min_kws["bounds"] = _bounds

        # setup callback default
        _min_kws.setdefault("callback", None)

        cost = self.objective.nll
        if target == "nlpost":
            cost = self.objective.nlpost

        # a decorator for the progress bar updater
        def _callback_wrapper(callback_func, pbar):
            def callback(*args, **kwds):
                if callback_func is None:
                    return None
                    return callback_func(*args, **kwds)

            return callback

        # least_squares Trust Region Reflective by default
        if method == "least_squares":
            b = np.array(_bounds)
            _min_kws["bounds"] = (b[..., 0], b[..., 1])

            # least_squares doesn't have a callback
            _min_kws.pop("callback", None)

            res = least_squares(self.objective.residuals, init_pars,
        # differential_evolution, dual_annealing, shgo require lower and upper
        # bounds
        elif method in ["differential_evolution", "dual_annealing", "shgo"]:
            mini = getattr(sciopt, method)
            with get_progress_bar(verbose, None) as pbar:
                _min_kws["callback"] = _callback_wrapper(
                    _min_kws["callback"], pbar)

                res = mini(cost, **_min_kws)
            # otherwise stick it to minimizer. Default being L-BFGS-B
            _min_kws["method"] = method
            _min_kws["bounds"] = _bounds

            with get_progress_bar(verbose, None) as pbar:
                _min_kws["callback"] = _callback_wrapper(
                    _min_kws["callback"], pbar)

                res = minimize(cost, init_pars, **_min_kws)

        # OptimizeResult.success may not be present (dual annealing)
        if hasattr(res, "success") and res.success:

            # Covariance matrix estimation
            covar = self.objective.covar()
            errors = np.sqrt(np.diag(covar))
            res["covar"] = covar
            res["stderr"] = errors

            # check if the parameters are all Parameter instances.
            flat_params = list(f_unique(flatten(self.objective.parameters)))
            if np.all([is_parameter(param) for param in flat_params]):
                # zero out all the old parameter stderrs
                for param in flat_params:
                    param.stderr = None
                    param.chain = None

                for i, param in enumerate(_varying_parameters):
                    param.stderr = errors[i]

            # need to touch up the output to check we leave
            # parameters as we found them

        return res
Пример #4
    def sample(
        Performs sampling from the objective.

        steps : int
            Collect `steps` samples into the chain. The sampler will run a
            total of `steps * nthin` moves.
        nthin : int, optional
            Each chain sample is separated by `nthin` iterations.
        random_state : {int, `np.random.RandomState`, `np.random.Generator`}
            If `random_state` is not specified the `~np.random.RandomState`
            singleton is used.
            If `random_state` is an int, a new ``RandomState`` instance is
            used, seeded with random_state.
            If `random_state` is already a ``RandomState`` or a ``Generator``
            instance, then that object is used.
            Specify `random_state` for repeatable minimizations.
        f : file-like or str
            File to incrementally save chain progress to. Each row in the file
            is a flattened array of size `(nwalkers, ndim)` or
            `(ntemps, nwalkers, ndim)`. There are `steps` rows in the
        callback : callable
            callback function to be called at each iteration step. Has the
            signature `callback(coords, logprob)`.
        verbose : bool, optional
            Gives updates on the sampling progress
        pool : int or map-like object, optional
            If `pool` is an `int` then it specifies the number of threads to
            use for parallelization. If `pool == -1`, then all CPU's are used.
            If pool is a map-like callable that follows the same calling
            sequence as the built-in map function, then this pool is used for

        Please see :class:`emcee.EnsembleSampler` for its detailed behaviour.

        >>> # we'll burn the first 500 steps
        >>> fitter.sample(500)
        >>> # after you've run those, then discard them by resetting the
        >>> # sampler.
        >>> fitter.sampler.reset()
        >>> # Now collect 40 steps, each step separated by 50 sampler
        >>> # generations.
        >>> fitter.sample(40, nthin=50)

        One can also burn and thin in `Curvefitter.process_chain`.

        # setup a random number generator
        rng = check_random_state(random_state)

        if self._state is None:

        # for saving progress to file
        def _callback_wrapper(state, h=None):
            if callback is not None:
                callback(state.coords, state.log_prob)

            if h is not None:
                h.write(" ".join(map(str, state.coords.ravel())))

        # remove chains from each of the parameters because they slow down
        # pickling but only if they are parameter objects.
        flat_params = f_unique(flatten(self.objective.parameters))
        flat_params = [param for param in flat_params if is_parameter(param)]
        # zero out all the old parameter stderrs
        for param in flat_params:
            param.stderr = None
            param.chain = None

        # make sure the checkpoint file exists
        if f is not None:
            with possibly_open_file(f, "w") as h:
                # write the shape of each step of the chain
                h.write("# ")
                shape = self._state.coords.shape
                h.write(", ".join(map(str, shape)))

        # set the random state of the sampler
        # normally one could give this as an argument to the sample method
        # but PTSampler didn't historically accept that...
        if isinstance(rng, np.random.RandomState):
            rstate0 = rng.get_state()
            self._state.random_state = rstate0
            self.sampler.random_state = rstate0

        # using context manager means we kill off zombie pool objects
        # but does mean that the pool has to be specified each time.
        with MapWrapper(pool) as g, possibly_open_file(f, "a") as h:
            # these kwargs are provided to the sampler.sample method
            kwargs = {"iterations": steps, "thin": nthin}

            # if you're not creating more than 1 thread, then don't bother with
            # a pool.
            if isinstance(self.sampler, emcee.EnsembleSampler):
                if pool == 1:
                    self.sampler.pool = None
                    self.sampler.pool = g
                kwargs["mapper"] = g

            # new emcee arguments
            sampler_args = getargspec(self.sampler.sample).args
            if "progress" in sampler_args and verbose:
                kwargs["progress"] = True
                verbose = False

            if "thin_by" in sampler_args:
                kwargs["thin_by"] = nthin
                kwargs.pop("thin", 0)

            # perform the sampling
            for state in self.sampler.sample(self._state, **kwargs):
                self._state = state
                _callback_wrapper(state, h=h)

        if isinstance(self.sampler, emcee.EnsembleSampler):
            self.sampler.pool = None

        # sets parameter value and stderr
        return process_chain(self.objective, self.chain)
Пример #5
    def fit(self, method='L-BFGS-B', **kws):
        Obtain the maximum log-likelihood estimate (mode) of the objective. For
        a least-squares objective this would correspond to lowest chi2.

        method : str
            which method to use for the optimisation. One of:

            - `'least_squares'`: `scipy.optimize.least_squares`.
            - `'L-BFGS-B'`: L-BFGS-B
            - `'differential_evolution'`: differential evolution

            You can also choose many of the minimizers from
        kws : dict
            Additional arguments are passed to the underlying minimization

        result, covar : OptimizeResult, np.ndarray
            `result.x` contains the best fit parameters
            `result.covar` is the covariance matrix for the fit.
            `result.stderr` is the uncertainties on each of the fit parameters.

        If the `objective` supplies a `residuals` method then `least_squares`
        can be used. Otherwise the `nll` method of the `objective` is
        minimised. Use this method just before a sampling run.
        If `self.objective.parameters` is a `Parameters` instance, then each
        of the varying parameters has its value updated by the fit, and each
        `Parameter` has a `stderr` attribute which represents the uncertainty
        on the fit parameter.

        _varying_parameters = self.objective.varying_parameters()
        init_pars = np.array(_varying_parameters)

        _min_kws = {}
        _bounds = bounds_list(self.objective.varying_parameters())
        _min_kws['bounds'] = _bounds

        # least_squares Trust Region Reflective by default
        if method == 'least_squares':
            b = np.array(_bounds)
            _min_kws['bounds'] = (b[..., 0], b[..., 1])
            res = least_squares(self.objective.residuals,
        # differential_evolution requires lower and upper bounds
        elif method == 'differential_evolution':
            res = differential_evolution(self.objective.nll,
            # otherwise stick it to minimizer. Default being L-BFGS-B
            _min_kws['method'] = method
            _min_kws['bounds'] = _bounds
            res = minimize(self.objective.nll, init_pars, **_min_kws)

        if res.success:

            # Covariance matrix estimation
            covar = self.objective.covar()
            errors = np.sqrt(np.diag(covar))
            res['covar'] = covar
            res['stderr'] = errors

            # check if the parameters are all Parameter instances.
            flat_params = list(f_unique(flatten(
            if np.all([is_parameter(param) for param in flat_params]):
                # zero out all the old parameter stderrs
                for param in flat_params:
                    param.stderr = None
                    param.chain = None

                for i, param in enumerate(_varying_parameters):
                    param.stderr = errors[i]

            # need to touch up the output to check we leave
            # parameters as we found them

        return res
Пример #6
    def sample(self, steps, nthin=1, random_state=None, f=None, callback=None,
               verbose=True, pool=0):
        Performs sampling from the objective.

        steps : int
            Collect `steps` samples into the chain. The sampler will run a
            total of `steps * nthin` moves.
        nthin : int, optional
            Each chain sample is separated by `nthin` iterations.
        random_state : int or `np.random.RandomState`, optional
            If `random_state` is an int, a new `np.random.RandomState` instance
            is used, seeded with `random_state`.
            If `random_state` is already a `np.random.RandomState` instance,
            then that `np.random.RandomState` instance is used. Specify
            `random_state` for repeatable sampling
        f : file-like or str
            File to incrementally save chain progress to. Each row in the file
            is a flattened array of size `(nwalkers, ndim)` or
            `(ntemps, nwalkers, ndim)`. There are `steps` rows in the
        callback : callable
            callback function to be called at each iteration step
        verbose : bool, optional
            Gives updates on the sampling progress
        pool : int or map-like object, optional
            If `pool` is an `int` then it specifies the number of threads to
            use for parallelization. If `pool == 0`, then all CPU's are used.
            If pool is an object with a map method that follows the same
            calling sequence as the built-in map function, then this pool is
            used for parallelisation.

        Please see :class:`emcee.EnsembleSampler` for its detailed behaviour.

        >>> # we'll burn the first 500 steps
        >>> fitter.sample(500)
        >>> # after you've run those, then discard them by resetting the
        >>> # sampler.
        >>> fitter.sampler.reset()
        >>> # Now collect 40 steps, each step separated by 50 sampler
        >>> # generations.
        >>> fitter.sample(40, nthin=50)

        One can also burn and thin in `Curvefitter.process_chain`.

        if self._state is None:

        self.__pt_iterations = 0
        if isinstance(self.sampler, PTSampler):
            steps *= nthin

        # for saving progress to file
        def _callback_wrapper(state, h=None):
            if callback is not None:
                callback(state.coords, state.log_prob)

            if h is not None:
                # if you're parallel tempering, then you only
                # want to save every nthin
                if isinstance(self.sampler, PTSampler):
                    self.__pt_iterations += 1
                    if self.__pt_iterations % nthin:
                        return None

                h.write(' '.join(map(str, state.coords.ravel())))

        # set the random state of the sampler
        # normally one could give this as an argument to the sample method
        # but PTSampler didn't historically accept that...
        if random_state is not None:
            rstate0 = check_random_state(random_state).get_state()
            self._state.random_state = rstate0
            if isinstance(self.sampler, PTSampler):
                self.sampler._random = rstate0

        # remove chains from each of the parameters because they slow down
        # pickling but only if they are parameter objects.
        flat_params = f_unique(flatten(self.objective.parameters))
        flat_params = [param for param in flat_params if is_parameter(param)]
        # zero out all the old parameter stderrs
        for param in flat_params:
            param.stderr = None
            param.chain = None

        # make sure the checkpoint file exists
        if f is not None:
            with possibly_open_file(f, 'w') as h:
                # write the shape of each step of the chain
                h.write('# ')
                shape = self._state.coords.shape
                h.write(', '.join(map(str, shape)))

        # using context manager means we kill off zombie pool objects
        # but does mean that the pool has to be specified each time.
        with possibly_create_pool(pool) as g, possibly_open_file(f, 'a') as h:
            # if you're not creating more than 1 thread, then don't bother with
            # a pool.
            if pool == 1:
                self.sampler.pool = None
                self.sampler.pool = g

            # these kwargs are provided to the sampler.sample method
            kwargs = {'iterations': steps,
                      'thin': nthin}

            # new emcee arguments
            sampler_args = getargspec(self.sampler.sample).args
            if 'progress' in sampler_args and verbose:
                kwargs['progress'] = True
                verbose = False

            if 'thin_by' in sampler_args:
                kwargs['thin_by'] = nthin
                kwargs.pop('thin', 0)

            # ptemcee returns coords, lnprob
            # emcee returns a State object
            if isinstance(self.sampler, PTSampler):
                for result in self.sampler.sample(self._state.coords,
                    self._state = State(result[0],
                                        log_prob=result[1] + result[2],
                    _callback_wrapper(self._state, h=h)
                for state in self.sampler.sample(self._state,
                    self._state = state
                    _callback_wrapper(state, h=h)

        self.sampler.pool = None

        # finish off the progress bar
        if verbose:

        # sets parameter value and stderr
        return process_chain(self.objective, self.chain)