Пример #1
    def _propagate_replicas(self):
        # Reset statistics for MC trial times.
        self.displacement_trial_time = 0.0
        self.rotation_trial_time = 0.0
        self.displacement_trials_accepted = 0
        self.rotation_trials_accepted = 0

        # Propagate replicas.

        # Print summary statistics.
        # TODO: Streamline this idiom.
        if self.mpicomm:
            # MPI
            from mpi4py import MPI
            if self.mc_displacement and (self.mc_atoms is not None):
                self.displacement_trials_accepted = self.mpicomm.reduce(self.displacement_trials_accepted, op=MPI.SUM)
                self.displacement_trial_time = self.mpicomm.reduce(self.displacement_trial_time, op=MPI.SUM)
                if self.mpicomm.rank == 0:
                    logger.debug("Displacement MC trial times consumed %.3f s aggregate (%d accepted)" % (self.displacement_trial_time, self.displacement_trials_accepted))

            if self.mc_rotation and (self.mc_atoms is not None):
                self.rotation_trials_accepted = self.mpicomm.reduce(self.rotation_trials_accepted, op=MPI.SUM)
                self.rotation_trial_time = self.mpicomm.reduce(self.rotation_trial_time, op=MPI.SUM)
                if self.mpicomm.rank == 0:
                    logger.debug("Rotation MC trial times consumed %.3f s aggregate (%d accepted)" % (self.rotation_trial_time, self.rotation_trials_accepted))
            # SERIAL
            if self.mc_displacement and (self.mc_atoms is not None):
                logger.debug("Displacement MC trial times consumed %.3f s aggregate (%d accepted)" % (self.displacement_trial_time, self.displacement_trials_accepted))
            if self.mc_rotation and (self.mc_atoms is not None):
                logger.debug("Rotation MC trial times consumed %.3f s aggregate (%d accepted)" % (self.rotation_trial_time, self.rotation_trials_accepted))
