def run_build(name, build): try: with open("builds/%s.txt" % name, "w") as output: try: prepend = "" append = "" if "target_os" in build: prepend = "./rethinkdb/scripts/VirtuaBuild/ --vm-name %s --command \"" % build["target_os"] append = "\"" command_line = """ tar --extract --gzip --touch --file=rethinkdb.tar.gz -- rethinkdb (%(command_line)s) 2>&1 """ % { "command_line": prepend + build["command_line"] + append}, stdout = output, inputs = ["rethinkdb.tar.gz"], outputs = build["products"], on_begin_transfer = lambda: result_log.write("builds", name, status = "uploading", start_time = time.time()), on_begin_script = lambda: result_log.write("builds", name, status = "running", start_time = time.time()), on_end_script = lambda: result_log.write("builds", name, status = "ok", end_time = time.time()), constraint = "build-ready", timeout = 30, # minutes exclude = ["magneto", "newton"] # magneto is ubuntu 12.04, see below. ) # magneto has ubuntu 12.04, so we can't run executables built by it on our # 11.10 systems. We can run ubuntu 11.10-compiled executables on magneto, # we think, because we manually copied a few libs over to /usr/local/lib on # magneto. except remotely.ScriptFailedError: result_log.write("builds", name, status = "fail", end_time = time.time()) except Exception, e: result_log.write("builds", name, status = "bug", end_time = time.time(), traceback = traceback.format_exc())
def run_rethinkdb_test_remotely(dependencies, command_line, stdout_file, zipfile_path, on_begin_transfer = lambda: None, on_begin_script = lambda: None, on_end_script = lambda status: None, constraint = None): # We must have an exit code of zero even if the test-script fails so that # `remotely` will copy `output_from_test` even if the test script fails. So # we have to trap a non-zero exit status and communicate it some other way. # We do this by printing it to `stdout` with `exitcode:` before it. But then # we need a way to distinguish that from normal lines of `stdout`. So then # we use `sed` to put `stdout:` before every line of real output. This is # the same trick that `remotely` uses internally; every line of script # output is actually transmitted over the network as # `STDOUT:stdout:<actual line>`. class ExitCodeDemuxer(object): def __init__(self): self.buffer = "" def write(self, text): self.buffer += text lines = self.buffer.split("\n") for line in lines[:-1]: if line.startswith("stdout:"): stdout_file.write(line[line.find(":")+1:]+"\n") elif line.startswith("exitcode:"): self.exit_code = int(line[line.find(":")+1:].strip()) else: raise ValueError("Bad line: %r" % line) self.buffer = lines[-1] if len(lines) > 1: stdout_file.flush() demuxer = ExitCodeDemuxer()""" set +e export RETHINKDB=$(pwd)/rethinkdb/ mkdir output_from_test echo 'stdout:About to start test on ' `hostname` '...' (cd output_from_test; echo "stdout:$PWD"; PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 %(command_line)s 2>&1 | sed -u s/^/stdout:/) echo "exitcode:$?" zip -r %(zipfile_name)s output_from_test >/dev/null """ % { "command_line": command_line, "zipfile_name": os.path.basename(zipfile_path) }, stdout = demuxer, inputs = dependencies, outputs = [os.path.basename(zipfile_path)], output_root = os.path.dirname(zipfile_path), on_begin_transfer = on_begin_transfer, on_begin_script = on_begin_script, on_end_script = lambda: on_end_script("pass" if demuxer.exit_code == 0 else "fail"), constraint = constraint )