def visitCMPLInstr(self, n):
        global spilled
        global unspillable
        # What a pain, the right-hand operand can't be a constant!
        left = n.rhs[0]
        right = n.rhs[1]
        if not ((is_memory_access(left, self.color) and \
                is_memory_access(right, self.color)) or \
                isinstance(right, Const)):
            return [n]
        elif not isinstance(left, Const) and isinstance(right, Const):
            return [CMPLInstr(None, [right, left])]
            spilled[0] = True
            if debug:
                print 'need to introduce spill code for ' + repr(n)
            if in_register(left, self.color):
                new_left = left
                left_instr = []
                tmp = generate_name('tmp')
                unspillable[0] = unspillable[0] + [tmp]
                new_left = Name(tmp)
                left_instr = [IntMoveInstr(new_left, [left])]
            if is_memory_access(right, self.color):
                tmp = generate_name('tmp')
                unspillable[0] = unspillable[0] + [tmp]
                new_right = Name(tmp)
                right_instr = [IntMoveInstr(new_right, [right])]
                new_right = right
                right_instr = []

            return left_instr + right_instr + [CMPLInstr(None, [new_left, new_right])]
 def visitIntMoveZeroExtendInstr(self, n):
     global spilled
     global unspillable
     if in_register(n.lhs, self.color):
         return [n]
         spilled[0] = True
         if debug:
             print 'need to introduce spill code for ' + repr(n)
         tmp = generate_name('tmp')
         unspillable[0] = unspillable[0] + [tmp]
         return [IntMoveZeroExtendInstr(Name(tmp), [n.rhs[0]]),
                 IntMoveInstr(n.lhs, [Name(tmp)])]