def transform(self, X):
        X = X.copy()

        # check that the values are non-negative for log transform
        if not (X[self.variables] > 0).all().all():
            vars_ = self.variables[(X[self.variables] <= 0).any()]
            raise errors.InvalidModelInputError(
                f"Variables contain zero or negative values, "
                f"can't apply log for vars: {vars_}")

        for feature in self.variables:
            X[feature] = np.log(X[feature])

        return X
Пример #2
    def transform(self, X):
        # encode labels
        X = X.copy()
        for feature in self.variables:
            X[feature] = X[feature].map(self.encoder_dict_[feature])

        # check if transformer introduces NaN
        if X[self.variables].isnull().any().any():
            null_counts = X[self.variables].isnull().any()
            vars_ = {key: value for (key, value) in null_counts.items()
                     if value is True}
            raise errors.InvalidModelInputError(
                f'Categorical encoder has introduced NaN when '
                f'transforming categorical variables: {vars_.keys()}')

        return X