def run_search(self, startDate, track, endDate, writeDir): ''' Main searching method. This will set off a scrape that will end with the report being written. ''' #List for the race objects meetingResults = [] #Set up a racedate datetime object for comparing dates startDateObj = self.build_date_obj(startDate) if endDate == "1": endDateObj = startDateObj endDateObj += datetime.timedelta(days=1) else: endDateObj = self.build_date_obj(endDate) dates = self.get_dates(startDateObj, endDateObj) #Get urls to query queryUrls = self.get_query_urls(dates, track) #print queryUrls for t, urls in queryUrls.iteritems(): for u in urls: content = self.get_page_content(u) if content is None: continue trackNameEls, goingAllowances, forecasts, tricasts = \ self.get_track_info_elements(content, t) #We can assume that our track name matches. #Scrape the race and date for name, allowance, fcast, tcast in zip( trackNameEls, goingAllowances, forecasts, tricasts): raceDate, race, grade, distance, goingAllowance, \ forecast,tricast, dogs = self.get_race_info(name, allowance, fcast, tcast) raceResult = Race(t, raceDate, race, grade, distance, goingAllowance, forecast, tricast, dogs) meetingResults.append(raceResult) generator = ReportGenerator(os.getcwd(), writeDir) generator.generate_report(meetingResults) meetingResults = [] if len(urls) > 1: #Don't get too greedy print("Going to sleep for 5 seconds") sleep(5)
class Checkstyle: def __init__(self, strategy): self.report_generator = ReportGenerator(strategy) @timing def perform_checkstyle(self, inspected_dir): issues = [] for root, directories, file_names in os.walk(inspected_dir): for filename in file_names: file_name_match = if file_name_match: #use one of below inspector = FileInspector(root, filename) #inspector = BlamingFileInspector(root, filename) issues += inspector.inspect() self.report_generator.generate(issues)
def __init__(self): self.func_table = { "SetParam": self._invoke_set_params, "Generate": self._invoke_report_generate } self.backend_entry_point = SettingMapper.query.get( 'backend_entry_point').value # Windowsとそれ以外でマウント先を変更する if == 'nt': mount_dst_path = Path( SettingMapper.query.get('mount_src_path').value) else: mount_dst_path = Path( SettingMapper.query.get('mount_dst_path').value) self.report_home_path = mount_dst_path / 'report' self._initialize_report_dir(self.report_home_path) self.report_generator = ReportGenerator( home_path=str(self.report_home_path) + os.sep) self.backend_report_home = mount_dst_path / 'backend' / 'report_gen'
def __init__(self, strategy): self.report_generator = ReportGenerator(strategy)
class ReportGeneratorService: def __init__(self): self.func_table = { "SetParam": self._invoke_set_params, "Generate": self._invoke_report_generate } self.backend_entry_point = SettingMapper.query.get( 'backend_entry_point').value # Windowsとそれ以外でマウント先を変更する if == 'nt': mount_dst_path = Path( SettingMapper.query.get('mount_src_path').value) else: mount_dst_path = Path( SettingMapper.query.get('mount_dst_path').value) self.report_home_path = mount_dst_path / 'report' self._initialize_report_dir(self.report_home_path) self.report_generator = ReportGenerator( home_path=str(self.report_home_path) + os.sep) self.backend_report_home = mount_dst_path / 'backend' / 'report_gen' def _initialize_report_dir(self, path): # workdirを作成 if path.exists(): remove_tree(str(path)) path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # templateをコピー copy_src_dir = Path(__file__).joinpath('../../../report/template') copy_dst_dir = path / 'template' if copy_dst_dir.exists(): remove_tree(str(copy_dst_dir)) copy_tree(src=str(copy_src_dir.resolve()), dst=str(copy_dst_dir.resolve())) def _invoke_set_params(self, request: PostReportGeneratorReq, _=None) -> {}: # 先頭のdestinationのみ反映 td_id = int(request.destination[0]) td = TestDescriptionMapper.query.get(td_id) if is not None: for td_graph in param_graphs = [ g for g in request.params.graphs if g.id_ == ] if len(param_graphs) > 0: param_graph = param_graphs[0] td_graph.report_required = param_graph.report_required if param_graph.report_required: td_graph.report_index = param_graph.report_index td_graph.report_name = param_graph.report_name else: td_graph.report_required = False if request.params.opinion is not None: td.opinion = request.params.opinion sql_db.session.commit() def _invoke_report_generate( self, request: PostReportGeneratorReq, test_descriptions: [TestDescriptionMapper] = None) -> {}: # 事前処理 # フォルダ準備 dt_now_jst = timedelta(hours=9))).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') base_dir = self.backend_report_home / dt_now_jst in_dir = base_dir / 'in' in_dir.mkdir(parents=True) out_dir = base_dir / 'out' out_dir.mkdir(parents=True) # 入力JSON作成 in_json = {} target_td_ids = [] # 以下条件を除外したtarget_td_idsを作る # 既に削除済み, 未実行(None)、実行時失敗(ERR) if len(request.destination) == 0: # test_descriptionsは既に削除済みTDを除外したリスト target_td_ids = [ for td in test_descriptions if and != 'ERR' ] else: tmp_td_ids = [int(td_id) for td_id in request.destination] for td_id in tmp_td_ids: td = TestDescriptionMapper.query\ .filter( == td_id)\ .filter(TestDescriptionMapper.delete_flag == False).first() if and != 'ERR': target_td_ids.append(td_id) if len(target_td_ids) == 0: raise QAINotFoundException( 'D14004', 'these test description is not running') file_path_list = [] type_list = [] quality_props_list = [] td_id__list = [] required_list = [] report_name = [] for td_id in target_td_ids: td = TestDescriptionMapper.query.get(td_id) if td.run_id is None: raise QAINotFoundException( 'D14002', 'test description\'s result is None') # opinionファイル出力 if len(td.opinion) != 0: opinion_path = in_dir / ('opinion' + str(td_id) + ".txt") with open(str(opinion_path), mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(td.opinion) file_path_list.append(str(opinion_path)) type_list.append('text') quality_props_list.append(td.quality_dimension_id) td_id__list.append(str(td_id)) required_list.append(True) report_name.append('Opinion') graphs = GraphMapper.query.\ filter(GraphMapper.run_id == td.run_id).\ filter(GraphMapper.report_required == True).\ order_by(asc(GraphMapper.report_index)).\ all() for graph in graphs: file_path_list.append( type_list.append(graph.graph_template.resource_type.type) quality_props_list.append(td.quality_dimension_id) td_id__list.append(str(td_id)) required_list.append(graph.report_required) report_name.append(graph.report_name) in_json['filepath'] = dict( zip(range(len(file_path_list)), file_path_list)) in_json['type'] = dict(zip(range(len(type_list)), type_list)) in_json['quality_props'] = dict( zip(range(len(quality_props_list)), quality_props_list)) in_json['testDescriptionID'] = dict( zip(range(len(td_id__list)), td_id__list)) in_json['required'] = dict( zip(range(len(required_list)), required_list)) in_json['name'] = dict(zip(range(len(report_name)), report_name)) in_json_path = in_dir / 'input.json' with open(str(in_json_path), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(in_json, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) # レポート生成 pdf_file_path = self.report_home_path / 'work' / 'report.pdf' pdf_file = self.report_generator.report_generate( sql_db, str(in_json_path), str(pdf_file_path)) if not pdf_file or not Path(pdf_file).exists(): raise QAINotFoundException('D16000', 'failed report generate') # 事後処理 res = {} try: dst_path = out_dir / Path(pdf_file).name shutil.copy(src=pdf_file, dst=str(dst_path)) dl = DownloadMapper(path=pdf_file) sql_db.session.add(dl) sql_db.session.commit() res['ReportUrl'] = self.backend_entry_point + '/download/' + str( except Exception as e: print('Exception: {}'.format(e)) sql_db.session.rollback() raise e return res @log(logger) def post(self, organizer_id: str, ml_component_id: int, request: PostReportGeneratorReq) -> PostReportGeneratorRes: test = TestMapper.query.\ filter(TestMapper.ml_component_id == ml_component_id).\ filter(MLComponentMapper.org_id == organizer_id).first() if test is None: raise QAINotFoundException('D14000', 'not found test descriptions') if request.command not in self.func_table: raise QAIBadRequestException('D10001', 'invaid command') # delete_flagがTrueのTDを除外したTestDescriptionMapperを作る mapper = TestDescriptionMapper.query. \ filter(TestDescriptionMapper.test_id == \ filter(TestDescriptionMapper.delete_flag == False). \ all() if not mapper: raise QAINotFoundException('D14001', 'test descriptions are all deleted') try: func = self.func_table[request.command] out_params = func(request, mapper) except Exception as e: print('Exception: {}'.format(e)) sql_db.session.rollback() raise e return PostReportGeneratorRes(result=Result( code='D12000', message="command invoke success."), out_params=out_params)