def main(): pygame.init() globals.pygame = pygame # assign global pygame for other modules to reference globals.inputs = Inputs(pygame) # assign global inputs for other modules to reference update_display_mode() # now that the global display properties have been set up, update the display clock = pygame.time.Clock() # clock to tick / manage delta entities = [] # contains every object that will be drawn in the game entities.append(Entity()) # our testing entity will be the default entity loop = True # for controlling the game loop while(loop): clock.tick(60) # tick the clock with a target 60 fps globals.window.fill((255, 255, 255)) globals.inputs.update() # refresh inputs update(entities) # update all entities render(entities) # draw all entities if(globals.inputs.isKeyDown("space")): toggle_fullscreen() # space bar toggles fullscreen if(globals.inputs.isKeyDown("escape")): loop = False # escape key exits game if(globals.inputs.isQuitPressed()): loop = False # red 'x' button exits game pygame.display.flip() # flip the display, which finally shows our render pygame.quit() # unload pygame modules
def render_GET(self, request): dinamic_rouds_dict = { b"/": MojSajt.home, b"/get_posts": MojSajt.get_posts, b"/post_added": MojSajt.render_POST, b"/view_post": MojSajt.view_post } static_rouds_dict = { b"/new_post": ('templates/new_post.html', "text/html"), } if request.path in static_rouds_dict: try: request.setHeader("Content-Type", static_rouds_dict[request.path][1]) with open(static_rouds_dict[request.path][0], 'r') as file: template_content = return Post.read_base_template(template_content) except MySQLError as err: template, data = InputError.raise_error(str(err)) template_content = render(template, data) return Post.read_base_template(template_content) elif request.path in dinamic_rouds_dict: return dinamic_rouds_dict[request.path](request) template, data = InputError.raise_error('Unknown rout') template_content = render(template, data) return Post.read_base_template(template_content)
def makeRequest(template, context): return { 'method': template['method'], 'target': render(template['target'], context), 'headers': {k.lower():render(v, context) for k, v in template['headers'].items()}, 'body': deepRender(template['body'], context) if 'body' in template else None }
def visualize(wordEmbeddings): """ Visualize a set of examples using t-SNE. """ PERPLEXITY = 30 titles = wordEmbeddings.keys() titlesStr = ["_".join(y.strip().split()) for y in titles] x = numpy.vstack(wordEmbeddings.values()) filename = "./embeddings.png" try: #from textSNE.calc_tsne import tsne from tsne import tsne out = tsne(x, no_dims=2, perplexity=PERPLEXITY) import render render.render([(title, point[0], point[1]) for title, point in zip(titles, out)], filename) except IOError: print "ERROR visualizing", filename data = numpy.column_stack((titlesStr, out)) numpy.savetxt( "/home/bhanu/workspace/RNTN/scripts/embeddings2d_phrase_vis.txt", data, "%s")
def implement_search(self): CN = self.ui.line_case.text() pair = self.ui.checkBox_2.isChecked() if CN != '': if CN.isdigit() == False: print("Case Number must be a digit") return if pair: render.render('CNPair', CN) else: render.render('CN', CN) return beat = self.ui.line_beat.text() ward = self.ui.line_ward.text() block = self.ui.line_block.text() date = input = str(date[1]) + "/" + str(date[2]) + "/" + str(date[0]) if beat and ward and block: if beat.isdigit() and ward.isdigit() and block.isdigit() == False: pass else: print( "This parameters are invalid. Beat and Ward are digits while block is a string" ) return if self.ui.checkBox.isChecked(): input_loc = [beat, ward, block, input] render.render('DateLocation', input_loc) else: input_loc = [beat, ward, block] render.render('Location', input_loc) return if self.ui.checkBox and date: render.render('Date', input)
def main(args): argp = _argparse().parse_args(args[1:]) # Read the data data = [] titles = [] #gzipFile ="data/english-embeddings.turian.txt.gz") #for line in gzipFile: # tokens = string.split(line) # titles.append(tokens[0]) # data.append([float(f) for f in tokens[1:]]) #data = numpy.array(data) print "Reading Data" lensingJson = featureExtraction.readData('data/fullData.json') #ExtractBagOfWord features print "Extracting Features" data = featureExtraction.extBagOfWordFeatures(lensingJson) for i in range(0,len(lensingJson)): titles.append(str(i)) #Call PCA #data = PCA(data,30) #print "PCA Complete" #call bh_tsne and get the results. Zip the titles and results for writing result = bh_tsne(data, perplexity=argp.perplexity, theta=argp.theta, verbose=argp.verbose) #render image if argp.render: print "Rendering Image" import render render.render([(title, point[0], point[1]) for title, point in zip(titles, result)], "output/lensing500p30-data.rendered.png", width=3000, height=1800) #convert result into json and write it if argp.write: print "Writing data to file" resData = {} minx = 0 maxx = 0 miny = 0 maxy = 0 for (title,result) in zip(titles,[[res[0],res[1]] for res in result]): resData[title] = {'x':result[0], 'y':result[1]} if minx > result[0]: minx = result[0] if maxx < result[0]: maxx = result[0] if miny > result[1]: miny = result[1] if maxy < result[1]: maxy = result[1] print "creating json" print len(resData) jsonStr = json.dumps(resData) print "MinX - %s MaxX - %s MinY - %s MaxY - %s" % (minx, maxx, miny, maxy) with open('output/coordinateslensing-full-srl-p40.json','w') as outFile: outFile.write("jsonstr = "); outFile.write(jsonStr+'\n')
def run(self): pygame.init() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() aspect =['width'] * 1.0 /['height'] self.w = 700 self.h = int(self.w / aspect) self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode((self.w, self.h)) self.planes = [] self.planes.append(plane.Plane(self)) while True: dt = 1.0 / FRAME_RATE # handle events: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: break # make new planes: if random.random() < dt * NEW_PLANES_PER_SECOND: self.planes.append(plane.Plane(self)) # update existing planes: for p in self.planes: p.advance(dt) # render graphics: render.render(self) pygame.display.update() self.clock.tick(FRAME_RATE) pygame.quit()
def run(self): pygame.init() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() aspect =['width']*1.0/['height'] self.w = 700 self.h = int(self.w/aspect) self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode((self.w, self.h)) self.planes = [] self.planes.append(plane.Plane(self)) while True: dt = 1.0/FRAME_RATE # handle events: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: break # make new planes: if random.random() < dt * NEW_PLANES_PER_SECOND: self.planes.append(plane.Plane(self)) # update existing planes: for p in self.planes: p.advance(dt) # render graphics: render.render(self) pygame.display.update() self.clock.tick(FRAME_RATE) pygame.quit()
def display(text): from data import data from render import render s = data['santa'] print text render(text, s)
def test_render(): bar = Bar(completed=11, width=50) bar_render = render(bar) assert bar_render == expected[0] bar.update(completed=12) bar_render = render(bar) assert bar_render == expected[1]
def write_projection_render(pfp, v, f, map): CAM2WORLD = np.array([[0.85408425, 0.31617427, -0.375678, 0.56351697 * 2], [0., -0.72227067, -0.60786998, 0.91180497 * 2], [-0.52013469, 0.51917219, -0.61688, 0.92532003 * 2], [0., 0., 0., 1.]], dtype=np.float32) # rotate the mesh elevation by 30 degrees Rx = np.array( [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0., np.cos(np.pi / 6), -np.sin(np.pi / 6), 0], [0, np.sin(np.pi / 6), np.cos(np.pi / 6), 0], [0., 0., 0., 1.]], dtype=np.float32) CAM2WORLD = np.matmul(Rx, CAM2WORLD) RENDER_INFO = { 'Height': 480, 'Width': 640, 'fx': 575, 'fy': 575, 'cx': 319.5, 'cy': 239.5 } # TODO ---------- Render Stub -----------# context = render.SetMesh(v, f) for i_ang, _ in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, map.num_angs)): render.render(context, map.world2cam_mats[i_ang]) # depth = render.getDepth(RENDER_INFO) vindices, _, _ = render.getVMap(context, RENDER_INFO) mask = np.unique(vindices) # Only kept the mask option np.savez(f"{pfp}_mask_{i_ang:03d}", mask=mask)
def deploy_single(path): """ Deploy a single project to S3 and, if configured, to our servers. """ require('settings', provided_by=[production, staging]) slug, abspath = utils.parse_path(path) graphic_root = '%s/%s' % (abspath, slug) s3_root = '%s/graphics/%s' % (app_config.PROJECT_SLUG, slug) graphic_assets = '%s/assets' % graphic_root s3_assets = '%s/assets' % s3_root graphic_node_modules = '%s/node_modules' % graphic_root graphic_config = load_graphic_config(graphic_root) use_assets = getattr(graphic_config, 'USE_ASSETS', True) default_max_age = getattr(graphic_config, 'DEFAULT_MAX_AGE', None) or app_config.DEFAULT_MAX_AGE assets_max_age = getattr(graphic_config, 'ASSETS_MAX_AGE', None) or app_config.ASSETS_MAX_AGE update_copy(path) if use_assets: error = assets.sync(path) if error: return render.render(path) flat.deploy_folder( graphic_root, s3_root, headers={'Cache-Control': 'max-age=%i' % default_max_age}, ignore=[ '%s/*' % graphic_assets, '%s/*' % graphic_node_modules, # Ignore files unused on static S3 server '*.xls', '*.xlsx', '*.pyc', '*.py', '*.less', '*.bak', '%s/base_template.html' % graphic_root, '%s/child_template.html' % graphic_root ]) if use_assets: flat.deploy_folder( graphic_assets, s3_assets, headers={'Cache-Control': 'max-age=%i' % assets_max_age}, ignore=['%s/private/*' % graphic_assets]) # Need to explicitly point to index.html for the AWS staging link file_suffix = '' if env.settings == 'staging': file_suffix = 'index.html' print '' print '%s URL: %s/graphics/%s/%s' % ( env.settings.capitalize(), app_config.S3_BASE_URL, slug, file_suffix)
def deploy(slug): """ Deploy the latest app to S3 and, if configured, to our servers. """ require('settings', provided_by=[production, staging]) if not slug: print 'You must specify a project slug, like this: "deploy:slug"' return graphic_root = '%s/%s' % (app_config.GRAPHICS_PATH, slug) s3_root = '%s/graphics/%s' % (app_config.PROJECT_SLUG, slug) graphic_assets = '%s/assets' % graphic_root s3_assets = '%s/assets' % s3_root graphic_config = load_graphic_config(graphic_root) use_assets = getattr(graphic_config, 'USE_ASSETS', True) default_max_age = getattr(graphic_config, 'DEFAULT_MAX_AGE', None) or app_config.DEFAULT_MAX_AGE assets_max_age = getattr(graphic_config, 'ASSETS_MAX_AGE', None) or app_config.ASSETS_MAX_AGE update_copy(slug) if use_assets: assets.sync(slug) render.render(slug) flat.deploy_folder( graphic_root, s3_root, headers={ 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=%i' % default_max_age }, ignore=['%s/*' % graphic_assets] ) # Deploy parent assets flat.deploy_folder( 'www', app_config.PROJECT_SLUG, headers={ 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=%i' % default_max_age } ) if use_assets: flat.deploy_folder( graphic_assets, s3_assets, headers={ 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=%i' % assets_max_age } ) print '' print '%s URL: %s/graphics/%s/' % (env.settings.capitalize(), app_config.S3_BASE_URL, slug)
def update_from_template(slug, template): require('settings', provided_by=[production, staging]) if not slug: print 'You must specify a project slug and template, like this: "update_from_template:slug,template=template"' return recopy_templates(slug, template) render.render(slug)
def push_cfgs(args): redirect = [] ext = '.jinja2' commands = initialize.configuration auditcreeper_flag = False output = False argument_node = args.node remediation = True with_remediation = True if (args.file is None): # print("ARGS.FILE IS NONE") template_list = [] auditcreeper_flag = True else: # print("ARGS.FILE IS VALID") template = args.file + ext template_list = [] template_list.append(template) ### NODE_OBJECT IS A LIST OF ALL THE NODES IN THE DATABASE WITH ALL ATTRIBUTES node_object = process_nodes() ### NODE_TEMPLATE IS A LIST OF ALL THE TEMPLATES BASED ON PLATFORMS AND DEVICE TYPE node_template = process_templates() ### MATCH_NODE IS A LIST OF NODES THAT MATCHES THE ARGUEMENTS PASSED IN BY USER match_node = search_node(argument_node, node_object) ### MATCH_TEMPLATE IS A LIST OF 'MATCH' AND/OR 'NO MATCH' IT WILL USE THE MATCH_NODE ### RESULT, RUN IT AGAINST THE NODE_OBJECT AND COMPARES IT WITH NODE_TEMPLATE DATABASE ### TO SEE IF THERE IS A TEMPLATE FOR THE SPECIFIC PLATFORM AND TYPE. match_template = search_template(template_list, match_node, node_template, node_object, auditcreeper_flag) ### THIS WILL PARSE OUT THE GENERATED CONFIGS FROM THE *.JINJA2 FILE TO A LIST if (len(match_node) == 0): print("+ [NO MATCHING NODES AGAINST DATABASE]") print("") elif ('NO MATCH' in match_template): print("+ [NO MATCHING TEMPLATE AGAINST DATABASE]") print("") else: node_create(match_node, node_object) render(template_list, node_object, auditcreeper_flag, output, with_remediation) for index in initialize.element: redirect.append('push_cfgs') confirm_push(redirect, commands) print("")
def do_render(self, pieces): out = {} for style in ["pep440", "pep440-pre", "pep440-post", "pep440-old", "git-describe", "git-describe-long"]: out[style] = render(pieces, style)["version"] DEFAULT = "pep440" self.assertEqual(render(pieces, ""), render(pieces, DEFAULT)) self.assertEqual(render(pieces, "default"), render(pieces, DEFAULT)) return out
def do_render(self, pieces): out = {} for style in ["pep440", "pep440-pre", "pep440-post", "pep440-old", "pep440-bare", "git-describe", "git-describe-long"]: out[style] = render(pieces, style)["version"] DEFAULT = "pep440" self.assertEqual(render(pieces, ""), render(pieces, DEFAULT)) self.assertEqual(render(pieces, "default"), render(pieces, DEFAULT)) return out
def update_from_content(slug): require('settings', provided_by=[production, staging]) if not slug: print 'You must specify a project slug, like this: "update_from_content:slug"' return update_copy(slug) render.render(slug) write_meta_json(slug, 'content')
def update(self, data) : surface = pygame.Surface((self.width, self.height)) surface.fill(self.back_color) for i in range(len(data)) : col = i % self.cols row = int(i / self.cols) surface.blit(data[i]["image"], data[i]["image"].get_rect(top = (row * self.item_height) + self.gap_y, left = (col * self.item_width))) render.render(data[i]["data"], self.font, surface, self.front_color, (col * self.item_width) + data[i]["image"].get_width() + self.gap_x, (row * self.item_height) + self.gap_y, self.item_width - data[i]["image"].get_width() - (2*self.gap_x), self.item_height - self.gap_y) self.background.blit(surface, pygame.Rect(self.left,, self.width, self.height))
def deploy_single(path): """ Deploy a single project to S3 and, if configured, to our servers. """ require('settings', provided_by=[production, staging]) slug, abspath = utils.parse_path(path) graphic_root = '%s/%s' % (abspath, slug) s3_root = '%s/graphics/%s' % (app_config.PROJECT_SLUG, slug) graphic_assets = '%s/assets' % graphic_root s3_assets = '%s/assets' % s3_root graphic_node_modules = '%s/node_modules' % graphic_root graphic_config = load_graphic_config(graphic_root) use_assets = getattr(graphic_config, 'USE_ASSETS', True) default_max_age = getattr(graphic_config, 'DEFAULT_MAX_AGE', None) or app_config.DEFAULT_MAX_AGE assets_max_age = getattr(graphic_config, 'ASSETS_MAX_AGE', None) or app_config.ASSETS_MAX_AGE update_copy(path) if use_assets: error = assets.sync(path) if error: return render.render(path) flat.deploy_folder( graphic_root, s3_root, headers={ 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=%i' % default_max_age }, ignore=['%s/*' % graphic_assets, '%s/*' % graphic_node_modules, # Ignore files unused on static S3 server '*.xls', '*.xlsx', '*.pyc', '*.py', '*.less', '*.bak', '%s/base_template.html' % graphic_root, '%s/child_template.html' % graphic_root, '%s/' % graphic_root] ) if use_assets: flat.deploy_folder( graphic_assets, s3_assets, headers={ 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=%i' % assets_max_age }, ignore=['%s/private/*' % graphic_assets] ) # Need to explicitly point to index.html for the AWS staging link file_suffix = '' if env.settings == 'staging': file_suffix = 'index.html' print '' print '%s URL: %s/graphics/%s/%s' % (env.settings.capitalize(), app_config.S3_BASE_URL, slug, file_suffix)
def push_config(args): ext = '.jinja2' controller = 'push_config' commands = initialize.configuration auditcreeper_flag = False argument_node = args.node if(args.file is None): # print("ARGS.FILE IS NONE") template_list = [] auditcreeper_flag = True else: # print("ARGS.FILE IS VALID") template = args.file + ext template_list = [] template_list.append(template) ### NODE_OBJECT IS A LIST OF ALL THE NODES IN THE DATABASE WITH ALL ATTRIBUTES node_object = process_nodes() ### NODE_TEMPLATE IS A LIST OF ALL THE TEMPLATES BASED ON PLATFORMS AND DEVICE TYPE node_template = process_templates() ### MATCH_NODE IS A LIST OF NODES THAT MATCHES THE ARGUEMENTS PASSED IN BY USER match_node = search_node(argument_node,node_object) ### MATCH_TEMPLATE IS A LIST OF 'MATCH' AND/OR 'NO MATCH' IT WILL USE THE MATCH_NODE ### RESULT, RUN IT AGAINST THE NODE_OBJECT AND COMPARES IT WITH NODE_TEMPLATE DATABASE ### TO SEE IF THERE IS A TEMPLATE FOR THE SPECIFIC PLATFORM AND TYPE. match_template = search_template(template_list,match_node,node_template,node_object,auditcreeper_flag) ### THIS WILL PARSE OUT THE GENERATED CONFIGS FROM THE *.JINJA2 FILE TO A LIST if(len(match_node) == 0): print("+ [NO MATCHING NODES AGAINST DATABASE]") print("") elif('NO MATCH' in match_template): print("+ [NO MATCHING TEMPLATE AGAINST DATABASE]") print("") else: render(template_list,node_object,auditcreeper_flag) node_create(match_node,node_object) print("") proceed = raw_input("PROCEED? [Y/N]: ") if(proceed == 'y' or proceed == 'Y'): print("") print("PUSHING CODE...") multithread_engine(initialize.ntw_device,controller,commands) elif(proceed == 'n' or proceed == 'N'): print("ABORT...")
def debug_deploy(slug, template): require('settings', provided_by=[production, staging]) if not slug: print 'You must specify a project slug and template, like this: "debug_deploy:slug,template=template"' return recopy_templates(slug, template) # update_copy(slug) # write_meta_json(slug, 'content') render.render(slug)
def urlencoded_html(form): # query_string = environ['QUERY_STRING'] if 'firstname' not in form or 'lastname' not in form: html = render.render('error.html').encode('latin-1', 'replace') else: vars_dict = {'firstname': form['firstname'].value,\ 'lastname': form['lastname'].value} html = render.render('urlencoded.html', vars_dict).encode('latin-1', 'replace') return html
def clone_graphic(old_slug, slug=None): """ Clone an existing graphic creating a new spreadsheet """ if not slug: slug = _create_slug(old_slug) if slug == old_slug: print "%(slug)s already has today's date, please specify a new slug to clone into, i.e.: fab clone_graphic:%(slug)s,NEW_SLUG" % { 'slug': old_slug } return # Add today's date to end of slug if not present or invalid slug = _add_date_slug(slug) graphic_path = '%s/%s' % (app_config.GRAPHICS_PATH, slug) if _check_slug(slug): return # First search over the graphics repo clone_path, old_graphic_warning = _search_graphic_slug(old_slug) if not clone_path: print 'Did not find %s on graphics repos...skipping' % (old_slug) return local('cp -r %s %s' % (clone_path, graphic_path)) config_path = os.path.join(graphic_path, '') if os.path.isfile(config_path): print 'Creating spreadsheet...' success = copy_spreadsheet(slug) if success: download_copy(slug) else: local('rm -r %s' % (graphic_path)) print 'Failed to copy spreadsheet! Try again!' return else: print 'No found, not creating spreadsheet' # Force render to clean up old graphic generated files render.render(slug) print 'Run `fab app` and visit to view' % slug if old_graphic_warning: print "WARNING: %s was found in old & dusty graphic archives\n"\ "WARNING: Please ensure that graphic is up-to-date"\ " with your current graphic libs & best-practices" % (old_slug)
def renderEvaluation(s, exportTo=None): parse = evaluate(eval(s)) x0 = min([x for l in parse.lines for x in l.usedXCoordinates()]) y0 = min([y for l in parse.lines for y in l.usedYCoordinates()]) x1 = max([x for l in parse.lines for x in l.usedXCoordinates()]) y1 = max([y for l in parse.lines for y in l.usedYCoordinates()]) render([parse.TikZ()], showImage=exportTo == None, exportTo=exportTo, canvas=(x1 + 1, y1 + 1), x0y0=(x0 - 1, y0 - 1))
def deploy_single(slug): """ Deploy a single project to S3 and, if configured, to our servers. """ require('settings', provided_by=[production, staging]) graphic_root = '%s/%s' % (app_config.GRAPHICS_PATH, slug) s3_root = '%s/graphics/%s' % (app_config.PROJECT_SLUG, slug) graphic_assets = '%s/assets' % graphic_root s3_assets = '%s/assets' % s3_root graphic_config = load_graphic_config(graphic_root) use_assets = getattr(graphic_config, 'USE_ASSETS', True) default_max_age = getattr(graphic_config, 'DEFAULT_MAX_AGE', None) or app_config.DEFAULT_MAX_AGE assets_max_age = getattr(graphic_config, 'ASSETS_MAX_AGE', None) or app_config.ASSETS_MAX_AGE update_copy(slug) if use_assets: assets.sync(slug) render.render(slug) flat.deploy_folder( graphic_root, s3_root, headers={ 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=%i' % default_max_age }, ignore=['%s/*' % graphic_assets] ) # Deploy parent assets flat.deploy_folder( 'www', app_config.PROJECT_SLUG, headers={ 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=%i' % default_max_age } ) if use_assets: flat.deploy_folder( graphic_assets, s3_assets, headers={ 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=%i' % assets_max_age } ) print '' print '%s URL: %s/graphics/%s/' % (env.settings.capitalize(), app_config.S3_BASE_URL, slug)
def render_html(c): """Render HTML but do not update data from Amazon""" sitemap = [] sitemap.extend( render("www/instances.json", "in/index.html.mako", "www/index.html")) sitemap.extend( render("www/rds/instances.json", "in/rds.html.mako", "www/rds/index.html")) sitemap.extend( render("www/cache/instances.json", "in/cache.html.mako", "www/cache/index.html")) build_sitemap(sitemap)
def get_posts_from_to(request, page, page_size): if page < 1 or page_size < 1: template, data = InputError.raise_error( 'Page must be positive nuber') template_content = render(template, data) return Post.read_base_template(template_content) page_previous_num = page - 1 link_next_template = '<a href="/get_posts?page={}&page_size={}"> Next </a>' link_next = link_next_template.format(str(page + 1), str(page_size)) link_prev_template = '<a href="/get_posts?page={}&page_size={}"> Previous </a>' link_previous = link_prev_template.format(str(page_previous_num), str(page_size)) post_len = Storage.post_len() if page * page_size >= post_len: link_next = '' if page == 1: link_previous = '' all_posts = Storage.select_posts((page - 1) * page_size, page_size) if not all_posts: template, data = InputError.raise_error('No more posts to show') template_content = render(template, data) return Post.read_base_template(template_content) all_posts_list = [] for post in all_posts: post_dict = { 'title': post[0], 'post': post[3], 'date': str(post[1]), 'id': str(post[2]) } all_posts_list.append(post_dict) data_small = { 'posts': all_posts_list, 'next': link_next, 'previous': link_previous } with open('templates/home.html', 'r') as file: template_small = template_content = render(template_small, data_small) return Post.read_base_template(template_content)
def clone_graphic(old_slug, slug=None): """ Clone an existing graphic creating a new spreadsheet """ if not slug: slug = _create_slug(old_slug) if slug == old_slug: print "%(slug)s already has today's date, please specify a new slug to clone into, i.e.: fab clone_graphic:%(slug)s,NEW_SLUG" % {'slug': old_slug} return # Add today's date to end of slug if not present or invalid slug = _add_date_slug(slug) graphic_path = '%s/%s' % (app_config.GRAPHICS_PATH, slug) if _check_slug(slug): return # First search over the graphics repo clone_path, old_graphic_warning = _search_graphic_slug(old_slug) if not clone_path: print 'Did not find %s on graphics repos...skipping' % (old_slug) return local('cp -r %s %s' % (clone_path, graphic_path)) config_path = os.path.join(graphic_path, '') if os.path.isfile(config_path): print 'Creating spreadsheet...' success = copy_spreadsheet(slug) if success: download_copy(slug) else: local('rm -r %s' % (graphic_path)) print 'Failed to copy spreadsheet! Try again!' return else: print 'No found, not creating spreadsheet' # Force render to clean up old graphic generated files render.render(slug) print 'Run `fab app` and visit to view' % slug if old_graphic_warning: print "WARNING: %s was found in old & dusty graphic archives\n"\ "WARNING: Please ensure that graphic is up-to-date"\ " with your current graphic libs & best-practices" % (old_slug)
def draw(self): font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontname, 72) pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, (0, 0, 0), Rect((100, 100), (1720, 880))) pygame.draw.lines(self.surface, (255, 255, 255), True, [(100, 100), (1820, 100), (1820, 980), (100, 980)], 5) render(font, text['prompt0'], surface=self.surface, topleft=(100, 100)) render(font, text['prompt9'], surface=self.surface, bottomleft=(100, 980))
def submit_html(environ): query = environ['QUERY_STRING'] html = '' res = urlparse.parse_qs(query) if len(res) < 2: # check if the input was valid html = render.render('error.html').encode('latin-1', 'replace') else: vars_dict = {'firstname': res['firstname'][0], 'lastname': res['lastname'][0]} html = render.render('submit.html', vars_dict).encode('latin-1', 'replace') return html
def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--outfile', help="Render to here", required=True) parser.add_argument('--infile', help="Use objects from here", required=True) parser.add_argument('--resolution_percent', help="Resolution percent as an int", type=int, required=True) parser.add_argument('--render_device', help="use the string: 'CPU' or 'GPU'", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--project_name', help="The name of the project", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--part_name', help="The name of the part", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--part_version', help="The version number", type=str, required=True) config = parser.parse_args(args) full_outpath = os.getcwd() + '../' + config.outfile full_inpath = os.getcwd() + '../' + config.infile # Link in the collection from the other blend with, True) as (data_from, data_to): data_to.collections = data_from.collections #link object to current scene if len(data_to.collections) != 1: raise Exception("Expected exactly one collection") collection = data_to.collections[0] # Replace objects in this blend for obj in if"REPLACE"): obj.instance_type = "COLLECTION" obj.instance_collection = collection["Project"].data.body = config.project_name["DrawingName"].data.body = config.part_name["VersionHash"].data.body = config.part_version render.render(full_outpath, config.resolution_percent, config.render_device)
def generate_tile(patches, scale, offset_x, offset_y, tile_filename): geometry_patches = [] for name, raw_patch in patches.items(): patch = raw_patch.copy() # Set uniforms patch['scale'] = scale patch['offset'] = (offset_x, offset_y) del patch['inner'] del patch['outer'] chunk = np.load(generate_chunk_filename(name)) geometry_patches.append((chunk, patch)) render.render(geometry_patches, tile_filename)
def file_op_servlet(): global TEST_EMAIL if debug: print("Arguments:", request.args) print("Headers:", request.headers) # TODO: validate open('temp.jpg', mode='wb').write(request.files["jpegData"].read()) render.render('temp.jpg', 'Page{}.jpg') sender.digicam_sender('Page0.jpg', TEST_EMAIL) return { "errorItems_1": 0, "message": "a", "imageID": 1, }
def generate(): # Create the root element page = et.Element('RootElement') # Create the element tree doc = et.ElementTree(page) # Call the render method render(elmts, page) # Open the homemade.xml file on write mode file = open('output.xml', 'w') # Write the doc content into the file doc.write(file, pretty_print=True) # Optional import os module to open the file with the default # application for the give file extension if there is any import os os.startfile('output.xml')
def fix_order_information(_): current_order.complete = True db.session.commit() try: render(current_order.order_schema, current_order.order_id) except Exception as e: app.logger.exception(e) return "" password = generate_zip_password(10) os.system( f"cd orders/{current_order.order_id}; zip --password {password} {current_order.order_id}.zip -r *.png" ) digicam_sender( f"orders/{current_order.order_id}/{current_order.order_id}.zip",, password, ) eventual_response = { "available": 1, "itemCode": current_item.itemCode, "itemPriceCode": current_item.itemCode, "orderID": current_order.order_id, "orderDate": "today", "commodityCount": [1], "commodityPrice": [100000000], "taxOffAmt": [210000], "tax": [210000], "taxInAmt": [210000], "totalAmt": 0, "deliveryFee": 0, "daibikiFee": 0, "totalTax": 0, "otherFee": 0, "amountTotal": 0, "totalItemPrice": 0, "totalShipping": 0, "totalHandling": 0, } # Add our item data. eventual_response |= current_item.map_list() return eventual_response
def interactive( animation, size = 320 ): basedir = mkdtemp() basename = join( basedir, 'graph' ) steps = [ Image( path ) for path in render( animation.graphs(), basename, 'png', size ) ] rmtree( basedir ) slider = widgets.IntSlider( min = 0, max = len( steps ) - 1, step = 1, value = 0 ) return widgets.interactive( lambda n: steps[ n ], n = slider )
def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.slug: from pytils.translit import slugify self.slug = slugify( self.text = self.text.strip() self.html = render(self.text, self.render_method, unsafe=True) super(Post, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def image_html(): fp = open('./images/justin_eli.jpg', 'rb') data = fp.close() html = render.render('image.html').encode('latin-1', 'replace') return data
def markdown_to_plain_text(markup, safe_mode='escape'): html = render(markup, substitutions=False, safe_mode=safe_mode) try: return fragment_fromstring(html, create_parent=True).text_content() except Exception, e: log.exception(e) return markup
def logout(req): sid = req.cookies.get('session_id') if sid: session = session_store.get(sid) if 'user_id' in session: del (session['user_id']) return Response(render('signin.j2', next_url="/", login_form=True), mimetype='text/html')
def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--outfile', help="Render to here", required=True) parser.add_argument('--resolution_percent', help="Resolution percent as an int", type=int, required=True) parser.add_argument('--render_device', help="use the string: 'CPU' or 'GPU'", type=str, required=True) config = parser.parse_args(args) full_outpath = bpy.path.abspath('//' + config.outfile) render.render(full_outpath, config.resolution_percent, config.render_device)
def makeSyntheticData(filePrefix, sample, k=1000, offset=0): """sample should return a program""" programs = [sample() for _ in range(k)] print "Sampled %d programs." % k # remove all of the labels - we will render them separately noLabels = [ Sequence([l for l in p.lines if not isinstance(l, Label)]) for p in programs ] onlyLabels = [[l for l in p.lines if isinstance(l, Label)] for p in programs] noisyTargets = [p.noisyTikZ() for p in noLabels] distinctPrograms = list(set(noisyTargets)) pixels = render(distinctPrograms, yieldsPixels=True) print "Rendered %d images for %s." % (len(distinctPrograms), filePrefix) #pixels = [ Image.fromarray(ps*255).convert('L') for ps in pixels ] pixels = dict(zip(distinctPrograms, pixels)) for j in range(len(programs)): pickle.dump(programs[j], open("%s-%d.p" % (filePrefix, j + offset), 'wb')) unlabeledPixels = 1 - pixels[noisyTargets[j]] for l in onlyLabels[j]: blitCharacter(unlabeledPixels, l.p.x * 16, l.p.y * 16, l.c) unlabeledPixels[unlabeledPixels > 1] = 1 unlabeledPixels = (1 - unlabeledPixels) * 255 labeledPixels = Image.fromarray(unlabeledPixels).convert('L')"%s-%d-noisy.png" % (filePrefix, j + offset)) if False: Image.fromarray(255 * programs[j].draw()).convert('L').save( "%s-%d-clean.png" % (filePrefix, j + offset))
def create(): template = os.path.join(templates_folder, "new.html.mako") if request.method.lower() == "get": return render(template=template) else: return method_not_supported_message(request.method.lower())
def login_view(): username = request.form["username"] password = request.form["password"] user = authenticate(username, password) if user is None: abort(400) login(user) return render(user, status=200)
def dij(graph,src_id,tar_id): if src_id == tar_id: return 0 dist = {src_id:0} c_dist = {src_id:1} # create a .png state #prev = {} Q = BinHeap() for v in graph.vertList: if v != src_id: dist[v] = INFINITE c_dist[v] = 0 #prev[v] = None # create a .png state updating the vertex label Q.insert([v,dist[v]]) #print Q.heapList #g = Graph() reng = render.render(graph,dist,c_dist) sleep(1.25) while not Q.isEmpty(): u = Q.delMin() c_dist[u] = 1 reng = render.render(graph,dist,c_dist) sleep(1.25) #try to color the deleted vertex #print u unb = graph.vertList[u].connectedTo for nb in unb: tup = [u,nb] #print type(unb[nb][0]) alt = dist[u] + unb[nb][0] if Q.check(nb) : reng = render.render(graph,dist,c_dist,tup=tup) if alt < dist[nb]: #print 'altered',nb,dist[nb],'->',alt dist[nb] = alt sleep(1.25) #reng = render.render(graph,'0') #prev[nb] = u Q.editPriority([nb,alt])# changed Q.editPriority([v,alt]) --> ...([nb,alt] ) reng = render.render(graph,dist,c_dist,tup=tup)
def view(owner_id): template = os.path.join(templates_folder, "index.html.mako") if owner_id:"Getting all tasks for user %s."%owner_id) tasks = Task.query.filter_by(owner_id=owner_id).all() all_tasks = [] for task in tasks: task_dict_repr = task.__dict__ task_dict_repr = remove_unwanted_keyvalue(task_dict_repr) all_tasks.append(task_dict_repr) return render(result=dict(all_tasks=all_tasks), template=template) else:"No owner id specified. Returning empty.") return render(result=[], template=template)
def deploy(slug): """ Deploy the latest app to S3 and, if configured, to our servers. """ require("settings", provided_by=[production, staging]) if not slug: print 'You must specify a project slug, like this: "deploy:slug"' return graphic_root = "%s/%s" % (app_config.GRAPHICS_PATH, slug) s3_root = "%s/graphics/%s" % (app_config.PROJECT_SLUG, slug) graphic_assets = "%s/assets" % graphic_root s3_assets = "%s/assets" % s3_root graphic_config = _graphic_config(slug) use_assets = getattr(graphic_config, "USE_ASSETS", True) default_max_age = getattr(graphic_config, "DEFAULT_MAX_AGE", None) or app_config.DEFAULT_MAX_AGE assets_max_age = getattr(graphic_config, "ASSETS_MAX_AGE", None) or app_config.ASSETS_MAX_AGE update_copy(slug) if use_assets: assets.sync(slug) render.render(slug) flat.deploy_folder( graphic_root, s3_root, headers={"Cache-Control": "max-age=%i" % default_max_age}, ignore=["%s/*" % graphic_assets], ) # Deploy parent assets flat.deploy_folder("www", app_config.PROJECT_SLUG, headers={"Cache-Control": "max-age=%i" % default_max_age}) if use_assets: flat.deploy_folder(graphic_assets, s3_assets, headers={"Cache-Control": "max-age=%i" % assets_max_age}) print "" print "%s URL: %s/graphics/%s/" % (env.settings.capitalize(), app_config.S3_BASE_URL, slug)
def rendermail(template, to, subject, sender=None, sender_name=None, **kwds): html = render( template, to=to, sender=sender, sender_name=sender_name, **kwds ) html = html.strip() if DEBUG: print to print subject print html sendmail(to, subject, None, sender, html, sender_name)
def main(): parser = ArgumentParser( prog = 'gvanim' ) parser.add_argument( 'animation', nargs = '?', type = FileType( 'r' ), default = stdin, help = 'The file containing animation commands (default: stdin)' ) parser.add_argument( '--delay', '-d', default = '100', help = 'The delay (in ticks per second, default: 100)' ) parser.add_argument( 'basename', help = 'The basename of the generated file' ) args = parser.parse_args() ga = animation.Animation() ga.parse( args.animation ) render.gif( render.render( ga.graphs(), args.basename, 'png' ), args.basename, args.delay )
def save(self): if self.body: self.body = self.body.strip() self.body_html = render(self.body, 'markdown') if not settings.COMMENTS_FOLLOW: self.body_html = nofollow(self.body_html) if not # Get the object being commented on comment_on = self.content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=self.object_id) if isinstance(comment_on, CommentNode): # This is a reply to another comment - adopt its content type # and object id so this comment is associated with the correct # object. self.reply_to_id = self.object_id self.content_type = comment_on.content_type self.object_id = comment_on.object_id # We need to update the whole tree to the right of the comment target_rght = comment_on.rght - 1 cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" UPDATE comment_nodes SET rght = rght + 2 WHERE content_type_id = %s AND object_id = %s AND rght > %s""" % (, self.object_id, target_rght)) cursor.execute(""" UPDATE comment_nodes SET lft = lft + 2 WHERE content_type_id = %s AND object_id = %s AND lft > %s""" % (, self.object_id, target_rght)) self.lft = target_rght + 1 self.rght = target_rght + 2 else: # This is a new root comment cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT MAX(rght) FROM comment_nodes WHERE content_type_id = %s AND object_id = %s""", (, self.object_id)) row = cursor.fetchone() current_max_rght = row[0] if current_max_rght is None: # There are no comments for the content object so far self.lft = 1 self.rght = 2 else: # Put this comment at the top level self.lft = current_max_rght + 1 self.rght = current_max_rght + 2 super(CommentNode, self).save()
def app(env, start_response): content = render.render() content = content.encode('utf-8') L = len(content) start_response('200 OK', [ ('Content-Length', str(L)), ('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'), ]) return [content]
def cluster(args, points): cmds = [] for algorithm in HYPERPARAMS: hyperparams = list(itertools.product(*HYPERPARAMS[algorithm].values())) for h in hyperparams: params = zip(HYPERPARAMS[algorithm].keys(), h) pstr = "" algparam = algorithm for k, v in params: pstr += " -%s %s" % (k, v) algparam+= "-%s" % v odir = os.path.join(args.outdir, algparam) cmd = "java -cp %s de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.application.KDDCLIApplication %s -algorithm %s %s %s -evaluator AutomaticEvaluation -resulthandler ResultWriter -out %s" % (args.elki, args.infile, algorithm, OVERALLPARAMS, pstr, odir) cmds.append((algparam, odir, cmd)) random.shuffle(cmds) idre = re.compile("^ID=([0-9]+) ") for algparam, odir, cmd in cmds: print >> sys.stderr, cmd os.system("time %s" % cmd) idx_to_cluster = {} # Now, read the clusters and visualize them against the tSNE points. for f in glob.glob("%s/cluster_*" % odir) + glob.glob("%s/noise.txt" % odir): if f == "%s/noise.txt" % odir: cluster = -1 else: cluster = int("cluster_([0-9]+).txt", f).group(1)) for l in open(f): if l[0] == "#": continue idx = int( idx_to_cluster[idx] = cluster if len(idx_to_cluster) == 0: continue if len(idx_to_cluster) != len(points): print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: len(idx_to_cluster) %d != len(points) %d" % (len(idx_to_cluster), len(points)) continue labels = [] for i in range(len(points)): labels.append(idx_to_cluster[i]) assert len(labels) == len(points) render(labels, points, filename="%s/%s.png" % (odir, algparam))
def main(): ank_version = pkg_resources.get_distribution("AutoNetkit").version"AutoNetkit %s" % ank_version) import optparse opt = optparse.OptionParser() opt.add_option('--file', '-f', default= None, help="Load topology from FILE") opt.add_option('--monitor', '-m', action="store_true", default= False, help="Monitor input file for changes") options, arguments = opt.parse_args() input_filename = options.file if not options.file: input_filename = "ank.graphml" anm = build_network(input_filename) nidb = compile_network(anm) render.render(nidb) #deploy_network() if options.monitor: try:"Monitoring for updates...") while True: time.sleep(0.2) if change_monitor.check_for_change(input_filename, anm): try:"Input graph updated, recompiling network") anm = build_network(input_filename) nidb = compile_network(anm) render.render(nidb)"Monitoring for updates...") except: # TODO: remove this, add proper warning log.warn("Unable to build network") pass except KeyboardInterrupt:"Exiting")
def rendered_content(self): if self.is_dir: raise Exception("The path is a directory: " + self.path) if not self.mime_type: raise Exception("Cannot render the content: " + self.path) if self.mime_type == "text/x-markdown": return render("view_md.html", file=self, content=Markup(markdown.markdown(self.content))) elif self.ext == ".html": return render_string(self.content) else: return self.content