def draw_loop(player, level_map, paper_map, map_console, main_console, message_console, status_console, entities, player_state): fov = player.fov(level_map, entities) re.draw_map(level_map, paper_map, map_console, fov) re.draw_all(level_map, map_console, entities, fov) re.draw_con(main_console, map_console, main_console.width - map_console.width, 0) re.draw_con(main_console, status_console, 0, 0) re.draw_con(main_console, message_console, status_console.width, main_console.height - message_console.height) tcod.console_flush() re.clear_all(level_map, map_console, entities)
walls_1.update(walls_2) floor_1.update(floor_2) walls_1.update(walls_3) floor_1.update(floor_3) walls_1.update(walls_4) floor_1.update(floor_4) render.draw_world(walls_1, floor_1) npc_1.draw(player.angle, player.player_coords, walls_1, True) npc_2.draw(player.angle, player.player_coords, walls_1, True) npc_3.draw(player.angle, player.player_coords, walls_1, True) npc_4.draw(player.angle, player.player_coords, walls_1, True) npc_0.draw(player.angle, player.player_coords, walls_1, False) render.draw_map(map.map_of_tiles, player.real_x, player.real_y, player.sin_a, player.cos_a) render.display_fps(clock) if render.fps > 5: fps.append(render.fps) # pygame.display.update() pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(SETTINGS.FPS) min_fps = min(fps) fps = sum(fps) / len(fps) print( f'Time: {time.time() - t}, Avg. FPS: {fps}, min FPS: {min_fps}' )
def do_trap(self, map, paper_map, main_console, map_console, fov, message_console, messages, entities): trap_type = self.traptype if trap_type == 0: radius = 2 for z in drawval.CHARS["floor_give"]: lc = 0 for x in range(self.x - radius, self.x + radius + 1): for y in (self.y + lc, self.y - lc): if x > -1 and x < map.width and y > -1 and y < map.height: if map.t_[x][y].type == "floor": map.t_[x][y].char = z map.t_[x][y].fg = drawval.COLORS["floor-bg"] map.t_[x][y].bg = drawval.COLORS["pit-bg"] if x < self.x: lc += 1 if x > self.x - 1: lc -= 1 fov = entities[0].fov(map, entities) re.draw_map(map, paper_map, map_console, fov) re.draw_all(map, map_console, entities, fov) re.draw_con(main_console, map_console, main_console.width - map_console.width, 0) re.draw_con(main_console, message_console, main_console.width - map_console.width, main_console.height - message_console.height) tcod.console_flush() re.clear_all(map, map_console, entities) sleep(0.050) lc = 0 for x in range(self.x - radius, self.x + radius + 1): for y in (self.y + lc, self.y - lc): if x > -1 and x < map.width and y > -1 and y < map.height: if map.t_[x][y].type == "floor": map.t_[x][y] = mp.newtile(cx.TERRAIN["pit"]) if x < self.x: lc += 1 if x > self.x - 1: lc -= 1 map.walls_and_pits() elif trap_type == 1: fov = entities[0].fov(map, entities) re.draw_map(map, paper_map, map_console, fov) re.draw_all(map, map_console, entities, fov) re.draw_con(main_console, map_console, main_console.width - map_console.width, 0) re.draw_con(main_console, message_console, main_console.width - map_console.width, main_console.height - message_console.height) tcod.console_flush() re.clear_all(map, map_console, entities) sleep(0.080) trapeffect_blocked = False while trapeffect_blocked == False: trapeffect_blocked = entities[0].move(entities[0].lastx, entities[0].lasty, map, entities, map_console, message_console, messages, True) fov = entities[0].fov(map, entities) re.draw_map(map, paper_map, map_console, fov) re.draw_all(map, map_console, entities, fov) re.draw_con(main_console, map_console, main_console.width - map_console.width, 0) re.draw_con(main_console, message_console, main_console.width - map_console.width, main_console.height - message_console.height) tcod.console_flush() re.clear_all(map, map_console, entities) sleep(0.0075) elif trap_type == 2: fov = entities[0].fov(map, entities) re.draw_map(map, paper_map, map_console, fov) re.draw_all(map, map_console, entities, fov) re.draw_con(main_console, map_console, main_console.width - map_console.width, 0) re.draw_con(main_console, message_console, main_console.width - map_console.width, main_console.height - message_console.height) tcod.console_flush() re.clear_all(map, map_console, entities) sleep(0.080) entities[0].lastx = entities[0].lastx * -1 entities[0].lasty = entities[0].lasty * -1 trapeffect_blocked = False while trapeffect_blocked == False: trapeffect_blocked = entities[0].move(entities[0].lastx, entities[0].lasty, map, entities, map_console, message_console, messages, True) fov = entities[0].fov(map, entities) re.draw_map(map, paper_map, map_console, fov) re.draw_all(map, map_console, entities, fov) re.draw_con(main_console, map_console, main_console.width - map_console.width, 0) re.draw_con(main_console, message_console, main_console.width - map_console.width, main_console.height - message_console.height) tcod.console_flush() re.clear_all(map, map_console, entities) sleep(0.0075) elif trap_type == 3: px = self.x * -1 py = self.y * -1 while map.t_[self.x + px][self.y + py].type != "floor": randz = randint(0, 4) if randz == 0: px = 1 py = 0 elif randz == 1: px = -1 py = 0 elif randz == 2: px = 0 py = -1 elif randz == 3: px = 0 py = 1 boulder = Entity(self.x + px, self.y + py, char_input=drawval.CHARS["boulder"], fg="boulder-fg", bg=cx.TERRAIN["floor"]["bg"], hp=100, speed=100, faction=cx.Faction.Enemy, draw_order=cx.DrawOrder.NPC, block_m=True, dispname="Boulder") boulder.persistent_x = px * -1 boulder.persistent_y = py * -1 entities.append(boulder) boulder.block_j = True boulder.block_s = True = 100 boulder.stats.df = 3 fov = entities[0].fov(map, entities) re.draw_map(map, paper_map, map_console, fov) re.draw_all(map, map_console, entities, fov) re.draw_con(main_console, map_console, main_console.width - map_console.width, 0) re.draw_con(main_console, message_console, main_console.width - map_console.width, main_console.height - message_console.height) tcod.console_flush() re.clear_all(map, map_console, entities) sleep(0.080) self.trapstate = -1 for event in tcod.event.wait(0.5): return
def spawn(self): return render.draw_map(self.user.map_pos, self.user.sprite)