Пример #1
def get_iTRAQ_pep_raw_XLS(f, iTRAQ_reporter_ions, entrez):
    iTRAQ_data_raw = {}

    with report.reader(f) as rdr:
        for row in rdr:
            seq, mods, acc = (row.seq, row.var_mods, row.acc)
            acc = acc.replace(" ", "")

            gene = entrez[acc].upper()
            pep = functions.mz_pep_format(seq, mods)

            #Raw Values
            raw_counts = []
            for ion in iTRAQ_reporter_ions:
                raw_counts.append(float(row["Rep%d" % ion]))

            raw_counts = array(raw_counts)

            key = "%s_%s" % (gene, pep)
            #Sum intensities per peptide per protein
            if key in iTRAQ_data_raw:
                iTRAQ_data_raw[key] += raw_counts
                iTRAQ_data_raw[key] = raw_counts

    return iTRAQ_data_raw
Пример #2
def get_entrez_XLS(f):
    #Store Entrez gene names
    with report.reader(f, sheet_name='GenBank_Info') as genbank:
        entrez = dict((row.acc, (row.gene).upper()) for row in genbank)

    return entrez