Пример #1
    def test_attendance_list_sorting(self):
        """Test sorting of event attendance list."""
        e = EventFactory.create(start=START_DT, end=self.single_day_end)
        AttendanceFactory.create_batch(2, event=e)

        sorted_list = get_sorted_attendance_list(e)
        eq_(sorted_list[0], e.owner, 'Owner is not first.')

        copy_list = sorted_list[1:]
        sorted(copy_list, key=lambda x: '%s %s' % (x.last_name, x.first_name))

        eq_(copy_list, sorted_list[1:], 'List is not properly sorted.')
Пример #2
    def test_attendance_list_sorting(self):
        """Test sorting of event attendance list."""
        e = Event.objects.get(slug='test-event')

        sorted_list = get_sorted_attendance_list(e)
        eq_(sorted_list[0], e.owner, 'Owner is not first.')

        copy_list = sorted_list[1:]
        sorted(copy_list, key=lambda x: '%s %s' % (x.last_name, x.first_name))

        eq_(copy_list, sorted_list[1:],
            'List is not properly sorted.')
Пример #3
    def test_attendance_list_sorting(self):
        """Test sorting of event attendance list."""
        e = EventFactory.create(start=START_DT, end=self.single_day_end)
        AttendanceFactory.create_batch(2, event=e)

        sorted_list = get_sorted_attendance_list(e)
        eq_(sorted_list[0], e.owner, 'Owner is not first.')

        copy_list = sorted_list[1:]
        sorted(copy_list, key=lambda x: '%s %s' % (x.last_name, x.first_name))

        eq_(copy_list, sorted_list[1:],
            'List is not properly sorted.')