Пример #1
    def __init__(self, objective, chain, folder=None, parent=None):
        QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self, parent)

        self.objective = objective
        self.folder = folder
        self.chain = chain

        if folder is None:
            self.folder = os.getcwd()

        if self.chain is None:
            model_file_name, ok = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
                self, "Select chain file")
            if not ok:
            self.folder = os.path.dirname(model_file_name)
                self.chain = load_chain(model_file_name)
            except Exception as e:
                # a chain load will go wrong quite often I'd expect
                self.chain = None

        if len(self.chain.shape) == 3:
            steps, walkers, varys = self.chain.shape
                f"steps: {steps}, walkers: {walkers}, varys: {varys}")
            steps, temps, walkers, varys = self.chain.shape
            self.chain_size.setText(f"steps: {steps}, temps: {temps}, "
                                    f"walkers: {walkers}, varys: {varys}")

        self.total_samples.setText("Total samples: {}".format(steps * walkers))

        self.burn.setMaximum(steps - 1)
        self.thin.setMaximum(steps - 1)

        acfs = autocorrelation_chain(self.chain)
        time = integrated_time(acfs, tol=1, quiet=True)
            f"Estimated Autocorrelation Time: {time}")
Пример #2
    def test_best_weighted(self):
        assert_equal(len(self.objective.varying_parameters()), 4)

        f = CurveFitter(self.objective, nwalkers=100)
        res = f.fit('least_squares', jac='3-point')

        output = res.x
        assert_almost_equal(output, self.best_weighted, 3)
                            self.best_weighted_chisqr, 5)

        # compare the residuals
        res = (self.data.y - self.model(self.data.x)) / self.data.y_err
        assert_equal(self.objective.residuals(), res)

        # compare objective.covar to the best_weighted_errors
        uncertainties = [param.stderr for param in self.params]
        assert_allclose(uncertainties, self.best_weighted_errors, rtol=0.005)

        # we're also going to try the checkpointing here.
        checkpoint = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'checkpoint.txt')

        # compare samples to best_weighted_errors
        f.sample(steps=101, random_state=1, verbose=False, f=checkpoint)
        process_chain(self.objective, f.chain, nburn=50, nthin=10)
        uncertainties = [param.stderr for param in self.params]
        assert_allclose(uncertainties, self.best_weighted_errors, rtol=0.07)

        # test that the checkpoint worked
        check_array = np.loadtxt(checkpoint)
        check_array = check_array.reshape(101, f._nwalkers, f.nvary)
        assert_allclose(check_array, f.chain)

        # test loading the checkpoint
        chain = load_chain(checkpoint)
        assert_allclose(chain, f.chain)

        f.sample(steps=2, nthin=4, f=checkpoint, verbose=False)
        assert_equal(f.chain.shape[0], 2)
Пример #3
    def test_best_weighted(self):
        assert_equal(len(self.objective.varying_parameters()), 4)

        f = CurveFitter(self.objective, nwalkers=100)
        res = f.fit("least_squares", jac="3-point")

        output = res.x
        assert_almost_equal(output, self.best_weighted, 3)
        assert_almost_equal(self.objective.chisqr(), self.best_weighted_chisqr,

        # compare the residuals
        res = (self.data.y - self.model(self.data.x)) / self.data.y_err
        assert_equal(self.objective.residuals(), res)

        # compare objective.covar to the best_weighted_errors
        uncertainties = [param.stderr for param in self.params]
        assert_allclose(uncertainties, self.best_weighted_errors, rtol=0.005)

        # we're also going to try the checkpointing here.
        checkpoint = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "checkpoint.txt")

        # compare samples to best_weighted_errors
        f.sample(steps=201, random_state=1, verbose=False, f=checkpoint)
        process_chain(self.objective, f.chain, nburn=50, nthin=10)
        uncertainties = [param.stderr for param in self.params]
        assert_allclose(uncertainties, self.best_weighted_errors, rtol=0.07)

        # test that the checkpoint worked
        check_array = np.loadtxt(checkpoint)
        check_array = check_array.reshape(201, f._nwalkers, f.nvary)
        assert_allclose(check_array, f.chain)

        # test loading the checkpoint
        chain = load_chain(checkpoint)
        assert_allclose(chain, f.chain)

        f.sample(steps=2, nthin=4, f=checkpoint, verbose=False)
        assert_equal(f.chain.shape[0], 2)

        # we should be able to produce 2 * 100 steps from the generator
        g = self.objective.pgen(ngen=20000000000)
        s = [i for i, a in enumerate(g)]
        assert_equal(np.max(s), 200 - 1)
        g = self.objective.pgen(ngen=200)
        pvec = next(g)
        assert_equal(pvec.size, len(self.objective.parameters.flattened()))

        # check that all the parameters are returned via pgen, not only those
        # being varied.
        self.params[0].vary = False
        f = CurveFitter(self.objective, nwalkers=100)
        f.sample(steps=2, nthin=4, f=checkpoint, verbose=False)
        g = self.objective.pgen(ngen=100)
        pvec = next(g)
        assert_equal(pvec.size, len(self.objective.parameters.flattened()))

        # the following test won't work because of emcee/gh226.
        # chain = load_chain(checkpoint)
        # assert_(chain.shape == f.chain.shape)
        # assert_allclose(chain, f.chain)

        # try reproducing best fit with parallel tempering
        self.params[0].vary = True
        f = CurveFitter(self.objective, nwalkers=100, ntemps=10)
        f.fit("differential_evolution", seed=1)

        f.sample(steps=201, random_state=1, verbose=False)
        process_chain(self.objective, f.chain, nburn=50, nthin=15)
        print(self.params[0].chain.shape, self.params[0].chain)

        uncertainties = [param.stderr for param in self.params]
        assert_allclose(uncertainties, self.best_weighted_errors, rtol=0.07)