def load_file(filename, attributes): """ load the space-delimited file with the given filenames assuming the attributes given (as a pythontuple) """ r = Rel(attributes) for line in open("ccat.txt"): r.add_tuple(tuple(line.strip().split())) return r
def __param_init__(self, clean=False): try: self.dataset.close() print('Save h5py ....') if clean: os.remove( + '.h5') print('Remove h5py ....') except: pass self.fig = None = Kparam(self.exeno, username) # = movie.Movie(self.exeno) self.dtw = Dtw() self.denoise = Denoise() self.rel = Rel() = Dataoutput() self.h_mod = Human_model() self.skel = Skeleton() self.fextr = Finger_extract()
from dep import DependencyAnalysis from rel import Rel r = Rel(("x", "y")) r.add(x="A", y=1) r.add(x="B", y=1) r.add(x="C", y=1) r.add(x="A", y=2) r.add(x="C", y=2) d = DependencyAnalysis(r) # this will print "('B',) : (1,)" because the only dependency between the x # and y columns is that if x = "B" then y can only be 1. for t in d.find_dependencies(("x",), ("y",)): print str(t[0]), ":", ", ".join([str(v) for v in t[1]]) r.add(x="B", y=2) d2 = DependencyAnalysis(r) # this will print nothing because there is now no dependency between x and y # in other words, y can take all values regardless of what x is. for t in d2.find_dependencies(("x",), ("y",)): print str(t[0]), ":", ", ".join([str(v) for v in t[1]])
class BodyGameRuntime(object): def __init__(self): global bkimg pygame.init() # Used to manage how fast the screen updates self._clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Set the width and height of the screen [width, height] self._infoObject = pygame.display.Info() self._screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (self._infoObject.current_w >> 1, self._infoObject.current_h >> 1), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.RESIZABLE, 32) pygame.display.set_caption("Kinect Body detection") # Kinect runtime object, we want only color and body frames self._kinect = PyKinectRuntime.PyKinectRuntime( PyKinectV2.FrameSourceTypes_Color | PyKinectV2.FrameSourceTypes_Body | PyKinectV2.FrameSourceTypes_Depth | PyKinectV2.FrameSourceTypes_BodyIndex) # back buffer surface for getting Kinect color frames, 32bit color, width and height equal to the Kinect color frame size self.default_h = self._infoObject.current_h self.default_w = self._infoObject.current_w self._frame_surface = pygame.Surface((self.default_w, self.default_h), 0, 32).convert() self.h_to_w = float(self.default_h) / self.default_w # here we will store skeleton data self._bodies = None self.jorder = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 20] # upper body joints' order time.sleep(5) if self._kinect.has_new_color_frame(): frame = self._kinect.get_last_color_frame().reshape( [1080, 1920, 4])[:, :, :3] bkimg = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) print('Extract bg .....') else: print 'Failed to extract .....' self.exeno = 4 # exercise number self.__param_init__() def __param_init__(self, clean=False): try: self.dataset.close() print('Save h5py ....') if clean: os.remove( + '.h5') print('Remove h5py ....') except: pass self.fig = None = Kparam(self.exeno, username) # = movie.Movie(self.exeno) self.dtw = Dtw() self.denoise = Denoise() self.rel = Rel() = Dataoutput() self.h_mod = Human_model() self.skel = Skeleton() self.fextr = Finger_extract() def draw_color_frame(self, frame, target_surface): target_surface.lock() address = self._kinect.surface_as_array(target_surface.get_buffer()) ctypes.memmove(address,, frame.size) del address target_surface.unlock() def reset(self, clean=False, change=False): del self.__param_init__(clean) def getcoord(self, data, order=[1, 4, 8, 20]): foo = [] for i in order: if i == 1: foo = np.array([data[i].x, data[i].y]) else: foo = np.vstack([foo, np.array([data[i].x, data[i].y])]) return foo def press_event(self, press): """ According to the button which is pressed by the user doing correspond action """ if press[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: = True if press[pygame. K_h]: # use 'h' to open, 'ctrl+h' to close finger detection if press[pygame.K_LCTRL] or press[pygame.K_RCTRL]: print('Finger detection disable .....') = False else: print('Finger detection enable .....') = True if press[pygame.K_m]: # use 'm' to open, 'ctrl+m' to close human model if press[pygame.K_LCTRL] or press[pygame.K_RCTRL]: print('Human model disable .....') plt.close(self.fig) = False = False else: print('Human model enable .....') = True if press[pygame.K_r]: # use 'r' to start video recording if press[pygame.K_LCTRL] or press[pygame.K_RCTRL]: print('Stop recording .....') = False else: if == 0: self.dataset = h5py.File( + '.h5', 'w') self.dataset = h5py.File( + '.h5', 'r') # img group self.imgs = self.dataset.create_group('imgs') # self.cimgs = self.imgs.create_group('cimgs') self.dimgs = self.imgs.create_group('dimgs') self.bdimgs = self.imgs.create_group('bdimgs') print('recording .....') = True += 1 if press[pygame. K_g]: # use 'g' to to open, 'ctrl+g' to close gpr denoise if press[pygame.K_LCTRL] or press[pygame.K_RCTRL]: print('Close denoising process .....') self.denoise._done = True else: print('Start denoising process .....') self.denoise._done = False if press[pygame.K_d]: # use 'd' to to open, 'ctrl+d' to close dtw if press[pygame.K_LCTRL] or press[pygame.K_RCTRL]: print('Disable human behavior analyze .....') self.dtw._done = True = True else: print('Enable human behavior analyze .....') self.dtw._done = False = False if press[pygame.K_i]: # use 'i' to reset every parameter print('Reseting ............................') self.reset() if press[ pygame. K_u]: # use 'u' to reset every parameter and remove the save data print('Reseting & removing the saved file ................') self.reset(True) if press[pygame.K_b]: # use 'b' to lager the scale = min( * 1.1, 1.8) if press[pygame.K_s]: # use 's' to smaller the scale = max( / 1.1, 1) if press[pygame.K_1]: # use '1' to change to execise 1 self.exeno = 1 print('==== Doing exercise 1 ====') self.reset(change=True) if press[pygame.K_2]: # use '2' to change to execise 2 self.exeno = 2 print('==== Doing exercise 2 ====') self.reset(change=True) if press[pygame.K_3]: # use '3' to change to execise 3 self.exeno = 3 print('==== Doing exercise 3 ====') self.reset(change=True) if press[pygame.K_4]: # use '4' to change to execise 4 self.exeno = 4 print('==== Doing exercise 4 ====') self.reset(change=True) def run(self): wait_key_cnt = 3 while not bddic = {} jdic = {} # === key pressing === if (wait_key_cnt < 3): wait_key_cnt += 1 if (pygame.key.get_focused() and wait_key_cnt >= 3): press = pygame.key.get_pressed() self.press_event(press) wait_key_cnt = 0 # === Main event loop === for event in pygame.event.get(): # User did something if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # If user clicked close self._done = True # Flag that we are done so we exit this loop elif event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE: # window resized self._screen = pygame.display.set_mode( event.dict['size'], pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.RESIZABLE, 32) # === extract data from kinect === if self._kinect.has_new_color_frame(): frame = self._kinect.get_last_color_frame() self.draw_color_frame(frame, self._frame_surface) frame = frame.reshape(1080, 1920, 4)[:, :, :3] if self._kinect.has_new_body_frame(): self._bodies = self._kinect.get_last_body_frame() timestamp = if self._kinect.has_new_body_index_frame(): bodyidx = self._kinect.get_last_body_index_frame() bodyidx = bodyidx.reshape((424, 512)) if self._kinect.has_new_depth_frame(): dframe, oridframe = self._kinect.get_last_depth_frame() dframe = dframe.reshape((424, 512)) # === when user is detected === if self._bodies is not None: closest_ID = -1 cdist = np.inf for i in range(0, self._kinect.max_body_count): body = self._bodies.bodies[i] if not body.is_tracked: continue if body.joints[ 20].Position.z <= cdist: # find the closest body closest_ID = i cdist = body.joints[20].Position.z if (closest_ID != -1): body = self._bodies.bodies[closest_ID] joints = body.joints rec_joints = body.joints for ii in xrange(25): jdic[ii] = joints[ii] jps = self._kinect.body_joints_to_color_space( joints) # joint points in color domain djps = self._kinect.body_joints_to_depth_space( joints) # joint points in depth domain # === fingers detection === if # finger detect and draw, bkimg, body, bddic, jps, SKELETON_COLORS[i], self._frame_surface) # === joint reliability === Rel, Relary =, self.jorder) # joint's reliability visulization # self.skel.draw_Rel_joints(jps, Rel, self._frame_surface) # === dtw analyze & denoising process === if not self.dtw._done: modJary = self.h_mod.human_mod_pts( joints) # modJary is 7*3 array modJary = modJary.flatten().reshape( -1, 21) # change shape to 1*21 array if not self.denoise._done: if not len(Relary) == 0: # === GPR denoising === if all(ii > 0.6 for ii in Relary[limbidx] ): # all joints are reliable reconJ = modJary # reconJ is 1*21 array else: # contains unreliable joints reconJ, unrelidx = modJary, Relary) # === recon 2D joints in color domain === JJ = self.h_mod.reconj2joints( rec_joints, reconJ.reshape(7, 3)) for ii in [4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10]: rec_joints[ii].Position.x = JJ[i][0] rec_joints[ii].Position.y = JJ[i][1] rec_joints[ii].Position.z = JJ[i][2] tmp_jps = self._kinect.body_joints_to_color_space( rec_joints) # joints in color domain rec_jps = jps for ii in unrelidx: rec_jps[ii].x = tmp_jps[ii].x rec_jps[ii].y = tmp_jps[ii].y self.skel.draw_body( rec_joints, rec_jps, SKELETON_COLORS[-1], self._frame_surface, 15) else: reconJ = modJary else: reconJ = modJary # === DTW matching === if self.exeno in [1, 2]: bdry = self.getcoord(djps), gt_data[self.exeno], self.exeno,\ self._frame_surface, body.hand_left_state, body.hand_right_state, dframe, bdry, else:, gt_data[self.exeno], self.exeno,\ body.hand_left_state, body.hand_right_state) if (body.hand_left_state == 2): #Lhand open Lhstatus = 'Open' elif body.hand_left_state == 0: Lhstatus = 'Unknown' elif body.hand_left_state == 3: Lhstatus = 'Closed' elif body.hand_left_state == 4: Lhstatus = 'Lasso' else: Lhstatus = 'Not detect' if (body.hand_right_state == 2): #Lhand open Rhstatus = 'Open' elif body.hand_right_state == 0: Rhstatus = 'Unknown' elif body.hand_right_state == 3: Rhstatus = 'Closed' elif body.hand_right_state == 4: Rhstatus = 'Lasso' else: Rhstatus = 'Not detect', 'Lhand : '+Lhstatus, (20, 920), (255, 69, 0), fontsize=60, bold=True), 'Rhand : '+Rhstatus, (20, 1000), (255, 69, 0), fontsize=60, bold=True) if self.dtw.evalstr != '':, self.dtw.evalstr, (20, 300), (0, 255, 0), fontsize=100) self.dtw.fcnt += 1 if self.dtw.fcnt > 30: self.dtw.evalstr = '' self.dtw.fcnt = 0 else:, 'Exercise ' + str(self.exeno) + ' is done', (100, 20), (255, 0, 0), fontsize=100) if not self.dtw.evaluation(self.exeno) print self.dtw.idxlist = True # draw skel self.skel.draw_body(joints, jps, SKELETON_COLORS[i], self._frame_surface, 8) # === draw unify human model === if modJoints = self.h_mod.human_mod_pts(joints, limb=False) if not self.fig = plt.figure(1) ax = self.fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # keys = modJoints.keys() = True else: plt.cla() self.h_mod.draw_human_mod_pts(modJoints, ax) # === save data === bddic['timestamp'] = timestamp bddic[ 'jointspts'] = jps # joints' coordinate in color space (2D) bddic[ 'depth_jointspts'] = djps # joints' coordinate in depth space (2D) bddic[ 'joints'] = jdic # joints' coordinate in camera space (3D) bddic['vidclip'] = bddic['Rel'] = Rel bddic['LHS'] = body.hand_left_state bddic['RHS'] = body.hand_right_state += 1 # frame no else:, 'No human be detected ', (100, 100)) # === text infomation on the surface === if # video recoding text, 'Video Recording', (1580, 20), (255, 0, 0)) # self.cimgs.create_dataset('img_'+repr(, data = frame) self.bdimgs.create_dataset('bd_' + repr(, data=np.dstack( (bodyidx, bodyidx, bodyidx))) self.dimgs.create_dataset('d_' + repr(, data=np.dstack( (dframe, dframe, dframe))) += 1 else: pass, 'Not Recording', (1580, 20), (0, 255, 0)) # if size of the display window is changed if (float(self._screen.get_height()) / self._screen.get_width()) > self.h_to_w: target_height = int(self.h_to_w * self._screen.get_width()) self.default_w = self._screen.get_width() self.default_h = target_height elif (float(self._screen.get_height()) / self._screen.get_width()) < self.h_to_w: target_width = int(self._screen.get_height() / self.h_to_w) self.default_w = target_width self.default_h = self._screen.get_height() else: # ration not change, then check the whether the H or W change if self._screen.get_width() != self.default_w: target_height = int(self.h_to_w * self._screen.get_width()) self.default_w = self._screen.get_width() self.default_h = target_height surface_to_draw = pygame.transform.scale( self._frame_surface, (self.default_w, self.default_h)) self._screen.blit(surface_to_draw, (0, 0)) # user change the avatar's sacle # if != #, self.default_w, self.default_h,, True) # = # else: #, self.default_w, self.default_h, # update surface_to_draw = None pygame.display.update() # limit frames per second self._clock.tick(fps) # user end the programe # close avatar self._kinect.close() # close Kinect sensor print self.dtw.idxlist # show the analyzed result # save the recording data if != []: cPickle.dump(, file( + '.pkl', 'wb')) try: self.dataset.close() except: pass pygame.quit() # quit
from rel import Rel, PROJECT, RESTRICT, INTERSECT, UNION, PROJECT_VIEW, RESTRICT_VIEW dept = Rel(("DNO", "DNAME", "BUDGET")) dept.add(DNO="D1", DNAME="Marketing", BUDGET="10M") dept.add(DNO="D2", DNAME="Development", BUDGET="12M") dept.add(DNO="D3", DNAME="Research", BUDGET="5M") emp = Rel(("ENO", "ENAME", "DNO", "SALARY")) emp.add(ENO="E1", ENAME="Lopez", DNO="D1", SALARY="40K") emp.add(ENO="E2", ENAME="Cheng", DNO="D1", SALARY="42K") emp.add(ENO="E3", ENAME="Finzi", DNO="D2", SALARY="30K") emp2 = Rel(("ENO", "ENAME", "DNO", "SALARY")) emp2.add_multiple([ dict(ENO="E3", ENAME="Finzi", DNO="D2", SALARY="30K"), dict(ENO="E4", ENAME="Saito", DNO="D2", SALARY="35K") ]) dept.display() emp.display() emp2.display() print print "PROJECT" PROJECT(emp, ("ENO", "ENAME")).display() print print "RESTRICT" RESTRICT(emp, lambda tup: tup["SALARY"] <= "40K").display()