def test_particlesToStar(self): """ Write a SetOfParticles to Relion star input file. """ outputStar = self.getOutputPath("") outputParts = self._createSetOfParts(10, 2, 10) print(">>> Writing to particles star: %s" % outputStar) starWriter = convert.createWriter() starWriter.writeSetOfParticles(outputParts, outputStar)
def test_micrographsToStar(self): """ Write a SetOfParticles to Relion star input file. """ outputStar = self.getOutputPath("") outputMics = self._createSetOfMics(10) print(">>> Writing to micrographs: %s" % outputStar) starWriter = convert.createWriter() starWriter.writeSetOfMicrographs(outputMics, outputStar)
def test_particlesImportToStar(self): sqliteFn = self.ds.getFile("import/case2/particles.sqlite") partsSet = SetOfParticles(filename=sqliteFn) partsSet.loadAllProperties() outputStar = self.getOutputPath("") print(">>> Writing to particles star: %s" % outputStar) starWriter = convert.createWriter() starWriter.writeSetOfParticles(partsSet, outputStar)
def _processMovie(self, movie): movieFolder = self._getOutputMovieFolder(movie) inputStar = os.path.join(movieFolder, '' % self._getMovieRoot(movie)) pwutils.makePath(os.path.join(movieFolder, 'output')) og = OpticsGroups.fromImages(self.inputMovies.get()) writer = convert.createWriter(optics=og) # Let's use only the basename, since we will launch the command # from the movieFolder movie.setFileName(os.path.basename(movie.getFileName())) writer.writeSetOfMovies([movie], inputStar) # The program will run in the movie folder, so let's put # the input files relative to that args = "--i %s --o output/ " % os.path.basename(inputStar) args += "--use_own " f0, fN = self._getRange(movie) args += "--first_frame_sum %d --last_frame_sum %d " % (f0, fN) args += "--bin_factor %f --bfactor %d " % (self.binFactor, self.bfactor) args += "--angpix %0.5f " % (movie.getSamplingRate()) args += "--patch_x %d --patch_y %d " % (self.patchX, self.patchY) args += "--group_frames %d " % self.groupFrames args += "--j %d " % self.numberOfThreads inputMovies = self.inputMovies.get() if inputMovies.getGain(): args += ' --gainref "%s" ' % inputMovies.getGain() args += ' --gain_rot %d ' % self.gainRot args += ' --gain_flip %d ' % self.gainFlip if self.IS_GT30(): if self.defectFile.get(): args += ' --defect_file "%s" ' % self.defectFile.get() if self._savePsSum(): args += ' --grouping_for_ps %d ' % self._calcPsDose() if self.doDW: args += "--dose_weighting " preExp, dose = self._getCorrectedDose(self.inputMovies.get()) args += "--dose_per_frame %f " % dose args += "--preexposure %f " % preExp if self.saveNonDW: args += " --save_noDW " if self.extraParams.hasValue(): args += " " + self.extraParams.get() try: self.runJob(self._getProgram(), args, cwd=movieFolder) self._computeExtra(movie) self._moveFiles(movie) except: print("ERROR: processing movie: ", movie.getFileName())
def _pickMicrographList(self, micList, *args): if not micList: return micsDir = self._createTmpMicsDir(micList) micStar = os.path.join(micsDir, '') writer = convert.createWriter(rootDir=micsDir, outputDir=micsDir) writer.writeSetOfMicrographs(micList, micStar) self._pickMicrographsFromStar(micStar, micsDir, *args) # Move coordinates files to tmp os.system('mv %s/* %s/' % (micsDir, self._getTmpPath()))
def convertInputStep(self, moviesId, subset):"Relion version:") self.runJob("relion_convert_to_tiff --version", "", numberOfMpi=1)"Detected version from config: %s" % relion.Plugin.getActiveVersion()) moviesList = self.inputMovies.get() if subset > 0: moviesList = [m.clone() for i, m in enumerate(moviesList) if i < subset] micStar = self._getTmpPath('') tmp = self._getTmpPath() writer = convert.createWriter(rootDir=tmp, outputDir=tmp) writer.writeSetOfMovies(moviesList, micStar)
def test_readSetOfParticlesAfterCtf(self): if not Plugin.IS_GT30(): print("Skipping test (required Relion > 3.1)") return starFile = self.ds.getFile( "CtfRefine/job023/") partsReader = Table.Reader(starFile, tableName='particles') firstRow = partsReader.getRow() partsSet = self.__readParticles(starFile) first = partsSet.getFirstItem() ogLabels = ['rlnBeamTiltX', 'rlnBeamTiltY'] extraLabels = ['rlnCtfBfactor', 'rlnCtfScalefactor', 'rlnPhaseShift'] for l in extraLabels: value = getattr(first, '_%s' % l) self.assertIsNotNone(value, "Missing label: %s" % l) self.assertAlmostEqual(getattr(firstRow, l), value) fog = OpticsGroups.fromImages(partsSet).first() self.assertTrue(all(hasattr(fog, l) for l in ogLabels)) # Also test writing and preserving extra labels outputStar = self.getOutputPath('') print(">>> Writing to particles star: %s" % outputStar) starWriter = convert.createWriter() starWriter.writeSetOfParticles(partsSet, outputStar) fog = OpticsGroups.fromStar(outputStar).first() self.assertTrue(all(hasattr(fog, l) for l in ogLabels)) partsReader = Table.Reader(outputStar, tableName='particles') firstRow = partsReader.getRow() for l in extraLabels: value = getattr(first, '_%s' % l) self.assertIsNotNone(value, "Missing label: %s" % l) self.assertAlmostEqual(getattr(firstRow, l), value)
def launchTest(self, fileKey, mList, alignType=None, **kwargs): """ Helper function to launch similar alignment tests given the EMX transformation matrix. Params: fileKey: the file where to grab the input stack images. mList: the matrix list of transformations (should be the same length of the stack of images) """ print("\n") print("*" * 80) print("* Launching test: ", fileKey) print("*" * 80) is2D = alignType == ALIGN_2D if fileKey == 'alignShiftRotExp': # relion requires mrcs stacks origFn = self.dataset.getFile(fileKey) stackFn = replaceExt(origFn, ".mrcs") createLink(origFn, stackFn) else: stackFn = self.dataset.getFile(fileKey) partFn1 = self.getOutputPath(fileKey + "_particles1.sqlite") mdFn = self.getOutputPath(fileKey + "") partFn2 = self.getOutputPath(fileKey + "_particles2.sqlite") if self.IS_ALIGNMENT: outputFn = self.getOutputPath(fileKey + "_output.mrcs") outputFnRelion = self.getOutputPath(fileKey + "_output") goldFn = self.dataset.getFile(fileKey + '_Gold_output_relion.mrcs') else: outputFn = self.getOutputPath(fileKey + "_output.vol") goldFn = self.dataset.getFile("reconstruction/gold/" + fileKey + '_Gold_rln_output.vol') if PRINT_FILES: print("BINARY DATA: ", stackFn) print("SET1: ", partFn1) print(" MD: ", mdFn) print("SET2: ", partFn2) print("OUTPUT: ", outputFn) print("GOLD: ", goldFn) if alignType == ALIGN_2D or alignType == ALIGN_PROJ: partSet = SetOfParticles(filename=partFn1) else: partSet = SetOfVolumes(filename=partFn1) partSet.setAlignment(alignType) acq = Acquisition(voltage=300, sphericalAberration=2, amplitudeContrast=0.1, magnification=60000) og = OpticsGroups.create(rlnMtfFileName="", rlnImageSize=128) partSet.setSamplingRate(1.0) partSet.setAcquisition(acq) og.toImages(partSet) # Populate the SetOfParticles with images # taken from images.mrc file # and setting the previous alignment parameters aList = [np.array(m) for m in mList] for i, a in enumerate(aList): p = Particle() p.setLocation(i + 1, stackFn) p.setTransform(Transform(a)) partSet.append(p) # Write out the .sqlite file and check that are correctly aligned print("Partset", partFn1) partSet.printAll() partSet.write() # Convert to a Xmipp metadata and also check that the images are # aligned correctly if alignType == ALIGN_2D or alignType == ALIGN_PROJ: starWriter = convert.createWriter() starWriter.writeSetOfParticles(partSet, mdFn, alignType=alignType) partSet2 = SetOfParticles(filename=partFn2) else: convert.writeSetOfVolumes(partSet, mdFn, alignType=alignType) partSet2 = SetOfVolumes(filename=partFn2) # Let's create now another SetOfImages reading back the written # Xmipp metadata and check one more time. partSet2.copyInfo(partSet) if alignType == ALIGN_2D or alignType == ALIGN_PROJ: convert.readSetOfParticles(mdFn, partSet2, alignType=alignType) else: convert.readSetOfParticles(mdFn, partSet2, rowToFunc=convert.rowToVolume, alignType=alignType) partSet2.write() if PRINT_MATRIX: for i, img in enumerate(partSet2): m1 = aList[i] m2 = img.getTransform().getMatrix() print("-" * 5) print(img.getFileName(), img.getIndex()) print('m1:\n', m1, convert.geometryFromMatrix(m1, False)) print('m2:\n', m2, convert.geometryFromMatrix(m2, False)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(m1, m2, rtol=1e-2)) # Launch apply transformation and check result images runRelionProgram(self.CMD % locals()) if SHOW_IMAGES: runRelionProgram('scipion show %(outputFn)s' % locals()) if os.path.exists(goldFn): self.assertTrue( ImageHandler().compareData(goldFn, outputFn, tolerance=0.001), "Different data files:\n>%s\n<%s" % (goldFn, outputFn)) if CLEAN_IMAGES: cleanPath(outputFn)
def convertInputStep(self, movId, partId, postId): inputMovies = self.inputMovies.get() inputParts = self.inputParticles.get() imgStar = self._getFileName('input_particles') inputPartsFolder = self._getInputPath('particles') pwutils.makePath(inputPartsFolder)"Converting set from '%s' into '%s'" % (inputParts.getFileName(), imgStar)) tableGeneral = Table(columns=[ 'rlnImageSizeX', 'rlnImageSizeY', 'rlnImageSizeZ', 'rlnMicrographMovieName', 'rlnMicrographBinning', 'rlnMicrographOriginalPixelSize', 'rlnMicrographDoseRate', 'rlnMicrographPreExposure', 'rlnVoltage', 'rlnMicrographStartFrame', 'rlnMotionModelVersion', 'rlnMicrographGainName', 'rlnMicrographDefectFile' ]) tableShifts = Table(columns=[ 'rlnMicrographFrameNumber', 'rlnMicrographShiftX', 'rlnMicrographShiftY' ]) tableCoeffs = Table( columns=['rlnMotionModelCoeffsIdx', 'rlnMotionModelCoeff']) # Create the first row, later only the movieName will be updated xdim, ydim, ndim = inputMovies.getDim() acq = inputMovies.getAcquisition() firstMovie = inputMovies.getFirstItem() a0, aN = firstMovie.getAlignment().getRange() moviesPixelSize = inputMovies.getSamplingRate() binningFactor = inputParts.getSamplingRate() / moviesPixelSize og = convert.OpticsGroups.fromImages(inputMovies) writer = convert.createWriter(optics=og) writer.writeSetOfMicrographs(inputMovies, self._getFileName('input_mics'), postprocessImageRow=self._updateMic) tableGeneral.addRow(xdim, ydim, ndim, 'movieName', binningFactor, moviesPixelSize, acq.getDosePerFrame(), acq.getDoseInitial(), acq.getVoltage(), a0, 0, '""', '""') row = tableGeneral[0] for movie in inputMovies: movieStar = self._getMovieStar(movie) ogId = movie.getAttributeValue('_rlnOpticsGroup', 1) gainFn = og[ogId].get('rlnMicrographGainName', None) defectFn = og[ogId].get('rlnMicrographDefectFile', None) with open(movieStar, 'w') as f: coeffs = json.loads( movie.getAttributeValue('_rlnMotionModelCoeff', '[]')) motionMode = 1 if coeffs else 0 # Update some params in the general table replaceDict = { 'rlnMicrographMovieName': movie.getFileName(), 'rlnMotionModelVersion': motionMode } if gainFn: replaceDict['rlnMicrographGainName'] = gainFn if defectFn: replaceDict['rlnMicrographDefectFile'] = defectFn tableGeneral[0] = row._replace(**replaceDict) tableGeneral.writeStar(f, tableName='general', singleRow=True) # Write shifts tableShifts.clearRows() alignment = movie.getAlignment() shiftsX, shiftsY = alignment.getShifts() a0, aN = alignment.getRange() empty = -9999.000 for i in range(1, a0): tableShifts.addRow(i, empty, empty) # Adjust the shifts to be relative to the first frame # so let's add the opposite value xoff, yoff = -shiftsX[0], -shiftsY[0] for i in range(a0, aN + 1): tableShifts.addRow(i, shiftsX[i - a0] + xoff, shiftsY[i - a0] + yoff) for i in range(aN + 1, ndim + 1): tableShifts.addRow(i, empty, empty) tableShifts.writeStar(f, tableName='global_shift') # Write coefficients tableCoeffs.clearRows() if coeffs: for i, c in enumerate(coeffs): tableCoeffs.addRow(i, c) tableCoeffs.writeStar(f, tableName='local_motion_model') convert.writeSetOfParticles(inputParts, imgStar, outputDir=inputPartsFolder, alignType=ALIGN_PROJ, fillMagnification=True)
def writeCtfStarStep(self): pwutils.cleanPath(self._getExportPath()) pwutils.makePath(self._getExportPath()) inputCTF = self.inputCTF.get() if self.micrographSource == 0: # same as CTF estimation ctfMicSet = inputCTF.getMicrographs() else: ctfMicSet = self.inputMicrographs.get() micSet = SetOfMicrographs(filename=':memory:') psd = inputCTF.getFirstItem().getPsdFile() hasPsd = psd and os.path.exists(psd) if hasPsd: psdPath = self._getExportPath('PSD') pwutils.makePath(psdPath) print("Writing PSD files to %s" % psdPath) for ctf in inputCTF: # Get the corresponding micrograph mic = ctfMicSet[ctf.getObjId()] if mic is None: print("Skipping CTF id: %s, it is missing from input " "micrographs. " % ctf.getObjId()) continue micFn = mic.getFileName() if not os.path.exists(micFn): print("Skipping micrograph %s, it does not exists. " % micFn) continue mic2 = mic.clone() mic2.setCTF(ctf) if hasPsd: psdFile = ctf.getPsdFile() newPsdFile = os.path.join( psdPath, '%s_psd.mrc' % pwutils.removeExt(mic.getMicName())) if not os.path.exists(psdFile): print("PSD file %s does not exits" % psdFile) print("Skipping micrograph %s" % micFn) continue pwutils.copyFile(psdFile, newPsdFile) # PSD path is relative to Export dir newPsdFile = os.path.relpath(newPsdFile, self._getExportPath()) ctf.setPsdFile(newPsdFile) else: # remove pointer to non-existing psd file ctf.setPsdFile(None) micSet.append(mic2) print("Writing set: %s to: %s" % (inputCTF, self._getStarFile())) micDir = self._getExportPath('Micrographs') pwutils.makePath(micDir) starWriter = convert.createWriter(rootDir=self._getExportPath(), outputDir=micDir, useBaseName=True) starWriter.writeSetOfMicrographs(micSet, self._getStarFile())