Пример #1
    def __init__(self):

        self._import_registry = ImportStepRegistry()
        self._export_registry = ExportStepRegistry()
                                           'Export import / export steps.')
        self._toolset_registry = ToolsetRegistry()
Пример #2
    def __init__( self ):

        self._import_registry = ImportStepRegistry()
        self._export_registry = ExportStepRegistry()
        self._export_registry.registerStep( 'step_registries'
                                          , exportStepRegistries
                                          , 'Export import / export steps.'
        self._toolset_registry = ToolsetRegistry()
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, id):
     self.id = str(id)
     self._import_registry = ImportStepRegistry()
     self._export_registry = ExportStepRegistry()
         'Export import / export steps.',
     self._toolset_registry = ToolsetRegistry()
Пример #4
class SetupTool(UniqueObject, Folder):
    """ Profile-based site configuration manager.
    __implements__ = (ISetupTool, ) + Folder.__implements__

    id = 'portal_setup'
    meta_type = 'Portal Setup Tool'

    _import_context_id = ''

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    def __init__(self):

        self._import_registry = ImportStepRegistry()
        self._export_registry = ExportStepRegistry()
                                           'Export import / export steps.')
        self._toolset_registry = ToolsetRegistry()

    #   ISetupTool API
    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'getEncoding')

    def getEncoding(self):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        return 'ascii'

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'getImportContextId')

    def getImportContextID(self):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._import_context_id

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'setImportContext')

    def setImportContext(self, context_id, encoding=None):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        self._import_context_id = context_id


    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'getImportStepRegistry')

    def getImportStepRegistry(self):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._import_registry

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'getImportStepRegistry')

    def getExportStepRegistry(self):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._export_registry

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'getToolsetRegistry')

    def getToolsetRegistry(self):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._toolset_registry

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'executeStep')

    def runImportStep(self, step_id, run_dependencies=True, purge_old=None):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        context = self._getImportContext(self._import_context_id, purge_old)

        info = self._import_registry.getStepMetadata(step_id)

        if info is None:
            raise ValueError, 'No such import step: %s' % step_id

        dependencies = info.get('dependencies', ())

        messages = {}
        steps = []
        if run_dependencies:
            for dependency in dependencies:

                if dependency not in steps:
                    message = self._doRunImportStep(dependency, context)
                    messages[dependency] = message

        message = self._doRunImportStep(step_id, context)
        messages[step_id] = message

        return {'steps': steps, 'messages': messages}

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'runAllSetupSteps')

    def runAllImportSteps(self, purge_old=None):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        context = self._getImportContext(self._import_context_id, purge_old)

        steps = self._import_registry.sortSteps()
        messages = {}

        for step in steps:
            message = self._doRunImportStep(step, context)
            messages[step] = message

        return {'steps': steps, 'messages': messages}

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'runExportStep')

    def runExportStep(self, step_id):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._doRunExportSteps([step_id])

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'runAllExportSteps')

    def runAllExportSteps(self):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._doRunExportSteps(self._export_registry.listSteps())

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'createSnapshot')

    def createSnapshot(self, snapshot_id):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        context = SnapshotExportContext(self, snapshot_id)
        messages = {}
        steps = self._export_registry.listSteps()

        for step_id in steps:

            handler = self._export_registry.getStep(step_id)

            if handler is None:
                raise ValueError('Invalid export step: %s' % step_id)

            messages[step_id] = handler(context)

        return {
            'steps': steps,
            'messages': messages,
            'url': context.getSnapshotURL(),
            'snapshot': context.getSnapshotFolder()

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'compareConfigurations')

    def compareConfigurations(self,
                              skip=('CVS', '.svn')):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        differ = ConfigDiff(lhs_context, rhs_context, missing_as_empty,
                            ignore_blanks, skip)

        return differ.compare()

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'markupComparison')

    def markupComparison(self, lines):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        result = []

        for line in lines.splitlines():

            if line.startswith('** '):

                if line.find('File') > -1:
                    if line.find('replaced') > -1:
                        result.append(('file-to-dir', line))
                    elif line.find('added') > -1:
                        result.append(('file-added', line))
                        result.append(('file-removed', line))
                    if line.find('replaced') > -1:
                        result.append(('dir-to-file', line))
                    elif line.find('added') > -1:
                        result.append(('dir-added', line))
                        result.append(('dir-removed', line))

            elif line.startswith('@@'):
                result.append(('diff-range', line))

            elif line.startswith(' '):
                result.append(('diff-context', line))

            elif line.startswith('+'):
                result.append(('diff-added', line))

            elif line.startswith('-'):
                result.append(('diff-removed', line))

            elif line == '\ No newline at end of file':
                result.append(('diff-context', line))

                result.append(('diff-header', line))

        return '<pre>\n%s\n</pre>' % ('\n'.join(
            [('<span class="%s">%s</span>' % (cl, escape(l)))
             for cl, l in result]))

    #   ZMI
    manage_options = (
        Folder.manage_options[:1] + ({
            'label': 'Properties',
            'action': 'manage_tool'
        }, {
            'label': 'Import',
            'action': 'manage_importSteps'
        }, {
            'label': 'Export',
            'action': 'manage_exportSteps'
        }, {
            'label': 'Snapshots',
            'action': 'manage_snapshots'
        }, {
            'label': 'Comparison',
            'action': 'manage_showDiff'
        }) + Folder.manage_options[3:]  # skip "View", "Properties"

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_tool')
    manage_tool = PageTemplateFile('sutProperties', _wwwdir)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_updateToolProperties')

    def manage_updateToolProperties(self, context_id, RESPONSE):
        """ Update the tool's settings.

        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_tool?manage_tabs_message=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), 'Properties+updated.'))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_importSteps')
    manage_importSteps = PageTemplateFile('sutImportSteps', _wwwdir)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_importSelectedSteps')

    def manage_importSelectedSteps(self, ids, run_dependencies, RESPONSE):
        """ Import the steps selected by the user.
        if not ids:
            message = 'No+steps+selected.'

            steps_run = []
            for step_id in ids:
                result = self.runImportStep(step_id, run_dependencies)

            message = 'Steps+run:%s' % '+,'.join(steps_run)

        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_importSteps?manage_tabs_message=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), message))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_importSelectedSteps')

    def manage_importAllSteps(self, RESPONSE):
        """ Import all steps.
        result = self.runAllImportSteps()
        message = 'Steps+run:%s' % '+,'.join(result['steps'])

        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_importSteps?manage_tabs_message=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), message))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_exportSteps')
    manage_exportSteps = PageTemplateFile('sutExportSteps', _wwwdir)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_exportSelectedSteps')

    def manage_exportSelectedSteps(self, ids, RESPONSE):
        """ Export the steps selected by the user.
        if not ids:
            RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_exportSteps?manage_tabs_message=%s' %
                              (self.absolute_url(), 'No+steps+selected.'))

        result = self._doRunExportSteps(ids)
        RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-gzip')
                           'attachment; filename=%s' % result['filename'])
        return result['tarball']

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_exportAllSteps')

    def manage_exportAllSteps(self, RESPONSE):
        """ Export all steps.
        result = self.runAllExportSteps()
        RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-gzip')
                           'attachment; filename=%s' % result['filename'])
        return result['tarball']

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_snapshots')
    manage_snapshots = PageTemplateFile('sutSnapshots', _wwwdir)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'listSnapshotInfo')

    def listSnapshotInfo(self):
        """ Return a list of mappings describing available snapshots.

        o Keys include:

          'id' -- snapshot ID

          'title' -- snapshot title or ID

          'url' -- URL of the snapshot folder
        result = []
        snapshots = self._getOb('snapshots', None)

        if snapshots:

            for id, folder in snapshots.objectItems('Folder'):

                    'id': id,
                    'title': folder.title_or_id(),
                    'url': folder.absolute_url()
        return result

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'listProfileInfo')

    def listProfileInfo(self):
        """ Return a list of mappings describing registered profiles.

        o Keys include:

          'id' -- profile ID

          'title' -- profile title or ID

          'description' -- description of the profile

          'path' -- path to the profile within its product

          'product' -- name of the registering product
        return _profile_registry.listProfileInfo()

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'listContextInfos')

    def listContextInfos(self):
        """ List registered profiles and snapshots.

        s_infos = [{
            'id': 'snapshot-%s' % info['id'],
            'title': info['title']
        } for info in self.listSnapshotInfo()]
        p_infos = [{
            'id': 'profile-%s' % info['id'],
            'title': info['title']
        } for info in self.listProfileInfo()]

        return tuple(s_infos + p_infos)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_createSnapshot')

    def manage_createSnapshot(self, RESPONSE, snapshot_id=None):
        """ Create a snapshot with the given ID.

        o If no ID is passed, generate one.
        if snapshot_id is None:
            timestamp = time.gmtime()
            snapshot_id = 'snapshot-%4d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d' % timestamp[:6]


        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_snapshots?manage_tabs_message=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), 'Snapshot+created.'))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_showDiff')
    manage_showDiff = PageTemplateFile('sutCompare', _wwwdir)

    def manage_downloadDiff(self, lhs, rhs, missing_as_empty, ignore_blanks,
        """ Crack request vars and call compareConfigurations.

        o Return the result as a 'text/plain' stream, suitable for framing.
        comparison = self.manage_compareConfigurations(lhs, rhs,
        RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
        return _PLAINTEXT_DIFF_HEADER % (lhs, rhs, comparison)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_compareConfigurations')

    def manage_compareConfigurations(self, lhs, rhs, missing_as_empty,
        """ Crack request vars and call compareConfigurations.
        lhs_context = self._getImportContext(lhs)
        rhs_context = self._getImportContext(rhs)

        return self.compareConfigurations(lhs_context, rhs_context,
                                          missing_as_empty, ignore_blanks)

    #   Helper methods

    def _getProductPath(self, product_name):
        """ Return the absolute path of the product's directory.
            product = __import__('Products.%s' % product_name, globals(), {},
        except ImportError:
            raise ValueError, 'Not a valid product name: %s' % product_name

        return product.__path__[0]


    def _getImportContext(self, context_id, should_purge=None):
        """ Crack ID and generate appropriate import context.
        encoding = self.getEncoding()

        if context_id.startswith('profile-'):

            context_id = context_id[len('profile-'):]
            info = _profile_registry.getProfileInfo(context_id)

            if info.get('product'):
                path = os.path.join(self._getProductPath(info['product']),
                path = info['path']
            if should_purge is None:
                should_purge = (info.get('type') != EXTENSION)
            return DirectoryImportContext(self, path, should_purge, encoding)

        # else snapshot
        context_id = context_id[len('snapshot-'):]
        if should_purge is None:
            should_purge = True
        return SnapshotImportContext(self, context_id, should_purge, encoding)


    def _updateImportStepsRegistry(self, encoding):
        """ Update our import steps registry from our profile.
        context = self._getImportContext(self._import_context_id)
        xml = context.readDataFile(IMPORT_STEPS_XML)
        if xml is None:

        info_list = self._import_registry.parseXML(xml, encoding)

        for step_info in info_list:

            id = step_info['id']
            version = step_info['version']
            handler = _resolveDottedName(step_info['handler'])

            dependencies = tuple(step_info.get('dependencies', ()))
            title = step_info.get('title', id)
            description = ''.join(step_info.get('description', []))



    def _updateExportStepsRegistry(self, encoding):
        """ Update our export steps registry from our profile.
        context = self._getImportContext(self._import_context_id)
        xml = context.readDataFile(EXPORT_STEPS_XML)
        if xml is None:

        info_list = self._export_registry.parseXML(xml, encoding)

        for step_info in info_list:

            id = step_info['id']
            handler = _resolveDottedName(step_info['handler'])

            title = step_info.get('title', id)
            description = ''.join(step_info.get('description', []))



    def _updateToolsetRegistry(self, encoding):
        """ Update our toolset registry from our profile.
        context = self._getImportContext(self._import_context_id)
        xml = context.readDataFile(TOOLSET_XML)
        if xml is None:

        self._toolset_registry.parseXML(xml, encoding)


    def _doRunImportStep(self, step_id, context):
        """ Run a single import step, using a pre-built context.
        handler = self._import_registry.getStep(step_id)

        if handler is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid import step: %s' % step_id)

        return handler(context)


    def _doRunExportSteps(self, steps):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        context = TarballExportContext(self)
        messages = {}

        for step_id in steps:

            handler = self._export_registry.getStep(step_id)

            if handler is None:
                raise ValueError('Invalid export step: %s' % step_id)

            messages[step_id] = handler(context)

        return {
            'steps': steps,
            'messages': messages,
            'tarball': context.getArchive(),
            'filename': context.getArchiveFilename()
Пример #5
class SetupTool( UniqueObject, Folder ):

    """ Profile-based site configuration manager.
    __implements__ = ( ISetupTool, ) + Folder.__implements__

    id = 'portal_setup'
    meta_type = 'Portal Setup Tool'

    _import_context_id = ''

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    def __init__( self ):

        self._import_registry = ImportStepRegistry()
        self._export_registry = ExportStepRegistry()
        self._export_registry.registerStep( 'step_registries'
                                          , exportStepRegistries
                                          , 'Export import / export steps.'
        self._toolset_registry = ToolsetRegistry()

    #   ISetupTool API
    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'getEncoding' )
    def getEncoding( self ):

        """ See ISetupTool.
        return 'ascii'

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'getImportContextId' )
    def getImportContextID( self ):

        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._import_context_id

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'setImportContext')
    def setImportContext(self, context_id, encoding=None):

        """ See ISetupTool.
        self._import_context_id = context_id

        self._updateImportStepsRegistry( encoding )
        self._updateExportStepsRegistry( encoding )
        self._updateToolsetRegistry( encoding )

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'getImportStepRegistry' )
    def getImportStepRegistry( self ):

        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._import_registry

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'getImportStepRegistry' )
    def getExportStepRegistry( self ):

        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._export_registry

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'getToolsetRegistry' )
    def getToolsetRegistry( self ):

        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._toolset_registry

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'executeStep' )
    def runImportStep( self, step_id, run_dependencies=True, purge_old=True ):

        """ See ISetupTool.
        context = self._getImportContext(self._import_context_id, purge_old)

        info = self._import_registry.getStepMetadata( step_id )

        if info is None:
            raise ValueError, 'No such import step: %s' % step_id

        dependencies = info.get( 'dependencies', () )

        messages = {}
        steps = []
        if run_dependencies:
            for dependency in dependencies:

                if dependency not in steps:
                    message = self._doRunImportStep( dependency, context )
                    messages[ dependency ] = message
                    steps.append( dependency )

        message = self._doRunImportStep( step_id, context )
        messages[ step_id ] = message
        steps.append( step_id )

        return { 'steps' : steps, 'messages' : messages }

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'runAllSetupSteps')
    def runAllImportSteps( self, purge_old=True ):

        """ See ISetupTool.
        context = self._getImportContext(self._import_context_id, purge_old)

        steps = self._import_registry.sortSteps()
        messages = {}

        for step in steps:
            message = self._doRunImportStep( step, context )
            messages[ step ] = message

        return { 'steps' : steps, 'messages' : messages }

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'runExportStep')
    def runExportStep( self, step_id ):

        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._doRunExportSteps( [ step_id ] )

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'runAllExportSteps')
    def runAllExportSteps( self ):

        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._doRunExportSteps( self._export_registry.listSteps() )

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'createSnapshot')
    def createSnapshot( self, snapshot_id ):

        """ See ISetupTool.
        context = SnapshotExportContext( self, snapshot_id )
        messages = {}
        steps = self._export_registry.listSteps()

        for step_id in steps:

            handler = self._export_registry.getStep( step_id )

            if handler is None:
                raise ValueError( 'Invalid export step: %s' % step_id )

            messages[ step_id ] = handler( context )

        return { 'steps' : steps
               , 'messages' : messages
               , 'url' : context.getSnapshotURL()
               , 'snapshot' : context.getSnapshotFolder()

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'compareConfigurations')
    def compareConfigurations( self
                             , lhs_context
                             , rhs_context
                             , missing_as_empty=False
                             , ignore_blanks=False
                             , skip=( 'CVS', '.svn' )
        """ See ISetupTool.
        differ = ConfigDiff( lhs_context
                           , rhs_context
                           , missing_as_empty
                           , ignore_blanks
                           , skip

        return differ.compare()

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'markupComparison')
    def markupComparison(self, lines):

        """ See ISetupTool.
        result = []

        for line in lines.splitlines():

            if line.startswith('** '):

                if line.find('File') > -1:
                    if line.find('replaced') > -1:
                        result.append( ( 'file-to-dir', line ) )
                    elif line.find('added') > -1:
                        result.append( ( 'file-added', line ) )
                        result.append( ( 'file-removed', line ) )
                    if line.find('replaced') > -1:
                        result.append( ( 'dir-to-file', line ) )
                    elif line.find('added') > -1:
                        result.append( ( 'dir-added', line ) )
                        result.append( ( 'dir-removed', line ) )

            elif line.startswith('@@'):
                result.append( ( 'diff-range', line ) )

            elif line.startswith(' '):
                result.append( ( 'diff-context', line ) )

            elif line.startswith('+'):
                result.append( ( 'diff-added', line ) )

            elif line.startswith('-'):
                result.append( ( 'diff-removed', line ) )

            elif line == '\ No newline at end of file':
                result.append( ( 'diff-context', line ) )

                result.append( ( 'diff-header', line ) )

        return '<pre>\n%s\n</pre>' % (
            '\n'.join( [ ( '<span class="%s">%s</span>' % ( cl, escape( l ) ) )
                                  for cl, l in result] ) )

    #   ZMI
    manage_options = ( Folder.manage_options[ :1 ]
                     + ( { 'label' : 'Properties'
                         , 'action' : 'manage_tool'
                       , { 'label' : 'Import'
                         , 'action' : 'manage_importSteps'
                       , { 'label' : 'Export'
                         , 'action' : 'manage_exportSteps'
                       , { 'label' : 'Snapshots'
                         , 'action' : 'manage_snapshots'
                       , { 'label' : 'Comparison'
                         , 'action' : 'manage_showDiff'
                     + Folder.manage_options[ 3: ] # skip "View", "Properties"

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'manage_tool' )
    manage_tool = PageTemplateFile( 'sutProperties', _wwwdir )

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'manage_updateToolProperties' )
    def manage_updateToolProperties(self, context_id, RESPONSE):
        """ Update the tool's settings.

        RESPONSE.redirect( '%s/manage_tool?manage_tabs_message=%s'
                         % ( self.absolute_url(), 'Properties+updated.' )

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'manage_importSteps' )
    manage_importSteps = PageTemplateFile( 'sutImportSteps', _wwwdir )

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'manage_importSelectedSteps' )
    def manage_importSelectedSteps( self
                                  , ids
                                  , run_dependencies
                                  , purge_old
                                  , RESPONSE
        """ Import the steps selected by the user.
        if not ids:
            message = 'No+steps+selected.'

            steps_run = []
            for step_id in ids:
                result = self.runImportStep( step_id
                                           , run_dependencies
                                           , purge_old
                steps_run.extend( result[ 'steps' ] )

            message = 'Steps+run:%s' % '+,'.join( steps_run )

        RESPONSE.redirect( '%s/manage_importSteps?manage_tabs_message=%s'
                         % ( self.absolute_url(), message )

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'manage_importSelectedSteps' )
    def manage_importAllSteps( self, purge_old, RESPONSE ):

        """ Import all steps.
        result = self.runAllImportSteps( purge_old )
        message = 'Steps+run:%s' % '+,'.join( result[ 'steps' ] )

        RESPONSE.redirect( '%s/manage_importSteps?manage_tabs_message=%s'
                         % ( self.absolute_url(), message )

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'manage_exportSteps' )
    manage_exportSteps = PageTemplateFile( 'sutExportSteps', _wwwdir )

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'manage_exportSelectedSteps' )
    def manage_exportSelectedSteps( self, ids, RESPONSE ):

        """ Export the steps selected by the user.
        if not ids:
            RESPONSE.redirect( '%s/manage_exportSteps?manage_tabs_message=%s'
                             % ( self.absolute_url(), 'No+steps+selected.' )

        result = self._doRunExportSteps( ids )
        RESPONSE.setHeader( 'Content-type', 'application/x-gzip')
        RESPONSE.setHeader( 'Content-disposition'
                          , 'attachment; filename=%s' % result[ 'filename' ]
        return result[ 'tarball' ]

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'manage_exportAllSteps' )
    def manage_exportAllSteps( self, RESPONSE ):

        """ Export all steps.
        result = self.runAllExportSteps()
        RESPONSE.setHeader( 'Content-type', 'application/x-gzip')
        RESPONSE.setHeader( 'Content-disposition'
                          , 'attachment; filename=%s' % result[ 'filename' ]
        return result[ 'tarball' ]

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'manage_snapshots' )
    manage_snapshots = PageTemplateFile( 'sutSnapshots', _wwwdir )

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'listSnapshotInfo' )
    def listSnapshotInfo( self ):

        """ Return a list of mappings describing available snapshots.

        o Keys include:

          'id' -- snapshot ID

          'title' -- snapshot title or ID

          'url' -- URL of the snapshot folder
        result = []
        snapshots = self._getOb( 'snapshots', None )

        if snapshots:

            for id, folder in snapshots.objectItems( 'Folder' ):

                result.append( { 'id' : id
                               , 'title' : folder.title_or_id()
                               , 'url' : folder.absolute_url()
                               } )
        return result

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'listProfileInfo' )
    def listProfileInfo( self ):

        """ Return a list of mappings describing registered profiles.

        o Keys include:

          'id' -- profile ID

          'title' -- profile title or ID

          'description' -- description of the profile

          'path' -- path to the profile within its product

          'product' -- name of the registering product
        return _profile_registry.listProfileInfo()

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'listContextInfos')
    def listContextInfos(self):

        """ List registered profiles and snapshots.

        s_infos = [ { 'id': 'snapshot-%s' % info['id'],
                      'title': info['title'] }
                    for info in self.listSnapshotInfo() ]
        p_infos = [ { 'id': 'profile-%s' % info['id'],
                      'title': info['title'] }
                    for info in self.listProfileInfo() ]

        return tuple(s_infos + p_infos)

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'manage_createSnapshot' )
    def manage_createSnapshot( self, RESPONSE, snapshot_id=None ):

        """ Create a snapshot with the given ID.

        o If no ID is passed, generate one.
        if snapshot_id is None:
            timestamp = time.gmtime()
            snapshot_id = 'snapshot-%4d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d' % timestamp[:6]

        self.createSnapshot( snapshot_id )

        RESPONSE.redirect( '%s/manage_snapshots?manage_tabs_message=%s'
                         % ( self.absolute_url(), 'Snapshot+created.' ) )

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'manage_showDiff' )
    manage_showDiff = PageTemplateFile( 'sutCompare', _wwwdir )

    def manage_downloadDiff( self
                           , lhs
                           , rhs
                           , missing_as_empty
                           , ignore_blanks
                           , RESPONSE
        """ Crack request vars and call compareConfigurations.

        o Return the result as a 'text/plain' stream, suitable for framing.
        comparison = self.manage_compareConfigurations( lhs
                                                      , rhs
                                                      , missing_as_empty
                                                      , ignore_blanks
        RESPONSE.setHeader( 'Content-Type', 'text/plain' )
        return _PLAINTEXT_DIFF_HEADER % ( lhs, rhs, comparison )

    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'manage_compareConfigurations' )
    def manage_compareConfigurations( self
                                    , lhs
                                    , rhs
                                    , missing_as_empty
                                    , ignore_blanks
        """ Crack request vars and call compareConfigurations.
        lhs_context = self._getImportContext( lhs )
        rhs_context = self._getImportContext( rhs )

        return self.compareConfigurations( lhs_context
                                         , rhs_context
                                         , missing_as_empty
                                         , ignore_blanks

    #   Helper methods
    security.declarePrivate( '_getProductPath' )
    def _getProductPath( self, product_name ):

        """ Return the absolute path of the product's directory.
            product = __import__( 'Products.%s' % product_name
                                , globals(), {}, ['initialize' ] )
        except ImportError:
            raise ValueError, 'Not a valid product name: %s' % product_name

        return product.__path__[0]

    security.declarePrivate( '_getImportContext' )
    def _getImportContext( self, context_id, should_purge=False ):

        """ Crack ID and generate appropriate import context.
        encoding = self.getEncoding()

        if context_id.startswith( 'profile-' ):

            context_id = context_id[ len( 'profile-' ): ]
            info = _profile_registry.getProfileInfo( context_id )

            if info.get( 'product' ):
                path = os.path.join( self._getProductPath( info[ 'product' ] )
                                   , info[ 'path' ] )
                path = info[ 'path' ]

            return DirectoryImportContext(self, path, should_purge, encoding)

        # else snapshot
        context_id = context_id[ len( 'snapshot-' ): ]
        return SnapshotImportContext(self, context_id, should_purge, encoding)

    security.declarePrivate( '_updateImportStepsRegistry' )
    def _updateImportStepsRegistry( self, encoding ):

        """ Update our import steps registry from our profile.
        context = self._getImportContext(self._import_context_id)
        xml = context.readDataFile(IMPORT_STEPS_XML)

        info_list = self._import_registry.parseXML( xml, encoding )

        for step_info in info_list:

            id = step_info[ 'id' ]
            version = step_info[ 'version' ]
            handler = _resolveDottedName( step_info[ 'handler' ] )

            dependencies = tuple( step_info.get( 'dependencies', () ) )
            title = step_info.get( 'title', id )
            description = ''.join( step_info.get( 'description', [] ) )

            self._import_registry.registerStep( id=id
                                              , version=version
                                              , handler=handler
                                              , dependencies=dependencies
                                              , title=title
                                              , description=description

    security.declarePrivate( '_updateExportStepsRegistry' )
    def _updateExportStepsRegistry( self, encoding ):

        """ Update our export steps registry from our profile.
        context = self._getImportContext(self._import_context_id)
        xml = context.readDataFile(EXPORT_STEPS_XML)

        info_list = self._export_registry.parseXML( xml, encoding )

        for step_info in info_list:

            id = step_info[ 'id' ]
            handler = _resolveDottedName( step_info[ 'handler' ] )

            title = step_info.get( 'title', id )
            description = ''.join( step_info.get( 'description', [] ) )

            self._export_registry.registerStep( id=id
                                              , handler=handler
                                              , title=title
                                              , description=description

    security.declarePrivate( '_updateToolsetRegistry' )
    def _updateToolsetRegistry( self, encoding ):

        """ Update our toolset registry from our profile.
        context = self._getImportContext(self._import_context_id)
        xml = context.readDataFile(TOOLSET_XML)

        self._toolset_registry.parseXML( xml, encoding )

    security.declarePrivate( '_doRunImportStep' )
    def _doRunImportStep( self, step_id, context ):

        """ Run a single import step, using a pre-built context.
        handler = self._import_registry.getStep( step_id )

        if handler is None:
            raise ValueError( 'Invalid import step: %s' % step_id )

        return handler( context )

    security.declarePrivate( '_doRunExportSteps')
    def _doRunExportSteps( self, steps ):

        """ See ISetupTool.
        context = TarballExportContext( self )
        messages = {}

        for step_id in steps:

            handler = self._export_registry.getStep( step_id )

            if handler is None:
                raise ValueError( 'Invalid export step: %s' % step_id )

            messages[ step_id ] = handler( context )

        return { 'steps' : steps
               , 'messages' : messages
               , 'tarball' : context.getArchive()
               , 'filename' : context.getArchiveFilename()
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, id):
     self.id = str(id)
     self._import_registry = ImportStepRegistry()
     self._export_registry = ExportStepRegistry()
     self._toolset_registry = ToolsetRegistry()
Пример #7
class SetupTool(UniqueObject, Folder):
    """ Profile-based site configuration manager.
    __implements__ = (ISetupTool, ) + Folder.__implements__

    id = 'portal_setup'
    meta_type = 'Portal Setup Tool'

    _product_name = None
    _profile_directory = None
    _root_directory = None

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    def __init__(self):

        self._import_registry = ImportStepRegistry()
        self._export_registry = ExportStepRegistry()
                                           'Export import / export steps.')
        self._toolset_registry = ToolsetRegistry()

    #   ISetupTool API
    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'getProfileProduct')

    def getProfileProduct(self):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._product_name

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'getProfileDirectory')

    def getProfileDirectory(self, relative_to_product=False):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        return (relative_to_product and self._profile_directory
                or self._getFullyQualifiedProfileDirectory())

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'setProfileDirectory')

    def setProfileDirectory(self, path, product_name=None, encoding=None):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        if product_name is not None:
                product = __import__('Products.%s' % product_name, globals(),
                                     {}, ['initialize'])
            except ImportError:
                raise ValueError, 'Not a valid product name: %s' % product_name

            root = self._root_directory = product.__path__[0]

            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, path)):
                raise ValueError, 'Invalid path: %s' % path

            if not os.path.exists(path):
                raise ValueError, 'Invalid path: %s' % path

            self._root_directory = None

        self._profile_directory = path
        self._product_name = product_name


    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'getImportStepRegistry')

    def getImportStepRegistry(self):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._import_registry

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'getImportStepRegistry')

    def getExportStepRegistry(self):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._export_registry

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'getToolsetRegistry')

    def getToolsetRegistry(self):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._toolset_registry

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'executeStep')

    def runImportStep(self, step_id, run_dependencies=True, purge_old=True):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        profile_path = self._getFullyQualifiedProfileDirectory()
        context = ImportContext(self, profile_path, purge_old)

        info = self._import_registry.getStepMetadata(step_id)

        if info is None:
            raise ValueError, 'No such import step: %s' % step_id

        dependencies = info.get('dependencies', ())

        messages = {}
        steps = []
        if run_dependencies:
            for dependency in dependencies:

                if dependency not in steps:
                    message = self._doRunImportStep(dependency, context)
                    messages[dependency] = message

        message = self._doRunImportStep(step_id, context)
        messages[step_id] = message

        return {'steps': steps, 'messages': messages}

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'runAllSetupSteps')

    def runAllImportSteps(self, purge_old=True):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        profile_path = self._getFullyQualifiedProfileDirectory()
        context = ImportContext(self, profile_path, purge_old)

        steps = self._import_registry.sortSteps()
        messages = {}

        for step in steps:
            message = self._doRunImportStep(step, context)
            messages[step] = message

        return {'steps': steps, 'messages': messages}

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'runExportStep')

    def runExportStep(self, step_id):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._doRunExportSteps([step_id])

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'runAllExportSteps')

    def runAllExportSteps(self):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        return self._doRunExportSteps(self._export_registry.listSteps())

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'createSnapshot')

    def createSnapshot(self, snapshot_id):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        context = SnapshotExportContext(self, snapshot_id)
        messages = {}
        steps = self._export_registry.listSteps()

        for step_id in steps:

            handler = self._export_registry.getStep(step_id)

            if handler is None:
                raise ValueError('Invalid export step: %s' % step_id)

            messages[step_id] = handler(context)

        return {
            'steps': steps,
            'messages': messages,
            'url': context.getSnapshotURL(),
            'snapshot': context.getSnapshotFolder()

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'compareConfigurations')

    def compareConfigurations(self,
        """ See ISetupTool.
        raise NotImplementedError

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'markupComparison')

    def markupComparison(self, lines):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        raise NotImplementedError

    #   ZMI
    manage_options = (
        Folder.manage_options[:1] + ({
            'label': 'Properties',
            'action': 'manage_tool'
        }, {
            'label': 'Import',
            'action': 'manage_importSteps'
        }, {
            'label': 'Export',
            'action': 'manage_exportSteps'
        }, {
            'label': 'Snapshots',
            'action': 'manage_snapshots'
        }) + Folder.manage_options[3:]  # skip "View", "Properties"

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_tool')
    manage_tool = PageTemplateFile('sutProperties', _wwwdir)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_updateToolProperties')

    def manage_updateToolProperties(self, profile_directory, profile_product,
        """ Update the tool's settings.
        profile_directory = profile_directory.strip()
        profile_product = profile_product.strip()

        if profile_directory.startswith('.'):
            raise ValueError("Directories begining with '.' are not allowed.")

        if profile_product and profile_directory.startswith('/'):
            raise ValueError(
                "Product may not be specified with absolute directories")

        self.setProfileDirectory(profile_directory, profile_product)

        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_tool?manage_tabs_message=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), 'Properties+updated.'))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_importSteps')
    manage_importSteps = PageTemplateFile('sutImportSteps', _wwwdir)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_importSelectedSteps')

    def manage_importSelectedSteps(self, ids, run_dependencies, purge_old,
        """ Import the steps selected by the user.
        if not ids:
            message = 'No+steps+selected.'

            steps_run = []
            for step_id in ids:
                result = self.runImportStep(step_id, run_dependencies,

            message = 'Steps+run:%s' % '+,'.join(steps_run)

        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_importSteps?manage_tabs_message=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), message))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_importSelectedSteps')

    def manage_importAllSteps(self, purge_old, RESPONSE):
        """ Import all steps.
        result = self.runAllImportSteps(purge_old)
        message = 'Steps+run:%s' % '+,'.join(result['steps'])

        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_importSteps?manage_tabs_message=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), message))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_exportSteps')
    manage_exportSteps = PageTemplateFile('sutExportSteps', _wwwdir)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_exportSelectedSteps')

    def manage_exportSelectedSteps(self, ids, RESPONSE):
        """ Export the steps selected by the user.
        if not ids:
            RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_exportSteps?manage_tabs_message=%s' %
                              (self.absolute_url(), 'No+steps+selected.'))

        result = self._doRunExportSteps(ids)
        RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-gzip')
                           'attachment; filename=%s' % result['filename'])
        return result['tarball']

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_exportAllSteps')

    def manage_exportAllSteps(self, RESPONSE):
        """ Export all steps.
        result = self.runAllExportSteps()
        RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-gzip')
                           'attachment; filename=%s' % result['filename'])
        return result['tarball']

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_snapshots')
    manage_snapshots = PageTemplateFile('sutSnapshots', _wwwdir)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'listSnapshotInfo')

    def listSnapshotInfo(self):
        """ Return a list of mappings describing available snapshots.
        o Keys include:

          'id' -- snapshot ID

          'title' -- snapshot title or ID

          'url' -- URL of the snapshot folder

        o ZMI support.
        result = []
        snapshots = self._getOb('snapshots', None)

        if snapshots:

            for id, folder in snapshots.objectItems('Folder'):

                    'id': id,
                    'title': folder.title_or_id(),
                    'url': folder.absolute_url()
        return result

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_createSnapshot')

    def manage_createSnapshot(self, RESPONSE, snapshot_id=None):
        """ Create a snapshot with the given ID.

        o If no ID is passed, generate one.
        if snapshot_id is None:
            timestamp = time.gmtime()
            snapshot_id = 'snapshot-%4d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d' % timestamp[:6]


        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_snapshots?manage_tabs_message=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), 'Snapshot+created.'))

    #   Helper methods

    def _getFullyQualifiedProfileDirectory(self):
        """ Return the fully-qualified directory path of our profile.
        if self._root_directory is not None:
            return os.path.join(self._root_directory, self._profile_directory)

        return self._profile_directory


    def _updateImportStepsRegistry(self, encoding):
        """ Update our import steps registry from our profile.
        fq = self._getFullyQualifiedProfileDirectory()

        f = open(os.path.join(fq, IMPORT_STEPS_XML), 'r')
        xml = f.read()

        info_list = self._import_registry.parseXML(xml, encoding)

        for step_info in info_list:

            id = step_info['id']
            version = step_info['version']
            handler = _resolveDottedName(step_info['handler'])

            dependencies = tuple(step_info.get('dependencies', ()))
            title = step_info.get('title', id)
            description = ''.join(step_info.get('description', []))



    def _updateExportStepsRegistry(self, encoding):
        """ Update our export steps registry from our profile.
        fq = self._getFullyQualifiedProfileDirectory()

        f = open(os.path.join(fq, EXPORT_STEPS_XML), 'r')
        xml = f.read()

        info_list = self._export_registry.parseXML(xml, encoding)

        for step_info in info_list:

            id = step_info['id']
            handler = _resolveDottedName(step_info['handler'])

            title = step_info.get('title', id)
            description = ''.join(step_info.get('description', []))



    def _updateToolsetRegistry(self, encoding):
        """ Update our toolset registry from our profile.
        fq = self._getFullyQualifiedProfileDirectory()

        f = open(os.path.join(fq, TOOLSET_XML), 'r')
        xml = f.read()

        self._toolset_registry.parseXML(xml, encoding)


    def _doRunImportStep(self, step_id, context):
        """ Run a single import step, using a pre-built context.
        handler = self._import_registry.getStep(step_id)

        if handler is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid import step: %s' % step_id)

        return handler(context)


    def _doRunExportSteps(self, steps):
        """ See ISetupTool.
        context = TarballExportContext(self)
        messages = {}

        for step_id in steps:

            handler = self._export_registry.getStep(step_id)

            if handler is None:
                raise ValueError('Invalid export step: %s' % step_id)

            messages[step_id] = handler(context)

        return {
            'steps': steps,
            'messages': messages,
            'tarball': context.getArchive(),
            'filename': context.getArchiveFilename()