def drawWorld(self): """ aggregation function to draw all the the bugs and sticks of the world """ render.drawSticks(self.stick_man.getSticks()) render.drawBugs(self.bug_man.getBugs())
def loop(): """ main loop of program execution """ # debug global special_bug # first update the object locations settings.map_man.tick() settings.screen.fill( ) #sb0_direction = special_bug.eyes[0].direction #sb1_direction = special_bug.eyes[1].direction distance, new_pnts, _ = settings.map_man.sightDistances(special_bug) # rotate vision #special_bug.eyes[0].direction += 0.01 #special_bug.eyes[0].direction %= (2 * math.pi) #special_bug.eyes[1].direction -= 0.01 #special_bug.eyes[1].direction %= (2 * math.pi) #special_bug.moveRandom() # debug: drawing collision points/debug bug render.drawPoints(new_pnts) # drawing bugs bugs = settings.map_man.bug_man.getBugs() render.drawBugs(bugs) # drawing sticks t_sticks = settings.map_man.stick_man.getSticks() render.drawSticks( t_sticks ) # drawing fps display settings.screen.blit(settings.fps_surf, settings.fps_dest) pygame.display.update()