Пример #1
def seconds_elaps(self):
    '''Reports elapsed time in seconds using the internal timer from the code

    .. code-block::

      === Total time for iteration(0) 3.61153s
      reports: * Elapsed: 3.6115 s
    regex = r'^=== Total time for iteration\(\d+\)\s+(?P<sec>\d+\D\d+)s'
    res = sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
    if res > 0:
        return sn.round(
            sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
        return 1
Пример #2
def scorep_inclusivepct_energy(obj):
    '''Reports % of elapsed time (inclusive) for MomentumAndEnergy function
    (small scale job)

    .. code-block::

      > sqpatch_048mpi_001omp_125n_10steps_1000000cycles/rpt.exclusive
      0.0193958 (0.0009252%) sqpatch.exe
      1.39647 (0.06661%)       + main
      714.135 (34.063%)   |   + ...
        _ZN6sphexa3sph31computeMomentumAndEnergyIADImplIdNS_13 ...
      0.205453 (0.0098%)  |   +
        _ZN6sphexa3sph15computeTimestepIdNS0_21TimestepPress2ndOrderIdNS_13 ...
      201.685 (9.62%)     |   |   + MPI_Allreduce
    # regex = r'^\d+.\d+ \((?P<pct>\d+.\d+).*computeMomentumAndEnergy'
    # return sn.extractsingle(regex, obj.rpt_inclusive, 'pct', float)
    regex = r'^\d+.\d+\s+\((?P<pct>\d+.\d+).*momentumAndEnergyIAD'
        result = sn.round(
            sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, obj.rpt_inclusive, 'pct', float)), 2)
    except Exception as e:
        printer.error(f'scorep_inclusivepct_energy failed: {e}')
        result = 0

    return result
Пример #3
def stress_diff(filename, data_ref):
    ''' Return the difference between obtained and reference stress tensor components'''
    parsed_output = load_json(filename)
    if 'stress' in parsed_output['ground_state'] and 'stress' in data_ref['ground_state']:
        return sn.sum(sn.abs(parsed_output['ground_state']['stress'][i][j] -
                             data_ref['ground_state']['stress'][i][j]) for i in [0, 1, 2] for j in [0, 1, 2])
        return sn.abs(0)
Пример #4
def forces_diff(filename, data_ref):
    ''' Return the difference between obtained and reference atomic forces'''
    parsed_output = load_json(filename)
    if 'forces' in parsed_output['ground_state'] and 'forces' in data_ref['ground_state']:
        na = parsed_output['ground_state']['num_atoms'].evaluate()
        return sn.sum(sn.abs(parsed_output['ground_state']['forces'][i][j] -
                             data_ref['ground_state']['forces'][i][j]) for i in range(na) for j in [0, 1, 2])
        return sn.abs(0)
Пример #5
def seconds_iad(self):
    '''Reports `IAD` time in seconds using the internal timer from the code

    .. code-block::

      # IAD: 0.626564s
      reports: * IAD: 0.6284 s
    regex = r'^# IAD:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    return sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
Пример #6
def seconds_denst(self):
    '''Reports `Density` time in seconds using the internal timer from the code

    .. code-block::

      # Density: 0.296224s
      reports: * Density: 0.296 s
    regex = r'^# Density:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    return sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
Пример #7
def seconds_neigh(self):
    '''Reports `FindNeighbors` time in seconds using the internal timer from
    the code

    .. code-block::

      # FindNeighbors: 0.354712s
      reports: * FindNeighbors: 0.3547 s
    regex = r'^# FindNeighbors:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    return sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
Пример #8
def seconds_domaindistrib(self):
    '''Reports `domain::distribute` time in seconds using the internal timer
    from the code

    .. code-block::

      # domain::distribute: 0.0983208s
      reports: * domain_distribute: 0.0983 s
    regex = r'^# domain::distribute:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    return sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
Пример #9
def seconds_smoothinglength(self):
    '''Reports `UpdateSmoothingLength` time in seconds using the internal timer
    from the code

    .. code-block::

      # UpdateSmoothingLength: 0.00321161s
      reports: * SmoothingLength: 0.0032 s
    regex = r'^# UpdateSmoothingLength:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    return sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
Пример #10
def seconds_consv(self):
    '''Reports `EnergyConservation` time in seconds using the internal timer
    from the code

    .. code-block::

      # EnergyConservation: 0.00137127s
      reports: * EnergyConservation: 0.0013 s
    regex = r'^# EnergyConservation:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    return sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
Пример #11
def seconds_updat(self):
    '''Reports `UpdateQuantities` time in seconds using the internal timer from
    the code

    .. code-block::

      # UpdateQuantities: 0.00498222s
      reports: * UpdateQuantities: 0.0049 s
    regex = r'^# UpdateQuantities:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    return sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
Пример #12
def seconds_step(self):
    '''Reports `Timestep` time in seconds using the internal timer from the

    .. code-block::

      # Timestep: 0.621583s
      reports: * Timestep: 0.6215 s
    regex = r'^# Timestep:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    return sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
Пример #13
def seconds_state(self):
    '''Reports `EquationOfState` time in seconds using the internal timer from
    the code

    .. code-block::

      # EquationOfState: 0.00244751s
      reports: * EquationOfState: 0.0024 s
    regex = r'^# EquationOfState:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    return sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
Пример #14
def seconds_tree(self):
    '''Reports `domain:BuildTree` time in seconds using the internal timer
    from the code

    .. code-block::

      # domain::buildTree: 0.084004s
      reports: * BuildTree: 0 s
    regex = r'^# domain::buildTree:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    return sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
Пример #15
def seconds_updateTasks(self):
    '''Reports `updateTasks` time in seconds using the internal timer from the

    .. code-block::

      # updateTasks: 0.000900428s
      reports: ...
    regex = r'^# updateTasks:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    return sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
Пример #16
def seconds_energ(self):
    '''Reports `MomentumEnergyIAD` time in seconds using the internal timer
    from the code

    .. code-block::

       # MomentumEnergyIAD: 1.05951s
       reports: * MomentumEnergyIAD: 1.0595 s

    regex = r'^# MomentumEnergyIAD:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    return sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
Пример #17
def seconds_halos(self):
    '''Reports `mpi::synchronizeHalos` time in seconds using the internal timer
    from the code

    .. code-block::

      # mpi::synchronizeHalos: 0.0341479s
      # mpi::synchronizeHalos: 0.0770191s
      # mpi::synchronizeHalos: 0.344856s
      reports: * mpi_synchronizeHalos: 0.4560 s
    regex = r'^# mpi::synchronizeHalos:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    return sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
Пример #18
    def set_vtune_perf_patterns_rpt(self):
        '''More perf_patterns for the tool

        Typical performance reporting:

        .. literalinclude::
          :lines: 117-127

        regex_l = r'^vtune: Using result path .(?P<paths>\S+).$'
        paths_l = sn.extractall(regex_l, self.dir_rpt, 'paths')
        regex = (r'(?P<funcname>.*);(?P<cput>\d+.\d+);(?P<cput_efft>\S+);'
        res = {}
        res2 = {}
        for ii in range(self.vtune_paths):
            rpt = paths_l[ii] + '.csv'  # rpt.nid00034.csv
            kk = 'vtune_cput_cn%s' % ii
            res[kk] = sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, rpt, 'cput',
                                                    float)), 2)
            kk = 'vtune_cput_cn%s_efft' % ii
            res2[kk] = sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, rpt, 'cput_efft',
                                                     float)), 2)
            kk = 'vtune_cput_cn%s_spint' % ii
            res2[kk] = sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, rpt, 'cput_spint',
                                                     float)), 2)
            kk = '%svtune_cput_cn%s_efft' % ('%', ii)
            res[kk] = sn.round(res2['vtune_cput_cn%s_efft' % ii] /
                               res['vtune_cput_cn%s' % ii] * 100, 1)
            kk = '%svtune_cput_cn%s_spint' % ('%', ii)
            res[kk] = sn.round(res2['vtune_cput_cn%s_spint' % ii] /
                               res['vtune_cput_cn%s' % ii] * 100, 1)
        if self.perf_patterns:
            self.perf_patterns = {**self.perf_patterns, **res}
            self.perf_patterns = res
Пример #19
def seconds_timers(self, region):
    '''Reports timings (in seconds) using the internal timer from the code

    .. code-block::

      # domain::sync: 0.118225s
      # updateTasks: 0.00561256s
      # FindNeighbors: 0.266282s
      # Density: 0.120372s
      # EquationOfState: 0.00255166s
      # mpi::synchronizeHalos: 0.116917s
      # IAD: 0.185804s
      # mpi::synchronizeHalos: 0.0850162s
      # MomentumEnergyIAD: 0.423282s
      # Timestep: 0.0405346s
      # UpdateQuantities: 0.0140938s
      # EnergyConservation: 0.0224118s
      # UpdateSmoothingLength: 0.00413466s
    if region == 1:
        regex = r'^# domain::sync:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    elif region == 2:
        regex = r'^# updateTasks:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    elif region == 3:
        regex = r'^# FindNeighbors:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    elif region == 4:
        regex = r'^# Density:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    elif region == 5:
        regex = r'^# EquationOfState:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    elif region == 6:
        regex = r'^# mpi::synchronizeHalos:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    elif region == 7:
        regex = r'^# IAD:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    elif region == 8:
        regex = r'^# MomentumEnergyIAD:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    elif region == 9:
        regex = r'^# Timestep:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    elif region == 10:
        regex = r'^# UpdateQuantities:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    elif region == 11:
        regex = r'^# EnergyConservation:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
    elif region == 12:
        regex = r'^# UpdateSmoothingLength:\s+(?P<sec>.*)s'
        raise ValueError('unknown region id in sanity_function')

    return sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.stdout, 'sec', float)), 4)
Пример #20
def advisor_elapsed(obj):
    ''' Reports the elapsed time (sum of ``Self Time`` in seconds) measured by
    the tool

    .. code-block::

      > summary.rpt
      ID / Function Call Sites and Loops / Total Time / Self Time /  Type
      71 [loop in sphexa::sph::computeMomentumAndEnergyIADImpl<double,
        ... sphexa::ParticlesData<double>> at momentumAndEnergyIAD.hpp:94]
        ... 1.092s      0.736s              Scalar  momentumAndEnergyIAD.hpp:94
      34 [loop in MPIDI_Cray_shared_mem_coll_bcast]
        ... 0.596s      0.472s              Scalar  libmpich_gnu_82.so.3
      returns: * advisor_elapsed: 2.13 s
    regex = r'\s+\d+\s+\[.*\]\s+(?P<inclusive>\S+)s\s+(?P<exclusive>\S+)s'
    rpt = os.path.join(obj.stagedir, obj.summary_rpt)
    return sn.round(sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, rpt, 'exclusive', float)), 4)
Пример #21
def scorep_exclusivepct_energy(obj):
    '''Reports % of elapsed time (exclusive) for MomentumAndEnergy function
    (small scale job)

    .. code-block::

      > sqpatch_048mpi_001omp_125n_10steps_1000000cycles/rpt.exclusive
      0.0193958 (0.0009252%) sqpatch.exe
      1.39647 (0.06661%)       + main
      714.135 (34.063%)   |   + ...
        _ZN6sphexa3sph31computeMomentumAndEnergyIADImplIdNS_13 ...
      0.205453 (0.0098%)  |   +
        _ZN6sphexa3sph15computeTimestepIdNS0_21TimestepPress2ndOrderIdNS_13 ...
      201.685 (9.62%)     |   |   + MPI_Allreduce

       type max_buf[B]    visits    hits time[s] time[%] time/visit[us]  region
       OMP  1,925,120    81,920       0   63.84     2.5         779.29
        !$omp parallel @momentumAndEnergyIAD.hpp:87 ***
       OMP    920,500    81,920  48,000  125.41     5.0        1530.93
        !$omp for @momentumAndEnergyIAD.hpp:87      ***
       OMP    675,860    81,920       1   30.95     1.2         377.85
        !$omp implicit barrier @momentumAndEnergyIAD.hpp:93
    # regex = r'^\s+\S+(\s+\S+){4}\s+(?P<pct>\S+).*@momentumAndEnergyIAD'
    regex = r'^\d+.\d+\s+\((?P<pct>\d+.\d+).*momentumAndEnergyIAD'
        result = sn.round(
            sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, obj.rpt_exclusive, 'pct', float)), 2)
    except Exception as e:
        printer.error(f'scorep_exclusivepct_energy failed: {e}')
        result = 0

    return result
Пример #22
    def set_sanity_gpu(self):
        # {{{
        This method runs sanity checks on the following logs:

        - info cuda devices

        .. literalinclude:: ../../reframechecks/debug/res/cuda-gdb/info_devices.log
          :lines: 1-3

        - info cuda kernels

        .. literalinclude:: ../../reframechecks/debug/res/cuda-gdb/info_kernels.log
          :lines: 5-7

        - info cuda threads

        .. literalinclude:: ../../reframechecks/debug/res/cuda-gdb/info_threads.log
          :lines: 1-5, 458-459

        - navigate between cuda kernels/blocks/threads/

        .. literalinclude:: ../../reframechecks/debug/res/cuda-gdb/info_navigate.log
          :lines: 5-6, 17-18, 33-34
          :emphasize-lines: 1, 3, 5

        - inspect variables (std::vector)

        .. literalinclude:: ../../reframechecks/debug/res/cuda-gdb/info_std_vector.log
          :lines: 1-25
          :emphasize-lines: 4

        - inspect variables (int*)

        .. literalinclude:: ../../reframechecks/debug/res/cuda-gdb/info_const_int.log
          :lines: 6-37
          :emphasize-lines: 17
        # }}}
        self.gpu_specs = {}
        self.gpu_specs_bool = {}
        ref_gpu_specs = {}
        ref_gpu_specs['P100'] = {}
        ref_gpu_specs['V100'] = {}
        # {{{ info_devices.log:
        #   Dev PCI Bus/Dev ID Name Description SM Type SMs Warps/SM Lanes/Warp
        #    Max Regs/Lane Active SMs Mask
        # *   0   88:00.0 Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB   GV100GL-A   sm_70  80 64 ...
        #                       ^^^^                         ^^^^^  ^^ ^^
        #               32 256 0x000000000000ffffffffffffffffffff
        #               ^^
        self.rpt = os.path.join(self.stagedir, self.log_devices)
        ref_gpu_specs = {
            'V100': {
                'capability': 'sm_70',
                'sms': 80,
                'WarpsPerSM': 64,
                'LanesPerWarp': 32,  # = warpSize
                'max_threads_per_sm': 2048,
                'max_threads_per_device': 163840,
            'P100': {
                'capability': 'sm_60',
                'sms': 56,
                'WarpsPerSM': 64,
                'LanesPerWarp': 32,  # = warpSize
                'max_threads_per_sm': 2048,
                'max_threads_per_device': 114688,
        regex = (r'Tesla (?P<gpu_name>\S+)-\S+-\S+\s+\S+\s+(?P<cap>sm_\d+)\s+'
        # --- get gpu_name (V100 or P100):
        gpu_name = sn.evaluate(sn.extractsingle(regex, self.rpt, 'gpu_name'))
        # --- get capability (True means that extracted value matches ref):
        res = sn.extractsingle(regex, self.rpt, 'cap')
        self.gpu_specs['capability'] = res
        self.gpu_specs_bool['capability'] = \
            (res == ref_gpu_specs[gpu_name]['capability'])
        # --- get sms:
        res = sn.extractsingle(regex, self.rpt, 'sms', int)
        self.gpu_specs['sms'] = res
        self.gpu_specs_bool['sms'] = (res == ref_gpu_specs[gpu_name]['sms'])
        # --- get WarpsPerSM:
        res = sn.extractsingle(regex, self.rpt, 'WarpsPerSM', int)
        self.gpu_specs['WarpsPerSM'] = res
        self.gpu_specs_bool['WarpsPerSM'] = \
            (res == ref_gpu_specs[gpu_name]['WarpsPerSM'])
        # --- get LanesPerWarp|warpSize:
        res = sn.extractsingle(regex, self.rpt, 'LanesPerWarp', int)
        self.gpu_specs['LanesPerWarp'] = res
        self.gpu_specs_bool['LanesPerWarp'] = \
            (res == ref_gpu_specs[gpu_name]['LanesPerWarp'])
        # --- threads_per_sm <= LanesPerWarp * WarpsPerSM
        res = self.gpu_specs['LanesPerWarp'] * self.gpu_specs['WarpsPerSM']
        self.gpu_specs['max_threads_per_sm'] = res
        self.gpu_specs_bool['max_threads_per_sm'] = \
            (res == ref_gpu_specs[gpu_name]['max_threads_per_sm'])
        # --- threads_per_device <= threads_per_sm * sms
        res = self.gpu_specs['sms'] * self.gpu_specs['max_threads_per_sm']
        self.gpu_specs['max_threads_per_device'] = res
        self.gpu_specs_bool['max_threads_per_device'] = \
            (res == ref_gpu_specs[gpu_name]['max_threads_per_device'])
        # --- max_np of 1gpu = f(max_threads_per_device) where np = cube_size^3
        import math
        self.gpu_specs['max_cubesz'] = sn.defer(
            math.ceil(pow(sn.evaluate(res), 1 / 3)))
        # }}}

        # {{{ info_kernels.log:
        # Kernel Parent Dev Grid Status SMs Mask   GridDim  BlockDim Invocation
        # * 0 - 0 3 Active 0x (106,1,1) (256,1,1) ...::density<double>(n=27000,
        #                      ^^^^^^^   ^^^^^^^                         ^^^^^
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        self.log = os.path.join(self.stagedir, self.log_kernels)
        regex = (r'\*.*Active \S+ \((?P<grid_x>\d+),(?P<grid_y>\d+),'
                 r'(?P<block_z>\d+)\).*\(n=(?P<np>\d+), ')
        grid_x = sn.extractsingle(regex, self.log, 'grid_x', int)
        grid_y = sn.extractsingle(regex, self.log, 'grid_y', int)
        grid_z = sn.extractsingle(regex, self.log, 'grid_z', int)
        block_x = sn.extractsingle(regex, self.log, 'block_x', int)
        block_y = sn.extractsingle(regex, self.log, 'block_y', int)
        block_z = sn.extractsingle(regex, self.log, 'block_z', int)
        np = sn.extractsingle(regex, self.log, 'np', int)
        self.kernel_grid = grid_x * grid_y * grid_z
        self.kernel_block = block_x * block_y * block_z
        self.kernel_np = np
        import math
        self.gpu_specs['cubesz'] = \
            sn.defer(math.ceil(pow(sn.evaluate(self.kernel_np), 1/3)))

        # {{{ TODO:tuple
        # https://github.com/eth-cscs/reframe/blob/master/cscs-checks/
        # prgenv/affinity_check.py#L38
        # regex=(r'\*.*Active \S+ (?P<griddim>\(\d+,\d+,\d+\))\s+(?P<blockdim>'
        #        r'\(\d+,\d+,\d+\)).*\(n=(?P<np>\d+), ')
        # from functools import reduce
        # self.res  = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, list(res))
        # sn.extractsingle(regex, self.stdout, 'nrgy',
        #   conv=lambda x: int(x.replace(',', '')))
        # res: ('(', '1', '0', '6', ',', '1', ',', '1', ')')
        # }}}
        # }}}

        # {{{ info_threads.log:
        # BlockIdx ThreadIdx To BlockIdx ThreadIdx Count Virtual PC Filename L
        # Kernel 0
        # * (0,0,0) (0,0,0)  (1,0,0) (63,0,0) 320 0x0... ../cudaDensity.cu 27
        #   (1,0,0) (64,0,0) (1,0,0) (95,0,0)  32 0x0... ../cudaDensity.cu 26
        #   etc...                        sum(^^^)
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        self.log = os.path.join(self.stagedir, self.log_threads)
        regex = r'(\(\S+\)\s+){4}(?P<nth>\d+)\s+0x'
        self.threads_np = sn.sum(sn.extractall(regex, self.log, 'nth', int))
        # }}}

        # {{{ info_navigate.log:
        # gridDim=(106,1,1) blockDim=(256,1,1) blockIdx=(0,0,0) \
        # threadIdx=(0,0,0) warpSize=32 thid=0
        # kernel 0 grid 3 block (0,0,0) thread (0,0,0) device 0 sm 0 warp 0 ...
        # --
        # gridDim=(106,1,1) blockDim=(256,1,1) blockIdx=(105,0,0)
        # threadIdx=(255,0,0) warpSize=32 thid=27135
        # kernel 0 grid 3 block (105,0,0) thread (255,0,0) device 0 sm 43 ...
        # --
        # gridDim=(106,1,1) blockDim=(256,1,1) blockIdx=(55,0,0)
        # threadIdx=(255,0,0) warpSize=32 thid=14335
        # kernel 0 grid 3 block (55,0,0) thread (255,0,0) device 0 sm 55 ...
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        self.log = os.path.join(self.stagedir, self.log_navigate)
        regex = r'^gridDim.*warpSize=\d+ thid=(?P<th>\d+)$'
        self.thids = sn.extractall(regex, self.log, 'th', int)
        # }}}

        # {{{ info_std_vector.log:
        # --- get vector length(True means that extracted value matches ref):
        self.rpt = os.path.join(self.stagedir, self.log_stdvector)
        # std::vector of length 27000, capacity 27000
        regex = r'std::vector of length (?P<vec_len1>\d+),'
        res = sn.extractsingle(regex, self.rpt, 'vec_len1', int)
        self.gpu_specs['vec_len1'] = res
        self.gpu_specs_bool['vec_len1'] = (res == self.cubesize**3)
        # Vector size = 27000 (pvector)
        regex = r'^Vector size = (?P<vec_len2>\d+)$'
        res = sn.extractsingle(regex, self.rpt, 'vec_len2', int)
        self.gpu_specs['vec_len2'] = res
        self.gpu_specs_bool['vec_len2'] = (res == self.cubesize**3)
        # }}}

        # {{{ --- sanity_patterns:
        self.sanity_patterns = sn.all([
            # NO: sn.assert_true(self.gpu_specs_bool),
Пример #23
 def test_sum(self):
     self.assertEqual(3, sn.sum([1, 1, 1]))
     self.assertEqual(3, sn.sum(make_deferrable([1, 1, 1])))
Пример #24
def test_sum():
    assert 3 == sn.sum([1, 1, 1])
    assert 3 == sn.sum(sn.defer([1, 1, 1]))
Пример #25
 def test_sum(self):
     self.assertEqual(3, sn.sum([1, 1, 1]))
     self.assertEqual(3, sn.sum(sn.defer([1, 1, 1])))