Пример #1
def test_config_exists(tmp_path: pathlib.Path):
    """This test will tests if the config exists"""
    # GIVEN
    configpath = tmp_path / "reportdailyrc"

    # WHEN = expect  a config file is created in tmp_path
    rd.create_config(STANDARD_CONFIG_DATA, configpath)

    # THEN config file existence is True
    assert os.path.exists(configpath) is True
Пример #2
def test_start_year_relation_namespace(tmp_path: pathlib, wrong_year,
                                       right_year, args_change):
    Check if the year can be changed by the cmd namespace.
    Test for check_start_year_relation_namespace() function.
    # GIVEN

    configpath = tmp_path / "reportdaily_year_namespace"
    args_change.year = wrong_year
    expected_year_after_change = "1000"
    data_after_change_dict = {'start_year': right_year}

    # WHEN
    # create config file  and read it
    rd.create_config(STANDARD_CONFIG_DATA, configpath)
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    with open(configpath, 'r') as configfile:
        configs_before_change = configfile.read()

    def mock_input(txt):
        return right_year

    with patch.object(builtins, 'input', mock_input):
        rd.check_start_year_relation_namespace(args_change, configpath)

    # save the changed config
    with open(configpath, 'r') as configfile:
        config_after_change = configfile.read()
    # save all values
    configs_after_change_dict = dict(config.items("settings"))

    # read config values
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    # THEN
    # check if the file has changed
    assert configs_before_change != config_after_change
    # prove if the expected values are in our changed config
    assert data_after_change_dict.items() <= configs_after_change_dict.items()
    # check year is the same as change
    assert expected_year_after_change == config.get("settings", "start_year")
Пример #3
def test_change_config_namespace(args_ns, tmp_path: pathlib, wrong_duration,
                                 right_duration, count_teams):
    """This test will check if the change option works"""
    # GIVEN
    configpath = tmp_path / "reportdailyrc"
    args_ns.duration = wrong_duration
    args_ns.change = True

    data_after_change_dict = {
        "name": args_ns.name,
        "team": args_ns.team,
        "count_teams": count_teams,
        "team_number": args_ns.team_number,
        "start_year": args_ns.year,
        "duration": right_duration,

    # WHEN
    # create config file  and read it
    rd.create_config(STANDARD_CONFIG_DATA, configpath)
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    with open(configpath, 'r') as configfile:
        configs_before_change = configfile.read()

    def mock_input(txt):

        return right_duration

    with patch.object(builtins, 'input', mock_input):
        rd.namespace_config_change(args_ns, configpath)

    # save the changed config
    with open(configpath, 'r') as configfile:
        config_after_change = configfile.read()
    # save all values
    configs_after_change_dict = dict(config.items("settings"))

    # THEN
    # check if the file has changed
    assert configs_before_change != config_after_change
    # prove if the expected values are in our changed config
    assert data_after_change_dict.items() <= configs_after_change_dict.items()
Пример #4
def test_config_section_option_namespace(tmp_path: pathlib.Path):
    """This test will check the config file if the sections and options are  correct"""
    # GIVEN
    configpath = tmp_path / "reportdailyrc"

    # WHEN
    rd.create_config(STANDARD_CONFIG_DATA, configpath)
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    # THEN
    for section in STANDARD_SECTIONS:
        assert config.has_section(section)
        for key in STANDARD_OPTIONS:
            assert config.has_option(section, key)
Пример #5
def test_config_real_section(tmp_path: pathlib):
    """This test will check if all the sections are correct"""
    # GIVEN

    std_keys = set(STANDARD_CONFIG)
    configpath = tmp_path / "reportdailyrc"

    # WHEN
    # create config
    rd.create_config(STANDARD_CONFIG_DATA, configpath)
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    real_keys = set(config.keys())
    # need to delete default key. DEFAULT is created automatically by the configparser module.
    # THEN
    assert real_keys == std_keys
Пример #6
def test_show_config(tmp_path: pathlib, capsys):
    """Test if awaited part of the output is in sdtout"""

    # GIVEN

    configpath = tmp_path / "reportdailyrc"
    awaited_part_of_output = "CONFIGURATION:"

    # WHEN
    # create a config file
    rd.create_config(STANDARD_CONFIG_DATA, configpath)
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    # show the config
    # capture input with pystest (capsys)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    # THEN check the captured output if awaited part is in output
    assert awaited_part_of_output in captured.out
Пример #7
def test_wrong_input_change(args_change, tmp_path: pathlib):

    # GIVEN
    user_wrong_input = "TEST"
    user_right_input = "Name"
    user_changed_value = "TESTNAME"
    awaited_output = "No key in config found --> Try again"

    # path
    configpath = tmp_path / "reportdailyrc"
    # WHEN
    # create a config file
    rd.create_config(STANDARD_CONFIG_DATA, configpath)
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    # open config and save it for visibility
    with open(configpath, 'r') as configfile:
        configs_before_change = dict(config.items("settings"))

    # simultate input of user
    run_once = 0

    def mock_input(txt):
        "This is our function that patches the builtin input function. "
        nonlocal run_once
        while True:
            if txt.lower().startswith("please enter") and run_once == 0:
                run_once += 1
                return user_wrong_input
            if txt.lower().startswith("please enter") and run_once == 1:
                run_once += 1
                return user_right_input
            if txt.lower().startswith("enter") and run_once == 2:
                run_once += 1
                return user_changed_value
            # patch the input

    with patch.object(builtins, 'input', mock_input):
        # run config input function
        rd.user_input_change(args_change, configpath)

    # THEN
    assert awaited_output in awaited_output
Пример #8
def test_change_by_input(args_change, tmp_path: pathlib.Path, user_category,
                         user_change, user_key):
    """This test will simulate user input and check the changes"""

    # GIVEN
    # user_category, user_change, user_key
    configpath = tmp_path / "reportdailyrc"

    # WHEN
    # create a config file
    rd.create_config(STANDARD_CONFIG_DATA, configpath)
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    # open config and save it for visability
    with open(configpath, 'r') as configfile:
        # save dict before changes
        configs_before_change = dict(config.items("settings"))

    # patch your input
    test_value = 0

    def mock_input(txt):
        "This is our function that patches the builtin input function. "
        nonlocal test_value
        if txt.lower().startswith("please"):
            test_value += 1
            return user_category

        if txt.lower().startswith("enter"):
            test_value += 2
            return user_change

    with patch.object(builtins, 'input', mock_input):
        rd.user_input_change(args_change, configpath)

    # read changed value
    configs_after_change = dict(config.items("settings"))

    # THEN
    assert configs_after_change.get(user_key) == user_change
Пример #9
def test_duration_relation(awaited_duration, input_duration, count_teams,
                           tmp_path: pathlib.Path, args_change):
    Test the return value of  duration by change

    # GIVEN
    configpath = tmp_path / "reportdaily_config"
    # function will be patched
    return_duration = "None"

    # WHEN
    # create config
    rd.create_config(STANDARD_CONFIG_DATA, configpath)
    # counter for input patch
    counter = 0

    def mock_input(txt):
        "This is our function that patches the builtin input function. "
        nonlocal counter
        while (True):
            if txt.lower().strip().startswith("how long") and counter == 0:
                counter += 1
                return input_duration
            elif txt.lower().strip().startswith("how") and counter == 1:
                counter += 1
                return "3.0"
            elif counter == 3:

    with patch.object(builtins, 'input', mock_input):
        return_duration = rd.check_duration_relation(args_change, configpath)
    # read config
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    # THEN
    assert awaited_duration == return_duration
    assert count_teams == config.get("settings", "count_teams")
Пример #10
def test_team_number_relation(mocker_check_duration, mocker_check_team,
                              wrong_input1, answer_change_name,
                              answer_duration_change, wrong_input2,
                              team_number, tmp_path: pathlib, args_change):
    Check values of check_team_number_relation function.
    Simulate wrong user input , mixed with right answer.
    Assert value change is correct 

    # GIVEN
    configpath = tmp_path / "reportdaily_team_number_input"
    expected_team_number = "6"

    # WHEN
    # create config file  and read it
    rd.create_config(STANDARD_CONFIG_DATA, configpath)
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    with open(configpath, 'r') as configfile:
        configs_before_change = configfile.read()

    # patch the user_input_change function from reportdaily
    mocker_check_duration.return_value = True
    mocker_check_team.return_value = True

    # simulate user input
    counter = 0

    def mock_input(txt):
        Patch user input for check_team_number_relatio
        nonlocal counter
        if txt.lower().strip().startswith("what team number"):
            return int(team_number)
        elif txt.lower().strip().startswith("did the name") and counter == 0:
            counter += 1
            return wrong_input1
        elif txt.lower().strip().startswith("did the name") and counter == 1:
            counter += 1
            return answer_change_name
        elif txt.lower().strip().startswith(
                "did the duration") and counter == 2:
            counter += 1
            return wrong_input2
        elif txt.lower().strip().startswith(
                "did the duration") and counter == 3:
            counter += 1
            return answer_duration_change
            print("No right string found")

    with patch.object(builtins, 'input', mock_input):
        rd.check_team_number_relation(args_change, configpath)

    # read config values
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    # THEN
    assert expected_team_number == config.get("settings", "team_number")
Пример #11
def test_create_config_user_input(args_ns_empty, tmp_path: pathlib, duration,
                                  count_teams, end_duration_education):

    # GIVEN
    name = "TESTNAME"
    team = "TESTTEAM"
    year = "2020"
    wrong_year = "wrong_year"
    # duration
    duration_right = "3.0"
    # count teams
    team_number = 4
    wrong_team_number = 10
    wrong_team_number_txt = "ewgwer"
    configpath = tmp_path / "reportdailyrc"

    # WHEN
    # patch the input of user
    count_of_questions_int = 0
    count_of_questions_char = 0
    count_of_questions_wrong_input = 0
    count_of_questions_team_number = 0

    def mock_input(txt):
        "This is our function that patches the builtin input function. "
        nonlocal count_of_questions_int
        nonlocal count_of_questions_char
        nonlocal count_of_questions_wrong_input
        nonlocal count_of_questions_team_number
        if txt.lower().strip().startswith("please enter your full name"):
            return name
        if txt.lower().strip().startswith(
                "in which"
        ):  # Handle the wrong input, insert right input as next
            while True:
                if count_of_questions_wrong_input == 0:
                    count_of_questions_wrong_input += 1
                    return wrong_year
                elif count_of_questions_wrong_input == 1:
                    count_of_questions_wrong_input += 1
                    return year
                elif count_of_questions_wrong_input == 2:
        if txt.lower().strip().startswith("how long is your apprenticeship?"
                                          ) and count_of_questions_int == 0:
            count_of_questions_int = 1
            return duration
        # capture wrong input!
        elif txt.lower().strip().startswith("how long is your apprenticeship?"
                                            ) and count_of_questions_int == 1:
            count_of_questions_int = 2
            return duration_right
        elif txt.lower().strip().startswith(
                "how long is your apprenticeship?") and duration == "y":
            count_of_questions_char = 1
            return duration_right
        if txt.lower().strip().startswith("enter your current team name"):
            return team
        if txt.lower().strip().startswith("what team"):
            # capture wrong input, to high number and  character
            while True:
                if count_of_questions_team_number == 0:
                    count_of_questions_team_number += 1
                    return wrong_team_number
                elif count_of_questions_team_number == 1:
                    count_of_questions_team_number += 1
                    return wrong_team_number_txt
                elif count_of_questions_team_number == 2:
                    count_of_questions_team_number += 1
                    return team_number
                elif count_of_questions_team_number == 3:
            return team_number

    with patch.object(builtins, 'input', mock_input):
        dict_values = rd.collect_config_data(args_ns_empty)

    # open configs
    rd.create_config(dict_values, configpath)
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    with open(configpath, 'r') as configfile:
        configs_after_creation = dict(config.items("settings"))

    # THEN
    assert configs_after_creation.get("name") == name
    assert configs_after_creation.get("team") == team
    assert configs_after_creation.get("team_number") == str(team_number)
    if count_of_questions_int == 1:
        assert configs_after_creation.get("duration") == duration
    elif count_of_questions_int == 2:
        assert configs_after_creation.get("duration") == duration_right
    elif count_of_questions_char == 1:
        assert configs_after_creation.get("duration") == duration_right
    assert configs_after_creation.get("count_teams") == count_teams
    assert configs_after_creation.get("start_year") == year
    assert configs_after_creation.get(
        "end_duration_education") == end_duration_education