def Read_Input_Images(inputDir, listOfIgnoredSamples, dB, resizedFlag, table,
                      workplace, spatial_size, channel, objective_flag):
    r = w = spatial_size
    SubperdB = []

    # cross-checking parameter
    subperdb_id = []

    for sub in sorted([infile for infile in os.listdir(inputDir)]):
        VidperSub = []
        vid_id = np.empty([0])

        for vid in sorted([inrfile for inrfile in os.listdir(inputDir + sub)]):

            path = inputDir + sub + '/' + vid + '/'  # image loading path
            if path in listOfIgnoredSamples:

            imgList = readinput(path)
            numFrame = len(imgList)

            if resizedFlag == 1:
                col = w
                row = r
                img = cv2.imread(imgList[0])
                [row, col, _l] = img.shape

            ## read the label for each input video
            collectinglabel(table, sub[3:], vid, workplace + 'Classification/',
                            dB, objective_flag)

            for var in range(numFrame):
                img = cv2.imread(imgList[var])

                [_, _, dim] = img.shape

                if channel == 1:
                    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

                if resizedFlag == 1:
                    img = cv2.resize(img, (col, row))

                if var == 0:
                    FrameperVid = img.flatten()
                    FrameperVid = np.vstack((FrameperVid, img.flatten()))

                vid_id = np.append(vid_id, imgList[var])  # <--cross-check

        subperdb_id.append(vid_id)  # <--cross-check

    return SubperdB
Пример #2
def augmentation_casme(db_images, outputDir, numSamples, table, resizedFlag, r, w):

	for emotion in ['positive', 'negative', 'surprise', 'others']:
		table_emotion = pd.DataFrame(data=table[0:,0:],columns=['sub','id','emotion'])
		table_emotion = table_emotion[table_emotion['emotion']==emotion]
		for i in range(numSamples):
			# first we ensure that every original video is processed, then we start sampling randomly until we have enough
			if i <= (table_emotion.shape[0]-1):
				random_pick = table_emotion.iloc[[i]] # not so random
				print("processing original video #" + str(i) + " emotion=" + emotion)
				random_pick = table_emotion.sample(n=1) # very random
				print("processing augmented video #" + str(i) + "emotion" + emotion)

			path = db_images+"sub"+str(random_pick['sub'].iloc[0])+"/"+str(random_pick['id'].iloc[0])+"/"

			imgList = readinput(path)
			numFrame = len(imgList)

			if resizedFlag == 1:
				col = w
				row = r
				img = cv2.imread(imgList[0])
				[row,col,_l] = img.shape

			cropBool = 1#randint(0,1)
			cropStyle = randint(1,8)
			flipBool = randint(0,1)
			rotBool = 0#randint(0,1)
			rotAngle = 0#randint(-8,8)
			for var in range(numFrame):
				img = cv2.imread(imgList[var])
				[_,_,dim] = img.shape

				if resizedFlag == 1:
					img = cv2.resize(img, (col,row))

				if i > (table_emotion.shape[0]-1):
					img = augment_image(img,cropBool,cropStyle,flipBool,rotBool, rotAngle)

				writeFolder = outputDir+"sub"+str(random_pick['sub'].iloc[0])+"/"+str(random_pick['id'].iloc[0])+"."+str(i)+"/"
				outputPath = writeFolder + imgList[var].split('/')[-1]
				if not os.path.exists(writeFolder):

				cv2.imwrite(outputPath, img)
Пример #3
def Read_Input_Images_Apex(inputDir, listOfIgnoredSamples, dB, resizedFlag,
                           table, workplace, spatial_size, channel,
    r = w = spatial_size
    SubperdB = []

    # cross-checking parameter
    subperdb_id = []

    for sub in sorted([infile for infile in os.listdir(inputDir)]):
        VidperSub = []

        for vid in sorted([inrfile for inrfile in os.listdir(inputDir + sub)]):
            path = inputDir + sub + '/' + vid + '/'  # image loading path
            if path in listOfIgnoredSamples:

            imgList = readinput(path)

            collectinglabel(table, sub[3:],
                            vid.split(".")[0], workplace + 'Classification/',
                            dB, objective_flag)

            table_df = pd.DataFrame(table)
            apexInd = table_df[table_df[0] == sub[-2:]]
            apexInd = int(apexInd[apexInd[1] == vid][3])

            imgON = cv2.imread(imgList[0])
            imgApex = cv2.imread(imgList[apexInd])

            if channel == 1:
                imgON = cv2.cvtColor(imgON, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                imgApex = cv2.cvtColor(imgApex, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

            if resizedFlag == 1:
                imgON = cv2.resize(imgON, (spatial_size, spatial_size))
                imgApex = cv2.resize(imgApex, (spatial_size, spatial_size))

            FrameperVid = imgON.flatten()
            FrameperVid = np.vstack((FrameperVid, imgApex.flatten()))


    return SubperdB
Пример #4
def augmenting2():
    new_image = 0
    for sub in sorted([infile for infile in os.listdir(img_path)]):

        for vid in sorted([inrfile for inrfile in os.listdir(img_path + sub)]):
            augmentations = np.empty([0])
            path = img_path + sub + '/' + vid + '/'
            folder_path = img_path + sub + '/'
            if path in listOfIgnoredSamples:
            # print(path)
            imgList = readinput(path, dB)

            numFrame = len(imgList)
            # print(numFrame)
            # print("imglist: %i" % imgList)

            for var in range(numFrame):
                augmentations = pixel_removal(2, imgList[var])

                # print("augmentations: %i" % len(augmentations))
                # print("var: %i" % var)
                counter = 0

                while counter < len(augmentations):

                    # 	# split augmented data into different folders
                    folder_name = vid + "_" + str(counter)
                    folder_name = folder_path + folder_name + "/"
                    # print(folder_name)
                    if not os.path.exists(folder_name):
                    if var < 9:
                        filename = folder_name + "00" + str(var + 1) + ".jpg"
                        filename = folder_name + "0" + str(var + 1) + ".jpg"

                    cv2.imwrite(filename, augmentations[counter])
                    counter += 1
                    print("Written to: " + filename)

                    new_image += 1
    print("Total new images: " + str(new_image))
Пример #5
def cube_maker():
    counter = 1
    for sub in sorted([infile for infile in os.listdir(img_path)]):

        for vid in sorted([inrfile for inrfile in os.listdir(img_path + sub)]):

            path = img_path + sub + '/' + vid + '/'
            if path in listOfIgnoredSamples:
            imgList = readinput(path, dB)

            numFrame = len(imgList)

            for var in range(numFrame):

                img = cv2.imread(imgList[var])
                img = cv2.resize(img, (256, 256))
                cv2.imwrite(imgList[var], img)
                counter += 1

                print(str(counter) + "/5659")
    print("NOT in the selection.")

######### Reading in the input images ########
SubperdB = []
for sub in sorted([infile for infile in os.listdir(inputDir)]):
    VidperSub = []

    for vid in sorted([inrfile for inrfile in os.listdir(inputDir + sub)]):

        path = inputDir + sub + '/' + vid + '/'
        if path in listOfIgnoredSamples:

        imgList = readinput(path, dB)

        numFrame = len(imgList)

        if resizedFlag == 1:
            col = w
            row = r
            img = cv2.imread(imgList[0])
            [row, col, _l] = img.shape

        ## read the label for each input video

        collectinglabel(table, sub[3:], vid, workplace + 'Classification/', dB)

        for var in range(numFrame):
Пример #7
def Read_Input_Images_SAMM_CASME(inputDir, filteredSamples, ignoredSamples, dB,
                                 resizedFlag, table, workplace, spatial_size,
                                 channel, objective_flag):
    # r=224; w=224
    r = w = spatial_size
    SubperdB = []

    # cross-checking parameter

    subperdb_id = []

    for sub in sorted([infile for infile in os.listdir(inputDir)]):
        VidperSub = []
        vid_id = np.empty([0])

        for vid in sorted([inrfile for inrfile in os.listdir(inputDir + sub)]):

            path = inputDir + sub + '/' + vid + '/'
            # print(len(filteredSamples))
            # print(filteredSamples)
            # print("bohaha")

            # filtered samples are samples needed
            if path not in filteredSamples:
                # print(path)

            # print(dB)
            # print(path)
            imgList = readinput(path)

            numFrame = len(imgList)
            # print(numFrame)
            if resizedFlag == 1:
                col = w
                row = r
                img = cv2.imread(imgList[0])
                [row, col, _l] = img.shape
    ##            ##read the label for each input video
    # print(sub[3:])
            collectinglabel(table, sub, vid, workplace + 'Classification/', dB,

            for var in range(numFrame):
                img = cv2.imread(imgList[var])

                [_, _, dim] = img.shape

                if channel == 1:

                    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

                if resizedFlag == 1:
                    #in resize function, [col,row]
                    img = cv2.resize(img, (col, row))

                if var == 0:
                    FrameperVid = img.flatten()
                    FrameperVid = np.vstack((FrameperVid, img.flatten()))

                vid_id = np.append(vid_id, imgList[var])  # <--cross-check


        subperdb_id.append(vid_id)  # <--cross-check
        # print(subperdb_id)
        # if len(VidperSub) > 0:
        # print(len(VidperSub))

    # return SubperdB, vid_id, subperdb_id
    return SubperdB
Пример #8
def augmenting():
    new_image = 0
    for sub in sorted([infile for infile in os.listdir(img_path)]):

        for vid in sorted([inrfile for inrfile in os.listdir(img_path + sub)]):
            augmentations = np.empty([0])
            path = img_path + sub + '/' + vid + '/'
            folder_path = img_path + sub + '/'
            if path in listOfIgnoredSamples:
            # print(path)
            imgList = readinput(path, dB)

            numFrame = len(imgList)
            # print(numFrame)

            # hardcoded
            number_of_ops = 13
            folder_num = 0

            for var in range(numFrame):

                img = cv2.imread(imgList[var])
                rotated_img = rotation(5, img)
                rotated_img_2 = rotation(-5, img)
                rotated_img_3 = rotation(10, img)
                rotated_img_4 = rotation(-10, img)
                scaled_img0_9 = scaling(0.9, img)
                scaled_img1_0 = scaling(1.0, img)
                scaled_img1_1 = scaling(1.1, img)
                translation_1 = translation(-2, -2, img)
                translation_2 = translation(-2, 2, img)
                translation_3 = translation(2, -2, img)
                translation_4 = translation(2, 2, img)
                horizontal, vertical = flip(img)

                augmentations = np.append(augmentations, [
                    rotated_img, rotated_img_2, rotated_img_3, rotated_img_4,
                    scaled_img0_9, scaled_img1_0, scaled_img1_1, translation_1,
                    translation_2, translation_3, translation_4, horizontal,

            counter = 0
            seq_var = -9
            count_seq = 0
            filename_count = 1

            while counter < len(augmentations):

                # split augmented data into different folders
                folder_name = vid + "_" + str(folder_num)
                folder_name = folder_path + folder_name + "/"
                # print(folder_name)
                if not os.path.exists(folder_name):

                # filename = path + "0" + str( numFrame + counter + 1 ) + ".jpg"
                # filename = folder_name + "0" + str( numFrame + counter + 1 ) + ".jpg"
                if filename_count < 10:
                    filename = folder_name + "00" + str(
                        filename_count) + ".jpg"
                    filename = folder_name + "0" + str(filename_count) + ".jpg"

                # print(str(seq_var))
                cv2.imwrite(filename, augmentations[seq_var + 13])
                counter += 1
                new_image += 1
                seq_var += 13
                filename_count += 1
                if counter % 10 == 0 and counter > 0:
                    count_seq += 1
                    seq_var = -13 + count_seq
                    folder_num += 1
                    filename_count = 1

                # print("Saved to " + path)
            # seq_var += 1

    print("Total new images: " + str(new_image))